Just How Sick Are White Women?

When I see stories in the news relating to various issues, I pay attention.  And what I’ve been noticing for many years now is just how disturbed white women are.

We’ve seen over the decades the insane things white men have done, but their women are not far behind.

What is glaring is just how depraved and love starved white women are.

Once, while in Wal-mart, there was a white woman in front of me at the check out line who got angry because the cashier didn’t card her for buying alcohol.  Huh?  That’s what my reaction was.  Apparently, the woman was offended because “she looked of age” to by alcohol–not underage.  I just shook my head…since when is it the responsibility of strangers to validate the insecurity of women like this woman who can’t accept the fact that she’s not young anymore.  And I’ll further add: If she was so insecure about drinking–GIVE UP THE ALCOHOL.

One area that I’ve noticed about white women is the ever growing trend of white teachers having sex with underage students.  There are the famous cases that have been in the news: http://www.zimbio.com/The+50+Most+Infamous+Female+Teacher+Sex+Scandals but it seems to be some kind of epidemic. of http://whitewatch.info/2011/06/02/two-more-female-teachers-are-charged-over-sexual-relationships-with-students-as-cougar-epidemic-rumbles-on.aspx

Why is this happening?  And what the hell is wrong with white women?

And then you have the famous cases of white women murdering their children–some having the audacity to blame a Black male for the crime until they are caught in their lie.

Diana Downs

Shot her three children, killing one in 1984

Susan Smith

Drowned her two sons in 1995

Andrea Yates

Drowned her 5 children in a bathtub in 2001

Julie Schenecker

Held: Julie Schenecker, 50, is led away by police officers after confessing to shooting her teenage children dead

Shot and killed her two kids in the head in 2011

Casey Anthony

Accused of killing her 6 year old daughter in 2008–Acquitted

Getting a clear picture?

When you look at these cases individually, one misses the pattern of behavior that persists in white women.

In all of these cases, these women were “alleged” to have some type of “disorder” or other psychological/mental condition that lead them to do the evil things they were caught doing.  Really?

Why is it when white people commit evil acts; they have to be given some type “issue” that has impaired their judgement while Black people are condemned?

I’m tired of the double-standard of whites and I’m bringing this issue mainly because I’m tired of them pointing fingers at our community.  White people need to face the truth about themselves.

White women do strange things and are given a pass.  Yet, Black women are questioned about why some are single?

I’m tired of this and I’m calling white people out.

And Black people still think it’s ok to sleep with, date, and marry these people?

76 comments on “Just How Sick Are White Women?

  1. Daddy Dad says:

    The article first focused on Caucasian females in general but then brought white men into the circle. DO NOT do this…YOU know as everyone knows where the power in the home and outside has been headed for decades now … to the white woman, so call a spade a spade!


    • Truthangel07 says:

      They are but part of the problem. The man is the HEAD of the family. All of them are depraved!


      • Daddy Dad says:

        How can the man be HEAD of the family when 60% of families today have split, thereafter the father rarely receives Equal Time Sharing. Maybe you are quoting the Bible, which is fine but it does not state what is actually happening. “The Head”…the vast majority of women today are feminists and would wonder where you are residing? The 1960s? Anyway, if you are American and Spanish, not to worry because they will soon run America via shear numbers. If you are European, the Muslims and other non-whites will soon do the same. So if you are non-white not to worry.


  2. Ryan The Hateful One says:

    I’m white with a mix of Gypsy & Cherokee in me. I turned to be one of the children with the Cherokee features. My cheekbone structure entirely Indian, the notable Cherokee nose bump, the Raven colored hair & tight frizzy curls from our Spanish side. Got called “Nigger nose” and white women act hostile towards me for no goddamn reason. My sister, on the other hand, inherited all white qualities. Blue eyes, white face, light brown hair. Totally spoiled little cunt. Get’s fucking everything handed to her. Car, house, excluded from moral responsibilities…I, on the other hand, was neglected by my mother from a very young age. She despised me for who I am. I grew up with PTSD because of that light-skinned bitch and now my hatred for white women is so profound I wouldn’t mind punching one in the throat just to hear the windpipe get crushed.

    Down with white people, PERIOD.


  3. Anonymous says:


    I was born white, in the USA, but luckily, or unluckily, I quickly learned how evil whites are, even as a child, and I eventually distanced myself from them, almost completely.

