A Black Messiah Is On The Horizon…


From the beginning, one of the greatest fear of white men is the rise of a messiah among Black people. It is a fear so deep, it has been the trigger within white males to commit violent acts on innocent Black men for centuries to protect their white supremacy and their legacy.

This country was built with slave labor and the thought of Black self-empowerment was an oxymoron to that system.

As far back as Booker T. Washington, our government has worried that a Black Moses would arise and mobilize a socio-economic and political evolution among Black people. This would disestablish white supremacy.

Ultimately, Black people must gain a new spirit of confidence in order to destroy White Supremacy.

Dr. Amos Wilson stated in one of his lectures years ago, “When you have an identity, it is very difficult for a person to set upon you another set of values.Because having a positive identity and a solid identity is a defense.against being penetrated by alien forces.”  The lecture below speaks profoundly of what is exactly the problem within many Black people as to the reason we sometimes get in our own way.

Everything happening right now is linked to metaphysics.  Generational curses are literally being confronted by divine governance. The instability that we are witnessing is literally God exposing the dirt that has been swept under the carpet for decades. We are being prepared for a new phase in our destiny.  New leaders will emerge and one of them being the feared, Black Messiah.  This will cause the split from the White Supremacist system, ushering in a new phase in our history.

This is what white people have feared.

It is already upon us.

Pay attention to the signs.

It’s all written in the wind.


55 comments on “A Black Messiah Is On The Horizon…

  1. Truth,I believe in the Heavenly Father.I do believe in turning the cheek,Except when it comes to my safety.Again,I don’t worry what wp do,I believe that we’re in control of our empowerment.Wp are still killing unarmed black people,that is out our control,because we’re not in control of other people’s behavior.Your argument with this guy tells you the end is near,because GOD said that people will deny him.One thing I know for sure Truth,when I look at things happening in the world today,GOD is batting 1000%,man is BATTING 0.GOD BLESS


    • Truthangel07 says:

      Not a smart move to battle with a deity who has a strong track record. Creation was his masterpiece; Parting the Red Sea (Over-standing the metaphysics of it…) was his Opus. And what are we? Dirt with an attitude. That’s precisely what organic components make up the human body–everything in dirt is in us.


  2. Truthangel07 says:

    I do not argue with atheists or other non believers in God. I do not proselytize on this blog. But for those who are seeking God; I offer this video:


  3. Good words are stated in the post. But lets get serious for a moment and stop talking about mysticism. Spirituality is not about spooks in the sky or messiah or mystic philosophy (Where was this so powerful God during the enslavement of African people?). Spirituality is the deification of real world issues so that you can perceive and engage them correctly. If you are not talking about things like economics, militarism, psychology, politics, etc, then you are not really talking spirituality and African Liberation, you are just talking about mysticism and personal faith (inspired by white man faith most of the time). Lets get serious and be a messiah instead of waiting for one. Until we stop being religious and face real issues, we will remain jokes for other races. This is not a game of faith!


    • Truthangel07 says:

      Excuse me, you lost me at your first sentence. I believe in God. God was where he’s always been–in the hearts of those Africans. They knew him before any of us. And I’m sure they asked why. But when you read the scriptures, God instructed Moses to teach the Children of Israel his commandments and to abide by them. If they did; many blessings would come to them. If they turned away from them; curses would follow. Listening to God’s instructions is imperative to have a good quality life. Not listening to him, brings on a lot of grief. Everything that happens on this earth is not always God’s doing. Satan is real and he roams the earth seeking whom he can destroy. Getting into the metaphysics of slavery is not going to change an Atheist person into a Believer. And, I am not in the mood to debate as to why God wasn’t somewhere. However, as a counter, I’m sure he’d ask: why did men allow slavery to happen in the first place.


      • Using the bible to talk about African spirituality is like using eurocentric textbooks in African schools. It’s gonna format your mind to think like the white man about god. Many of you don’t even have a name for our god(s). If you claim that your god is OMNISCIENT, talking about human faults is a non-sense as god knew what would happen regardless human choices. We must put aside mysticism to solve our problems. LETS GET SERIOUS!!! If your god is OMNISCIENT, you can’t do anything about the conditions of our people, god know what will happen.

