Knowledge is Power! Open Your Mind and GET SOME!

Knowledge is power and information is critical.  Consider the source. This has always been a rule when receiving information. Anyone who can control your mind and the way you think, can CONTROL YOU.

However, as relates to Black people in the United States, negative information is not ever questioned by those who report the news, but those impacted by bias reporting and statistical information are damaged in ways that can not be understood in the mainstream.

Crime is universal, however, here in America, the image of the Black male is typically that of a criminal, suspect, drug addict/dealer or violent individual. However, when you put a lens of the recent activity of violent crimes, white males go under the radar. Reporting the truth seems to be subjective as relates to many forms of media.

Statistics are one of the most overused methods of understanding a group. White people love to preface their statements about Blacks with statistics, but anyone who has taken statistical theory can tell you that numbers can do not tell the WHOLE TRUTH and can reflect bias. Did you know that fake news is often reported with a particular agenda? Link: Fake News in the United States and how it being used against African Americans. – Assata Shakur Speaks – Hands Off Assata – Let’s Get Free – Revolutionary – Pan-Africanism – Black On Purpose – Liberation – Forum

Racism is the culprit of much of the information reported about Blacks, but the government controls the media and uses misinformation in order to dictate social policy.

Why is negative information always being directed at the Black community? It is deliberate psychological conditioning to make blacks think they are a powerless group through deplorable imagery with the agenda of brainwashing the community into thinking they are powerless to change their condition and must accept white dominance.

This is not a joke.

One of the biggest fears of the White power structure is for Black people to become a cohesive force politically as well as culturally.

I’d say, given the nature of behavior exhibited by some African Americans, it would appear that those who do not commit themselves to educating themselves about what is really going on, can’t understand why their lives are not fulfilled. They have been influenced by the media and are made powerless because of it.

The Bible says: For the lack of knowledge, my people suffer.

A truth many don’t empower themselves against.

4 comments on “Knowledge is Power! Open Your Mind and GET SOME!

  1. i want to thank you for this informative read, i really appreciate sharing your post. lista de email lista de email lista de email lista de email lista de email


  2. very true and its only a handful of ppl that control what a world full of ppl see. It is up to every person to learn for themselves and not be brainless sheep that follow suit.


  3. Adeen says:

    So true! I plan on learning my history so that I am not swayed by the lies the Eurocentric media pushes about Black people.


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