White People And Their Damn Obsession With Dogs…

This is very disturbing…

Last month, I had a verbal confrontation with a white woman that is acquainted with someone I know. As I relay the story, bear in mind, the lunacy of the un-named individual.

A white woman that I know named Cindy, sat down to talk to me one day, and began a conversation about someone in her community calling the Human Society on her about one of her dogs. The dog had been sick in which it was being treated by a vet. However, instead of acknowledging this before reporting, some unknown busy-body decided to drop a dime and report this child.

I told Cindy what I thought about the situation. Basically, in my opinion, the person who called should have at least spoke with her first to verify what was really the issue with the dog before jumping to conclusions.

At this time, I took the opportunity to use this situation to voice a very irritating issue that has been bothering regarding dog lovers. In reference to the caller, I stated to Cindy that perhaps this woman was just another obsessed dog lover, who took it upon herself to report her and frankly, I felt that some people just take this stuff to extreme.

We were in an enclosed room and in walks a woman that is friendly with Cindy who overheard the conversation. She heard Cindy commenting about being reported and arrogantly said, “If I didn’t know you, I’d report you.” This woman is a known dog lover to the point where she should have her own reality show. Well, she went to get a water, and overheard me make the comment to Cindy about people being obsessed about dogs, and then this bitch interjects at me, “Dogs are just as important as people, they are a living thing and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.” Huh? I looked at her like she had lost her mind. She was loud about it as well. I got louder and repeated what I said, offering the fact that dogs are not children and if you think your dog is so important, tell it to go pay your light bill!” Oh, she scoffed, “Pay your light bill…dogs are not just pets, they are people’s companions and deserve to be loved, just like a child.”

I was glaring at this woman.

Was I losing my mind or was I in an exchange with a woman who obviously needed to get some therapy for delusion?

She thinks dogs are as important as children?

Oh, my god!

I kept it going…I wasn’t going to give her the floor. Oh, no. I told her that I not only think people are obsessed with dogs, but need help and when you can’t distinguish the difference of a human being and an animal, then you’re becoming like an animal.

The woman finally shut up when I stated to her that some people kill animals.

“Well, yes. That’s true.” She said.

Lord have mercy. What just happened to me?

And Cindy’s ass just sat there.

I swear if this woman would have said another word to me, some furniture would have started moving in this place.

This is just one example of white people not being able to distinguish the fact that not everyone loves dogs and when you get to a point where you are defending a dog to the point that people question your sanity, it’s time to call a shrink.

White people are really presumed to be mentally unstable people and when you see them talking to their dogs, dressing up their dogs, kissing their dogs (disgusting), and the depravity of many white people who actually have sex with dogs http://gawker.com/5949747/woman-on-probation-for-soliciting-a-dog-for-sex-accidentally-jailed, people have to question what is really going on with these people.

104 comments on “White People And Their Damn Obsession With Dogs…

  1. Stanislaus Braun says:

    Have you ever heard of Whitney Wisconsin?
    Perhaps she can provide some input into this topic for you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. B says:

    Canadian white person here. I agree with every word. It’s sickening how some of these obsessive people think — I can’t consider them at the same level as myself for the sole reason that they can’t distinguish an animal from a human being.