        The bible is an history book manipulated by europeans for their interests and you fall into the trap by making it the base of your spiritual awareness. If you read the bible carefully, despite errors introduced by translations, you would realize that what people call gods were actually scientifically advanced Africans that other African groups could not understand (they called them gods, Elohim etc.). The bible has nothing to do with mysticism. But hey! Humans love mysticism and spooks.

        We need actions, not metaphysics, faith or a sky daddy.


      • Truthangel07 says:

        You’re entitled to your opinion but you do not know what you’re talking about. This is merely rhetoric that you memorized for another source that mirrored your own pathology, ideology and political mindset.

        The pathway to enlightenment means one must release all dogmas and superstitions in order to understand the divine. I never mentioned anything about a church. I am talking about THE CREATOR, God.


      • Can you tell us where the idea of a creator comes from? Why not 11, 17 or 78 creators? Thinking about A CREAOR is a christian mentality! When our ancestors in Kemet were talking about God, it was about the God within, not a sky-daddy that has control of everything in their life. And they used authentic words to refer to him (RA, Amen-Ra etc.). Words has power!

        You stated that “I don’t what I’m talking about”. So you know what you’re talking about!? You have evidences for god, the metaphysics and other spooks you’re talking about? I can prove you that the bible has nothing to do with a sky-daddy. All the mysticisms were introduced in the bible by people who did not understand what they were witnessing. But now we have the knowledge and sciences to understand instead of using bling faith and contradicting metaphysics.

        Stop pretending to know things you don’t know! This is the problem of religion disguised as spirituality!

        I invited you to connect with reality instead of encouraging the people to be more lazy waiting for a sky-daddy to save us.

        Of course you’re free to practice your metaphysics of spirituality but don’t pretend this is the way our people will get free. We have been at this for centuries, it’s time to face REALITY!! it’s an EMERGENCY!!


      • And you have the nerve to claim that my people is cursed! What a disgrace to think like the catholic church! This is very offensive to African people. Saying that we’re a cursed people is insulting. This mentality takes away the responsibility of savage europeans in our current situations. Stop it! Please!


      • Now you want me to act like a schizophrenic (to ask God) and you block my most relevant comments. Wonderful! So you have spoken to god!?? Interesting! Tell us more 😉


      • Truthangel07 says:

        Are you absolutely sure there is no God? If not, then is it not possible that there is a God? And if it is possible that God exists, then can you think of any reason that would keep you from wanting to look at the evidence?


      • I never pretend to know it all. I invited you to stop pretending to know things you don’t know. That’s it! I’m not the one talking about God, Creator etc. I’m humble to admit there are thing I don’t know but I not so naive to blindly accept your mysticism and your metaphysics. This is not what my people need


      • Truthangel07 says:

        Would you agree that intelligently designed things call for an intelligent designer of them? If so, then would you agree that evidence for intelligent design in the universe would be evidence for a designer of the universe?


      • Truthangel07 says:

        Would you also agree that just because we cannot see God with our eyes does not necessarily mean He doesn’t exist?


      • I don’t know if there is a god or not. I’m humble enough to say I don’t know. There is no shame in not knowing. But pretending to know things without evidence is nonsense. You can’t just say there is a god because the world is beautiful. You have to account for bone cancer in children. Why should I acknowledge an All Powerful, Omniscient God who creates a world that is so full of injustice and pain?


      • Truthangel07 says:

        Would you agree that nothing cannot produce something? If so, then if the universe did not exist but then came to exist, wouldn’t this be evidence of a cause beyond the universe?


      • As I stated earlier, thinking about a creator, a designer etc is a christian mentality. Why not 11, 59, 6789 designers/creators? Your mind is formatted to think about a God, a Master, a Designer. And you’re so confident that you know things you REALLY don’t know.


      • Truthangel07 says:

        n the light of the big bang evidence for the origin of the universe, is it more reasonable to believe that no one created something out of nothing or someone created something out of nothing?


      • I agree that nothing cannot produce something. Now we arrive to the question: Who produced god?


      • Truthangel07 says:

        God produced himself.


      • “God produced himself” That so easy to say and to be believed by a naive mind. You’re contradicting yourself. I don’t believe in the bing bang stuff neither. Lets seek for truth instead of pretending we KNOW stuff without evidence or just because it makes us feel good about ourselves.


      • Truthangel07 says:

        Would you agree that something presently exists? If something presently exists, and something cannot come from nothing, then would you also agree that something must have always existed?


