Birth of A Nation Flopped! What Killed It?

Image result for What Killed Birth of a Nation debut

Filmmaker’s Controversial Past Takes Its Toll On ‘Birth Of A Nation’ At The B.O.

Well, for those of you still pondering whether or not to go see Nate Parker’s Birth of a Nation, if you go by its weekend box office debut, it might motivate you to not go.

What happened?

For months, this movie was all over the news.  It’s director/producer and star, Nate Parker was in high rotation promoting the movie. He did a lot of ground work to get the movie made. But right around the time the movie received a standing ovation at the Sun Dance Movie Festival; and was sold to Fox Searchlight for 17 million.  There was high hopes.  Many were sure this mostly Black movie cast was headed for Oscars.  And then…the white chick happened.  A dead white chick at that.  Apparently, 17 years ago, Nate Parker  and a friend were accused of raping a young 19 year old white co-ed  while she was passed out at Penn State.  There was a trial, Nate was acquitted.  The jury felt that his sexual involvement with the young woman was consensual but his friend’s involvement was not. Nate got on with his life.  The accuser committed suicide 12 years later.

Nate Parker has been in over 15 movies after this incident.  This issue was never challenged before but when he decided to make a movie–on his own about Nat Turner, one of the greatest leaders to ever lead a slave rebellion in 1831 in Southhampton Country, Virginia; all of this surfaced.  Why now?  It’s not typical for a filmmaker’s past to influence success of their movie but this incident has been the focal point of every press interview he’s been in from the Toronto Film Festival, Good Morning America and 60 Minutes.

Image result for What Killed Birth of a Nation debut

Many believe that the negativity of the rape case is what has hurt it from crossing over into broader audiences.  60% of the ticket buyers were African American.

The exit polls for the movie have been good, so what killed it?

Yes, Nate Parker has a white wife.  And some Black people have spoken about and pondered how a man not married to a Black woman could portray such a strong Black figure.  But many women began protesting the movie.  Including Black women at that. They stated the rape charge as the reason why they couldn’t support the movie.  Yet, is this really about rape or something else?  I just can’t understand how Black women can protest Nate Parker but not see how white racists used them–AGAIN to destroy a Black man.

The second reason that may be for the backlash is that there are white men killed in this movie.

We are in a war.  There is an agenda to portray Black men in a certain kind of way. This film is about an uprising at a very critical time in our history.  Some among us have an issue with Black men being seen in a masculine way.  With recent violence taking the lives of so many, this film could have been a justification to properly cement the anger toward the establishment’s insistence on reigniting White Supremacy.

I still might go see the movie.  It’s an important part of our history.

Nate Parker used his own money to make this movie.  Supporting him is a matter of choice but standing up for what this movie stands for, is a matter of principal.

This is artistry at its best.

Will Black people save it?

That would make the biggest statement of all.



59 comments on “Birth of A Nation Flopped! What Killed It?

  1. White women are always used to take down black men in media and sadly, black women go along with it. Let’s not let the fact the movie didn’t “do well” in the box office stop us from seeing it if we want to see it. That shouldn’t even matter. It’s a part of history. That’s what matters. And Hollywood used this “rape charge” to sabotage the success of the movie.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. nidotopianwarrior says:

    I have yet to see this movie but given some of the comments I have read I think I will pass on that…..


  3. whites are finally waking up is what killed it, you have been mistaking kindness for weakness, and are so stupid and full of wez wuz kangs and pharos crap that you cant think. whites knew full well youre semi retarded and vilolent promiscuous and have no sense of future time but we chose instead to focus on our own tiny little mote instead this of course helped by marxist jew propganda whites are waking up expect to be shipped back to africa any year now,


    • Truthangel07 says:

      This will be your first and last post on this blog.

      Nobody is hearing any of this this racist pathology.

      You people are at negative birthrate. You have no economic backbone to make minorities go anywhere–white supremacy is dependent on it.

      And as for you: YOUR LIFE DOESN’T MATTER.

      If it did, nature would have selected you.

      Goodbye, Caucasoid!


