I Am SO TIRED of Gay Issues!


No.  I don’t hate gay people for being gay.  I’m just sick of them thinking that the world owes them an apology, sympathy or acceptance–even Christians who by the tenets of Christianity are not going to validate them; still yet; the gay marriage issue is directly contradictory to the anti-Christian attitude many homosexuals/lesbians have toward those of faith.

God does not ordain homosexuality.  Sodom and Gomorrah were an abomination to him.  And he destroyed those two cities and everything in them.

However, what is really irking myself and a lot of people is the constant goading and ambush tactics that the gay community is using to gain power.

First of all, I don’t have to like anyone–be they gay or straight.  No one insinuates themselves into my life without scrutiny.

Second, just because someone does not support the homosexual lifestyle (and that’s exactly what it is) doesn’t mean they are a bigot.  It just means they have standards and draw the line on certain acts or behavior.  Let’s be real here…homosexuality is disgusting to many people–and don’t act like you don’t know that.  Why are heterosexual people being asked what do they think about gay marriage?   If you’re an adult, why do I have to accept what you do to make you feel comfortable?  A few weeks ago, I was talking to a girlfriend about this and we both agreed that it sounds like people who aren’t really sure about what they are doing and who need constant reassurance in order to suppress their inner guilt about their behavior.  Basically, it’s an ambush question, designed to cover the true intent of the inquiry.  In essence…there’s only one answer that is acceptable and God help you if you object.

Third, if you are gay, why in the hell do you have to “come out” as has occurred with the two athletes announcing their sexual preference.  Who cares. What is this supposed to prove–and to whom are you seeking acceptance from?

Recently, in Arizona, business owners wanted to have a law passed banning gay people from entering their place of business because of their religious beliefs.

Now, even I will admit that this was extreme.  The only purpose of running a business is to make money.

However, the gay marriage issue is making people defensive mainly due to the aggressiveness of the movement seemingly wanting to make everyone an advocate of this lifestyle whether they agree with it or not.

That’s not acceptance–IT’S COERCION.

And I for one will not tolerate it.

Heterosexuals are beginning to rumble and what happened in Arizona is just the beginning.

It’s going to be interesting to see what happens in the future, but as of now; if I don’t hear another report of a gay issue for the next 25 years, I will jump for joy.

131 comments on “I Am SO TIRED of Gay Issues!

  1. [Sorry if this is a duplicate comment, I just can’t find my reply to real sad’s comment]
    [this is a reply to real sad’s comment if you didn’t get that from the line above]
    From what I can tell (the bible is very unclear on homosexuality), the bible doesn’t state that being a homosexual is a sin, it seems to state that homosexual sex (and possibly other acts of homosexuality) is a sin. This makes sense since you can’t control what your sexuality is, but you still can control your actions. Also, the book of leviticus kind of is unimportant to christians since it’s part of what’s often called “the old law” which, from what I remember from church, was taken away by jesus (we still eat ham sometimes, which was banned in the old law). Another thing to note is that a big part of christianity is repenting for your sins and being forgiven. Christians believe that because jesus died on the cross, all of our sins are to be forgiven, and in order to recieve god’s forgiveness, we have to repent of our sins ( to god I guess) and we will be forgiven.

    I’m sorry that you feel this way about us. `(ΩnΩ)’

    I guess some people are being horrible christians, considering that we’re meant to love all people, including sinners.

    also, sorry if this comment was a jerk thing of me to do.


    • Truthangel07 says:

      Unimportant to Christians? Really? The Old Testament is dealing with character. I think it’s most important to Christians. The New Testament deals with concepts.

      God’s laws are UNCHANGEABLE. They are not conditional. Neither are they neutral to those who choose to interpret scripture to benefit their own lusts and depravity. God gave Moses over 600 laws regarding how he wanted man to conduct himself. It states clearly in Leviticus 18:22, http://biblehub.com/leviticus/18-22.htm

      There are also cross references in various books in the New Testament that validate the Old Testament laws.

      You’re trying to deceive the wrong person, sweetie.

      If God didn’t care about homosexuality he’s have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah. To date, that has not occurred. I’d love for you to listen to this sermon on the subject: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTYAWmm5f-4

      For your review, I’d advise you to watch this video for more clarity on The Word of God and where homosexuals end up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-003APTDeYw

      Liked by 1 person

      • “Neither are they neutral to those who choose to interpret scripture to benefit their own lusts and depravity. God gave Moses over 600 laws regarding how he wanted man to conduct himself. It states clearly in Leviticus 18:22, http://biblehub.com/leviticus/18-22.htm

        That is what I’m saying. Being a homosexual is not a sin (having a sexual attraction towards people of the same gender, but having no attraction towards the opposite gender), but acting as one is a sin (having lustfull thoughts about/having sex with people of the opposite gender).

        And I know that the old testament is important to christians, I’m just saying that some of the old laws aren’t followed by christians, such as ones preventing us from eating pork and shrimp/lobster, since Real sad (the person I was trying to reply to) was referring that part of the bible.


      • Truthangel07 says:

        I don’t hate homosexuals, being they are human but I can’t condone the lifestyle. It’s a sin and also against the laws of nature.

        Liked by 1 person

    • It’s not just an OLD TESTAMENT thing. I have dear friends and family who are gay. Like the author of this blog–what someone does or doesn’t do is their business–just get it out of our face. We don’t go around yelling, I’m heterosexual—what we do in our homes is nobody’s business. Therefore, we only ask that the LBGT group do the same–we don’t CARE–and you wouldn’t have any problems if you kept your sexuality PRIVATE, as it should be. (Lest Christians start getting pious here, ANY sexual activity outside of marriage is a sin (fornication)—how many can pass that test? (And in protest to the ones who keep yelling–it’s an abomination–it is indeed, but before we go spouting off our “Christian” mouths—so are a lot of other things–lying lips, haughty looks, the trouble maker and eating pork and lobster. (Nasty animals both, might as well eat road kill) ALL these things are called an abomination. So before we start casting stones, make sure none of the others are in our life.)
      But just so you see it is NOT just an “old testament” thing–ROMANS 1
      24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

      26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

      28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.

      May the Holy Spirit guide–ALL.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Peaches T says:

      It is a sin to engage in homosexual activities. The Bible states that it is depravity. Jesus also told people when they were forgiven, to go and sin no more. We can’t continue to commit the same sin every day and then ask forgiveness for it every day. That is not true repentance. No one is perfect, and we all have our temptations, but the Bible clearly states that men lusting after men is sinful, and the same for women lusting after women. If a person is afflicted with homosexuality, then they should not give in to it, but rather pray every day to have the affliction lifted. There are sermons and testimonies about this. If someone does not care what the Bible states, then they should not try and convince those who do that homosexuality is natural. I did not authorize that homo is wrong, the creator did. As a believer in the Holy Word of God, I have the right as an American to believe in the Bible. If you do not like the fact that some of us do not think homo is okay, then do not ask us about it, and please stop trying to force us to accept it as normal. I care more what my Lord thinks than what you think about me. I do not hate, hurt, or call LGBT people names and insults. I expect to be left alone in my beliefs as well, and not be bothered or tormented because of my faith.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Well, the new testament covers it in Paul’s letters.
      Romans 1:26-27[edit]

      Saint Paul writing his Epistles
      In the Epistle to the Romans 1:26-27 (English Majority Text Version, EMTV), Paul writes
      “ For this reason [idolatry] God gave them up to passions of dishonor; for even their females exchanged the natural use for that which is contrary to nature, and likewise also the males, having left the natural use of the female, were inflamed by their lust for one another, males with males, committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was fitting for their error.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Sara Manning says:

    I once was at Wegman shopping and I noticed some children’s books being sold on a small shelf in the middle of the isle; one of those books was titled ‘Daddy, Papa and Me.’ and the other one was titled ‘Mommy, Mama and me.’,and I was thinking “Seriously?” : /

    Come on LGBT leave the kids alone! : /

    Liked by 1 person

  3. For some reason I love yaoi (male/male, normally in manga, fanfiction, and anime) but in reality, I dislike gay people. I don’t know why.