      • The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to the presence of those who think they’ve found it.


      • Truthangel07 says:

        If an effect cannot be greater than its cause (since you can’t give what you do not have to give), then does it not make more sense that mind produced matter than that matter produced mind, as atheists say?


      • My point: The All powerful, all loving and OMNISCIENT god that you’re talking about doesn’t match reality. You have a brain connected to reality. Use it instead of letting contradicting metaphysics abuse you.


      • Truthangel07 says:

        Is there anything wrong anywhere? If so, how can we know unless there is a moral law?


      • The moral law is simple. It’s in human nature. If you need a sky-daddy, a god to know that murder is wrong, you lack empathy, not religion or spirituality.

        You should respect your readers. Don’t pretend to know things you don’t know.


      • Truthangel07 says:

        Would you agree that if it took intelligence to make a model universe in a science lab, then it took super-intelligence to make the real universe?

        Liked by 1 person

    • nkomo78 says:

      I understand what you’re saying. But most of the time, religion is a mental enslavement tool in the hands of the ruling class.

      At cost of offending my beautiful sister, TruthAngel (😂😂), I agree with Reyel Mauricio, that our struggle for human rights and and total empowerment, our fight should be a secular one, not a religious picnic.

      Black males should focus on disintegrating enemy troops and establish revolutionary power. That’s our job: to advance and finance a powerful agenda for our women and African people.

      Passive resistance (turning the other cheek) or suffering peacefully (‘wait on the Lord’) is not only offensive, but a dangerous philosophy to teach black people. Instead of building churches/mosques, we should build black businesses, schools, colleges, hospitals, libraries etc.


      • Truthangel07 says:

        People who don’t over-stand the spiritual component to life; truly don’t GET IT. The genesis of everything impacting this earth began in the spiritual realm. You’re trying to fight a spiritual battle using natural weapons. The Bible says clearly: For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. ~Ephesians 6:12

        This isn’t about religion–you’re obscucating my words. I spoke of the Bible–a guide for mankind, given by the spirit of God. I never mentioned anything about a church. The church is within you. The Gospel was not intended to be a religion (a man-made concept). Human beings are not deities with omnipresence, omnipotent and omniscience. We are flawed creatures and our choices reflect that. In order to evolve, we must have a standard (God identity) to esteem our society. That’s my point.


      • You seem to master the spiritual realm (God favored you). Please tell us more about it. I mean, give us evidences not metaphysics stuff 😉


      • Truthangel07 says:

        Reyel, we’re done. Do not mock me, sir. You are not talking to a naive child. There are things YOU DON’T KNOW ABOUT. Find your own truth. That’s the advice I give to know-it-alls. The evidence is right in front of you. Speak! Ask a question to God. And wait for him to answer.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Maybe something has always existed. But referring to it has a saviour, a creator, a god who has power on our life is pure nonsense. I repeat: STOP PRETENDING TO KNOW THINGS YOU DON’T KNOW! THERE IS NO SHAME IN NOT KNOWING!


    • So you’re out of think capacity and you pick random questions on the internet from christian sites (http://geekychristian.com/questions-for-atheists-agnostics/)?

      Regarding your last question “Would you agree that if it took intelligence to make a model universe in a science lab, then it took super-intelligence to make the real universe?”

      Did you consider the case of MULTIPLE intelligenceS in a science lab? This or those intelligence(s) won’t create themselves as you want people to believe for your sky-daddy (god). The honest ones would have questions about who they are instead of concluding that a god dit it.


      • Truthangel07 says:

        Reyel. You are a coward. Pure and simple. You’d rather argue with someone about what you don’t believe than use your own brain and investigate what you’re curious about. That’s scholarship! Faith is not a debate–it’s an act. I believe in God. He has made his presence known throughout my life. I don’t need an earthquake or miracles for proof. I’ve literally had distinct prayers answered. FIND HIM OWN YOUR OWN. Ask God to reveal himself to you. He likes to be invited into his creation’s lives. He’s not an intruder. Ask Him to come into your life. I dare you!


      • People like you are useless for our community. You’re an eurocentric pawn disguised as Afrocentric. How could you really think that there is some sort of god doing you good in your personal life giving the misery of our people worldwide. To quote Sam Harris, “given all that this God of yours doesn’t accomplish in the lives of others, given the misery that’s being imposed on some helpless child at this instance, this kind of faith is obscene. To think in this way is to fail to reason honestly, or to care sufficiently for the suffering of other human beings.” Your god is omniscient, so why ask him? Are you on some sort of drug? Of course, Abrahamic drug.