    The worst part is, a lot of these unhealthy individuals aren’t even using a pet to fill some kind of emotional void. They’re “normal” people with families who probably love them. Yet still, the pet comes first, before their significant other and children — better make sure little barky had it’s dinner!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sorry Truth angel tried to respond but something about word press came up.But yes thank you for the complement.I actually do write and I put a book out a while back when I was 16.But that was just play-play.I have thought about turning my experience in general with my in laws into a book.With putting the dog situation to the side. I’m in a biracial relationship and of course his mom had something to say about it.BUT,( here is the fun part) she’s ADOPTED. Now it’s not her fault she is adopted but your mother could just as well be black. I’ve got hispanic Aunts and Uncle who came out looking pure hispanic and my grandmother is black.But of course you know we are the only ones who can do that.That would be a great book but I don’t want to embarras my husband, if we divorce then defiantly will throw a book out there. But sometimes I think well if you gonna take me for a ride in hell then I should at least have something to show for it.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Funny I live in a house with my in laws and husband whom are white so my in laws call this toy poodle their sons brother and now that I’m pregnant they say things like your gonna be a uncle Lucky (the dogs name)…both of my husbands parents look human to me ….ugly but human….my husband can’t stand it either and has told his mother about comparing my child to her ugly ass poodle…i mean first off it’s a dog,second that dog stares at the wall (he’s old),has red nasty moles all over him with patches of fur missing,and I hate the dog he barks and barks and barks…..but my husband’s mom is in love with the damn thing actually her husband complains that she won’t even go on vacation with out the damn dog…but he hardly is home so we don’t know what she is up there doing with the dog and I say that out of knowledge on who she is… her husband frequently complains he aint getting none…..
    : [ honestly if she compares my child with that nasty mutt she might have to deal with me slapping the dog shit out of her…I have a dog too but never would I treat my dog as if they were just as important as my child…..guess what white people will figure it out when their dumb asses are going to prison because they wanted to feed their dog not their child or they have an emergency and their half way dead and “who they call ?!!!” ” Their doggy” (ghost buster voice)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Truthangel07 says:

      Honestly, I just don’t get it. Don’t get me wrong, I love animals. And Chow Chows and Samoans, along with other dog breeds are a favorite but I KNOW THEY ARE ANIMALS! And animals don’t belong at the dinner table eating out of a chair nor in the kitchen when I’m cooking.

      And I have to say, as a writer/novelist; this story has all the makings of a great book.

      Think about it…


  5. I too,don’t understand peoples obsession with dogs. TBH,it’s very disturbing,indeed. A dog is an animal,not a human being. The dog-obsessed seem to think that EVERYONE loves their dog(or should)&that it should have the same rights as a human being. They take these things with them into grocery stores,eateries&all over. Seems like a person can’t go anywhere anymore now days,without seeing these dog-obsessed morons,out&about&forcing their obsession&their dogs,on others. Not everyone likes dogs,or wants them licking them,or climbing all over them or sticking their nose up your ass. If these dog obsessed degenerates can’t be bothered to take the time to form human friendships&bonds&instead turn to dogs for company(among other things,from what I’ve heard in some cases),they need serious mental help,IMHO. I mean seriously,they let these filthy animal sleep in the bed with them&lick their mouths after the dog has licked it’s own asshole. If that’s not sick,IDK what is. BTW,I am a white female,who came online&found this site among other sites,while trying to understand why people are so unhealthily,mindlessly obsessed with dogs. I am fed up with it&still don’t understand it&doubt I ever will.


    • Truthangel07 says:

      Dogs absolutely should not be allowed in grocery stores. That is going too far. I see this too every single day.


      • drronnie says:

        I am an Eurasian living in Thailand and I think it is very shocking to see how dogs are becoming a top priority here as well. I live in an area where it is infested with stray dogs but there is nothing which can be done about them because people are more concerned about the well being of dogs than that of humans. Also we have this silly handbag rat dog trend too. What must happen until this dog madness stops?


      • Truthangel07 says:

        It might get like that in America. I really don’t understand it myself.


      • Very true. The dog can stay home; it won’t die or feel bad.

        Many people make huge errors with their dog leading to the dog becoming aggressive with its owner.

        Dog are descendants of wolves and like them they need to be guided by an alpha. When the owner of a dog is not the leader, then the dog will try to rule him, and this can be dangerous with some dogs.

        Maybe the reason why many people are obsessed with their dog is loneliness, especially elderlies forsaken by their families. It’s a weird society, with a lot of communications means (mobiles, net, skype, etc.) but with little social and human to human communication.


      • Truthangel07 says:

        Loneliness plays a part. And don’t get me wrong, I love dogs (certain breeds) but it’s not healthy for any canine if they’re not being allowed to be what nature designed them to be.


