So. What Will Happen Next?


This morning, I woke up as usual.  I prayed to God–giving thanks.  Then I went into the bathroom.  The hot water spigot is stripped–and the water is not feeding through when trying to shower.  My blood pressure went up a bit but mainly I just took it in stride and accepted that this is just another issue to put on the block.

Nonetheless, I’m not yet ready to blog any pieces about anything yet.  As most of you, I am waiting till after the Inauguration.

Obama gave his last speech in Chicago last night.  That’s my hometown.  I wish I could have been there.  I was laying down when it came on and only heard about 10 minutes of it before dozing off.  I checked it out again on the news-feed and I was struck by how unmoved I was.  Honestly, I haven’t been that impressed with Obama.  He’s done some things but I feel that African Americans didn’t hold him accountable.  His capitulation to the Republican Party and to White America’s Fear of a Black President, literally set the tone for the election of Donald Trump.

Here is the full speech for those who missed it:

9 days from now, a new man will sit in the seat being vacated by President Barack Hussein Obama.

What kind of transition will this be?

I am actually not ready to make any kind of speculation because frankly, I just can’t call it right now.

Today, I’m focused on getting myself in a position where I won’t have to work.  I really am thinking about retiring young.  There is a lot I want to do.  And I am going to put more energy in becoming THE OWNER of what I do.  Entrepreneurship is the best route for African Americans in my opinion.  I got plans.  BIG PLANS.

As for the rest, I’m sure there will be a lot to talk about in 2017.  But…as of yet, we’ll all just have to wait and see what will unfold.

19 comments on “So. What Will Happen Next?

  1. Truth, I see GOD exposing all the lies in this world. I saw a tweet from porn star LT,where he implored black people to watch a youtube video of the Khazar conspiracy. In this video there documents and research that has been proven that the Jews that is in Israel now, ARE NOT related to the 12 Tribes of Israel. Despite 800 murders in Chicago, which is a lot I admit,the media never focus on the Blacks that is out in the streets trying to combat the problem. Well my goals for 2017,GOD FIRST, black empowerment,black unity, lowering black on black crime and to get the Haitian Revolution on the big screen,told through our eyes.No white hero’s hip here . Truth, as I told Kushite, getting the Haitian Revolution on the big screen is going to scare the living daylights out of wp.GOD BLESS

    Liked by 1 person

    • Truthangel07 says:

      Seven, I grew up in Chicago and I know the amount of energy that people on the ground level put in trying to combat the gang problem. And I’m well aware of the Khazar conspiracy. Dr. Umar Johnson has talked about that. As an addendum: The Khazar also financed the Nazi’s. You never hear Jews want to talk about that. You’re right about the Haitian Revolution–it will scare the hell out of white folks, as it should but let us pray that it doesn’t get killed by a scandal like Nate Parker’s Birth of a Nation.


  2. Happy New Year! I have faith that everything will be okay. I want to be positive, I hate to be so negative, despite what’s going on in the world. I don’t want to be depressed. God is on our side.

    I am aiming towards economic advancement with my entrepreneurial endeavors. I’ve opened up my VA (Virtual Assistant) business last year. Still working on growing that. Now I’ve just opened up another business, a T-shirt and apparel shop. Read this post about it:

    As far as my book goes, I put that on hold, but I may get back to working on that soon. I still have your book to order. It’s on my to do list. I haven’t been buying books as I want to lately. My little bit of money been going elsewhere.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Truthangel07 says:

      Happy New Year, OBW. I’m glad to hear from you. You most definitely have a lot going on. I’ve been thinking about starting my own business as well. I’d like to incorporate and develop some ideas I’ve had for years. As for the book–it can be daunting to stay on course when you have so much to do. The sequel to Butterflies in Bronzeville has been delayed; but I will finish it this year. I hear you about the money…KEEPING IT and making it grow is the key. Invest well.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. The problem with black people is that they’re into short term thinking–they don’t prepare for theFUTURE.

    If our people were to build POWER through BUSINESSES, BLACK families (dating /marriage within black people), schools, colleges, FINANCE AND PICK their own POLITICIANS etc. , there would be no need to panic. No matter how racist Trump is, he would work for black people. The joke is on black people.

    No matter how hard things are; we have to fight back! We have to oppose unjust war with a just one:

    Liked by 1 person

    • Truthangel07 says:

      Everyone agrees that Economic advancement is the way to go; family second and financial empowerment is a close third. I agree with everything you said. Charity begins at home; and Black power starts there as well.


  4. I wish you well on your endeavors. I will in 2017 continue to donate to black causes and buy stocks in black companies. A African tribe in Namibia is suing Germany over genocide atrocities.When it is said and done, the whole African continent will be suing every country in Europe over it’s mistreatment of Africa. The funny thing is the European continent is broke.14 African countries paying France a colonial tax. My mother told me,the way it’s looking,the more money these African countries give France, the broker France gets. GOD is about to tear the European continent apart. All Count Morcerf are you really that upset.I see that wp are using the false narrative of white genocide,but they are the biggest reasons for their genocide. Wp have to know they are in trouble when commercials advertise for opioid medicine, a drug they are already abusing. Now all I need is for Donald to raise taxes,so he can help build rehab centers for wp,while tearing the US down the middle.GOD BLESS


    • Truthangel07 says:

      Black Power is becoming global. Our people all over this world are WAKING UP. We are the lighting rod that is causing this consciousness shift. The days of white power is just about over. Their white privilege is being cancelled and when people of color begin to pay them back for the atrocities they’ve violated against them over the centuries; it will signal their END! The power of God is real!


  5. I am at the same cross-roads. About to finish school in march and I plan to take a month off in April to Dubai, Rwanda, Johannesburg and possibly Taiwan or Malaysia. This country is already too far gone imo. I saved 12,000 last year and prepped food and water like my life depended on it along with survival gear. I have my weapon and my peace of mind. I pray things go smoothly for the Children’s sake but if not I am ready to fight, flee and die before I live under Jim Crow 2.0.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Truthangel07 says:

      Jim Crow? I don’t think that will happen. However, Black people must not fear–this is the perfect time to reorder how we choose to exist in the context of a dying white population who refuses to accept the worth and value of people of color around this world as well as in this country.


  6. The Nazi regime is coming….get ready! I’m staying strapped! Black people need to be prepared for anything.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Truthangel07 says:

      Kushite. I’m not fearful. God is my fortress. And I’m not fearing any man or thing of this earth.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Truth,as my mother said, GOD’S word will be fullfilled.Chuck D says you will see Trump’s attitude towards black people when it comes to travel.As I said before, by 2020 it is predicted that black people will travel internationally more than the rest of the races put together. Black businesses are growing worldwide,and our travel will expand that.Chuck D said that if Trump makes it harder for black people to get passports, then Trump will be telling black people where he stands. Just recently, Ethiopian Jews are building businesses in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, and better than that,they have been inviting a lot of blacks from the US to visit.Recently the biggest growth in Marseille has been made by African and Arab immigrants.Next stop Paris:Next stop the European continent. I think the Count Morcerf era is about to hit wp sooner than I think.

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