Lord, Please Don’t Let Me Hit This White Bitch!

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You know, I’m so tired of trying to humanize my community and my people to a species of people who are not aware of just how depraved they are mentally and spiritually. It’s exhausting that Black people take minutes out of their lives to explain their experiences to a group of people, who think it’s natural to kill their own families, have sex with animals and children, create shows about their depravity (hoarding, strange fetishes, eating disorders, et al); and never think to realize that the people they have tried to oppress (Black people); are the original people of this earth and if it were not for the genes of African people; they wouldn’t even exist.

Black people are 100% HUE-MAN. I’m just going to tell it like it is. In 1996, the white population reached negative birthrate. In less than 35 years, this country will be a majority–minority country for the first time in it’s history. I feel there is a significance to that from a divine standpoint. The earth is cleansing itself of everything that is obsolete and genetic annihilation is the response to the hatred, degradation, disrespect, and violence that white people have inflicted on this earth. They are not owed any apologies. Frankly, many should thank God that Black people are not serial killers like them. We are better than them; and that’s why they hate us.

What I want to talk about today is how white women and their insecurity displays itself whenever they are in the presence of Black women.

Oh, let’s just open up this can of worms.

How many times have some of the sisters here endured stares, glares, and snarky comments from white women who seemed to be intimidated by you–even when you were not paying attention to them.  They expect to be validated–even by strangers.  Some have the nerve to intrude on your conversations as if their opinion matters–who the hell was talking to them?

The audacity of White privilege just keeps on ticking like a Timex watch.

Now, I can handle myself in any situation verbally or physically if need be, but I get this a lot, particularly now since moving to Georgia in 2004.

White women are weak.  And they know it. Black women, even in our silence, holds true power and they can’t figure that out.

A few days ago, I witnessed a situation at my local Wal-Mart an African America cashier enduring this.  I was in the 20 items or less line when three white women, who I have to say, reminded one of the Witches of Eastwick movie. As white women age, it’s strange how much they resemble witches.  And these 3; dressing up for Halloween would be an oxymoron.  The cashier politely instructed them to keep their large items in the cart so she could scan them with her wand; and to put up the smaller items for her to bag.  Well, first, they looked at her as though it shocked them at how authoritative she was.  She wasn’t being rude; she was keeping control of her line and knew her job.  There aren’t any belts on those counters, but the 3 Bitches of Confusion got in a little tizzy–started mumbling under their breath, getting attitudes; making snide comments. One stomped off like a 7 year old and sat on one of the benches in the area and sat their with her arms folded. For what?  The cashier didn’t even respond to them.  Her demeanor indicated power to them and they couldn’t handle it.  Wow.  Really?

What did the child do?

You know, I’ve been through this.  Over a year ago, one heifer got a mouthful.  Just walked into a convenient store to pick up some snacks and literally had to endure a white chick who apparently was having a case of  mental irritation and thought she was going to take it out on me.  At first, I didn’t react, but when she got sarcastic after I asked a simple question, I let her have it.  I wasn’t in any mood for some insecure bitch and her issues that day.  She learned what happens when you mess with a grown woman with a large vocabulary.

You get tired of this shit every single day.

And don’t even get me started on when a Black woman walks down the street, dressed to the nines, the hate stares she gets from white women.  Black women have a natural sense of style.  Hair weave was just hair until Black women made it art.  We are fashion.

Most days, I ignore it, but on some level, when I do have a reaction, it’s because I’m human and I’m tired of being the subliminal target of a species of women who only matter to white males when they need a jump-off.  Other than that, their lives don’t mean much to them and they get bitter.

Remember that scene in the movie Obsessed with Idris Elba and Beyonce? White women actually got upset that Idris dissed the white chick and chose his woman over her.

White women are pitiful. White men are the result of this, in my opinion.  I mean literally. Think about it…they were burned at the stake during the Salem Witch trials and during the Inquisition, many were brutally tortured. Who is the number one victim of serial killers?  How many have been sexually abused by males in their families?  How many raped by so-called boyfriends? It’s no wonder these bitches have so many disorders.

The audacity of a Black man being true to his BLACK WIFE; and being so deeply in love with her, no skinny, shapeless, flat-ass white chick could break their bond, no matter how she tried.