  6. Dogs suck…cats rule! Lol!

    On a serious note, the obsession of dogs by white people is revolting. I red somewhere that more people care about their dogs and animals more than Syrian refugees. I think it’s because these people are so damn lonely they need some slobbering animal that acts like a baby to gush over.


    • Truthangel07 says:

      I don’t know what it is but a lot of it has to do with mythology of Europeans as well, in some cases, bestiality. It is pervasive among whites. Research it for yourself. It’s disgusting to think that there are actually people who have sex with dogs and other animals for pleasure.


  7. Liem Tran says:

    This is one of the reasons why I avoid white people. It’s not just white woman but also white men. I always wondered why there seemed something off about them but it turns out they are just messed up people, as if they really are a race of devils. I deliver pizza and lots of white people own big dogs, sickens me every time!

    Their obsession with animals is gross!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Are you following Diaryofanegress? She’s an excellent blog writer on this website. And if you are, I was wondering if you could tell me other people who talks about the matters like you both do. I always try to learn as much as I can.


    • Truthangel07 says:

      Yes. I’ve been a follower of DON for several years. Many of us frequent the same blogs. Kushite Kingdom is a great blog. And there are some more than I will post later.


  9. “Family Guy” Although subtle, describes it perfectly…Brian get’s more white women than anyone else on the show…lol


    • Truthangel07 says:

      That’s about right. I just don’t get it. Everywhere you go, even in Europe, white people have some strange obsession with dogs. There’s another reason why also…I’ve discussed this on the blog as well.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Munimula says:

    I’m white and I like dogs, but agree with you that most people have lost their minds with this dog obsession. I’ve seen posts like, “if you don’t like my dogs then don’t come in my house”. Okay, I won’t. Because you let your dog jump on my clean clothes and your house stinks like animals. I like animals, but I feel like people are saying you’re a bad person if you don’t freaking treat it like a person. I taught my dog to sit, stay and leave people alone. To be respectful to people! I really don’t get it.


    • Truthangel07 says:

      People who are like this have an obsession; and that can’t be healthy for their dog. It’s bizarre behavior and frankly, I feel many of these people have deep psychological or mental problems and need professional help.


    • BK39 says:

      When I was growing up, common courtesy said that if you had visitors in your house, you put your dog outside or in another room, especially if you had guests who didn’t like dogs or were afraid/allergic to them. Today’s dog owners are the complete opposite. They go by the mantra of “my dog lives here, you don’t.” They will get downright offended if you even think about asking them to put the dog away.

      You should see some of the stuff these fools have said to me when I tell them that we put our dog in his crate when we have company. My personal favorite is “would you put your kids in a crate when you have company?” Um, a dog and a kid are NOT the same, dumb asses. Sorry, but there’s no way in hell I’m about to alienate family members and longtime friend over a dog.


      • Truthangel07 says:

        You know, I work with a woman who in my opinion, needs to seek therapy. As I said in the piece, she got offended by a comment I was making to another person–we almost got into it. I let her have it!

        Needless to say, I understand where you are coming from but just tell the truth and stand your ground.

        I’m just tired of these type of people. They need to wake their asses up!



  11. tigerlilly says:

    I heard that the reason white people are so obsessed with dogs is because they were their protectors when they got trapped in the caves in Europe when their men went hunting and the dogs looked after the women and children. I feel on the dog situation. I have to keep my remote handy when I watch TV because I know as soon as a dog commercial come on then they will be licking their owner in the face or mouth and it turns my stomach.


  12. roushe says:

    My ex was totally in love with her dog. She acted as if the dog was the smartest thing on the planet and would. She would only buy certain food and she wouldn’t want him sleeping on the floor and this totally pissed me off. I didn’t want some dog sleeping with me and leaving hairs everywhere. I told her repeatedly that I didn’t like it and she would get all mad and alot of times I’d feel second to that stupid dog. She didn’t even want to take long trips because she didn’t want him staying at home by itself. Like wtf is wrong with white people. They’re just animals that should be cared for but never seen more important then humans. I’m so glad that shit is behind me.