  4. stella doro says:

    Truthangel, thank you for writing this. I am so tired of people trying to push me to accept something that is not biblical.


    • Truthangel07 says:

      The Orlando tragedy was a sign of what’s to come. People have tired of the LGBT trying to shove stuff down our throats that most of us know is not only against nature; it is wrong morally to live as some of these people do. Just because something feels good to you does not make it right. Homosexuality is a sin. The Bible says so. I fear God more than I fear acceptance from a group of people that are morally, psychologically, and spiritually wrong. Their life is not my politics.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Jim Stanton says:

    Yes, yes, 1000x yes. Spot on

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Chris Thomas says:

    Get out of my face with this LGBT crap!! I want my country back. I thought majority is democracy does this mean the majority of this country is demented.
    I really don’t care what people do in their private but I’m sick of being called names such as one with a phobia or mental illness simply because I dis-like these groups.
    From what I see it’s these groups who cry foul that have serious mental issues. What special rights do these crybabies believe they’re entitled to because of their sex preference? Should I be granted special attention just because I’m hetro?
    In reality much of this country is fed up with these issues. Now I can’t even see a commercial w/o there being a gay twist.

    The more in my face they are the more I dislike. For me this isn’t about religion it’s about the continued “I’m special” attitude by these warped and demented minds invading the minds of children.

    Ever hear of the husband and wife transgender story? The woman became a man and the man became a woman. After a year they realized they wanted to be what they used to be and divorced. Unfortunately for the ex-male his equipment was gone, too late.
    Moral being, simply because your heart heads one direction and your brain another doesn’t mean they’ll end up in the same place or happy.
    Get back to the closet.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. You hit the nit RIGHT ON THE HEAD for me!!! THANK YOU for writing this article!!!! As a Christian I do my best to walk in love with everyone. Love DOES NOT mean I HAVE TO ACCEPT your lifestyle when it’s completely AGAINST the will of God and completely SATANIC in EVERY WAY imaginable. I’m also over feminism!!! Homosexuality and lesbianism ARE DISGUSTING and GOD CERTAINLY sees them as disgusting as He refers to it as VILE affection and considers it an ABOMINATION.

    The biggest factor that ticks me off about the entire gay agenda is not only that they’re pathetically attempting to force it down all our throats and calling us “bigots” for not accepting the lewd crap, but they’re trying to include OUR Jesus who has NOTHING to do with THEM or THEIR EVIL cause in their train wreck! That irks me to no end!!! They have the arrogance to act as if OUR SAVIOR is on THEIR side and hates US and sees us as hateful hypocrites who are violating THEIR rights!!! Ha!!!! That makes me so mad I could scream.

    Not one of Jesus sheep is gay and He’s on OUR side because we do our darnedest to FOLLOW his commandments. We don’t turn the truth of God into a lie and spit on the blood of Jesus just to feel justified in our sins.

    God already said they WILL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN yet they think Jesus supports THEM? Ha!!! That’s a nerve!!! Do they realize that Jesus isn’t going to betray the righteous because the unrighteous despise us? They hate us so much that they want our Savior to stand behind their sin which He DEFINITELY WILL NOT DO. Jesus takes it personally when they come at us. Cause WE ARE HIS and THEY’RE NOT. They hate us so much yet they want to take our place in the Kingdom of Heaven which they NEVER WILL do.

    They need to get over themselves and realize THEY’RE the only hateful bigots in the room. They need to speak on behalf of THEIR Father Satan instead of trying to drag OUR SAVIOR into their Satanic nonsense. As if God is really going to sit back an ALLOW them to take over the church, change the gospel and redefine marriage. God wasn’t playing with the people of Sodom and Gomorrah and he’s not playing with THIS GENERATION of Gay and lesbian folks either. His wrath WILL be poured out on them. They are the children of disobedience not the disciples of Christ. God loves all but HE looks out for HIS OWN.


  8. Lady Gem says:

    You know how there’s a new song on the radio that you do not like but after hearing it 100x you began to like it? That’s what I feel like media is doing to heterosexuals. We can’t escape homosexuality! It’s starting to be on our favorite shows, movies, radio, and politics. They are forcing us to accept this and it’s not right. I’m so sick and tired of seeing it and hearing it. I’m not homophobic let me clear that up. And this might sounds like I’m paranoid but I feel like there agenda was to promote homosexuality so that more people could accept it and entertain it so that they could make a loud enough noise to get their rights and take over. They can vote, eat in the same restaurants, shop in the same stores, get the same education, and have the same careers. Marriage is not that important to them they just want attention.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Patroy says:

    Now Christians are being imprisoned.


  10. John says:

    Lets just get over it and do what you B@# Want. Lets focus on gettting AUSTRALIA back on board, No Jobs, No House, No Future.
    It’s PATHETIC that even a poor city like Manila has more Drive than Sydney.


  11. Honest.to.God says:

    For the record, gays have some serious agenda going on.
    I believe it was Paul who counted Homosexuality as a sin along with Lying and Thievery and Slander. (A few sins of many.)
    Children need two parents of opposite genders. I’ve seen a lesbian household. And maybe it’s my luck of the draw, but it wasn’t pretty. This has shaped the way I see the entire issue.
    But honestly, so many gay people are so obsessed with being gay that they end up corrupting other people (think Pride parade. That’s right, supporters and gay people everywhere. I know about the immodesty and the glitter. I know Your children are exposed to it, too.) and needing people to accept them.
    That being said, I think we should tell them what they’re doing is wrong. (gently, but frank. No misinterpretation allowed. No screaming at them.) And once they’re aware, stand by it. I believe Paul also said to cut ties with people who are sinning but won’t refuse to stop even after you’ve told them three times (Once by yourself. Twice with another Christian. Thrice with the elders.)
    I believe we should be gentle but firm with them.
    An unkind word stirs anger while a gentle word turns away wrath.


  12. Hal Halloway says:

    My tolerance towards these mentally ill perverts is quickly waning into intolerance. I am sick and tired of having their unnatural lifestyle forced upon me and my children. If we openly speak out against it, then what? We can lose our livelihoods. What the supreme court should do is protect our right to free speech which is being indirectly suppressed by the courts via “harassment” suits against employers. People should be able to publicly voice their opinion anywhere without the fear of losing everything.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Truthangel07 says:

      A person can be gay; but don’t throw it in my face. I’m not like you and don’t want to be. That’s my issue with the gay community.

      The recent decision by the Supreme Court is going to blow up in our faces–just watch.

      This is a spiritual decision that is going to impact this country in grave ways.

      We just put a stamp of approval on an abomination in the eyes of God.

