The New Threat To America: Angry White Males!


Has anyone been paying attention to the news lately?

Last week, a man in Florida kills his family, ignites a fire using firecracker, then kills himself.  Link:

Barely a week after this incident, a man shoots a cop after the officer responded to a domestic situation at his home, then his house blows up in Brentwood, New Hampshire. Link:

Let us not forget the angry old white man who shot and killed another younger white man for texting during a movie.  And these are middle class men.

The above is a book that is out highlighting all of the reasons why white men are angry–and when white men get angry–they want to blame somebody; then kill something.

However, it’s the fault of minorities why many white men can’t cope with the mess their grandfathers created.


You made me kill, Nigger!

Isn’t this the typical response?

They destroyed the economy in 2008.  Bernard Maydoff scammed thousands of people for millions.   These were middle/upper middle class men, and Black men in particular, are out of work?

There have been over 20 mass shootings during the Obama administratioon.

Nope.  America is not their great granddaddy’s country any longer.

White women are leaving them for men of color and they just aren’t cool any longer.

I couldn’t help but to catch a part of the bio for the book above: Kimmel locates this increase in anger in the seismic economic, social and political shifts that have so transformed the American landscape. Downward mobility, increased racial and gender equality, and a tenacious clinging to an anachronistic ideology of masculinity has left many men feeling betrayed and bewildered. Raised to expect unparalleled social and economic privilege, white men are suffering today from what Kimmel calls “aggrieved entitlement”: a sense that those benefits that white men believed were their due have been snatched away from them.

Ain’t it funny how white folks always have an excuse for what they do?

They were mad when Obama wanted to get tough on gun laws; the NRA wage a full scale media war, which many believe fueled much of the behavior that we’ve been seeing of late.

Yet, a young Black boy (Travon Martin/Jason Davis) can’t walk to the store or chill out with their friends without being racially profiled as thugs.

I sometimes wonder if these shooters had been Black, what would the response be.

This is nothing more than what the author labeled as “aggrieved entitlement”.  The belief that inherently, America is THEIR country and simply by being born a white male, they were guaranteed a job that would allow them to take care of a family and enjoy the accouterments of their hard labor.

This is one book that I’m actually challenging Black people to read.

There will be no hand-outs given to white males from me.  Not any.

This country is changing and the basic fact here is that the behavior of white males over the course of history of this country and world has been horrible.  They have committed the most vile acts against people of color bar none.

White men are learning first hand what Natural Selection means.  They kill their own families.  How many white women have been murdered by crazed husbands?  And the children.  Remember the man who blew himself up with his two boys a few years ago.  That was a sad case but indicative of the behavior of white males over centuries of history.  It’s karma.  Hate turns on itself and now white men are turning into the very thing they feared most: powerless men.

I don’t feel any pity for them.

I spit on them–and I am enjoying seeing them implode from their innate arrogance.

It is what it is, people….

We reap what we sew.

Black folks: Pray, Observe your surroundings, and STRAP UP!



30 comments on “The New Threat To America: Angry White Males!

  1. What you are witnessing here is a race in its death throes. As times continue to change you’ll see more and more desperation from a class of people that can’t handle the nigger treatment. Just like we are hearing this nonsense about “reverse racism,” which to me is just an admittance of racism. Things will probably get worst after the president leaves the office, though I don’t know how.


    • truthangel07 says:

      Yes, sir. Desperation, fear, guilt, the unknown, it’s scaring the hell out of white folks.

      Another white man went off–this time in Canada killing 3. How many times are they going to do this?

      White people are imploding…and I’m enjoying watching the show, frankly.

      They deserve everything that is happening to them.


  2. Tyrone says:


    I appreciate the kind words Sis…The Feeling Is Mutual! We agree on the larger point, which is, the angry white male is not a fantasy…He Exist! Should we be aware of this mindset? Of course, it would be foolish not to. Despite all of the insanity going on, crazy whitemen are not my greatest concern. Violence is inherent in the culture…Real Gangstas! They stole 3 continents in 1 + The Caribbean…North, Central, and South America. So, we know how they get down. What i witness in these streets, is that, we’re turning into whitemen. The senseless violence, no respect for elders, no love for our women and girls, and so forth. Whiteness is on the way out, It’s Real! Whitewomen are turning to men of color for companionship, meanwhile, whitemen are pushing homosexuality real hard in the culture…Do The Math? However, as blackmen, we’re not taking advantage of the whiteman’s demise as expected. Our forefathers once ruled this planet, we have no excuse for failure…Period! By nature, i’m a glass half full type of person. I have faith in our people, but, it’s not gonna spark overnight. 500 plus years of brainwashing is hard to overcome. Anyway, i appreciate you Sis. I wish you much success, your voice is a necessity in this day and time. @OriginalWoman13…Sistas Are The Best! No one can deny this fact of life. You deserve the best in life. Our women define us, brothas need to stay mindful of this…Always!