    • Truthangel07 says:

      Are you African American? That is very strange behavior. Many white women have sex with dogs, which I’ve also discussed on the blog.


      • scrapper75 says:

        Who are these “white women” having sex with dogs? If a white person wrote anything like this about a black person, there would be an internet riot and you would lose your mind. YOU need to seek help for the apparent delusional disorder you have. You make up lies about people who have dogs and talk smack on this shitty blog for what reason? I don’t know a single person who has sex with their dog. Not one. Your entire blog is racist and not even well written. Do you proofread or would it even make a difference? Your lack of education is obvious by your poor writing and simple grammatical errors.


      • Truthangel07 says:

        Let me tell you something, if you want PROOF of this, call your local police station. Obviously, per usual, this is a dirty little secret about white folks that many think couldn’t possible be true. The Hell it’s not! There have been stories for years about white people engaging in Bestiality, including recent ones. There are books, written by white authors, literally pandering to those who engage in it. There videos on YouTube that confirm what I said. White women are literally bragging about this online. You need to be informed before you come to my blog or anywhere else defaming the accuracy of information that obviously you’re not aware of. Your ignorance of the subject matter does not negate the TRUTH.

        Here you go: http://pervertslut.com/videos/20915/white-dog-fucking-woman/

        This is a practice among white women! Now you tell me what kind of sick BITCH would allow a 4-legged animal to have oral, vaginal and anal sex with her? She’s not a WOMAN!!! She’s a low level creature that is not deserving of any kind of respect! And from this contaminated womb–The Mother of White Supremacy, THE WHITE RACE WAS BIRTHED! That’s why you’re so despicable! I HAVE NO RESPECT FOR ANY WHITE BITCH and would spit in the face of one who even dared try to compare herself to any Black WOMB-man–THE FIRST MOTHER AND QUEEN OF THIS PLANET!

        Here’s another: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tws7NvTxwrA

        Racist? Hardly! I know that this is a shock to you but if you come to my blog, insulting me, for the content of my blog, you better be prepared for the consequences of your naivete’. You can’t face the reality that white people are a sick, depraved, low, defected, genetic flawed people! FACE IT!


      • Arizhel says:

        You’ve gotten really racist with the bestiality thing. Sex with dogs is illegal in most western nations and US states AFAIK. Guess who wrote these anti-bestiality laws? White people.

        There’s a bunch of white people out there who rape and murder too, but that doesn’t mean all white people are to blame for that. People of all ethnicities rape and murder; that’s something you can blame all humans for collectively.

        There’s plenty of us white people who can’t stand those smelly, dirty dogs that some people apparently love so much. It’s a real division though; I don’t really know how it happens because you’ll find people in the same family (even married) who have giant differences of opinion on this. Personally, I’m a white male and I can’t stand dogs, and love cats. But I have a sister who loves big smelly dogs; she has one and takes it with her everywhere. I have another sister who has an immaculate house and I think one cat. And our mother doesn’t really care for pets at all. This dog-mania isn’t a white people thing, perhaps a some-white-people thing, but the other person commenting about how dogs are all the rage in Thailand shows it’s not exclusive to white people. And this photo I saw on the internet showing a bunch of black people in Kenya with hyenas on leashes shows that it’s not just non-black people who like big, smelly, impractical pets.


    • BK39 says:

      I’ve heard of quite a few people who skip vacations or out of town trips because they don’t want to leave the dog behind. One lady on a site said that when she came back from an out of town trip, her dog gave her a really bad guilt trip, so vacations are out of the questions now. Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot???????


    • tigerlilly says:

      Just curious! Are you African American male. I often wonder why African American males is so fascinated with white women when white women loves dog too intimately. The commercials said it all. can’t imagine what more goes on behind closed doors with their beloved pets..

      Liked by 1 person

  13. nightseid says:

    I find it weird at times myself and I own several cats and dogs. I don’t want to generalise but a number of women in broken relationships (or women with so many ex-boyfriends) tend to own pets. On the other hand I do know of a person who stopped liking dogs after focusing more time on her family and having experienced one of her dogs die (she doesn’t stray dogs from the start however). The reason is that she thinks taking care of dogs takes way too much time.