      Not a smart move.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Almark says:

    I don’t support a ‘gay rainbow’ I support God’s Rainbow…


    • Truthangel07 says:

      What do you think about the recent Supreme Court decision to make gay marriage legal in all 50 states?


      • Almark says:

        This was a great mistake, and a sign of the times. For in the end times, they will call evil good and good evil. It was bound to happen, but when you see all these things happen, know that your redemption drawith neigh. It’s good this world is temporary.


      • Truthangel07 says:

        This blog entry was created quite a while ago, but of late, it’s been getting a lot of attention.

        I think people are tired of the lies behind the LBGT agenda.

        In several states, they are actually trying to teach homosexuality and lesbianism to 4th graders. Can you believe that.

        The goal all along by the gay and lesbian community has been to indoctrinate the young.

        The recent Supreme Court decision making gay marriage legal; literally has opened up Pandora’s Box.

        We will regret this decision…


  14. OfByandForHim says:

    It’s truly sad to see all these pawns being filled with such hatred toward anyone who doesn’t buy their BS. If you want to know why I call them pawns, just go back forty years and look into who funded the gay movement and why. As always follow the money trail. Your eyes may just be opened. But then again, as narcissistic as they are, it will be very difficult to admit you’ve been used.


  15. larry says:

    I am tired of it too. For 1.6 percent of the population, they get way too much air time. Special privilege comes to mind.


    • Truthangel07 says:

      It’s all part of White Supremacy and their agenda. What bothers me is that so many Black people are co-signing onto this; not realizing, the designs work against the Black family. The Effeminization of Black men is a plan devised literally to destroy Black males. And they don’t see that. Fools.


  16. AdamDel55 says:

    truthangel07 & I’m happy to see others do to. I completely agree with you I’m not even an avid Christian if I’m being honest (im a regular guy who grew up in regular family). The natural course of nature/science is a man and women for form a family unit (realize your speaking mostly to religion). Marriage is a religious union whether gays like it or not…they should at least stick to calling whatever they’re doing a type of civil union (by law) but it isn’t marriage. I’m tired of the gay rights being in our face all the time. The media would have us think we’re all OK with gay marriage and are all matching for gay rights but it’s really just like anything else where opinions/beliefs are never swayed. Just as sickening is the transgender union which is a total abomination of god and the natural course of things as well as the family unit.


  17. letters2mary says:

    With respect to all social movements, it seems there comes a day when self-absorption takes hold and blinds proponents of whatever notion is in issue to the idea that anyone not engaged in the process in question could ever, no they would never, find them getting to be just a wee bit tedious.


  18. Joe Domei says:

    I pretty much agree with everything you said with the exception of this

    “Recently, in Arizona, business owners wanted to have a law passed banning gay people from entering their place of business because of their religious beliefs.

    Now, even I will admit that this was extreme. The only purpose of running a business is to make money.”

    it wasn’t banning anyone one from any business..it gave a business owner THE RIGHT to not do business with someone that goes against their religious beliefs..that’s entirely different from the Government mandating all business discriminate(which is what Jim Crow was), the bill was put up because gays were INTENTIONALLY seeking out Christian businesses to sue them out of business.
    You are correct the main objective of a business is to make money, but you can’t separate the person and the business..i.e. would you want a black owned catering businesses to be legally forced to cater a KKK event? Or force a Muslim catering business to serve Pork?

    Also they had plenty of pro-gay/gay businesses that choose to not do business with people who don’t believe in their lifestyle…without legal consequences i might add…which IMO Christians and others should start filing lawsuits against gays, but I get most Christians do the other cheek..


  19. rj says:

    What can we do as God-fearing Christians, as we follow God’s law, to reclaim our country’s original moral values and stop this so-called homosexual agenda madness – I am ready to construct a giant sign and walk with it all by myself – I recently joined the ranks of the unemployed after 30 + years of working full-time, which means I was not a TV watcher in my adult life until very recently and I am appalled by the bombardment – we as Christians living as God intended us to live will always be the majority so by sheer numbers we can stop this sickness, so how do we organize to stop this mess? – All the years I spent being sad for not being able to bear a child; I believe God spared me, for I would not want to have a child to experience this fallen world – Is there an intelligent organization I can join, one that desires to put an end to this homosexual explosion? – No one can convince me that this country’s moral values cannot be restored if we unite … Please respond to this and provide me with information and direction; in the meantime I will stay in the King James version of the Holy Bible, otherwise I do not feel safe … Never thought I’d miss the ’60’s … Thanks


    • truthangel07 says:

      The righteous must never be silent when evil is abound. And that has been the problem in the United States for at least the last 10 years or so.

      What happened to the Moral Majority? What happened to ethics? What happened to truth?

      We are literally allowing demonic hedonists to dictate our morals and values–and not even trying to challenge what these people are promoting.

      It’s time for this country to WAKE UP and start being bold–and STAND UP to these people.

      The Bible says: “Resist the Devil and he will flee.”


  20. eileen says:

    I’m tired of gay issues as well!! Specially in the entertainment industry. Some time ago I started to listen to this band called Erasure and from the beginning tought “well, it’s no important if they are gay, only the music matters” (and that’s what all the fans think as well). But as the time goes by I can assure you that you start to normalize that behaviour. Every single interview the band gave, they didn’t stop talking about Aids, the gay life, their partners, and so on. Instead of focusing on the songs or the new album… Those people shouldn’t never have a microphone and a camera available.


    • truthangel07 says:

      This society has literally been indoctrinated into the Babylon mentality and will pay for it one day…What goes around, comes around.


      • rj says:

        Yes, and all that you have written is truth and no different than I would have responded, especially to Real sad, so prophetic in the choice of screen name, I pray that one returns to Christ. Asking God for forgiveness and guidance is all that’s required to start back on the right path – He has already given Grace and yes, it is sufficient; Jesus gave his life, so who dares to ask for more …


  21. Just Me says:

    I used to have a lot of gay friends. Even went out with them. They were protective of me in their establishments being straight. Was a guest in their homes at dinners, parties, and overnights. But the last few years/decades things have changed. I am now the enemy. They actively seek out to harm me, my family, my business, my children so they can say they are superior and united can destroy another straight person. The constant hurt and harassment has caused me to withdraw. To become less accepting of the very tenents of equality which I once truly believed in. They backstab you, play very evil games with you and those you love – for the fun of it – to prove their superiority to themselves, look down their noses at you almost daring you to into an imaginary slight against them. They are not inclusive. They promote only each other and their lifestyles. They push their sexuality in your face with their outlandish behavior in public. What used to be reserved for the bedroom as proper decorum (by straight and gay) is now publically displayed in their parades daring us to object so we can be called bigotted. Or forcing us to be exposed to genitelia in bathrooms, changing rooms, showers (as the new law in Houston) , places where we should expect some dicorum of privacy. The TV shows are explicit in their exposure of “all about crotch all the time”. Demanding a negative response so they can point their fingers and say you are guilty of a hate crime. And those who are gay and more reserved sit on the sidelines and laugh at our uncomfortableness of their counterparts disgusting behavior. Never once saying, hey folks get a hotel room.
    They have arrogantly chose to go to war with the rest of us because they have become to hate us.
    Dear God, I pray the end time is near as I do not know how to continue on in this world of insanity and just plain evil gone amuck.


    • truthangel07 says:

      The day any gay person tries to harass me–it will be the day they get a quick reminder, up close and personal…as to why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.