  3. originalwoman13 says:

    Another question? Why is it when negros give up on bm or bw the first thing they do is go get them a wm or ww? Why not a black latino/a or other person in the African diaspora? Why not those darker asians or hindus indians? A somoan? American Indian?Damn, anybody but an albino mutant.


    • TTNYCRN says:


      The plain obvious reason why a black man or black woman would choose a white partner is simply due to the demographic majority that whites have in term of raw human numbers in the USA , Canada, UK and so forth. For example, in England, a good portion of the Caribbean blacks have white partners (I think even TruthAngel knows this). Since England is majority white nation, like the US, and most of the black minority lives in cities like London, it is sort of obvious that a portion of blacks with have unions with whites.

      On the deeper and sadder level, I do feel that some blacks have white partners for a sort of self esteem boost. In other words, having a white woman/man and biracial children could help them integrate and profit from their white partner. Yet, that light at the end of the tunnel could be a train and they become confused victims of white supremacy (e.g. Donald Sterling’s girlfriend).

      Just my 2 cents.


    • truthangel07 says:

      OW, There are some Black people who are seriously mind-whooped. They have low self-esteem and have a slave mentality to top it all off.

      Sometimes, the TRUTH is the only thing that can cure them.


      • originalwoman13 says:


        “Sometimes, the TRUTH is the only thing that can cure them.”

        I’ve seen some who absolutely refuse the truth even if it keeps smacking them in the face. Now, somebody like that can’t be helped.


      • truthangel07 says:

        Only God can deal with that kind. And that can be a dangerous thing.


  4. originalwoman13 says:

    It frustrates me to no end of how black people continue to tear each other down while the enemy continues to use and abuse us (physically, emotionally, sexually, etc) , destroy our communities and families, destoy our minds and spirits, etc., etc. Many of us want White Supremacy (racism) to end , but many refuse to learn, read, and gain knowledge or understanding of what white supremacy (racism) is and how it works. Living around and with, being friends with, going to school with, sleeping and breeding with, amongst other activities with white people all while full of self-hatred will only make black people’s problems a WHOLE LOT worse. Why do we continue to run to our enemies (the same people who are causing our problems to began with)to solve our problems? SMH


    • truthangel07 says:

      Originalwoman, I don’t have low self-esteem and I wasn’t raised around Black people who did. The problem in general with our community is just simply that far too many younger Black people are disconnected from their families, history, and don’t have a sense of cultural pride or intelligence. They are superficial because that has been the paradigm in our community for the last 30 years. We are no longer a spiritual people looking to God for guidance, strength, and wisdom; we are lovers of ourselves; have no sense of accountability, and do not once think about the impact our actions will have on a future generation.

      We are reaping what we’ve sewn.

      And it a nutshell; Black people better wake up.


      • Kushite Prince says:

        That’s true Angel. Now they’re even making sitcoms about us not knowing our culture or history. I don’t think this is a laughing matter. Like you said,we better wake up.


      • truthangel07 says:

        We have the power, Kushite. But many Black people don’t know how much power we have as a people–But white folks do.

        Why do you think these people have gone to so much trouble to stop us? They know our history better than they let on; which is why they forbid slaves to read. And why would you be afraid to let someone read unless you knew they could uncover something that would not only expose the lie of what they had been taught; but the knowledge revealed could have been so powerful, those Black people could have over-powered their masters and life in America would have been very different for our people.

        Africans are the first inhabitors of the earth. Africans built civilizations long before Europeans even thought of them. Our ancestors were advanced people, and all you can tell people is that we were slaves?

        Reading is comprehension and our people better wake up. This is not a game.

        White folks hate Black people. Always have…Always will. Why? Because they can never be us.

        We are the power. But to achieve power, one must re-connect with the source of ALL POWER–GOD!


      • Kushite Prince says:

        Thanks! I love your passion sista!