      • Truthangel07 says:

        I picked those questions because they are poignant. I can ask even more on my own, but Reyel, I don’t argue with fools. You have convinced yourself that God does not exist. It is not my responsibility to convince you that he does. You have made a CHOICE. To continue to bait me into any type of exchange, begging for evidence, is not someone who has made a confident choice, but one who is looking to be saved.


      • Who is the fool? The one pretending to know things he/she doesn’t know or the one inviting you to use your brain? Stop lying! You said some people have seen god. Which color he is? How tall is he? You’re pathetic you religious fool!


      • You need cure! You’re victim of the most powerful weapon of white supremacy: Religion and god. Now liberators are your enemies and your oppressor become your liberator. Your behaviour reveal how many supposed Afrocentric people are still prisoners of the white man’s religion. The heads of Blacks today belong mostly to the slave-religions and it’s sad to see a person like you arguing nonsense. You have made good posts, I admit it. But now you’re actings as the pastors in our community: Teaching our people to remain religious slaves.


      • Truthangel07 says:

        This is your last post on my blog. You have become disrespectful. I will not tolerate it any further.


  4. Truth,I know and it’s not just the US.25% of white males between the ages 35 & 45 in Western Europe are not married nor have any kids.White men in Eastern Europe are leading the world in new HIV cases.Everything they planned for us is now happening to them and at a larger rate.Their opioid use is out of control.40% of wp are now on welfare,and they get 60% of the money,so to black women,wp no longer have the right to call you welfare queens,that distinction clearly belongs to them.My mother says she can’t for wp to bankrupt Social Security to pay for their drug habit,because the more rehab centers they build,the more drugs they will use.I told you most white men will be completely impotent in 10 to 15 years.GOD BLESS


    • Truthangel07 says:

      It just keeps adding up.

      And they still are too arrogant to realize how their behavior on this planet has brought about all of these curses among them.

      The hate these people have extended to us has returned to them. And there will be NO ONE to comfort them when it really hits the fan. Not a soul will grieve them.


  5. White people are more angry than ever.Truth as my mother said wp have her blessing to be as racist as they want to be.GOD will bring devastation to the US that much faster.I don’t worry about them,I keep looking toward the Heavenly Father,and I will not be buying Christmas gifts in their communities.As I told Negress, I’m ready for 2020,because as I said before wp will be even madder in 2020 than they are.GOD BLESS

    Liked by 1 person

    • Truthangel07 says:

      Yesterday, I was reading an article that basically talked about the white negative birthrate. It’s worse than what was originally reported in 1996. By 2025,their population will drop severely. By 2040, they will be the new minority. The original year for this to occur was 2070. Long story short; white people are headed for such a decrease in population they could become extinct in less than 100 years.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. That is their biggest fear! Great post!


    • Truthangel07 says:

      It sure is….but what happened in the Nativity story? That baby was hidden and protected from evil forces until it was ready to emerge itself. God has already chosen who that person is. There is nothing anyone can do to stop it.

      Liked by 3 people

  7. diaryofanegress says:

    Love this lecture from The King. I listen to him regularly on Saturday and Sunday mornings as I do my chores about the house. The Messiah that they fear isn’t a black man, it’s a black Wombman who will lead the masses to freedom.

    CoIntelPro was founded based on this intense fear and it was number one on their agenda by the homosexual leader, Hoover.

    You are correct.

    It has already happened as I see more and more sisters leading their people away from Mammon and towards greater self awareness. Things will get even realer when our men begin to follow us and fight for us and defend us.

    Then it will truly be O-V-E-R.


    • Truthangel07 says:

      One of the things white men desire more than anything is for Black women to worship them. Keep dreaming. We know who our king is and he is not a genetic parasite. Black men have been unconscious for a very long time. When they finally come to–It’s over for white males.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. blakksage says:

    Everything happening right now is linked to metaphysics. Generational curses are literally being confronted by divine governance. The instability that we are witnessing is literally God exposing the dirt that has been swept under the carpet for decades. – TruthAngel07

    Amen! It couldn’t have been stated any more clear. Keep up the good work Sista!

    Liked by 2 people

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