      During my grandparent’s era, it was unconceivable for people who were homosexual to dare challenge heterosexuals or normal family values.

      It’s the times we live in; and the fact that many in this current generation have not been educated in church regarding the sanctity and holiness of God’s Word and biblical laws.

      They are headed for destruction and one day; they will look back and ask: Why didn’t you stop us?


  22. Pearl says:

    You probably won’t read this (truthangel107), but thank you. Thank you for this post. I’m a Jesus lovin gal, and I do try to not judge and not hate and not put myself above people, but this whole gay pushing agenda has been offending me so much. I have my beliefs and when people say NO you’re beliefs are wrong, MY beliefs about what I think IS right is the ONLY way, it is irksome, and you expressed it here on the world wide web 🙂

    thanks again


    • truthangel07 says:

      You’re very welcome, Pearl (my mom’s middle name) and it’s high time people start speaking my mind to these sick people. Their minds are twisted and when that happens, what is normal becomes skewed to such people.

      Those of us who have common sense, a sense of family and God must not become silent when those who have no values or moral compass try to dictate what should be considered normal.


  23. 1957 Plymouth says:

    I agree completely.The queers and their whining have become obnoxious and decent folks have had enough.
    “Tolerance” means putting up with something. The homo fascists don’t want tolerance,they want to force you to accept and embrace their twisted depraved lifestyle in an attempt to legitimize something they know is perverse and degenerate. This is about making themselves feel good about what they are doing because they know they are sick.
    If you queer,keep it to yourself. Nobody gives a damn and nobody wants to know. Why do you have freak shows such as the frisco gay pride parade? Straight folks don’t have to create parades celebrating tits and ass…we don’t make our sexuality our entire life being and identity. Why can’t you just be bob,instead of bob the gay guy? Why is your entire identity tied up in the fact you like to stick you dick up another mans ass? Can’t you just be a human being?


  24. Some Guy From The Balkans says:

    I completely agree. In the Balkans, we only watch the situation from afar using the Internet or TV, but the situation is dire. In the comments, one of the great “open-minded” defenders of this ridiculous trend mentioned that it would be different if religion was seperated from the state. Such is the case in Orthodox Christianity – the Church was always under the Tsar and did not have any political power. But guess what? Gays out here are not accepted in society, because they -are- unnatural. They occasionally do their retarded gay parades (which were adopted a few years ago, thanks to the spread of the “gay is ok” trend) and young people like me are beging to accept them due to influence of the constant media that glorifies gay people. Just stop with it – I used to not care about gays at all, now I dislike them heavily simply because of the things you mentioned in this article.


    • truthangel07 says:

      What really is stroking the anger in some in America, is this arrogance coming from the gay community–as if it’s now their time to take out vengeance on all of the homosexuals who abused people in same-sex relationships in the past, and going as far as to change the laws, so that one can’t even speak against homosexuality, that is.. unless you want to be charged with a hate crime.

      This is where I draw the line–and I’m taking a stand.

      No one dictates to me–and I will not tolerate abuse from the gay community or any other.


      • Some Guy From The Balkans says:

        Indeed, not only in America but throughout the world we are getting fed up with this glorification. As I said I had 0 problems with homosexuals before, now it’s getting extremely annyoing and unneccesarily aggresive. It’s just immoral, in my opinion.


      • truthangel07 says:

        It’s becoming too normalized and this must be confronted by the mainstream, as not to enable those who wish to make evil/depravity a good thing.


  25. I totally agree with this whole article. Every word of it. The world today is sick.


    • Pearl says:

      I’m just so glad I’m not the only one… the way the media displays it is that you’re an idiot if you don’t agree with gay rights/marriage etc


      • truthangel07 says:

        It’s time for people to stop cowering to popular opinions and get the moral voice back in the loop.

        These people are trying to destroy civility, and the first thing that is done is to attack the family and the correct “normal.”


  26. Black Man says:

    And all of the horrible/wicked stuff in this world is proof that we are in the last days.


  27. Black Man says:

    Also Real Sad, you must understand that God’s people does suffer. It is a cleansing thing. We as a race were not right, so we get punished, as a race. All the questions you are asking were asked by many prophets and other God fearing people, just check it out in the bible for yourself. Chapter after chapter of “why are the wicked prospering and “we” suffer. We worshiped false Gods, practiced homosexuality and many many other sins. Does this sound familiar, from the bible? Basically, if you read the Old Testament, you see that God always spoke about how much he loved his chosen people, the Hebrews/Jews, but they always separated from him and did their own thing. Because of this, God would allow his peoples enemies to destroy them, time after time, and allow various other punishments, like slavery. Now, just replace the word Hebrews/Jews with the word Black people, and then you understand why we have suffered, as a race. That’s just my little input.


  28. Real sad says:

    Truthangel i cant ask god these questions…i asked him before ..no response.This is why im atheist.I tried really hard being a christian…i tried to repress my homosexuality …i tried to be a good person not judge others and treat neighbors how i would treat myself….i did my part but i cant do no more.The energy to believe in a god has left me.I tried to hang on to gods teachings for a long time…tried to just say its just gods will but i cant no more…because all this horrible stuff in the world isnt being solved unfortunatly.


    • truthangel07 says:

      I will pray for you Real Sad.

      You can’t expect God to answer you if your door remains closed. You must open up your heart.

      This is not rocket science–just a matter of will.

      Humble yourself and stop thinking you’re smarter than an omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient being.

      God is there…I have no doubt and I trust him totally.


  29. Real sad says:

    Truthangel but im talking about black people as a WHOLE not just gays.See u keep focusing on the gays but im talking about the black community as a whole.Most blks are straight and i understand that.But im asking YOU why isnt your god helping us black people?why is he letting the white man be in power?Arent we blacka suppose to be the chosen ones?”the real hebrews”?then shouldnt we be the richest ones and shouldnt africa be a superpower like russia china japan and like america?then why isnt it?its not in gods “will”?and why isnt god responisble when he “created them”?god is suppose to be all knowing and omniprosesent…meaning EVERYWHERE! Another question i want to ask is…didnt ur bible say dark and light cant coexist?so why is satan and god on equal strengths?satan shouldnt be able to influence anyone…and god being the so called stronger one should have killed him the first time.Im trying to remeber which chapter that was..was it deutronomy or genesis?he still didnt defeat his ass yet?whats he waiting for ?lolz


    • truthangel07 says:

      Why are we allowing these things?

      How can God be responsible for evil? He is not evil? Who allows evil?

      You need to read the Bible…the questions you asked are already answered.


      • Real sad says:

        Truthangel you want to know the truth?God created satan as his angel i know this because i was obsessed with bible before so i made sure i read everything.Satans name use to be luicifer..the angel of light…lucifer “rebelled”and got thrown out of heaven.Landed on earth not hell yet..how the hell did a angel turn to a snake?shapeshifting and shit?lol.Another thing lucifer supposdly did was try to steal a baby from a woman and kill it .This is what your all knowing god created…god created this monster…and he lets this guy coexist with him for millions of years.Well let me tell you something…satan was suppose to be dead after the thousand years was over..why isnt he dead yet? Why is their a #team god #team satan situation?it shouldnt be that way since god is suppodsly stronger…i hope im making sense.God should have killed satan waaayyy long ago but never did..i wonder why?lucifer turns into satan and intoduces eve and adam to sum fruit i guess and tells them to eat it.Eve says no at first..then satan says “well dnt you want to know the truth” so eve agrees to eat it and lets her husband have sum too.They realize they are naked and quickly put leaves on their crotch to hid it.God says”why are u covering yourself amd how did you know that you where naked”? Eve and adam say “because we ate that fruit” god says from where? Adam and eve tell them the tree thry got it from and sin is introduced.Thats how its told.Why make the tree then? Sounds like a setup to me


      • truthangel07 says:

        Real Sad, you’re asking a lot of questions, but what is the real question within your soul? Do you know?

