May Everyone Have a Happy, Blessed, 2016!


From the bottom of my heart…I wish you and yours a very wonderful new year.

2015 was rough.  Let’s hope and pray that things will get better.


8 comments on “May Everyone Have a Happy, Blessed, 2016!

  1. nasirsmom says:

    My 2015 was just horrible.I lost my only 8 month old son.I wasn’t very focused on anything else.I do know that as usual blacks were under attack this year and that the killer of Tamir Rice walked free.I hope that 2016 is better for us all.I believe in God and praying but I’m going to pratice making things happen this year.Be blessed everyone.


  2. nidotopianwarrior says:

    Same to you sis, many blessings. oh btw did you check out my latest post?


  3. A Blessed and Very Prosperous New Year to you also. As for hoping and praying that’s all good but in the immortal words of Frederick Douglass” I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs”. We need to act, so 2016 needs to be a call to action..


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