The Blueprint for The Caucasoid’s End!

Greetings, Family.

For the past few days I’ve been in deep thought.  Have you ever sat in the quiet allowing your mind to travel into spaces that most times seem off limits?  I do that a lot.  What have I been thinking about?  Everything happening right now.

You go through life wondering about a lot of things and then one day, someone gives you the answers you’ve been seeking. It’s a game-changer for real. The empowerment is beyond the euphoria one feels, say, if you win a lot of money.

However, I’m also frustrated that people can’t see the answer is right in front of them.  We have spent hundreds of years allowing a sick, twisted, mentally ill, alien to bend, shape and configure our inherent intelligence to the level of a child that needs an adult to educate it.  That is not who we are. So, who are we?

Do many Black people know how advance ancient Africans were?  In Timbuktu, there were doctors performing surgeries.  There is record of plumbing being found in ancient Egypt–long before the Greek and Romans.  They stole that knowledge from US.  Western civilization began in Greece.  But Greek civilization BEGAN IN AFRICA!  And white people know this but they had to construct a system to hide the identity of Black people in order to justify their sickness. White supremacy is truly from the minds of insane white men whose origins of being cave dwellers in the Caucus Mountains of Eurasia disturbed them when the first settlers were allowed to come into ancient Africa.  They saw creation in human form.  They did not know any of what they were witnessing.  Their humiliation was real but they were crafty and devious in mind, and from the genesis of that initial act of naivete’ of African leaders, white people became a thorn in our  ancestor’s side. They could not handle the truth of their flawed genetics and existence, thus, they created a philosophy, created in the crevices of dark, reprobate minds, void of any morality, truth, or rationality. “Caucasian” means: weak boned, weak-blooded, stale face. Nothing mentioned about supremacy. White Supremacy is Witchcraft, plain and simple.

Today, while still seeking more truth on what I have been feeling, the universe opened up more gifts to extend and confirm that what I have been meditating on, is in fact, our remedy for the Freedom we’ve been seeking.

Please listen to the young man.  His words penetrated my spirit.  And he’s absolutely right.

17 comments on “The Blueprint for The Caucasoid’s End!

  1. Lina says:

    I know I’m a couple of years late to weigh in on this, but I do believe everything God has put on my path is for a reason.
    Right now as I’m writing this, we’re in the middle of a pandemic.
    One thing you said that resonated with me is when you said how much wp stole from Africa. I say this because a month or so ago, astronomers in Ethiopia saw one of the most aligned eclipse in human civilization. I hear this on the news and if you don’t know, In Ethiopia, the current year is 2012. He comes forth with ancient knowledge we’re keeping hidden from wp for obvious reasons. If we show it, they will steal it. If they come for it, every person child to old will die to protect it. But no one in my country wants war.
    In this ancient scripture, it proves that astronomy began in Ethiopia. They did some of the most complex math the world wouldn’t even believe existed back then using stars and the sun and predicted the world was going to end in 2012. Now wp were told their calendar was wrong way back then, but they wouldn’t correct it. Arrogance?
    When they came to steal it, they forgot to erase the name off of the test they cheated on. So here we are. 2012. The world is on lockdown.
    There are so many more the world doesn’t know yet. Including the Arc of the covenant. Including the Kushite kingdom e.t.c…
    There are so many prophecies that are yet to be fulfilled in the years to come.
    Have hope. Trust in God. God always has a plan.


  2. Great post Angel. That brother broke it down very well. I’ve seen a few of his videos on YouTube. He’s pretty intelligent. This is very important information. We have to be mentally prepared for the battle we are in. Too many of us don’t think strategic enough. We must have our body armor at all times. You made great points in this post. I always learn something new when I visit this blog. Keep it up Angel. Stay on the righteous path and you will be victorious! Stay strong sis.


  3. Truth, this guy are so bad that wp are telling on themselves.Now that Australia is on the verge of financial collapse,they’re begging the Aborigines for forgiveness.Do white people know that Sydney was founded by convicts and criminals that England exiled.Do white people know that the Book Revelation tells the World who the Real Hebrew is.GOD is still going to test our faith in him,I’m ready for my test.GOD BLESS


    • Truthangel07 says:

      Black folks have been tested through and through…White folks don’t know God. And he’s letting them know that he is not pleased with them. Look for unexpected perils for White America.


  4. nidotopianwarrior says:

    I sent that before I was finished…. We must reflect their witchcraft back on to them……. We have to hit them where it hurts, the mind…


    • Truthangel07 says:

      White people fear the truth. That’s the one thing that will destroy them and the system of white supremacy. Everyone is using all of the brain power and wasting precious time to provoke this creature to emotions they just don’t have. I’m not appealing to a divine being; they are demonic by nature. An exorcism on the highest level is the remedy.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. nidotopianwarrior says:

    That brother is very wise and very intellectual. The best way for blacks to defeat White Supremacy is first through Spiritual Warfare, we must continually petition the heavens and the Most High for the destruction of these devils…. We must start throwing curses on them, calling down plagues upon them, torments, pestilence.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Truthangel07 says:

      What do you think our ancestors were doing in those fields, Nido? The slave watchers would be on the horse monitoring them…listening to them singing in the fields as they picked that cotton. To their mind, “oh, look at them happy darkies…” That was cognitive dissonance. But Africans are clever; those songs were code and prayers. They were communicating to each other and to God. Those prayers are now what is destroying white people at this time. Look at statistics about them. Divine retribution is real.

      Liked by 3 people

      • nidotopianwarrior says:

        You are definitely right about that sis


      • Truthangel07 says:

        Good Morning, Nido….


      • nidotopianwarrior says:

        Good morning truth, How are you this fine Trump-Day? Lol


      • Truthangel07 says:

        Hi, Nido. I’m stunned…like the world is. But there is a lot that people aren’t over-standing. There’s a reason why Hillary Clinton lost the election. She’s a Satanist witch. This woman is pure evil. And I’m not the only one who can see it. I saw it from jump. Just look into her eyes. It confirms the darkness within her.


      • nidotopianwarrior says:

        Yes, since that whole Spirit Cooking shiznick broke, we knew it was the beginning of the end for her, then again, nothing happens without the elites greenlight. This was their plan all along. They were playing us all the whole time. They had us buying into the good demon bad demon narrative, then at the very end, they flipped the script and threw in that cruel plot twist…

        Liked by 1 person

      • Truthangel07 says:

        Something is going on…that’s for sure. God has his hands in this.
        Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which is from God. The authorities that exist have been appointed by God. Romans 13:1


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