        Ask God these questions. Put them on a piece of paper and wait for his response. I’m very serious.


    • Black Man says:

      Real Sad, I respect you. You have a lot of good points and you make your debates without insulting people, and it looks like you are struggling with your sexuality. I am not going to tell you to like the opposite sex or judge you. I simply just do not like gay acts, but you as a person i have nothing against. I will not treat you bad and i would help you just as well as a straight person. I am glad that a gay person chose to speak on this site civilized. Oh, by the way, maybe GOD has answered you, are u sure you were listening?


  30. Real sad says:

    @Black man there is no god.If there was it wouldnt be that much hate in this world.Wars ..racism…crime….famine none of this would exist.Ask yourself..if u was god…would u want these bad things to exist?u are following a book that is made 1000 yrs ago about the white man that slaved your ancestors and mines.And if god existed why would he let bw get raped by wm like that? Or how about the lynchings? Why do you christians always skip over slavery when its the reason why the blk community is screwed up?are u ok with your ancestors being slaves and the white man being in power?are u truly ok with that?Wouldnt a god make things more equal if he liked blk people? Why are black people caring about such miniscule things like gay marriage for?blks shoupd care about college eduaction…building better public schools in black areas that arent F schools..so blk kids shouldnt have to be bused out to white areas smh…and how about straight blk people getting married.Cmon guys seriously…worry about your own priorities not ours


    • truthangel07 says:

      Real sad, your comments are from someone who, number one, is not a follower of Christ, one who has never read the Bible, and one who has not understood that when God created this world, he put MAN IN CHARGE. That means, it’s OUR RESPONSIBILITY. The things you mentioned are all MAN MADE issues and I would summize that if you were posing these questions to God; his rebuttal would be, “Why does man ALLOW these things to happen?”

      Fair point.

      And by the way, God is not obligated to people who don’t serve him.


      • Real sad says:

        Truthangel most blacks follow christianity…so why isnt he not helping the black community?”man” should not do all the work…a god should help since he is the creator…am i wrong or right?why are blk christians keep beating around the bush?you guys know damn well your god isnt helping shit because if he was helping then blacks wouldnt have to be treated like shit…underpaid…and live in the worst areas…im sorry but this shit is embarrasing!!! No other race is as poor as blacks in america…shit even the mexicools are getting richer…i mean dafuq? People that hardly know english are stealing our damn jobs and blacks arent doing shit about it.We blacks need to come together gay and straight and form a allliance.Stop falling for this divide and conquer shit…i know you are better than this.We black people need to stick together and take out the common enemy which is the white man


      • truthangel07 says:

        Real Sad, God is not responsible for the problems of people who are not following his commandments and living according to the Word of God.

        You’re asking a lot of questions, but the answers are within the them.


      • PIP Reynolds says:

        Truthangel,being a former Born Again christian let’s be honest I say this with respect but frankly.God knew all in the past ,present and future,HE created good and evil(Jesus and Lucifer).HE knew Lucifer would question and rebel and be thrown down to hell or Earth some even say he’s on Saturn lol.God seems to be insecure,jealous and vengeful, requiring constant adoration from his followers.I have NO problem with what Jesus stood for,but having your beautiful sinless, loving Son tortured and crucified,flooding the Earth killing millions of innocent people and creatures,disasters and earthquakes,just shows that God is not a loving God but vain and treats us like ants.I am so proud to be a non believer. However I 100% agree with your gay comments if that means anything.I do admire your personal belief and wish none of you any harm whatsoever.


    • Dee says:

      Real sad, you sound like a homegirl of mine. It`s easy to believe there is no God because of the corruption, hate, poverty, disease, etc etc bottom evil in this world. I believe the sick state of the world is a result of mankind rejecting the God who created us. There is still evidence God exists. LOVE!


      • Almark says:

        Jesus is not the reason for this corrupt and sad world. Man has caused this, even Satan has done it. The only reason these people hate God is because they hate his son, Jesus. They hate to do the right thing and follow the laws of God. God didn’t create those 10 Commandants for nothing you know. It’s really quite simple. You must first be called to accept him and while not everyone is called to Christ, not everyone gets it. The heart is the main part of all of us, if your heart is bad, then you do not have a place in God’s heart. Selfishness and pride come from the Devil.
        Our hearts must be ready for his love and word. This world isn’t what it use to be. God is not here to play ‘kid gloves’ with anyone. Yes God is love, but the utter hatred of his son by the world is enough to make him sick. One must be called and chosen by God.

        These words are in the bible. Therefore all those who do not follow his laws will be cast into the Lake of Fire. It isn’t like he wants to do this, that place was set for the fallen angels, not we who are mortal humans. The mysteries of God are many, true. But the love of Christ is as simple as your face in the mirror. He died to set us free, but because we reject his son’s death on the cross, we are forever separated from this love, yes forever. He isn’t the reason for the way this world has turned, we are.


      • truthangel07 says:

        This is very heart felt and wise.

        Thank you for contributing this…


    • Sam says:

      Our God gave us freewill, people that hate has no place with God. Why would he give blessing to those who do him no good? When their heart is evil and they blasphemy him?! That’s like giving a child candy for slapping his smaller sibling. Why do you target blacks? Many people stuggle with education, live in bad area’s. I do admit many blacks set themselves up for failure. I really don’t know why! My mother is native american and black but she calls herself black and guess what. We live in a great home in a great area. Many blacks are rich because they actually want to be smart and use their brains. Stop trying to distract the attention of of LGBT’s to one race when many races even black are gay,lesbian, bisexual or transgender.


  31. Real sad says:

    So truthangel are u against condoms and birth control? Thats not natural and is against nature too.I just cant understand why christians want to take other peoples happiness away..can u explain that to me?i mean i just dont fucking get it…why do u guys hate us so much..what the hell did we do wrong?is it a bad thing that i find beauty in my own gender?i mean i have eyes.Believe it or not being gay is not a choice…i tried to be 100%straight many times but failed miserbly.I just cant do it…its just the way my brain is wired.And im sorry if i offended anyone on here


    • truthangel07 says:

      Christian people who serve God, follow the teaching of the Bible. Our God is against homosexuality, sin, perversion, immorality, hatred, et al. HE IS HOLY. He created mankind for woman–not to have sex with other men nor women to have sex with other women. It’s an abomination to him–meaning disgusting.

      Take your happiness away? What does that mean? Christians aren’t kidnapping homosexuals but many are getting tired of being accused of harassment when it’s the other way around.

      If you’re so comfortable being who you are, what do you care about what anyone, particularly Christians think of you? When you make any decision, it should be from a place of absolute confidence. When you keep demanding that people accept your choice; it’s almost like a child needing to be reassured that what they are doing is ok.

      Gay people want acceptance from Christians but with a caveat that they are not going to condone.