      Liked by 1 person

  4. Check out this article. Very disturbing!


  5. Truth, I can’t stop laughing.The biggest Police Union in the country is apologizing to POC for their racist behavior, which I find funny, because the DOJ and the UN told them how corrupt they are.The leader of Italy is now saying that Italy and other European countries has to treat Africa with dignity,which I find funny,since 95% of Europe is broke.Israel is taking Ethiopia side against Egypt in the water rights to the Nile,which I find funny,when I consider Israel ‘s treatment of Ethiopians.Now to all the the black women that says white men have the power,and that black men are weak,tell me what you see.The white European continent,soon to be joined by the US,Canada and Australia is going to Africa with their hands out begging black Africa for handouts,so they can SURVIVE.Black family,do your research,we have taken care of white people since we laid our eyes on them.Truth I am counting the days to when Africa tells wp,no more exploitation,go fend for yourselves.Black people, we are the chosen ones.The original Native American was black.The Western Hemisphere is ours.Most of the European continent is ours,and it was the Moors who civilized wp.It was Africans who taught Greeks about Democracy.Blacks were the first race on the China Peninsula, and Australian continent.Not only that,the country that is called Israel is ours too.If wp start an illegal war against the African continent, it will be to their detriment.Truth don’t forget to tell Tommy Sotomayor and Christelyn Karazin, to hide their valuables,I heard that heroine,cocaine,meth,opioid and prescription drug addiction and rehab is costly and very EXPENSIVE. GOD BLESS


    • Truthangel07 says:

      It’s the mighty hand of God, Seven. God has heard the prayers of those Africans who were in those fields. They weren’t just singing to pass time as they were picking cotton; those people were engaging in spiritual warfare, while those slave huonds watched. They knew they wouldn’t live to see it…but one day, ONE DAY, their children’s, children’s, children, would reap the benefit of their struggle and their master’s offspring would have to PAY for what they did to them.


      God’s word does not fail. He will repay every man according to his works.

      Yes, sir.


  6. Actually Truth, from what I’ve been reading,bw make up 70% of the audience of Birth of a Nation.Danny Glover said that the Haitian movie didn’t get made because the investors were upset that there no white heroes in the movie.People don’t know this,but the only reason the Original Roots aired,because they had to have a sympathetic wp in the series.I wonder how long it’s going to take wp,they that blacks don’t see them as heroes.As I said Haiti is about to come for payment.GOD BLESS


  7. toliver55 says:

    To TruthAngel07: You asked where did I get those statistics? I’ll do you one better. Because what I posted is basically a summation of what is on this site. You will have a ball looking at all that verified government data that white folks like to avoid especially when it comes to the the rhetoric they spew about “Black on Black” crime. I hope you do an article about these stats one of these days. White men outnumber every other race in every crime category. This is the bottom line point I like to drive home when it comes to the real criminals in this country.

    The FBI came out with a report that said out of the 50,000,000 African Americans in America less than one percent committ any crime. So when you look at those statistics according to that particular info you will see the probability of why we committ far less crime than our white counterparts. They are just not being convicted and sent to prison for it like black men who can do 50 years just being accused of crime regardless if evidence says otherwise.


    • Truthangel07 says:

      Thank you.

      I’m going to note this because I actually have done a piece on how racists like to use statistics to persuade their agenda. All you have to do is find the truth, and you can blow most of them out of the water.


      • Truth,those stats that Ariel pointed out is what my boy Saye Taryor used to dispelled white people’s arguments.Everything is coming out now.White people are so confused that they’re telling on themselves. Between 5 to 10 years,Africa and Haiti will be going around the globe and demanding payment.My mother told me to read the whole book of Ezekiel, because it explains the destruction of the US.Can’t wait for your next topic.Oh US Census Bureau stats are out,actually black men and women marriages are on the rise,with the unions of bm/bw unions still slightly above 90%.Marriages between wm/ww are on the decline.Tell Tommy Sotomayor,so much for black women being difficult, and don’t forget to tell Christelyn Karazin, so much for black men not being marriage minded.Also,as I said before marriages between wm/bw are down 10% in the last 3 years.Even though some blacks will drink the Cool Aid,I told you that interracial agenda isn’t going to work. GOD BLESS


      • Truthangel07 says:

        God is moving, Seven. I can feel it. Every single day. His power is all around us.