  5. real sad says:

    I hope this doesnt sound not pro blk enough but here i go.Blk women are marrying out because blk men are dating and marrying out.There is more bw then bm.So lets take basic math here…bm+nonbw=not tht much bm for bw to date.Blk women have no choice but to date out..blk love is starting to turn dead thanks to bm.The men of a group is what holds the community together not the u see whats happen in the blk “community”.Blk people need to stop thinking whitey is out to getcha..because those be our bosses the majority of time.Until blk people start creating their own business then we have no choice but to put up with the angry white male.And as another poster said blks are our own worst enemy.Why?blk men becoming the chocolate having kids out of wedlock and blk people in general dropping out and not going to college.We blk people fucked things up for way too loooong..its time to make a change


    • truthangel07 says:

      You make good point, RS, but these are symptoms; in large in part because of self-hatred.

      The cure is self-knowledge; learning our history and reclaiming the values of our ancestors.


  6. Tyrone says:


    Blackmen are losing their minds just the same…Nigeria, Somalia, Egypt, Libya, Egypt, Chicago, Detroit, etc. Whitemen can accuse us of doing the same. I say all of this, because, our worst enemies look like us. Continued focus on angry whitemen keeps us off-track. Violence has always been in the DNA of Caucasian Males…Nothing New! Angry Black Males are the real story, behaving like the black kkk.


    • truthangel07 says:


      Elaborate please…


      • Tyrone says:


        Black Male Self-Hatred is the real story…Not Angry Whitemen! Our demise as a people will be because of us…Blackmen! I don’t wake up everyday worrying about other men. None of us should think in that way, it’s lame to me. My greatest fear in life is being a failure in the eyes of my loved ones. So, representing the best morals and values is important to me. Right Now, this is in short supply. I see a lot of GroupThink going on, Tit-For-Tat, Don’t Judge Me Bro mindset in the culture. Every race of men has an Achilles Heel. For us, it’s following and copying the mistakes of other blackmen. The IR hysteria is a vivid example of GroupThink. We see another brotha with a white or non-black female…How Do We Respond? “Yeah, he pulled a Puerto Rican chick, let me get one of those Ricans too.” As petty as it sounds, this is the mental of many blackmen. Despite all of the swirling, blackmen are still at the bottom. We’re hollow on the inside. I could care less about black male swagger, hip-hop, sports, etc. F**k all of that with a cherry on top. It’s always about the mask, facade, imagery…Never Substance! As others rightly state, Blackmen Own Nothing in this country, yet, we talk more s**t than anybody. As i stated in another post, the burden is on us. If we hate black, the race will suffer greatly. Sistas want to love us, but, our minds are elsewhere. Seeking validation from others, call it what it is. Sistas, take a step back, question your blind loyalty? Respect is earned, Not Given! Has the constant cheerleading of your black brothers really helped the cause? No one can deny that sistas are true blue, but, can the same be said about us? Truth, don’t be afraid to be angry about this nonsense. The strong blackwoman is only human, she bends and breaks just the same. We live for our women…Not Man! Men will always fall short…Harsh Reality!


      • truthangel07 says:

        As always, great response,Tyrone.

        I really appreciate your presence on my blog.

        You’re a strong brotha and I respect your POV.


      • originalwoman13 says:

        Great point on bw and blind loyalty. I think a good number of bw are really starting to take a hard look at who deserves our loyalty. It’s time that bw stop supporting so-called bm JUST because they have black skin.


  7. Kushite Prince says:

    Look at this racist site! These white boys make me laugh!lol They are total morons in my


    • truthangel07 says:

      White men are so unattractive spiritually. I don’t even know why some Black women are marrying them.


      • mswanda says:

        Black women are marrying white men because we are tired of waiting for our black prince. I used to date wm and I can’t anymore. Bw are not loved by bm. Today I was talking to a bw in a fast food place and she is from Chicago but moved here to Az. Her husband lost his damn mind like most negros here. He left her and their beautiful girls to be with a white girl. But hey I guess that was her fault. I think she wore a weave. See bw out west have figured this out. They see their bm with ww everyday. They live their lives alone and have no mate. So that’s why they are marrying other races of men. I’m not waiting anymore either and I don’t feel guilty for it. Why are bw responsible for keeping black love together when black men are abandoning them left are right?


      • truthangel07 says:

        Mswanda, I really don’t know what is wrong with many Black people today and why so many have a hard time finding love with other Black people; but I do feel it is a spiritual battle from within as well as being a sign of just how much the system of White Supremacy has poisoned the minds of those Black people who read little, but watch too much television which caters to white folks primarily. Who’s message are you receiving?


  8. adeen says:

    So true. I noticed how angry they are because they are the most privileged in society. They want to hold onto those privileges and don’t want to extended any of those privileges to Blacks and other minorities


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