    I moved away from white countries, learned non-white languages and found humanity in non-white peoples.

    Peace be to my non-white brothers and sisters.


  4. Tonya says:

    MY Husband left me for one and now my kids are over there with her…


    • truthangel07 says:

      Really…I wouldn’t have allowed that.

      I don’t understand Black men today…I really don’t. Many of them need to see psychiatrists in order to treat their inner hatred that is being taken out on Black women and children.


  5. Anonymous says:

    I agree with you fully. White women are evil bitches. I am a white man who only dates black and brown women.


  6. Mary Ann says:

    So-called christian women are worst.

    They have no respect for the family life.
    They love to humiliate, devalue strong black women. They will find away to take from you and your children for their. Selfishness.

    Somehow these jezebels, Delilah’s are getting help and power from politicians.

    Our politicians are weak, just like their wives.


    • truthangel07 says:

      What some people, even some well meaning Black folks don’t understand is that anyone that is not aware of the systematic conditioning of mental enslavement of Black people from the mind construct of Europeans is still having impact to this day.

      There is no value in being loved by something (someone) that has been an oppressor of my people.

      I do not understand the attraction, but I challenge anyone who dare tries to convince the mass public that love has anything to do with it.


  7. Imhotep says:

    Thank you. They are the Devil’s children. If it wasn’t for money, every race would have came down on them by now.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Imhotep says:

    Of all people to teach history…..a mixed white man. I had one too, though. They don’t ever want to see something wrong with the way the subjects are taught. Now they are saying Our Young Men have ADHD?!


    • They say black people HAVE eeverything! Like other people don’t get ADHD! But they don’t report on how “white people” tend to have skin cancer the most often and other skin problems! They’re just upset that BP’s skin protects them from aging and skin cancer (we can still get it but it’s harder)! That’s why they’re always reporting we have something, like being black itself is a disease


      • Imhotep says:

        Their work will catch up with them. They will do anything for Us to “need them”. Yts fail to realize they can’t have it all.


      • You speak the truth! It IS all about making us look to them…like how they say blacks can’t rule themselves after they stole from africa and continue too…and plus no one ever makes a good gov’t on the first try…they have a lot of continual interference from Europeans we have to work thru!


  9. Imhotep says:

    @Mrs. Ocean-Graham (TorontoGirl)

    All is forgiven. It seems like all We can do is turn to Jah. “Why”-tes have the police, the army, nationalists, confused non-Blks who aren’t white, and sellouts. To make matters worse, they are well-aware of global warming. Thankfully, Jah is in control of the Sun.


  10. Imhotep says:

    Just the Facts:

    All white men hate All Black Men.
    WM will NEVER have anything positive to say to Black Men. They will NEVER listen to Black Men!

    All white women hate All Black Women.
    WW will NEVER have anything positive to say to Black Women. They will NEVER listen to Black Women!

    Lastly, it is better for BM and BW to be alone than to be with a non-Blk person! We ALWAYS need each other!

    Thank You,

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Imhotep says:


    “Why would they let a wm write a black show though?”

    There goes the question ALL of Our People need to ask themselves. We are the Original Human Beings (BW first, then the BM).

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s like how they sold Essence to a white company, and the ww fired the editor cuz they weren’t agreeing on the representation or message they were trying to get across. Maybe that’s why my mom doesn’t buy their magazines anymore, she also took away BET and PeachTree where they show all the Tyler Perry shows…
      also Oprah said she didn’t want to come to Nigeria to open a school but South Africa (where all the white people are) which shows it’s just for the publicity. Oprah is the WW’s puppet (she appears asexual and non threatening) while Obama is the WM’s puppet. See they take turns? WM and WW are a team! Their white supremacy just manifests in different ways


      • truthangel07 says:

        There are many Blacks out there who help white folks oppress our community, but people are getting hip to them. Trust me on that.

        I make it my business to call them out.

        And you just reminded me about Oprah–got a little message for her in my next blog.


      • Oh ok, thanks for replying!
        I really do hope ppl seeing this, I don’t understand why they’re giving their businesses to WP. Is it the money? Cuz that’s sad, they’d sell their people out like that.


  12. Imhotep says:

    @Mrs. Ocean-Graham (TorontoGirl)

    TV is for wm, basically. As you know, most Black shows are written by white men.


