When Your Dark Skin Bothers Others…

As a child growing up in the suburbs of Chicago, I remember much about my childhood.  One of the things that I remember is how Black people in my community treated dark skinned people.

If you called someone Black back in those days, some people would punch you in the mouth.

There was a girl named Jennifer in my 6th grade class who distinctly remember.  She was a nice girl.  Had the smoothest, chocolate, blemish free skin that I’ve ever seen.  Always had a beautiful smile.  However, she had one flaw: her skin tone.  It was too dark.  This kid named Mark Jenkins used to harass this poor child every day about it.  He called her Spook!  Tar Baby! Mark was the ugliest kid that I’ve ever known and I guess in order to feel better about himself, he had to pick on poor Jennifer.

All these years later, I’ve wondered where she is.  I hope she’s ok.  I have a vision that she’s successful, married and a mother.  But I wonder if she was scarred.

People like Mark ,never think about how their words and actions impact others.  They are the everyday sociopaths among us who kill the spirit of innocent people with their inner hatred.

As I watched the above video, thoughts circulated through my mind of other incidents of this type of bigotry is played out.

It is well known in the south, dark skinned Black people are typically mistreated more and harassed more than light-skinned Black people.  I see this even in 2016 in Georgia.  Colorism is still a problem among southern folk and the Field Nigger vs House Nigger syndrome is alive and well.

How do we heal from this?

Something was programmed into Black people and it seems to refuse to die.

It’s time for us to kill it.

We can’t preach Black Lives Matter when we still have this skeleton in the closet.

27 comments on “When Your Dark Skin Bothers Others…

  1. Lucine L says:

    Just adding….it is not about black skin, it is the combination of black skin AND nappy hair. The blackest Indians from India hate us. That is why they were brought to the Caribbean with Javanese and Chinese. None of these people like us, but their women in some way like to have black men. Talking out of experience, Surinam/South America. Almost the same happened in other Caribbean countries/islands. Pale people didn’t want any country, island, piece of land to be 100% our own. So I will defend my own race=black love, since we are hated by all the others and the mixed, disturbed ones. Love your blog, peace!


    • Truthangel07 says:

      Hi, Lucine. Thank you for your comments.

      It is a sad fact that self-hatred and a sick want for acceptance from a genetically inferior race of people is the crux of psychological issues with many Black people around the world. I do feel that African Americans are strong as a whole but even among us; colorism seems to have made a comeback.

      IF only people would just get into their history and understand that AFRICANS are the architects of civilization.

      White people are insects compared to the accomplishments of our race. The only thing their are superior at is destruction. Just look around the world wherever they’ve been–they left their mark on the indigenous people of those lands.

      However, whites are afraid. In 1996, they reached what is called: negative birthrate. More of them are dying then being born. This is so severe, in the United States alone, by or before 2050, whites will be the minority in this country for the first time in its history.

      Trust me, no one is sorry for them.


      • Lucine L says:

        Yes, Truthangel07. The sad thing is that you in the US and I in Europe we have a platform to scream and send the message out. Unfortunately, in the rest of the world there is less possibilities to internet. And our people still do not read a lot and they are sceptical (it is a good thing to be sceptical, we have been through a lot!). The youth is more interested in artists, make up and material nonsense.

        But we are not alone, there are mayor, mayor changes in the weather and very strong energy rays force are constantly around us working. Black people just want to live and enjoy life; that is what we do, so we don’t pay too much attention to the changes. The only race who is afraid is the pale people, since they are the ones dying of the Sun and the energy rays (much stronger UV radiation).

        They are watching the Sun 24 hours. They spent billions on satellites, since a lot of them are being destroyed. Russia built several pyramids and they are studying the knowledge of our Ancestors, Egyptian and African knowledge. The richest are building bunkers, but the energy forces have shown them that the earth can easily be torn up, cables, (gas, electric) pipelines are broken, internet and electricity connections were broken and people died, so a bunker is not safe. So now they have the idea to escape to planet Mars starting in 2018, but today it has been announced that they can’t survive there, because of radiation and other electric forces. They are a sick people!

        Yes, they are afraid since cancer statistics are sky high, also in Europe, but check the statistics of Australia, North Africa, Israel. All those countries where pale people do not belong. Their dying off is called ageing in The Netherlands and at work (government) it was a mayor subject, but now they don’t talk openly about it, yes, because as the only black woman working with them and they know I don’t hide the truth (no cooning here!), they are now talking behind my back about their problem. They are so stupid, because they are still promoting birth control sky high in The Netherlands, knowing that the can not procreate in a proper manner. Pale women and also a lot of pale men do not want children.