It’s not my fault they got the raw end of the genetic stick.  Being a defect has implications, yes.

The fuckery for this “she-thing” to expect a Black queen to acknowledge something whose ancestor’s beginning was from a cave.

No matter what we do, Black women have an energy that envelops their environment.  Our ancestors were the first mothers of this earth and queens.  From the womb of a Black woman from East Africa–ALL LIFE came.  We are the beginning…and WE are the future. We carry that within us.

Comparing a white woman to a Black woman is like comparing a child to an adult.

Don’t hate me because I don’t esteem you.  You could never be me–even if I gave you instructions.

You’re not my creation nor is your identity my responsibility.

41 comments on “Lord, Please Don’t Let Me Hit This White Bitch!

  1. Dallas Aranjo says:

    Your mockery of white women’s sexual abuse seems to imply that it is a phenomenon unique to white women. An assertion that sexual abuse is race based erases the sexual abuse of black women at the hands of black men, which is no less likely to occur than for white women at the hands of white men. Black women are murdered at the hands of their men, but their stories are ignored and we forget it happens to us too. Our daughters are sexualized by grown men in our communities, and become targets of assualt just as any other woman may experience. And not just assualt, they are being snatched off the streets to be sold, raped, and sold again. Black men do these things to us. Our Blackness does not erase out femaleness, or the violence particularly done to female bodies. Don’t erase the tragedy of the sexual abuse of black women to shut done a jealous white chick.


  2. Sabrina says:

    They always make it a battle between them and us. Especially when they are with black men. Out of all the races of women they could compare themselves to and take their insecurity on, they choose us. The universe can only do such much to get rid of these viruses but black people have to do their part too. Have you heard that Caucasoid women are dying from water that African-American people are immune to?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. nasirsmom says:

    You are so right.Why the extreme obsession with us?Why do white women stare me down at work?Why do white women at work and sometimes outside gawk at me when they are with a black man?I usually ignore them but any sane person can tell when someone is gawking at them.Why do they get into my conversations?Why do they come up and ask me a question when they are with a black man?It is like they are craving my attention or for me to acknowledge them when I can careless.I don’t under it at all.


    • Truthangel07 says:

      We all go through this. White women are pathetic. Just absolutely mindless and without substance. I’m not helping them with their inability to find their purpose. Black women are as much spiritual as we are physical. Our innate strength comes from God. Whenever we are in the environment, it is literally impacted by our presence. We are the first mothers of this earth and nature honors that. All living things must pay respect to the Black woman for without her, no-thing human, would even exist.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. RayMore says:

    Hello Truth, in response to what you said about white people aging faster than everyone else, I would like to share my own horror story. There was this guy who I thought was in his later forties early fifties. If I did not ask him for his age I would never have known that he was only thirty two. Plus he did a lot of drinking and smoking and he looked like he was on his way to the morgue, just by looking at him, you would think he just walked out of his death bed.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Truthangel07 says:

      I’m not shocked by that at all. I see it all the time. You know, I’ve never, ever believed that white people were superior. They are not even worthy of respect as a race of people, given their history, behavior and depraved behavior, past and present. White Supremacy is truly organized insanity. They are not the beginning; and nature has already selected them for extinction. Something that is superior…continues its dominance. We are that!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. TheOriginalBlackWoman13 says:

    Great post! I know I’m sooo fucking tired of white women and the false pedestal that white men and pitiful negro men put them on. In 35 years, (I hope sooner) this white beauty standard will die out and white women can began to understand that they are not the real standard of beauty (not like deep down they don’t already know). I’ll love to see the look on their faces.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Truthangel07 says:

      Well, as most of you have witnessed, I’ve spoke my mind quite bluntly about them on this blog. NO APOLOGIES. I meant every word I said. Honestly, this is one of the most annoying topics to me because frankly, white women are the most uninteresting group of women on this planet. They are as mundane and insignificant as knats. Really…they copy everything from women of color, particularly Black women. We are the energy that drives femininity and our authority can’t be denied.

      I’m just getting the facts straight for the record and speaking boldly!

      Liked by 1 person

      • TheOriginalBlackWoman13 says:

        “Honestly, this is one of the most annoying topics to me because frankly, white women are the most uninteresting group of women on this planet. They are as mundane and insignificant as knats. Really…they copy everything from women of color, particularly Black women.”