  8. qnubian528 says:

    For black people fight for our right mean have white partner in our sides or have half-white babies! How we can fight racism when we have white husband/wife? This is truly pathetic and disgusting! What these kind moves teach us? Being blind? Why we should wasting our money in movies that insult black people? I don’t see anymore these kind movies because they make me sick in my stomach!
    Also don’t forget to Jamaica slave revolt, where blacks slaves killed white masters!
    But today Jamaica people don’t longer they remember this event,because in UK,Caribbean people are in first place to interracial marriage!


      • Truthangel07 says:

        This is the most pathetic piece of commentary I’ve ever seen. Not only is this woman a horrible journalist, she has no clue of what she’s talking about. I’m going to see if I can confront some dialogue and force her to look a this ignorant piece of verbiage. This is the most juvenile thing I’ve ever read.


      • Truthangel07 says:

        Of course…you know I had something to say about what she wrote. Here’s my response:

        Excuse me, I’m a proud Black woman, and I’d like to address this piece of garbage. Not only is it off base culturally, the ignorance from where it came only makes one wonder if there is actually a brain or the ability to do scholarly research on subject matter that can easily be studied through the use of a nice Google search or libray; that obviously the author of this blog knows nothing about.

        What you said about the African American community can only come from the mind of a dimwit too lazy or stupid to do actual RESEARCH on the attitudes and cultural norms of Black people.

        First and foremost, Black fathers are highly respected in the Black community. Why wouldn’t they be?–the majority of black men MARRY BLACK WOMEN. We love Black men, baby! In the African American culture, we value our relationships; and the Black Family is supreme.

        Where in the hell did you get your education?

        Sounds like you’re projecting onto us. Which is typical of whites. Given how many white men kill their wives and children statistically. No wonder white women are running from them.

        I’ve never read more ignorant, racist, bullshit like this in my entire life.

        It reaks of an uninformed, white chick, too arrogant and clueless to go out and do actual journalism, thus, she rants about her own bias; masking it as opinion, in order to persuade a certain ideal and attitude about a topic that frankly, has not been helped by this juvenile post. I’ve never read anything so vapid and assinine.

        The Black community is in discussions about many things. One of which is the violence perpetrated by white males in this country in the past and present. Birth of A Nation is precisely about such, as being the purpose of the uprising to begin with. Perhaps you should have taken some time to study Nat Turner’s life and why he felt so strongly about taking a stand, even at the cost of his life.

        Black women are going to see this film. Most are not against Nate Parker, as you lied about. And for the record, if you’re going to tell a story–GET THE FACTS. But that might be a little to steep for a “Becky” who doesn’t seem to have the sense of a goose.You are a racist bitch who doesn’t realize that white women like yourselves don’t realize just how innately sick you are.

        This comment:

        “Listen up black community!! We’re done!! We’ve had it!! We are no longer your pawns to be sacrificed at your whim!! No more!! You don’t care about us!! We see how you ruined Nate Parker’s film and rise to success!! Let that community rot with the filth!! I’ve made my choice like Mike and Nate, and I choose to love white women. Because unlike the women in your community, men aren’t irrelevant and unappreciated by them. It’s no secret that a black man can only have success and happiness with white women because they are actually women worth loving, worth protecting, and worth cherishing.

        White women are worth it and you should want the best.”

        Sweetie, let me open your head about THE REALITY OF WHITE WOMEN: White women have sex with dogs and go online and brag about it. You molest children. The white community is literally in a crisis because of the suicide rate of white men and women. 30,000 white men kill themselves every single year. There is a heroin addiction epidemic. Prescription drug epidemic. And currently, the white race is at negative birthrate (more people are dying than being born). By or before 2050, white people will become the minority in this country for the first time in its history. Do you want me to continue? Basically, in a nutshell…YOU PEOPLE ARE OVER. The white race is dying out worldwide.

        Quite tursely., your vagina has become the Battle of Waterloo for the white race. White women are the most sterile of all groups of women on this planet. A Black man that has a child with one has literally committed genotype annihilation because white people have recessive genes. Any Black man that has a relationship with a white women is sick mentally. He has bought into a stereotype of The White Goddess. But that isn’t a reality at all. What white women are is the female extension of White Supremacy and no-thing that attaches itself to a white woman has pride in himself. Most Black men hate white women. They really do. They laugh at how ignorant many of you are–believing anything they tell you. Strong Black men have no trust or respect for white women and feel that your average white woman needs an expiration date; you broads don’t age well and begin to look like something that belongs in a horror show after awhile. No wonder you love to portray witches during Halloween. Because that’s about how many start to look after age 35.