    • Truthangel07 says:

      I like animals, don’t get me wrong. But THEY ARE ANIMALS–not human beings.

      This is why I have the issue with folks who don’t get that…


      • BK39 says:

        Good luck trying to convince these people that dogs aren’t humans. They truly do believe that treating a dog like a dog is akin to animal cruelty or some shit. As I mentioned before, it really irritates me when they try to compare dogs to children. Sorry, your dog is not an actual child and will never be one.


      • Truthangel07 says:

        I almost got into a fight with a woman on my job over this very issues. She’s a real nut. This broad spends half her lunch hour talking about her dogs like one would do about their children. She’s crazy.


      • Truthangel07 says:

        That’s a great analogy of white folks. To a t.


      • Alexis says:

        I Am a black female. I do not own any pets nor do I want to. My husband on the other hand is a black islander that’s obsessed with dogs; specifically pit bulls. Got to the point where he told me if I don’t like the dog, I can leave. ( I was there way before the dog.) Come to find out he really felt this dog was family; our daughter. Long story short we found his dog a new home. He didn’t have time to take care for “his fur baby” and she was destroying the property. We now have a daughter; he sometimes talks to our daughter like he did the dog.


      • Truthangel07 says:

        People have told me strange stories and I actually have neighbors in my community that are absolutely “CRAYZAY” when it comes to dogs–I mean…taking them to shop when they go to Wal-Mart.


  14. got2dance says:

    They’re like that about their cats, too.


    • Truthangel07 says:

      I admit, I love cats, but I realize they are animals.


    • My healthcare teacher who is Indian/White and married to an African American had a cat she was obsessed with. She couldn’t leave it behind during trips and she even told the class that her cat had its own room with a tv. He cat eventually died and she got another one, only because her son wanted another cat, but when he left for college, he said she could have it since he like dogs better.


    • Arizhel says:

      No they aren’t. I’ve never seen cat people get mad at people for not liking their cats. And cats don’t have all the issues dogs do. Cats don’t slobber all over you, they don’t stink, they don’t crap all over the house (they use litterboxes religiously), they don’t need regular grooming (they do that themselves), they don’t need to be brought with you anywhere (they prefer to stay at home), they can be left at home overnight or over the weekend with no problem as long as you leave out enough food and water, they don’t stick their faces in your crotch, they don’t eat other animals’ turds, they don’t make loud noises that disturb the neighbors, I could go on and on. Dog people are the ones who seem to think people are horrible if they don’t like their mangy mutt. Cat people don’t care if other people like their cat or not, and their cat rarely leaves the house anyway so it’s not an issue like it is with the dog people who just have to bring their dumb dog everywhere in public with them.


  15. BK39 says:

    I’m a black man who owns a dog and this blog post is nothing but the truth. I’ve visited a few dog related blogs and websites and I continue to be amazed at the insanity that I see. Here’s a small sample:

    Dog owners who can’t accept the fact that some people just don’t like dogs. They swear that anyone who doesn’t like dogs is someone who can’t be trusted.

    Dog owners who throw hissy fits when they try to bring their dog into a store and the store tells them no. They say that more stores should be dog friendly, and then they start ranting about how much cleaner and better behaved their dogs are than most children.

    Dog owners who think that a dog is being deprived of the joys of life if a dog isn’t allowed on the furniture. People have actually asked me “why do you even own a dog?” when I tell them that my dog isn’t allowed on our couch or in our bed.

    Dog owners who think that putting your dog in a crate or another room when you have company is cruel and unusual punishment. They say stuff like “would you put your kids in a crate?” Um, a dog is not a child!!!

    I swear, something is seriously wrong with these people.


    • Truthangel07 says:

      I work with a woman who is like this. And I confronted her about it–and spoke my mind about this issue as it relates. It’s just ridiculous–and frankly, it’s time for people to start speaking their mind to these idiots.