    • That’s so true! Like I found out “Girlfriends” was written by a white man, so was Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air etc.
      That doesn’t make sense tho, but at the Same time explains the stereotyping and why they’re all comedies…no dramas. WOW. So most white shows are written by ww, and then black shows wm?
      Why would they let a wm write a black show though?


  13. Imhotep says:

    @Mrs.Ocean-Graham (TorontoGirl)

    Jah will take care of the devils. Unfortunately, the question is how soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Imhotep says:

    @Mrs. Ocean-Graham (TorontoGirl)

    “You mean white women! White women control most of the media today, that’s why they show bw in a negative light!”

    I apologize for the comment I made.

    I have heard of wm making BW look bad so no other man but a wm can approach them.

    I hate the media like I do everything in this wm’s world.


  15. Imhotep says:

    Mrs.Ocean-Graham (TorontoGirl)

    I hate white women and white men! I’m sorry if it did not sound like that earlier. I was wrong.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Imhotep says:

    @Mrs. Ocean-Graham (TorontoGirl)

    I didn’t mean to give excuses for them at all. I know that all Non-Black people are not my friends.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Imhotep says:

    @Mrs. Ocean-Graham (TorontoGirl)

    The white man only appears to be friendly to Black Men so he can copy their look and impress the Black Woman with it. The same can be said for white women.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Imhotep says:

    @Mrs. Ocean-Graham (TorontoGirl)

    “Have u seen rappers today?”

    Yes I have. They are owned by the oppressor more so than everyone in the oppressor’s world. White men hate Black men, even when it seems like they can carry a conversation. Nothing the white man says is EVER positive to the Black Man. The world never questions this because they can’t.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I was expecting you to say that bw are the most feminine women in the world…but ok…
      And yes rap is controlled by wm, that’s why rap music is a minstrel show nowadays but what about ppl like Kanye West who owns G.O.O.D music with rappers like 2chainz and Big Sean…these are not all bm in the world, just some american men…you are correct once rap music became mainstream for white audience they dumbed it down. I’m not saying BM aren’t the “manliest” they’re the First Men in the world therefore the most handsome…but you saying ww see BM as the most manliest men is interesting…why do u think ww see BM as the manliest as u said ww used to see BM as? But they couldn’t get the manliest men because they were wm’s property?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Imhotep says:

        @Mrs. Ocean-Graham (TorontoGirl)

        I have had ww hug me and kiss me when I NEVER asked for that to happen. Ww are mutated albino females, that’s all. Albinos were born to The First Man and First Woman. Every daughter sees Her Father as the most handsome man first.

        I’m not attracted to ww. The ww damages everything she could have with an unconscious Brotha
        when she works with and for the wm.


      • BM may be the first men but ww don’t see ABM as the most manliest handsome men…in fact, a lot of women see ABM as easy…women are not so sweet and innocent, y’know ww caused the deaths of many BM. They’re not someone u should be giving excuses for…ABM in the media are being sexually objectified, it’s not about being the most handsome anything. Women’s first choices are usually wm cause they’re seen as romantic (most western romance movies) and rich…


  19. Imhotep says:

    Mrs.Ocean-Graham (TorontoGirl)

    The Black Woman was Jah’s First Ever Creation! As a Brotha, and a man, Black Women has the greatest looks anyone could ever have! All non-Blk Women are secretly jealous of the Black Woman. Black Women are the greatest everything. I’m not just saying that as a Brotha! It’s the truth.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Adeen says:

      So true. The Original Woman is the most beautiful, elegant and very strong too. Cave bitches, Spic women and Women who eat with chopsticks don’t come close to the Original Woman in beauty, grace etc

      Liked by 1 person

  20. Imhotep says:

    @Mrs. Ocean-Graham (TorontoGirl)

    Black Men are the manliest Men (even when they look scrawny like “Lil Gayne”), the BM was the First Man on the First Woman’s (BW) Earth.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Imhotep says:

    @Mrs.Ocean-Graham (TorontoGirl)

    I don’t feel sorry for them. I was just saying that they cannot have it all. That’s impossible.


  22. Adeen says:

    Cave bitches are just like their male counterparts: evil, depraved, lack of melanin, lack of self control but in female form. White devils deserve to be with each other anyways! When will Black men realize how evil White women truly are and stop mating with these psychotic cave bitches.