        More, far more evilness is coming to us. They have permission to create people with gens by genetic engineering. If the world is overpopulated as they say, why create more people?? Then you have to hear what these devils are saying: they want to make better people than us. Who the hell is us??? What do they mean by “better people”? Make “better people” for whom??? Who asked these beast anything??? The largest race on earth are black people and we are by definition not bad or evil. We have some sick ones, due to oppression and the bad alien food. So we may have robotic devils walking around after some years! They may look like us, but they’ll have the devilish genes in them. They want their seed to continue on this world. I know they’re killing black people is for a reason, wonder why???

        Reading about the changes coming from space and I am astonish by pale people who think they’re the one who will survive since they are so, so spiritual, faking their nonsense. It is laughable!

        I experience their jealousy and hate everyday, constantly. No sorry for them, never, in name of all the millions of ancestors killed by pale people and still suffering/dying because of them. By the way, it is biologically impossible for them to change. Peace, sister!

        A message, too long:))

        Liked by 1 person

      • Truthangel07 says:

        Thank you, Lucine. There is a lot of energy today. I just finished reading a very inspired response on another blog entry and all I can say is that people are WOKE. Black people are spiritual people. White people are dying because of the evil they have perpetrated on this earth. God has heard the prayers of his people (US). And what you see happening in the weather, science, metaphysics; all…is against the white man. Because he has been the enemy of God. They bastardized the Bible to justify slavery. Mis-educated people to perpetrate an apostate agenda and literally gave the Almighty the finger of their rebellion against him. Well God is not mocked. He is a WARRIOR AND A KING. Anyone who changes his word MUST DIE. It’s not coincidence that white people are at negative birthrate–it is scripture. The very Bible white men tried to dismiss, that same book has indicted them. Guilty as charged. They deserve to die and I hope they burn in hell!


  2. nidotopianwarrior says:

    My mother used to tell me about a deceased cousin of mine. She was part Indian but had very light skin, and everyone worshipped her. Whenever her mother used to take her to school in the mornings, there was this neighbour who lived a couple door down the road from us, a dark skinned woman and every morning, she made it her business to come out and see my cousin like she was some parade float. But for the others, she never did the same.


    • Truthangel07 says:

      There is a lot of colorism on the islands. I’m well aware of it. It’s very sad because the people won’t acknowledge it as self-hatred. It’s very bad in other non-white countries as well. Asia and Africa suffer from this too. This is the mark of slavery and colonialism. As Malcolm X once said: “Who Taught You To Hate Yourself?”


  3. “The darker the flesh means the deeper the roots”- Tupac Shakur


  4. Truth, another thing I discovered,is that the Portuguese famed music Fado has African roots as does Spain’s famous dance the Flamenco. You might need to tell white people to stop exploring. GOD BLESS


    • Truthangel07 says:

      Africa’s influence is all over this world, including in Asia. There is no place on earth where Africans didn’t go. But listening to the lies of white historians; you’d think that could have never taken place.


  5. RayMore says:

    Hey Truth. I just want you to know that I read and studied the link you gave me Thank you so much for that information sister. It is funny how people with an inferiority complex can promote themselves as superior, meaning the most beautiful desirable, gifted , and intelligent while trying to make us look bad. They did it using propaganda (the media) and Hollywood which is why other non black people of color despise us. Also I read in that article that they (the you know who’s) lied to the world about the landing on the moon.


    • Truthangel07 says:

      I’m so glad it helped you. That’s why my blog is here. Everything about white people is a lie. They came on the scene 100,000 years after civilization. How in the world can anyone believe white supremacy who has truly studied history and checked facts? Well that’s the Achilles heal of White Supremacy: when you learn European history; then juxtapose it with African history, you find many gaps. Thus, one knows that what we’ve been told has been fabricated. Many Black scholars have challenged white scholars to debate it. But white scholars won’t. Why? Because African scholars are merely dealing with the facts. And white professors and archaeologists know damn well that there has been a conspiracy to hide African history and achievement. They’ve been busted.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. qnubian528 says:

    Dark skin is gift from GOD is not curse! Whites have lied about dark skin because they are the real curse! Scientifically it is wrong to consider white skin to a climate adaptation, but is a mutation! For example Aboriginal people living at the Poles have dark skin no white skin!
    In fact, the countries with the highest cases of skin cancer are precisely the Nordic countries, because they are more close to the sun! People have dark skin because it is near the Equator and the Tropics!
    The first human being were dark skinned people.because black people have the genetic material to give life to ervyone!
    When they can’t have what dark skinned people have “MELANIN!”,only solution for them was “W supremacy!”,contaminate the hearts of people to hate dark skin and black people!
    Because here it’s just about survival,they know they are only 10% of world popolution against 90% of colored people! If colored people loved dark skin It would not even have been a trace of them on the face of the earth!
    The IR can’t save them from their destiny,because colored people are in number majority!
    They are only upset because they believed be the stronger!
    All these women in this video are all gorgeous,women with dark skin have the most feminine features compared to women with white skin most of them have men features!
    Truthangel I just want to say I am LAYLA LEWIS and I changed my profil!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Truthangel07 says:

      Oh, high Layla. I’ve been missing a few people. Glad to hear from you. Yes, I’ve posted several posts about Melanin. We are God’s gift to the planet. And I know that white people are Satan’s spawn, for like him, they are inveterate liars.


