“WhiteSplaining”, Again?…SPARE ME!



What is “whitesplaining?”   The term might throw the casual urbanite off but it literally is a term for white folks who love to give their paternalistic view of something they’ve never experienced or for the persistent white folks who love to apologize for their stupid, racist behavior when they get caught.

Basically, I’m tired of it…and I’m going in on a recent event that took place at a high school in Phoenix, Arizona.

The above girls were suspended from Desert Vista High School in suburban Phoenix were suspended after using gold tape to spell their slur with two letters marked out with asterisks during senior picture day on Friday.  Six members of the senior class of Desert Vista High School in Phoenix, took a photo after posing for their yearbook class photo spelling out “Best*You’ve*Ever*Seen*Class*of*2016.” Some of the girls apparently got together later with the bright idea of standing together to spell out the n-word and posted it on SnapChat. –

See more at: http://cocoafab.com/racists-defending-arizona-teens-n-word-t-shirts-is-best-example-of-white-privilege-youll-see-today/#sthash.Biahv3U3.dpuf

Apparently, as you can see with the smiles in the photo, doesn’t it remind us of something else whenever white people expose their innate evil?


The girls thought it was funny…however, after the photo was posted, first on Snapchat, then made it’s way to Instagram, it caused a firestorm of controversy and outrage, calling for expulsion of the girls via an online petition.

One of the girls, Rachel Steigerwald, the young women in the photo wearing the letter R, attended a rally with civil rights groups outside the school on Monday where she apologized for her actions but said that she isn’t racist.


And so it goes…this has become commonplace for white people in this country.  They do something racist, then do a 360 and “apologize” for their actions, expecting a smile and an empty, “I’m sorry…” will make it all better.

Give me a damn break!

This was intentional racism and she can take her apology and wipe her racist ass with it.

You know, it’s ridiculous for this type of thing to continue to happen…but it does.  There seems to be some subliminal prompt among white folks, particularly since this is the last term of Obama; that attacking Black people is fun.  And the typical ignorant whites among us will per usual, find a reason to act out their sick, sociopathy on our community.

The irony here is that President Obama visited this high school just two years ago.

When I was growing up, no white person dared disrespect or insult a Black person–that ass would have been kicked with a quickness–and they knew it.  However, the lie of inclusion and multiculturalism, diminished that sense of self-preservation in our community; and many foolishly allowed a wolf in the house.

Now we’re being inundated with outlandish behavior and actions from whites that have literally taken the lives of innocent Black people.

This was hateful.  Pure and simple. There’s no excuse for it.

The latest news is that there was actual sympathy for the girls in social media from many whites.

How nice…White Privilege always protects the guilty among them.

I don’t know what will happen to these girls, but it is apparent that there is a serious problem in Arizona.

Racism won’t take a break until white folks are held completely accountable for their hate.




41 comments on ““WhiteSplaining”, Again?…SPARE ME!

  1. qnubian says:

    The irony of this history, that one of these cave beast females has a black boyfriend!
    If a white woman called a black man nigger for him ” it is a compliment!”, but if it is a white man has to do it is an insult!


  2. didn’t these muthafuckas says that when the old crackas die off racism will end? I’m sorry sis, but I am sooooo sick of these effing people. WORD!!!


  3. kelley says:

    I’m sure I’ll be using this new word a lot.


    • Truthangel07 says:

      Right…Black people are so clever–white folks keep learning this–THE HARD WAY!

      Liked by 2 people

      • Truth,thanks for the blog.As disturbing as this is,you can’t be surprised that these women are getting sympathy.Remember that Darrin Nelson the cop that killed Michael Brown got 500k from ABC and millions more in donations.White people got a website that is saying that Obama is responsible for white genocide.Now,white male Republicans are begging white women to have more white babies, because they are having negative birth rates around the world. Despite increasing their wealth,white people are the angriest, because they are now seeing what black go through everyday.