      I think I might get a t-shirt that says, “I like dogs, but I will shoot yours, if it’s not on a leash, and runs at me.”


  16. truman says:

    Wrong boo in your fake reversed thinking we know that white women and men have a desire to be other than what’s considered white, hense the creation of plastic surgery, so be told about your truths hurt and therefore you lash out with falsely created myths about black people. Yes you all kiss dogs and occasionally have sex with dogs so own it and wear that badge with honor


  17. Liz says:

    With all the problems facing black america you are wasting time bitching about how much attention white people pay dogs. I hope you realize how stupid you look feeing superior to a white woman when black children are more likely to be abused, drop out of school, do drugs, join gangs, get murdered, be born out of wedlock and have just about every damned horrible thing imaginable happen to them than white children. And then you infer that white children don’t get the same affection as black children. Statistics, dear. If the stats were different, if everything was okay, then you wouldn’t even need to promote set love in the black community.

    You’re an illogical clown.


    • Truthangel07 says:

      You’re entitled to your opinion; and so am I.

      This is my blog. This is just one of many things that I discuss, Ms. Liz. Perhaps if you would have taken the time to scan over 300 different blog entries that I’ve written, you’d know what’s on my mind.

      (((THINK))) before you rant, lady!


      • Liz says:

        Based on your lack of response to the actual issues I brought up I’m assuming you’ve got no strong position on real issues. I’m not going to wade through three hundred posts of more self important babble. Put up or shut up.


      • Truthangel07 says:

        I will now open the door for you to GET OFF of this blog sinse you don’t have the time to “wade through” my posts.

        If you had a position of your own; you would have made one, instead of trying to pick a fight with someone who you aren’t strong enough or intelligent enough to debate.

        Get your own blog, hun. And find your purpose in life. Then there will be no need to instigate with those who are bold enough to speak their mind on whatever they believe.


  18. fred handy says:

    White people have a love for dogs that is simply beyond reason. It’s some next level shit. They will kiss their dogs, let the dogs have the run of the house leaving hair and smells everywhere. White people even sleep with their dogs. I find this totally disgusting. I used to work for a reality company and the white families that had dogs practically let them destroyed the properties. The carpets would be stained and stench of urine would be everywhere, sometimes soaking through the carpets and damaging the hardwood floors. Let’s not forget feces inside the home and all over the yard. Undisciplined dogs chew on valuable wood doors, cabinets and furniture too. I am against dogs living the house no matter how small or cute. It also sickens me to see people driving with their slobbering canines sticking their heads out the car window. Have you ever ridden in car with seats covered in dog hair? Repulsive. Hate me if you want but time and time again the owners of these offensive pets always seem to be white. It has to be a cultural thing. A thing I don’t get in the least.


    • Truthangel07 says:

      They can’t face the truth about themselves. I’m arguing with this white woman on fb who was offended that I posted a picture of some white women who actually fuck dogs. She interjected her presence into the conversation that I and another Black man was having. These people are just mentally insane.


  19. DogsRnotPeople says:

    I love the Rottweiler dog breed but they are NOT my fuckin’ children, they are DOGS! They don’t get on my fuckin’ bed, they don’t eat from my plate and they KNOW better than to lick me ANYWHERE near my face! I don’t dress them up in STUPID ASS clothes or give them HUMAN names. They get good DOG FOOD, comfortable and clean DOG BEDS to lay in and affection from me in the forms of a good pet, hug and a play session. Obsession is the correct word to use that white people have for dogs. It’s because of them that you can’t adopt from a shelter anymore. They act as if you’re adopting a fuckin’ CHILD! Asking dumb ass questions like ‘Who will be home with the dog at all times?’ and wanting to conduct a home visit! Shiiiiiiiiiiiit


    • truthangel07 says:

      *Cracking up*

      You’re so right. It’s ridiculous.

      I work with two women who do nothing but talk about dogs all damn day; as if…they don’t have anything else to discuss.

      It’s ridiculous.