        I agree. Unfortunately, they’ve been hyped up so much for hundreds of years that some people find them interesting and significant (I’m just flabbergasted as to why).

        “Really…they copy everything from women of color, particularly Black women. We are the energy that drives femininity and our authority can’t be denied.”

        People find it sooo hard to admit this. They rather die first.


      • Truthangel07 says:

        Just let a group of Black women–or one…who are walking in that God-divinity, feminine power; all heads turn. Black women have a natural grace and regal power. White women are always flaunting themselves to get reactions. They love to dress provocatively. All a Black woman has to do is put on some nice jeans, a t-shirt, bling it up a bit with something; and…it becomes fashion. We got it like that. They can’t figure it out. It’s our gift.


  6. RayMore says:

    Hello, Truthangel. I know its been a while, but i hope all is well with you and all. Recently, i came upon a clip from youtube and it was about a little girl from Russia who works as a model. And get this: this child was called “The Most Beautiful Girl In The World”. She is a nine year old girl, but viewers out there, especially men call her babe and say they want to have sex with her. Also, i want to point out the level of insecurities and lack of self esteem it can cause to millions of young girls and women out there, who will be made to feel inadequate because they feel they cannot measure up to that evil European beauty standard. It is sad because it brought back painful memories of me feeling inferior because of my looks. Once when i was applying for a modeling job, a man said to me that i had masculine facial features and that I was not beautiful. And he also said that when a man tells me that i am beautiful, i should not believe it because all he is thinking about is having sex with me. People like him made me feel inadequate.


    • Truthangel07 says:

      That’s very sad, RayMore, but Black people must always be on alert of the evil white people are thinking or will say to someone who reminds them of their genetic weakness (can’t produce melanin). They are not superior to anyone; and nature has already selected them: they are currently at negative birthrate. Their actions on this planet has been judged by God. So if one of them tries to insult you again, let them know that Black people began civilization and will continue as a species on this earth when they are long gone.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. qnubian says:

    Throughout my life I have always wanted to give up a fist in their face! For their arrogance and pride that they have around the black women!
    They are so envious that put everyone against you, they try to use their sexuality in every way to hinder you and to hold you down especially if you trattra your interests!
    They are so disgusting that they are never satisfy with what they have!
    As you say, you behave like children, they are not happy of what white men have given him want more and more and more, their greed disgusts me! The innocent white woman is just a fake myth! At my workplace there is this white crack female she likes to flirt with all men , she doesn’t matter if they are married or singles, she likes to touch them, kiss them, hug them or be with them!
    It is said that maybe she is married with Muslim man, and she has a kid!
    For years they have accused black women incited white men to rape them! Wow this is madness!
    It is not our fault that white men can not control the sexuality of white females crack!
    Above all it was not the fault of black men, but white women who can not control themselves!
    White people are disappearing not only in America but also in Europe and around the world!
    Europe is stormed by refugees, the majority of these migrants are men!
    There were reports of European women who are sexually harassed or killed!
    They are screaming “WHITE GENOCIDE!”, because literally these men are taking of assault white women in Europe! I do not see anything wrong, even these migrant men are doing what white men did in the past with black women and non-white women around the world! These migrant men, they want just white women because “White Supremacy has put white women as beauty model, so let them do, they just want to have what they expect!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Truthangel07 says:

      Whatsoever a man seweth; that shall he also reap. This scripture is being infused with nature to take divine retribution on a race of people that have done nothing but violate, dehumanize, denigrate, rape, assault and murder God’s chosen people–US. They must pay with their own lives.

      I have no pity for them…NONE!

      Liked by 1 person

      • nubian queen528 says:

        their weakness and their envy, they show in their every single wrinkles that have on their face!
        It isn’t true that white women crack around 45 years, already they have look old when they are younger!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Truthangel07 says:

        Very true. I see this every single day.


      • nubian queen528 says:

        their weakness and envy, they show in their every single wrinkles that have on their face!
        It isn’t true that white women crack around 45 years, already they have look old when they are younger!