        If you really want to know what Black men think of you, I dare you to listen to this for clarity.

        Black people have dominant genes. A Black woman is the only woman on this planet that is the genetic equal to a Black man. Black women are feared and envied, because many have risen above the perceived weakness of the female. Black women are the most educated sector by gender and race. White women are intimidated by our very presence because we are the strength and backbone of our race.

        You can’t compete with that! There is nothing superior about white women. And the only thing you seem to have mastered is to use sex as your only weapon because you don’t possess the ability to make men respect you intellectually.

        Of all interracial couplings, Black men who marry white woman end up in divorces. That is a statistical fact. You can’t keep something that you’re not aligned with genetically, spiritually, or psychologically. YOU ARE NOT THEIR MATCH! And you most certainly are not our equal.

        The birth of civilization began in Africa. Black women were the first mothers and queens of this universe. Queens do not bend–they RISE! And No Black woman with any level of intelligence or self-respect will ever bow down to a cave bitch!

        So this little blog is a farce.

        No honey. White women are not worth it. You’re pathetic at best. What you are in a nutsell are a low, bestial, fragmented thinking, reptilian brain, genetic defect.

        There is no future with something that is destined to be annihilated by nature.

        Do you over-stand this, Caucasoid?


    • Truthangel07 says:

      It’s all brainwashing, Qnubian.


      • qnubian528 says:

        I agreed everything you said about that post,she really pure trash white whore!
        I am happy that black women are not going to watch this trash!
        I don’t care we are always labelled as angry black women, we have right to say not to this kind trash that insult black people!
        Thruth that white trash,she is the typical white women whores behaviour,they hate black women,but secretly want sleep with BM!


      • Truthangel07 says:

        The only thing a white woman can offer to any man is her vagina. She certainly has no strength of character or intellect to win the true affection and reverence that Black women have. Let’s face it, even Black men in relationships with these hoes will tell them quick: “Do not ever anger a Black woman.” They are not our equal. And many times, Black men have deep respect for that strength in us. Black women had to be strong to hold the race together. Our people were violated on levels that are inhuman. And that anger in Black women is to say to the world: We are the nurturers and defenders of our race and have a right to be angry. Black women are tired of weak men. We are tired of being dumped on by white people who we know are mentally sick. My Black life is not the reason why they are at negative birthrate and I will not allow them to project their depravity onto me.


      • qnubian528 says:

        They always said the BW are real problems,you know I am tired of white women victimised! When I was on plane with my husbanb, next to him was sitting this Becky. I didn’t know what happened, so she started laughing with my husband,she didn’t know I was there with them. She was starting to flirt with my husband and trying to touch his arm!! When I saw this, I gave to her an horrible face,my eyes were full of hatred! I could slapped her, she was so scared about me,she didn’t tourn her had anymore!Believe it was so disgusting these bitches,don’t have moral and no shame! They don’t know how to keep their legs close without do anything!
        They flirt with anyone doesn’t matter if a man is single or married,truly disgusting!


      • Truthangel07 says:

        This happened to a friend of mine years ago. It’s like…an arrogance in them that says: My white skin gives me access to whatever I want…even if what I want is not available. That is…until they mess with the wrong Black Queen who will not hesitate to check their ass. As you did.

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Truth and Tolliver,thanks for the update on this movie.The Haitian Revolution is more inspiring,but until we stop begging wp for money,it’s going to be more of the same.I try to do what my mother always tell me,and that is keeping looking up to the Heavenly Father.The US Debt is about to rear it’s ugly head Truth,and when the blood of the Haitians and the past generations of Black Cuban slaves demands payment,it’s going to get ugly with me clapping to the Heavens.I see Israel is taking Ethiopia side about Ethiopia and Egypt disagreement over water rights of the Nile.Ethiopia standing up is a sign of the African continent telling the world, no more of our resources, no more exploitation.Remember,MLK and Malcolm X are revered in the white community,but their approval ratings among wp were below 5% at the time of their deaths.GOD BLESS


  10. I have spoilers. Do you want to hear them? If not I wont post it.


    • Truthangel07 says:

      Sorry I’m so late getting back to you, Kushite. Sure. Go right ahead.