  7. RayMore says:

    Thank you Truth. It even says in the Bible that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. You know, in the eyes of Satan, the prime agent of evil, dark skinned people with ethnic features are the ugliest most undesirable ones in the world, but in the eyes of Yahweh, we are the most beautiful. We are his masterpiece. By the way, please tell me why the enemy should have the need to put us down all the time. Truth tell me also why other races hate us so much. What have we done to offend them. Is there some literature you would recommend for me on these topics please. Thank you

    Liked by 1 person

    • Truthangel07 says:

      Haven’t you been taught that melanin is the Black gold of the universe. Our skin tone is our blessing. White people can’t produce melanin. Their skin is a genetic defect. Literally, our existence is their end. We are the original people of this earth. Our genes are the strongest of all races. White people have reached negative birthrate: there are more white people dying than being born. It is so bad, they can’t recover from it. They have come to the end as a species. Whenever they see us; our skin tone reminds them of that. In nature, when a species is dying out, one of the first things that happens is that they begin to procreate with another species in order to preserve they’re genes. That’s why they keep pushing interracial marriage–it’s the only way white people can survive is through us–the parent race. I’m going give you this link and let to ingest it into your spirit. Then we’ll talk. Here is the link: http://www.stewartsynopsis.com/black_skin_is_the_genetic_parent.htm

      Liked by 1 person

  8. RayMore says:

    Its a painful reminder for me because when I was growing up, which I am glad I am not anymore, I had been called ugly, although they knew it wasnt true. It got to a point where I tried to take my own life and had to be hospitalized. I am not very dark skinned. However I have what people would call strong African features and unfortunately some people made me feel as if I am not beautiful because I dont fit the evil white beauty standard. So my self esteem suffered for many years and to this day I am still struggling with it.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Truthangel07 says:

      Thank Almighty God that you didn’t take your life. “Never allow anyone’s opinion of you to become your reality.” That was from Gurda. And I also say, you are perfect as you are. You were made by the Creator. You’re his masterpiece. Don’t ever allow anyone to make you feel worthless.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Truth,wp pushing interracial marriage isn’t going to save them. Black genes are to dominant.I tell blacks all the time to read Argentina history back in the 1800’s.Blacks made up 20% of the population, but when Argentina had their war with Spain, they put black men on the front lines with inferior weaponry.By the end of the 1800’s 90% bw were married to white men,and due to the wars and illnesses,the black population in Argentina was barely 1%.Like my mother said this past weekend, the reverse is happening. Wp procreating with us isn’t helping them at all.The evil they perpetrated on blacks throughout the Americas ,has that same evil visiting them on their doorstep.Their evil and drug use is to hard for them to overcome. GOD’S judgement is here,so wp have my blessing to lock us up with their double standard laws.Farrakhan said wp have to pay for their tyranny on blacks.Wp have to pay for blacks getting 3x the jail sentences for the same crime.Wp have to pay for blacks going to jail for drug use,while they go to rehab.GOD is demanding payment,and they don’t have the money. GOD BLESS


      • Truthangel07 says:

        White people have been patrolling facebook this past week on several posts regarding the women’s gymnastic team’s success, particularly Simone Biles. As well as the women’s track team. Americans have dominated the Olympics this year but when it comes to congratulating the Black athletes, many whites intruded on conversations, and literally rotated the discussions to their “offense” of African Americans esteeming Black achievement. I was just thinking today that white people need to be exterminated from this planet. Their arrogance and behavior has condemned them. They have no one that will stand up for their character–because they don’t have any.


      • Oh Truth,I love it.Wp go out of their way to tell black people that we’re uncivilized and we don’t get along with anybody,but as Farrakhan told a white person,I don’t remember black people invading other countries,starting illegal wars,and over throwing democratic elected officials for greed and profit,which is why the Arabs are after them in Europe and the US.Now we have to work on ourselves. GOD BLESS


      • Truthangel07 says:

        Exactly…they love to project onto us. That’s how sick they are.


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