      • Truthangel07 says:

        What is happening to white people is DIVINE RETRIBUTION. They are being destroyed by their own arrogance. Everything that they have done on this earth is the antithesis to God’s laws. Well, they are finding out firsthand what happens when you anger the Creator. Nature has declared war on them; and there is nothing they can do about it.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hue-manity is walking up, and uniting to defeat the cave beasts! Trust me one day the whole melinated world will rise against them, and destroy them! These caucasoids will be cut off, and become the least among the hue-mans! Everyone knows they’re the devil, and the border of wickedness they’re equivalent to cancer! Ever since their exsistence hue-manity had suffered epidemics. They lie to us by blaming that god is responsible for this, but these bio-engineered diseases are all created by them. Who brought to the native americans small pox, bubonic plague, measles and many more diseases? Wasn’t it the european colonists, who were the illigal immigrants and the invaders? Remind white people how disguisting they were back in the 7th century, they feared ablution of water! 😆😂

        Liked by 2 people

      • Truthangel07 says:

        Despicable! Absolutely! And I remind them of just what, who, and where they dwelled before becoming infused with true HUE-MANS. They are not of us; no like us. And nature has declared judgement on them. They deserve to be exterminated.

        Liked by 2 people

  4. Nothing but white racist tramps! Amerikkka breeds them everyday! Filthy sluts!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. nidotopianwarrior says:

    Racism won’t take a break until white folks on the whole are eliminated forever. If only I could slap the smug smiles off their bitchy faces which by the way should be in bags

    Liked by 3 people

    • Truthangel07 says:

      Now tell me what you really think, Nido. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • White women deserve to be slapped on a regular basis, so they’re reminded who the real women are, and it’s not them. This is a disgrace that this happened.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Truthangel07 says:

        You know…it’s funny you said this. I actually went to school with girls who did just that. Just let a white chick even try to disrespect–IT WAS ON!

        Liked by 3 people

      • That’s the way it should be. My school was the same. White girls knew their place cause they were outnumbered. Once they’re the minority they’ll have nothing because their protection will be gone.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Truthangel07 says:

        That’s true. They look like little puppies when they realize too late that they should have kept that little sarcastic comment to themselves. That look is priceless.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Or they get the, that’s no fair look, cause there’s no man around to defend me. They’re useless.


      • Truthangel07 says:

        White women are some of the most whiny women on this planet. How many of us have witnessed the per usual, meltdown whenever something doesn’t go their way. Turning into 12 year old’s right in front of our eyes. Many have felt the backhand of an irritated Black woman who just got tired of the shit, and whacked the ish out of the broad–“Bitch, please!”

        Liked by 1 person

      • Sometimes you just need to shut them up!


      • Truthangel07 says:

        As I did 2 weeks ago. This white chick at my company jumped in my business while in the breakroom while I was having a discussion with another co-worker about an issue that had angered me. Not only did she interrupt me; she then had the audacity to take the side of the co-worker in question. I told her (3) times to mind her business–no one had called her name. What she thought didn’t even matter. It almost turned into something…We had words–this trick started acting like we were in the streets. I went straight to management for recourse, in case the little bitch tried to pull the “she attacked me” bullshit. Management agreed with me that she should have minded her damn business. I don’t even know her. Now she’s got a target on her back. I don’t play.

        Liked by 1 person

      • They think it’s their right to tell us how to act, what we should do, and who they think we should be. They’ve got no right even being in the same room as us, let alone trying to tell us what to do. Good for you. Put that white bitch in her place.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Truthangel07 says:

        Girl, my temper is hot. Lucky for her, we weren’t on the streets. I would have cracked her skull open like a cantaloupe. I don’t tolerate any woman/man disrespecting me in general; and I absolutely will not defer to a piece of white trailer trash who dates Black thugs; and assumes now she has the authority to disrespect Black women by proxy. I swear I’d kick her in the throat and stick my foot so far up her ass, I’d leave my footprint on her liver.

        Liked by 2 people

      • They just try to get a rise outta us. They think they can manipulate us and be in control. What they don’t realize is that when they do, they gonna get a smackdown. Verbal or physical if necessary.

        Liked by 1 person

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