      Liked by 1 person

      • A film that is done accurate about Nat Turner should put fear in white folks! There’s no reason they should leave the theater feeling good about themselves. That’s how you know Nate Parker had to make a compromise to get the film made.
        A few things I heard about Birth of a Nation. I haven’t seen it myself:
        1. I heard that the studio told him no white women or children could be killed. Keep in mind that Nate is married to a white women in real life.
        2. I heard he gave himself up to the slave patrol. This never happened. A total fabrication.
        3. A black boy snitched on Nat. Another bold face lie. This reinforces the belief that black people can’t trust one another.
        4. Nat Turner was a preacher and believed that God can forgive you. Well I heard in the film there was a pedophile that wanted to get baptized. None of the white preachers would do it because he molested children. But Nat said he would do it because God can forgive anyone. WTF?! They made Nat a pedophile sympathizer?? This is a slap in the face!!! The crazy part is they hang Nat but a pedophile can be forgiven. What’s the message? The message is saying that a black man fighting for his freedom is unforgivable and must be punished BUT a sick pedophile can be redeemed. I’m speechless. White supremacy has reached new heights.


      • Truthangel07 says:

        Kushite. Thank you.

        This is important information.

        I’m going to share this with Dr. Phillip Valentine. I’ll get back to you with what he says…

        Liked by 1 person

      • Okay thanks. I’d be interested in what he has to say.


      • Truthangel07 says:

        Interesting that you just responded. He responded to what you said about 6 minutes ago. He agreed with what you said and added this: “Indeed. But even MORE sickening, was William Styron’s “novel” about Turner (“Confessions”) that was seen by white America (and many dumb-ass blacks) as “historic” in content and context – which portrayed him as a delusional dreamer, chronic masturbater, and religious fanatic with homosexual tendencies… ”

        What do you have to say in response?

        Liked by 1 person

      • He’s correct about that sick book. They always have to demonize black men that are strong warriors. They want to claim they are homosexuals because whites are natural fags. They tried to do the same thing with Malcolm X. I knew this film would be full of crap once Parker sold it to Fox. He had to make a compromise to get the film made on a large scale.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Truthangel07 says:

        Hence, this is why I don’t support any Black man married to white women. You can’t be married to a “dog-fucker”; and claim to have pride in your race. That’s bullshit! Any conscious Black man wouldn’t even want that as the vessel that is to incubate and birth his seed.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Talking black and sleeping whites do NOT mix. A total contradiction!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Truthangel07 says:

        Absolutely. There are some Black men who try to defend this. That is duality at it’s worst. Like a vegetarian eating a Big Mac. People really don’t understand what their convictions are nor do they over-stand integrity.

        Liked by 1 person

      • They’re just being fake. They are not really conscious. You can’t be fighting the enemy…..then being a sexual toilet for them at night. doesn’t work that way.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Truthangel07 says:

        No. And that’s what brought the Black Panthers down. People don’t think about that…but many of those women were double-agents.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I like what the Panthers tried to do. I agree that we need self defense and to protect our communities. But some of them…not all…some of them dated white women. And that was a BIG mistake. They let them infiltrate the group. We can’t have non-blacks in or organizations. We should learn from those mistakes and not repeat them.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Truthangel07 says:

        Correct. It’s an oxymoron and p0litically incorrect. A dual consciousness is a threat to those who have a vision. It impedes on progress of a group when those within it can’t make up their mind what they truly stand for or represent.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Very true sis. Did you hear about this? This is pure evil! This shows how sick these creatures are. What type of people keep a skull for 180 years???? Disgusting!!!!

        Nat Turner’s skull is returned to descendants after nearly 200 years

        Liked by 1 person

      • Truthangel07 says:

        They used to collect body parts of lynched Black men, Kushite. I’m not surprised by any of that. Study European history; white people are absolutely depraved and malevolent. There is no good in them.

        Liked by 1 person

      • It’s so sad. Nothing but devils!!!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Truthangel07 says:

        You know…many white people actually do worship Satan. It’s a proper name for them, indeed.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yep you said it!

        Liked by 1 person

  11. toliver55 says:

    Here are some facts about the case. I have more but I think this will suffice.