      There are spiritual issues here that are present but I do not want to be accused of proselytizing.

      God gave all human beings free will but with that comes the reality that ALL CHOICES have consequences.


      • Real sad says:

        @Truthangel but do you get what im saying?no one chooses to be gay.Let me ask u something…do u choose to be straight? Just think about that for a second.Did u ever steal anything before…did u ever curse?did u ever lie before? Then congrats i will see u in the fiery furnast.I used to be a christians so i know the bible from front to back..and homosexuality wasnt the only sin there.Are u wearing a shirt that has two threads? Ate any shrimp or lobster lately instead of fish?Leviticus..the whole chapter…ive read it ALL.So i know both sides of the plate..the christian and the atheist side..and i did try to pray the gay away it didnt work..but i cant say i didnt try though.Oh well i guess women are just too god damn beutiful for me to not find them attractive lol.Did u ever find a woman pretty truthangel?im not tlking sexually but did u ever say to yourself “that is a pretty woman right there”its because you have eyes right?! Well thats how i feel


  32. Black Man says:

    Why are homosexuals so mad and angry if u say anything negative or or even neutral about them? They go on to write a novel and just lights that person up with personal insults. Really, you are that angry? This lady talks about how she will help Africans after gloating about how much money she will be making. The same stories of Sodom and Gomorrah retold in modern times. The helping of poor people is great, but the homosexual lifestyle is not great, it is an abomination, no matter how much ice cream toppings you pour on top! I’m sure i will be attacked next, but i’m ready to spit some truth, so come one come all!!!


    • truthangel07 says:

      You can put sugar on sh*t, but it’s still SH*T!

      My view on the gay marriage issue.


      • Real sad says:

        Truthangel honestly?lol u are being fucking ridiculous here.You christians are hell bent on making gays lives a living hell.Ever heard of seperation between church and state? Gay rights will be BACK with a vengeance just believe that.And it isnt shit ur ass can do about it.Gays and lesbians will be getting married and they will live better lives then all u straight haters that are so obsessed with gay sex lol.Christians always complaining about gays…i bet none of u will say that shit to a gay person in real life.Fucking sissies


      • truthangel07 says:

        If you’re going to argue separation of church and state, how then are you going to defend it by using the Christian tenet of marriage as your response?

        Gay people seem to have a problem with Christians, yet, you want to be validated by them–in counterfeit ceremonies of marriage.

        Everyone is not gay. This is a fact.

        And for some people, it’s just basic: A man’s ass is not a vagina and a lesbian can’t ejaculate sperm. Neither can produce children in same-sex unions, thus, what can’t produce life, is twisted nature.

        Do you know what is coming out of your mouse?


      • Paul145 says:

        Real sad I’ll say it and I have said it. In person. Scared, please… Said nobody ever when referring to a homosexual. They will live better lives huh? That’s weird considering the uncontested documentation of homosexual sexual behavior that depicts homosexuality as a perverse practice that involves promiscuous sexual liaisons often with multiple partners. Don’t even get me started on the San Francisco gay clubs and the activities that go on at gay bathhouses all over America. Suffice to say there is fisting pissing and fecal actives going on with multiple partners, not to mention the s and m which is all much more common in the gay community. Before you argue these facts read Dr Colin Williams books on the subject. He’s an noted, published sociologist in the field of human sexuality who worked at the Kinsey Institute in Bloomington Indiana University. I took his class and learned a lot. Bear in mind that Dr Williams is very liberal, and he studied San Francisco gay sexual practices both pre and post aids, so he compiled over 20 years of data from interviews with gay people as well as direct observation. Yet even he would admit that gay people in general are sexually quite promiscuous and deviant in their practices of sexual activity.


    • Real sad says:

      Lol u christians are so fucking ridiculous…u mofos follow a religon made by the white man.Listen here uncle tom…my sexuality isnt a “abomination” ur straight black society is though.Straight black people have kids out of fucking wedlock…multiple baby daddies and mamas….herpes and chymadia all in ur community….and blk people where slaves…did god help slaves?lol no “he” let ur asses get whipped by the white man for 500 yrs.Your jesus didnt save shit…another thing is the black straight community is fucking dirt poor lol.Gays and lesbians are rich because we are smart and know where the money is at…we are right at the top with whitey and asians when it comes to money so miss with that bullshit.Black straight people are poor…just look at fucking africa lolj


      • truthangel07 says:


        Real sad, I’m going to give you a warning: do not attack members here.

        People have a right to their opinions and I express with seriousness for you to rebuttal what is said but show some decorum.

        If you do this again…I will ban you.


      • Black Man says:

        Guess what my homosexual friends, if I said I was white you would have come up with something stupid to say about white people. If i said i was native american, you would have said something about them also. You chose to attack Christians and black males because u think i’m a christian because i took something out of the bible and because my name here is black man. I am not a slave, never have been, so u can talk about slavery all u want, simple minded person, it does not bother me. If there was no religion at all, i would still feel the way i do about gay acts. IT IS WRONG AND AGAINST NATURE AND SICK. You’re angry remarks prove this. You are fighting a losing argument, but go ahead, i enjoy speaking truth to anyone. Yes i am a sinner, just like everyone on this earth(although some people think they have no sin), but i acknowledge my sin, you don’t. I have a right to my opinion, i haven’t insulted you, but you attacked religion and blacks because u don’t like that i think being gay is wrong. You proved my point, thank you. And yes, i agree with u, gays are at the top in this sick world, but you will not be for long, just check your history! I am waiting for the next angry gay to make his comments so i can speak some truth to them too. Who’s next?


      • Ezra Polk says:

        I am not a Christian and nor have I ever claimed to be one, but the fact still remains that homosexual behavior is not what nature intended. IT IS NOT NORMAL.


      • truthangel07 says:

        No it’s not.


      • Sam says:

        Well, that’s a sad thing to say. Why does your username say RealSad, what are you sad about? You have money and your partner. Shouldn’t you be happy? I’m a mixed child 14, native american, African american, German and Caucasian. But I don’t believe in nationality, or money or religion. I believe in God.I love people, but I don’t believe in gays. I have confronted a gay person actually, my cousin. You are not a good person at all but I can’t judge because I know I have done,thought, bad and sinful things. You said ‘Straight black people have kids out of fucking wedlock…multiple baby daddies and mamas….herpes and chymadia all in ur community….” Now that is very disgraceful. I think you are very ignorant, you know what I call ignorant people? I call them child, because they act and say foolish things. P.S you spelled ‘chymadia’ wrong it’s chlamydia. And you are right, a lot of blacks are poor, have children out of wedlock, (even though many races do also). That is their own fault, because they stopped caring. Not all but most, they accepted what the ‘whites’ said and turned into fools. They are smart but they don’t act on it. Now my God saved his people many times, and if you didn’t know gays are actually the ones getting the most transmitted sexual diseases. Also I do not lie when I say this can a dumb person speak 4 languages? No, after my native language German, I learned english, I loved the japanese culture so I learned it at the age of 11 and I took up sign language when I was 13. You don’t know much do you? Have you been to a real christian church? Some people use Christian churches to scam and some aren’t real Christians. I know a few that are though like the Potter’s House. I had been to three churches before my first was Loving Fellowship, I loved that one, I forgot my second but there I felt nothing, but the Potter’s House! It was amazing, my God he is wonderful! Most people ask why Christians go through so much heart break? Saying ‘Where is your God? Shouldn’t he heal you now? Why didn’t he just save your mother?” I laugh at that, as a child I am not aloud to speak aloud but I always want to say, “Because as a Christian God but test your Faith and your Trust, to know that you have surrender yourself completely to him!” Now I still have so much to learn about my God and the Bible, but I seek guidance, because my mother is hard to speak to. I never had a father so I looked to my God as one, he has never failed me. You, are not a good person I say again, the things you think about race. It’s really all because of society and ‘laws’. I wonder though, who gave the right to those people ti make them? Why do they force them down on us when we don’t believe in them? It’s like forcing a Christian to be a Buddhist. I apologize for my paragraph to be so long.