    It was White women who sent Black men to their deaths in the Jim Crow era by lynching because they accused Black men of touching them.

    It was 5 White women who decided the verdict of the Zimmerman trial and Zimmerman got off.

    A White woman’s womb gives birth to murderers, rapists, child molesters, pedophiles etc moreso than any other race of women.

    Honestly I can’t stand White females and don’t have them as friends. They are just as evil as White men.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. When you got the world at your feet, I guest you tend to think the rules don’t apply to you. These bitches make me sick.


  24. Kushite Prince says:

    All these women are demonic!!


    • Imhotep says:

      I always wonder if they started out that way. I believe the cave mutation made them like that.


      • Kushite Prince says:

        I’ve also wondered that myself. They are definitely “different” that’s for sure. Living in those cold caves with little food probably did alter their evolution in some way. They seem to be very anti social and have an aggressive nature about them.


    • Now I understand what it is about them! Yes they are agressive and anti-social…e.g. The fact that they created suburbs far away from the city and ppl, where u only see family on holidays…very antisocial! Never satisfied or happy…


    • Imhotep says:

      That is why some parts to this war is interesting. They would all like for all BM to say that they are “anything but demonic”. BM are powerless, and some yt women don’t realize that. We all know they would hate to be without money.They still hurt themselves every time they side with the yt man for money. Now, the yt man is showing that he wishes to use that money for BW only while he can. Believe me, these yt women are extremely unhappy to not have the money that BW are showing off because of their rich yt husbands. Unfortunately, for My Sistas, these yt women are still nurses, chiropractors, massagists, and businesswomen. The yt man believes he can have it all. He can’t and he doesn’t want to be in a homosexual relationship with another yt man to keep all money.


      • Imhotep says:

        “Unfortunately, for My Sistas, these yt women are still nurses, chiropractors, massagists, and businesswomen.”

        The yt man probably doesn’t want anyone but him “touch his property”. What was I thinking? He would hate for another yt man to be the doctor, chiropractor, massagist or to work with “his property”. That would leave him and “his property” all alone like most rich people. He can’t have any friends. How can a rich yt man trust even other rich yt friends and his butler/maid around his money? They all just give a nod to each other when they go on trips. That leaves the rich yt man to notice that “his girl” is nothing but “his property” (because she can’t say much). Jah takes real good care of them even when We sometimes don’t think so.


      • You’re talking as if u feel sorry for them…
        “Oh, poor white women! It’s not u it’s de evil white man”
        Smh, I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about…but where are black men seen as the most manliest men? Have u seen rappers today?


      • Kushite Prince says:

        I can’t stand white women! They are the most unattractive women on the planet! They are evil and full of deception. They are the original gold diggers! I don’t trust them a all. At my job I stay away from them as much as possible.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Ikr! They only want a BM when he has money and fame and some famous BM like Terrence Howard and his racist wife, Michael Jordan, and Kobe Bryant and his wife who took his house etc.
        BM/WW have the highest divorce rates, don’t trust them even if they show interest…I’ve heard what non bw think of BM and it’s not good…they’ll only date u when they want something, some want mixed kids cuz they’re like WP with tans to them, some want to take your money, some think BM love ww which is the ultimate disrespect to a BM’s honor and pride…any man that loves women of another race over his own is a disgrace, because he’s saying he prefers what comes out of other men’s sperm…if she assumes you dislike bw, or insults bw she’s saying where you come from is flawed and inferior therefore you are…ww are wm in female form. Heck, take the hair out of her face and she looks just like one!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Kushite Prince says:

        I never uplift any race of women above black women! That will never happen. WW think their $hit don’t stink! I’ve had them flirt with me at parties and I always turn them down. They get vey offended when you don’t want them.lol They are such pathetic creatures. They think ALL men want them. They are shocked when they meet a lack man that wants nothing to do with them.lol