    August 25, 2016: Four Penn State University alumni have come out in support of actor/director/producer Nate Parker and writer Jean McGianni Celestin. Penn State alums LaKeisha Wolf, Assata Richards, Lurie Daniel Favors and Brian Favors released a statement late Wednesday night.
    Here is what it says, in part:

    1. The woman making the claim was a white college student and the criminal trial was decided by 11 white jurors and one black woman in Centre County, Pennsylvania. Nate Parker was fully acquitted at trial and Jean Celestin was wrongly convicted on one charge which he later successfully appealed.

    2. Despite what’s been widely reported, Jean Celestin ultimately served nearly two years in prison while he fought to clear his name. His conviction was later reversed by the Pennsylvania Superior Court of Appeals and he was fully exonerated. The court that reversed Jean Celestin’s conviction overturned less than 15 percent of all the convictions appealed [pdf] in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania that year.

    3. Witnesses were threatened by the investigators who were trying to build a case against Mr. Parker and Mr. Celestin. As a result of those threats, some witnesses (including one of the undersigned) had to seek legal protection from the very investigators charged with finding the facts.

    4. A key prosecution eyewitness changed his statement several times after being threatened and coerced by police investigators.

    5. The allegations of torture, stalking and intimidation of the woman involved in the case are absolutely untrue. Neither Mr. Parker, Mr. Celestin, nor any members acting on behalf of the Black Caucus ever stalked or harassed the young woman. As a routine part of the university and police investigation into this matter, both Mr. Parker and Mr. Celestin had bail orders that barred them both from certain parts of campus and from approaching the young woman involved. Had those orders been violated, both would have been arrested before their criminal trial. Neither the Black Caucus leadership, nor the group’s academic adviser was ever contacted about any supposed harassment of the young woman by black student members.

    6. From the date of their arrest until after their trial, both Mr. Parker and Mr. Celestin were under strict bail conditions to have absolutely no contact with the young woman. Had they violated that order, their bail would have been revoked. Claims of harassment were used to support a civil suit filed against Penn State University for payment after the criminal case. Neither Mr. Parker nor Mr. Celestin were named in the civil lawsuit, neither Mr. Parker nor Mr. Celestin were ever interviewed or contacted about that civil suit—nor were they able to defend themselves in that suit and were not aware of its existence until it was settled.

    7. Contrary to repeated inaccurate media reports, there is nothing to suggest that the ruling had anything to do with prior intimate contact with the young woman involved. The jury made no mention of this when they rendered their verdict. The jury’s decision was based on prosecution and defense witnesses and evidence in the court record that indicated that the young woman was both conscious and engaged during the evening in question.

    Ariel Toliver,

    Liked by 1 person

  12. toliver55 says:

    Ariel Toliver

    The reason they are brought this up is because they wanted to derail the public from watching his upcoming film about the slave rebellion with Nat Turner that got white folks up in arms. Irregardless of what the details of the case may entail this would have never seen the light of day had it not been for him making a very uncomfortable film in this system of white supremacy. They know on a symbolic level this film represents a energy of discomfort and revolution that could spark a whole range of emotions that white folks are to scared to face. Because they live in a system of insulation that shelters them from experiencing racial strife that gated communities protect them from where they are not forced to interact with other racial groups.

    They don’t have to deal with race based stress. This type of environment builds expectations for racial comfort while at the same time lowering the ability to tolerate racial stress that leads to what we call today as “white fragility”.
    White fragility is a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress become intolerable triggering a range of defensive moves. Anger, fear, and guilt, and being argumentative. Silence and leaving the stress inducing situation are the many ways white people express their uneasiness when it comes to this situation.

    So the type of film that Nate Parker is making is what white people spend their whole lives trying to avoid. You see white folks only want to see subservient sl*ve movies where their position of authority isn’t challenged. This type of film keeps their supreme self esteem high.
    When you challenge the system of white supremacy as a public figure your slate past or present has to be clean and clear. White people vibrate on a very low level so when you are trying to raise the energy of black people by exposing them to uncomfortable truth, white folks will lower that frequency by exposing dirt about the person who is trying to bring light to darkness whoever that truth teller may be.

    This is the low frequency that the white race resides in. Which is why they can do the most inhumane acts and still be able to function without flinching at the slightest exposure.
    And example of this would be Stephen Collins from the hit show 7th Heaven that Jessica Biel, Justin Timberlake’s wife co-starred in. He admitted on national television that he was/is a child molester. And the public didn’t bat an eye.