      • Paul145 says:

        Real sad again most religions, including Islam Christianity and Judaism don’t condone homosexual acts. Why do you single out Christians?


      • Paul145 says:

        Real sad So poor people are bad? You’re a great person. And Jesus saved for the next life not this one. Jesus promised suffering for his people not salvation from it in this world. Salvation refers to the soul, a concept in sure you don’t accept since you sound like a reductionist materialist. Also if you actually read the Bible you’d know that slavery is prohibited in the writings of Paul, there is no slave or free, gentile or jew, but all one body in Christ, I’m paraphrasing.


    • Almark says:

      They are ashamed of themselves, therefore they take it out on others and make the masses accept them. They are only kidding themselves. Look at this way, if heterosexuals who are worldly find it appalling, then how much more do you think God finds it appalling?


    • Hope says:

      I am a young person and in my entire life i always hear about gay rights. I am so tired of all these . If they want to change something , why they do not start the famine , war , but not, they are so selfish to deal with . They do no care of anything else except they self.. I am no against gay person ,i beg you stop boast of. do whatever you want in your private life but do not show us


      • real sad says:

        Lol wtf?you dont make no damn sense.Guess what?if u so tired of gay issues…then fight for gay rights or just stfu.And what are u doing to stop famine and war?yea u are doing absolutely nothing.When i graduate college im going to have a 6 figure job…and guess who im going to help?poor africans in africa tht are starving to death…when i get the money im going to personally go over to some of those countries and help them with food and clean water..because i dont trust charities.Thts how evil my bisexual ass is.Thts how selfish i am too.Ive never heard of a gay boasting their sexuality…i keep my private life private..if u met me u wouldnt even know tht im a bisexual woman.You say you arent against gay people but i think you are lying.You are just like those white racist with the “blk best friend” smh.You have alot of growing up to do since you are young


      • Paul145 says:

        Real sad, so by your own admission you aren’t currently actually doing anything to donate to African children, you just wished to boast of your future 6 figure salary, as if that’s impressive. And yeah those Catholic charities don’t give much to the poor at all. Mother Teresa anyone? They are only the most powerful voice for the poor in the world with the most resources of any charity organization. But you don’t trust them because they won’t condone your sexual behavior. But I’m sure that’s not the real reason you don’t like Christians, right? A side note, Christians aren’t the only mainstream religion that doesn’t promote homosexual behavior, but everyone acts like they are. Judaism, Islam, traditional Buddhist, all these have doctrines against this, but I don’t see anyone trying to attack Jews or Muslims in this ground. Why? Fear of consequences, like the Jewish defense league calling you an antisemite or Muslims fighting back, which I think we all know they would. Christians think they need to turn the other cheek, but that doesn’t apply to tolerating sin in general, it simply means to not as a Christian hold hatred in one’s heart for fellow man. That’s not the same as condoning sin.


  33. LoveBattlefield says:

    I concur. I’m no bigot, but I’ve grown weary of gay rights being the topic in the media every other day. There are bigger issues plaguing this world, than why I can’t put my same sex partner on my insurance or why they can’t draw survivor benefits when I die, among other things.

    Let’s change laws and policies that keep black males from being murdered in cold blood, because they’re playing the music loud in their car or murdered in cold blood, because they’re just walking down the street in a “good” neighborhood. Then, the murderers go to trial and are acquitted.

    Government sanctioned murder of innocent black males and how laws will change to stop these cold blooded murders is what I’d like to hear on the news every other day.


  34. Adeen says:

    I agree with this article because I am also sick of hearing about gay marriage. Do these people want special rights or what? I don’t hate homosexuals but I do hate the homosexuality lifestyle. Plus what I really hate is that they compare the struggles of gays to the struggles of Blacks.

    Being gay is NOT like being Black


    • truthangel07 says:

      Oh, no! Uh-uh! I will not tolerate gay people trying to compare their struggle to ours. These people are like leeches; just trying to latch on to anything for legitimacy. I won’t tolerate it!!!


      • Dee says:

        You know Truthangel, I want to agree with your post. However on one side of your mouth you sound like a Christian with saying things like I don`t hate gays and suggesting to “real sad” to pray about her struggle but then on the other side of your mouth, you use terms like “these people”… how are we as Christians to show love when we sound like bigots. These people are not leeches but they are the same sinners as you and me subject to the redeeming blood of the Lamb. So if you`re concerned about God and mankind and the state of the world, start with showing love real love. To the question about does one choose to be straight, I will answer that! I do! I know I could be gay too but I choose to be straight.


      • truthangel07 says:

        I can’t love an enemy that is an abomination.

        Do you realize what the true homosexual agenda really is?

        I’ve written about it extensively.

        If there seems to be a duality in the way I respond; consider this: I KNOW WHO I’M REFERRING TO…and I know what true evil is.

        Praying for devils may be your way of coping, but there were wars fought in the Bible, and people like you better get real clear: there is nothing holy about the homosexual agenda.

        Love has nothing to do with it.


  35. TorontoGirl says:

    I was talking about the same thing with my mom about the issue. After talking to her, I began to notice it. It started with the Grammys, and I mentioned that I thought Macklemore won because they want to push this gay thing on everyone. Damn, they never gave blacks an apology like this. They tried to put their flag next to the Canadian flag. Imagined I put a black power flag, haha! You wouldn’t even see me here today. Just let them marry and hopefully they’ll shut up…they don’t deserve an apology anymore.


    • truthangel07 says:

      I didn’t watch the Grammy’s this year. Music is just not as good as it used to be. And I’m tired of people pushing their beliefs onto others; whether they concur or not.


      • Ezra Polk says:

        I agree with you 100%. Homosexual behavior is running rampant and the movie industry and music industry are not helping, why we think they should is beyond me. The truth is that they are making the all mighty dollar and dont care how or where it comes from. Im just sick and tired of the gay lifestyle being shoved down my throat. It is not what nature intended and if you know the human body you know this to be truth. It is insulting on how the gay community tries to down play normal heterosexual relations. It is time to take a stand, enough is enough.


      • truthangel07 says:

        It’s all about perception and the perception right now is, the gay lifestyle is a Civil matter, and gay couples have been discriminated against, thus, society owes them rights. They’ve played on the emotions of people through media and clever marketing campaigns.

        The sad part of this is how many people have become silent.

        This would have never even been tolerated in America 40 years ago.


        Being gay is a choice.

        I will never believe that people are born gay.

        That’s a bunch of bunk.


  36. I’m afraid you will be disappointed. Same sex marriage is going to become national law within a couple of presidential election cycles. Most people, including Christians, do not see enough of a point in denying consenting adults the LEGAL right to marry, even if they wish to reserve conditions for religious marriage. No matter what you consider marriage to be in a religious context, under law it is a contract of co-mingled financial resources and defined familial status rights.