        Liked by 1 person

      • Lol same thing with wm! The look they gave me I thought they were going to kill me or smth…that’s why I can never be in a relationship with one…
        Did u hear about the ww who convinced her children to chop thier black father and put him in the freezer while she was living somewhere else?
        I was on a Nigerian blog and a Nigerian woman said that her friend or family members white husband woke up one day and killed his wife and kids…
        WP are violent barbarians it’s genetic and in their blood! Look at their history the Asians described them as a hot tempered ppl who were too busy warring against each other. While other dark skinned ppl like the Greek, Egyptians, Asians, and Native Americans were creating great civilizations…the Greeks didn’t even consider themselves part of Europe they saw them as inferior too…it wasn’t until recently Italians were considered white in the US. Both these countries had people with dark skin and curly/wavy hair yet now they’re considered white, but the ancient Egyptians arent considered black…what were white people doing in Africa? Some WP on yahoo answers said that an olive complexion or that not all of them were black cuz the paintings showed many different skin tones…don’t blacks come in many different skin tones? That’s why I can never date a Neanderthal man! I go to an international school when it’s time to give out awards all of them are african except for maybe two..,in a school full of Eurasians, whites, Hispanics etc.
        The Nigerians speak better English than white ppl plus their native language…BM are the most intelligent, and handsome men in the world! Yet these Neanderthals want to get mad that we don’t want them?
        I also noticed in school when I put black ppl in my power points instead of whites the teacher will roll her eyes and the white students will become irritable. Like how dare she choose blacks over us? It takes much more work to find black pictures so they know it was intentional
        …I can’t wait till BP in Canada & USA start segregating again and valuing themselves and their history and stop this “People Of Colour” ish! Then they can roll their eyes so hard it will stay in the back of their head!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Kushite Prince says:

        You said a mouthful Ocean! I totally agree with you. It’s best to stay away from white folks in general. You can’t trust the men or women. hey are very deceitful in my opinion. They constantly lie and cheat and blame everything on other races. They will never see us as their equal. That’s why I’m a black nationalist. We need to do for self! And not rely on other races to help us. We have to build up our families and communities on our own. We don’t need their help anyway. And we shouldn’t be making mixed babies wit other races either. All we got in this world is each other. And it’s time black people wake up and realize that fact!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yeah, I write too much lol
        My dad has always had his own businesses since I could remember…please support Stefolga! I’m not the type to want to work for someone and have them watching over my shoulder, I think I got that from my dad…many Nigerians I know in my school even sell shirts and I think I might start buying online, cuz I’m seing a lot of Ankara fashion shops online…
        Can u give me some advice on helping the BC (I’m in Canada btw) …I was thinking of moving back to Nigeria after university…I remember my parents took me to an orphanage while i was staying there one Christmas, I might adopt a child before Madonna tries to steal it…just like most celebrities coming to Africa do!


      • Kushite Prince says:

        I know what you mean about white celebs adopting black babies. I did a post on it last year. I really wish this trend would stop. I really don’t like it.


  25. yeah whites can use the mental illness card. WE can’t matter of fact there was a schizophrenic black man executed on Monday in surprise surprise florida. smh http://reason.com/24-7/2013/08/06/mentally-ill-man-executed-in-florida

    white women poison ppl and lets not forget the woman that tried to mail ricin to the president and lied and said her husband did it. Or the woman that ran over her husband over for not voting. or the debra jetter that slashed her two daughters throats and one died and then she called 911 to save the other daughter who survived.


    • truthangel07 says:

      And when you call them out–they get defensive and will try the turnabaout with you: “What if whites said what you just said?” Hell, we know that you do…

      I’m just tired of white folks and their mental and emotional disorders and I’m really ready to pull out a can of WhOOPASS right now.


    • White women blame everything on wm…for e,g. Lynchings! Countless BM died cuz if their lies, but they had wm do the dirty work for them…
      These two are made for each other!


      • Imhotep says:

        Yeah, these yt men tell their sisters and daughters that “BM will rape them”. From there, the yt lady thinks of herself as hurt because BM (Strongest Men in her eyes) “rejected them without knowing them”. So, yes, they turn to their fathers and brothers to terrorize BM. Then, they feel sorry for that when they are alone to realize that the BM (the men she wants to love her really) were lied on. When the yt man catches that, he uses the fact that she lied against her via news sites. He turns “the men she only desires” (BM) against her. She can’t take that. Who knows that happens from that point on.


  26. truthangel07 says:

    I just banned someone for trying to post on this blog–apparently a white person got smacked upside the head with reality and dared try to enter this domian.

    I’m not playing. They are not allowed here and I will put the SMACK DOWN on any one of them who dares try to disclaim the TRUTH of what I’m speaking or insult my family.

    It will not be tolerated.


  27. Lost the comment. But still LMAO.


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