    This movie would have set a precedent of independent black film makers to create movies based on history that shows black people in unconventional form as not being subservient and submissive to “Massa” but bringing vengeance and atonement to those that died on their sword and shield fighting for black freedom. White Hollywood only wants films about slavery where we don’t question their authority let alone a mass revolt. This is “Colonial America” hates Haiti so much because they fought against the West an won. Hollywood would never make a film about that. But they lover their horror movies to be based and inspired by true events.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Truthangel07 says:

      This is by far one of the best written responses I’ve read in a long time. EXCELLENT. I’m going to share it.

      Liked by 2 people

      • subse7en says:

        Hey sister, in addition to the EXCELLENT comment UP above by T55, this ARTICLE right here ALSO explains WHY the movie didn’t “fare” too well at the box office (or amongst many of our “peoples”):

        View at

        Liked by 1 person

      • Truthangel07 says:

        I heard that some of the theaters were switching tickets at the door. People paid to see BON but didn’t realize till they got to the door that their tickets said something else. That’s sabotage.

        Liked by 1 person

      • toliver55 says:

        Thanks, before you share can you correct those typos? I didn’t have time to “proof read” I was at work when I wrote this. So a lot of what you read may have been slightly different once I was done writing it. But I do have more to say so this won’t be my only comment. Is there any possible way that you may add an edit feature to your blog? That would be really dope. Anyway thanks for speaking on this issue. I was really upset at how Mate Parker was treated. He must feel so defeated right now after putting his heart and soul into this project with his own money.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Truthangel07 says:

        Well, I think things might get better. I do believe the Powers that Be wanted him to fail.


    • Lucine L says:

      Truth!! The hate these people have for Haïti will never end and they let Haitians suffer for standing up against oppression.

      Liked by 1 person

    • The Black Panther says:

      @Ariel_Toliver, best response ever. I’ve never understood their mindset, but reading these blogs, and not interacting but observing the behavior of whites shows what and who they are. Thank you, and thank you too Blogger.

      Liked by 1 person

      • toliver55 says:

        Right, you absolutely correct because it allows your mind to reconfigure the world around You without the saturation of the white perspectives on our environment. Which taints your ability to decipher it effectively. Because most black people view the world from a white mindset. Which is what we call the “Massa is We Sick” syndrome. Which is why the white conservative media is able to bring decade plus old cases back from the dead to destroy the image of our most successful influential African American celebrities.

        Black women are mostly effected by this in a reactionary sense. Black men are proactive but both are equally used to drive the narrative that is as a whole are the reason our conditions prevail. You would have to be a fool to believe white people care about rape victims in a general sense when we know this statistic about their true nature goes unreported.

        White men commit 66.9% of assaults on family members and children, 47% of murders , 73.3% of sex offenses, 65% of forcible rape, 63% of aggravated assault, 69% of burglary, 75.4% of vandalism, 59% of violent crime, 78% of arson, 63% of auto theft , 58% of suspicion, 68.7% of fraud etc… Also 88% of Serial Killers and Serial Rapists are white males.
        {source: FBI}.

        But, this is what really goes on in their gated communities. And none of them report these very common problems to law enforcement. Look at that Duggar’s show “19 Kids and Counting” about the father molesting his kids and the family knew and did nothing. White people are far from oblivious as to the down right detestable behavior that goes on in their neighborhood. These people are a virus to this entire planet. You even have other white people calling for their eradication.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Truthangel07 says:

        I agree with everything you said..

        Where did you get those statistics?

        Liked by 1 person

      • The Black Panther says:

        So true. Here in South Africa, whites hire desperate Africans to kill their white parents so that they can get their share of their stolen wealth, and Africans get the blame. It happens all the time. We had two cases where white kids would do the dirty work themselves, like killing the entire family and raping the younger children but put the blame on Africans. We’re so tired of their shit but they don’t seem to get tired of their own shit. So I assume that it must be genetics.


      • Truthangel07 says:

        White people are always killing their families. All you have to do is remind them of that and they know they can’t refute it.

        God is angry. He’s not playing. And nature has been warning white folks for centuries. Now, they are at negative birthrate in America–and worldwide, it’s not much better.

        You reap what you sew.

        I’m just waiting for Karma to finish the job.

        Liked by 1 person

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