  20. Jeff says:

    I’m white and am thoroughly perplexed at the growing obsession many of my people have with dogs. The obvious substitution of dogs for children is freakish and sad. Just watch any real estate program on HGTV and its unbelievable how many make a major life purchase involving hundreds of thousands of dollars predicated on if it has the proper set up for their dogs. Not children – dogs. I almost lose my mind when I see some mental older woman putting an orange harness on some mangy mutt and try to pass it off as a service dog so they can hoist it nasty ass in a grocery cart and bring it in the market or a restarant . I took my elderly mother out to eat and some fat, middle aged bitch’s rat dog suddenly started barking at her because she was on a walker. I told her that fat chihuahua had no business in a place that served food and at least she didn’t argue with me and left. And don’t get me started on Pet Mart commercials referring to their customers as “pet parents” instead of pet owners. Its almost completely dog owners that act like this too – cat owners save for the occasional crazy cat lady don’t go off the deepen end about them. This is a fairly recent development too – maybe in the last 20 years or so. Weird-assed people.


    • truthangel07 says:

      Don’t get me wrong, I love dogs, but they aren’t people.

      Many lonely women I’ve noticed seem to harbor some strange attachment that exposes something far deeper than what’s on the surface.

      You’re right. These people are not normal.


  21. TruthSeeker says:

    Everyone please calm down there is no need for cattiness when we all know or should know the truth…However my personal opinion about “the dog obsession” with some caucasians is with out a doubt a spiritual situation and I am being nice by using the word “spiritual” I love your blogs.Too Black,Too Strong One Love and Be Well


  22. Anita says:

    Tell me about it. My friend whom didn’t care much for dogs now has two of them who sleep with her in her bedroom at night. I find it repulsive. She used to have a lovely clean home and now her once gorgeous lounge stinks as the dogs use it as a day bed, her daughter is so obsessed with her dog she carries it around like a baby and cried for the dog when she went away. Not because she missed her mother, but her dog.
    I am shunned by many because I don’t humanize dogs like they do.
    The dogs have totally taken over her house. Bloody ridiculous I must add.
    Great blog btw, read from Australia.


    • truthangel07 says:

      There’s something strange about it, that’s for sure.

      Don’t get me wrong…I love certain dog breeds, but THEY ARE ANIMALS…not human beings.

      Some of these people seem to get to a point in life where they become so isolated; they become delusional.


  23. truthangel07 says:

    Oh, look, another dirty, lice-infested, CraKKKa, gettin’ the boot.

    The greatest contribution you motherfuckers ever gave to the world was SUICIDE!


  24. eduardo maldonado says:

    agree, white people are obsessed with dogs.
    its lame, its weird, its unreal how they can think more of a dog than a human.
    but its a harmless obsession.
    just like white people are obsessed with monograms,
    black people are also obsessed with unnecessary bright neon colors
    extravagantly cheap looking clothes
    and basketball!! hell 80% of the nba is black its a fact!! and that is a great thing!! and its also harmless!!!
    don’t hate on things other cultures like,observe it, learn it and use it to your advantage and be more open minded,people are more likely to relate to someone who understands them.


    • truthangel07 says:

      Eduardo, you don’t know anything about Black people or Black culture–just the ones you know.

      And perception is reality.

      When a human being becomes obsessed with any animal; it means they are becoming like an animal.

      That is where depravity starts.


  25. Dave Kinard says:

    Just commenting here because I had heard about the “white people love dogs” meme and googled it to see where this was coming from. This blog happened to come up.

    Initially, this idea confused me, because obviously black people have dogs as pets too, so I didn’t really get what it was about.

    It seems to me you’re talking about people who either have a deeper connection with their dogs or a love of dogs in general. I think that comes from the idea that dogs are a unique animal in that they’ve evolved to be companions to humans, and perhaps the people who care so deeply about dogs have had issues with people being loyal or such. Or just that they’ve had a really great relationship with a dog.