      • Truthangel07 says:

        Baby, I’ve seen white chicks in their mid to late twenties start aging. It’s scary. White women fear age more than anything else. They are the only group of women who get offended if you don’t ask for I.D. when buying alcohol. Drinking and smoking will age a women quickly; and not having the benefit of melanin in their skin, it’s usually severe for white women. Those people, men included, look awful as they age. No wonder they’re always dreaming up monsters–they start to really look like the “grey” alien, and at worst, something on a morgue table.


      • nubian queen528 says:

        me too I don’t have compassion for them, God has already decided who will live!


  8. I always enjoy a good beat down of a white woman by an authoritative black woman. It’s an impressive sight to see as a white woman shrivels under the confidence of a Black Queen. I love the fact that you recited from Obsessed and the comparison photo from Undercover Brother. Both movies show the white woman gettin owned. Now they are obviously not documentaries or real life, but they still hold the truth within them. Black women are beautiful, artistic, strong, powerful, dominant, confidant, secure and in total control. White women are fictitious white beauty only. The false deity of the White Goddess shines through time and time again. They are always gettin owned and it’s such a sweet joy. I make it my daily goal to find a white woman and bring her to her knees, if not literally than figuratively. All sistas should make this their aim.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Truthangel07 says:

      You really don’t have to touch them; as I said: just look at them. Our power is that fierce. I can’t even begin to list the encounters I’ve had with these she-beasts. They need constant attention and approval. We are the standard of womanhood–it’s very intimidating to see our shapes being the model of femininity. The way we are naturally, full hips, lips, feminine curves and strength, are the prototypes that white women pay millions of dollars to plastic surgeons to perform.

      We don’t need to be validated by a mannequin.

      Liked by 1 person

      • So true, so true! Our appearance is certainly too powerful for them to handle. I express again how much joy I take in seeing a weak kneed white bitch falter in our presence.


      • Truthangel07 says:

        You’re not alone. Trust me. The white woman’s vagina has become the Battle of Waterloo for the white race. Every time I see a white chick with a brown baby; I just think to myself: white men had to rape Black women but these bitches literally seek out Black men–in the face of white men. Karma is a bitch!


  9. This is what they do to colored people in America:

    “10: The Monster Study

    (1939) The Monster Study was a stuttering experiment on 22 orphan children in Davenport, Iowa, in 1939 conducted by Wendell Johnson at the University of Iowa. Johnson chose one of his graduate students, Mary Tudor, to conduct the experiment and he supervised her research.
    After placing the children in control and experimental groups, Tudor gave positive speech therapy to half of the children, praising the fluency of their speech, and negative speech therapy to the other half, belittling the children for every speech imperfection and telling them they were stutterers. Many of the normal speaking orphan children who received negative therapy in the experiment suffered negative psychological effects and some retained speech problems during the course of their life.
    Dubbed “The Monster Study” by some of Johnson’s peers who were horrified that he would experiment on orphan children to prove a theory, the experiment was kept hidden for fear Johnson’s reputation would be tarnished in the wake of human experiments conducted by the Nazis during World War II. The University of Iowa publicly apologized for the Monster Study in 2001.”


    • Truthangel07 says:

      Listening to Kindred The Family Soul right now…and the track that is playing is “Surrender to Love”. I find this completely a strange juxtapose to what you just reported. White people attacked our humanity and dignity and their are perhaps millions of Black people impacted by negative images and mis-education because of a lying, soulless, genetic defect. These people have no God in them and their hatred of the FIRST PEOPLE of this planet will not go unchallenged by Almighty Yahweh!

      You already see it nature. Have people been paying attention to these disasters? What part of the country is getting it–ALL THE TIME. Who are the people impacted the most?

      Nature is talking…white people are already at negative birthrate.

      God is not playing!

      2016 is gonna be a very interesting year.


  10. thefourthangelsbowl says:

    Excellent, EXCELLENT discourse, family!


  11. nidotopianwarrior says:

    lol if only I could have been a spectator to that auspicious event……. It reminds me of when I was at Sandals, the training manager made one of the European interns, a girl from Austria cry….. And you are right when you said they have no sense of style, a couple months ago, I saw this white woman, she looked middle aged, had on a mini jean-skirt and a black midriff top and some leather boots. I swear, the way this woman walked I swore, she was a man in drag


  12. kelley says:

    Yes, sis, you said it ALL. Thank you for this.


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