    As far as apologies go, I think any and all oppressed people deserve them, including you, for when your voice hasn’t been given respect. I believe whenever we act inhospitably either as a nation or as individuals, the ones we wrong deserve apology. An apology costs you nothing but a sincere change of heart. That’s a pretty cheap penalty.

    At every historical turn where the boundaries were redefined about who could or could not marry, there have been those who objected because they didn’t like the idea. It’s not a rational objection, just an “ick factor”. All the same arguments you present about the aggressiveness of those wanting the change were brought forward when folks protested to allow people of different social classes, tribes, different religions or different skin colors to marry.

    Cultures redefine marriage over and over. It never really stops changing. Conditions change, and the rules change.


    • truthangel07 says:

      Gay marriage is a false representation of family. It is perversion and counterfeit to the purpose of life–for procreation. Anything that can’t produce life is against nature itself.

      Stop insulting people’s intelligence and get a clue.


      • I am married to a woman who because of her medical condition, isn’t able to conceive. After my father died, my mother remarried, but she was over 60, so procreation wouldn’t be on the agenda. I’m sorry to find your attitude so inhospitable.


      • truthangel07 says:

        I’m not gay. It’s very logical what I’m saying. It’s not going to change any gay person’s life if I don’t accept their lifestyle. I’m just basically stating that being gay is a choice and I understand biology. Basically, a man’s ass is not a vagina and a woman can’t ejaculate sperm.


      • I’m not gay either, or a racial minority, or a religious minority. I just think they all deserve the same rights I enjoy. Having children is simply not the only reason people marry. However, if an infertile couple do want children, they adopt, or pursue artificial or in vitro fertilization procedures, or contract a surrogate.

        You may have a rudimentary understanding of biological mechanics, but apparently you are not acquainted with medicine.


      • truthangel07 says:

        You shouldn’t have to need biological mechanics–that is the point. I understand about having physical limitations–this is not the debate. I’m talking very plain here: A man is not designed to give birth and a woman can’t impregnate a man. Let’s not be coy here…


      • RaiseMyEyebrow says:

        You said it !
        If gay rights “become law”.. It won’t last for long.. People need to open their eyes to what time we are in.


      • truthangel07 says:

        The only reason people are sympathizing right now simply is because they are organized as a block–they’re on the same page–no infighting or anything. Mix solid organizing with universal agreement of members in a group; that’s power.


      • Paul145 says:

        Invisible the difference is that is through no fault of their own to stop fecundity. Your wife couldn’t get pregnant is different than her choosing to have sex in a way that would assure that.


      • Paul145 says:

        Invisible, in vitro fertilization, damn your knowledge of medicine is impressive, are you in obstetrics?


    • RaiseMyEyebrow says:

      Time is just about up… Open a bible people. God won’t tolerate this much longer.
      Scoff if you like. I’d be happy to debunk you evolutionists. Any day any time- email me.

      Biblical prophecies are almost completely fulfilled. Open your eyes. Turn off your tvs.
      A lot has happened in just the last century and up to our current president.
      Everything will fall away soon and everyone will be in for a rude awakening. And it will be a massive awakening.
      So I pray for you all to wake up now.
      Out of this “perceived reality” of what’s acceptable..
      Imagine how society would be without tvs to influence people’s behaviors and ways of thinking.
      That alone has made this gay movement even broader.
      The only truth is in the Bible.
      And if you scoff- you never really read the book. And if you have, then you weren’t reading with the discernment of the Holy Spirit.
      That book will blow your mind and connect all dots with true understanding.
      We are to live by these Words if we are to share in our true reality and destiny that is awaiting us all.
      It’s all there if you seek out the truth.

      I just wanted to say that first.

      I have nothing against gays either..
      Other than it offends our Creator.
      A serious offense to his overall plan.
      (But since the beginning we have come from order to entropy.)
      Some of the nicest people I know are gay.. But it doesn’t change the fact that they are accepting and living in sin. A mortal sin, because they are more than aware but act like they were born that way.
      My personal opinion, they’re just confused. Filling voids that can only truly be filled spiritually.
      The spirit is what thrives, not the flesh.
      And I’ve had many gay friends ask me why God can’t fix them. And yet they don’t truly believe because they gave up.
      Don’t you see that your commitment to God wasn’t truly committed?
      That it takes a true commitment and surrendering over to Him to truly be “fixed” as they say.
      No one knows your problems or how to fix them.. Except one. And He’s been waiting to be a part of all of you if you completely surrender.
      He has every answer for you.

      I’m just tired of hearing about Gay this Gay that.. And how they were born this way and have to accept it.
      That’s bologna.
      It’s a choice.
      Most of my friends that are this way have had something go wrong in their life.
      Whether they had no dad, molested, whatever the case… It’s not your fault.
      The help you need.. The shoulder you need… Has been waiting for the opportunity to help.
      But don’t expect a miracle
      Over night. Patience is something we all have to learn here in this world. Commit yourselves to God.. He will change you.
      And reward you when you get to your true destination.
      Time is almost up people.
      Don’t expect anything to get better.
      It won’t.
      So now is the time to make the effort.
      But there’s so much He will tolerate.. But He will only tolerate to the point that He can no longer save one more soul.
      When that last willing soul changes and turns to Him.. I promise you.. We will all awaken and it’ll be too late to change.


      • truthangel07 says:

        Frankly, it’s time for the people of God to start confronting this new evil–it’s really an attack on the family. Gay people can’t produce them–and if you live in a nation with same sex couples; that’s genocide.


      • Gods child says:

        Bravo….the only rights anyone deserves is to go to hell… no matter how much thry push God will not change His mind on this issue. Just as lying n stealing will never be right neither will Sodomy. I hope Jesus comes back soon cause us Christians r now hated morr than ever for simply being against gay marriage. Ppl pick fights with me about it. Like come on why do i have to change my view to accomodate ure lifestyle choice? The world is so blind and cold these days. I cant wait to b outta here n with the Lord where purity and morality is a virtue and no more evil influences trying to redefine wots right n wrong


      • Truthangel07 says:

        This is a fight between good and evil. And Satan is adamant in killing God’s creation. Homosexuality is another tool to aid and assist the population control mindset of the government and other world powers.


      • Paul145 says:

        I believe in theistic evolution, as a Christian I do not interpret Genesis creation story literally, at least not chronologically, but rather topically, as many early Church fathers did. The days are probably not literal days, they are a way of arranging the story and not as important as the topics. For example the third day is the creation of the sun, yet there are two days preceeding. Since we measure the days from the rising and setting of the sun how could the first two days be literal days. The key, salient points of the story are that there was an original pair of humans, they choose to sin, through sin came death and concupisance, that tendency for humans to sin, and that God created everything in the universe, and that He is eternal. Also the story shows the necessity of Jesus comming to reconcile God and man. Faith and reason can never be at odds. Reason illuminates faith and vice versa.


    • Hickory says:

      The reason it is becoming legal is not due to acceptance. The voters in many states have overwhelmingly voted against the measure. It is due to coercion. Judges brought in by liberals are ruling against the voters.
      Guess votes don’t really count anymore.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Paul145 says:

      Then I can marry my horse, since marriage is always redefined

      Liked by 1 person

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