    As far as it being more common amongst white people, I don’t know. Maybe there is some cultural history going on here (as in back in the days of slavery, dogs were used to hunt down runaway slaves, so the image in cultural memory is different.) That’s just off the top of my head, I don’t know.

    It may also be that since there are more white people then black people in america, you see more white people passionate about dogs, even though the percentages aren’t that different? I mean, I’ve known black people who were very close to their dogs.


  26. Anonymous says:

    I’m white and can’t understand this obsession white people have with dogs. If you don’t LOVE dogs while white and mention it, you get a look like you’re from Planet Pandora, complete with dark blue skin and navy blue curly hair. “Normal” whites can’t comprehend that others may not want to be around Whitie’s Best Friend(tm). I never got along with dogs since birth, like if they knew I was destined to work for the Postal Service, and behave accordingly. Now for a fun joke:

    How do you know when there are too many whites in one place?

    When some idiot brings their dog. (and all the other whites act like they never seen one before)


  27. Catlover says:

    I know single white women who allow the dog to sleep in bed beside them. Is it a coincidence that the dogs are always male?


  28. This is an interesting topic. I’ve been on dating web sites and noticed a lot of Caucasian women having professional photo shoots with their dogs. I like dogs and have owned a few. However, that’s where it ends. Dogs are meant to serve humans. You want to see how cute your dog really is just stop feeding it for a week and that cute poodle will become a wild Dingo( Wild African pack dog).


  29. Janie says:

    I’m a white woman and I absolutely do not understand this either. I have dogs, but they have jobs on the farm. They also live outside, do not lick me, (GAG!!) and I wash my hands after touching them. Honestly, it’s not simply a “white thing”. It’s a certain subsect of the white population. That is lonely, fat, middle aged suburban/urban white women with a superiority complex. They form deeply attached relationships to their dogs simply because no sane human wants to develop a relationship with them. They get their kicks from being saviors of their “fur babies”, a term they use which annoys me more than anything. I do not know a single white person other than one fitting the aforementioned description who allows a filthy animal to lick their face. Rural whites DO NOT act this way around dogs.


  30. dee says:

    I’m so happy to find this blog.


  31. shelia says:

    I love your blog!


  32. KingoftheTeddybears says:

    True words Angel, my cousin who lives in the states made me to know that dogs have more rights than people. And if white people take it the extreme, get this, TBN preacher Jan Crouch, wife of the late Paul Crouch has a $100,000 air conditioned mobile home just for her dogs


  33. Beats By Dre says:

    Its like you read my thoughts! Yoou seem to grasp a lot about this, like you
    wrote tthe guide in it or something. I feel thst
    you just could do with some p.c. to power the message home a little bit, however other than that,
    that is wonderful blog. A fantastic read. I will definitely be back.


  34. MONDAY OMOLE says:



  35. […] Source: White People And Their Damn Obsession With Dogs… […]


  36. Tyrone says:

    I’ve never been a dog owner, but i like dogs nonetheless. Dogs are useful animals, they actually have value to human beings…guard-dog, police-dog, guide-dog, rescue-dog, bomb-dog, etc. But, white folk take it too far…That’s True! No animal can replace human interaction, convo, and so forth. Escapism is the word, allowing the mind to focus on trivial pursuits to deal with the pain.


    • truthangel07 says:

      The woman I was talking about is extremely obsessed with dogs. My comments that morning really unnerved her, perhaps, she it triggered something deep down within herself that she doesn’t want to deal with.

      Whatever the case, I do believe white people go to the extreme with their affection for dogs, and animals in general.

      Louis Farrakhan said it best: When you begin to focus on animals too much; you’re becoming like one.


      • T says:

        I think it comes from the need white people have to own/ collect things. As we have seen with history, these things even happen to be living beings (and sometimes human beings too).

        They love the idea that they’ve collected something they love that can actually “love them” back. Or they are weird enough to think their dog is better to them than people. I told my ex-boyfriend (raised by white people) that I would love him as much or more than his dog (and let him keep me in “his collection”) if he asked absolutely nothing of me, not to pay anything, clean the house or myself, just lay around all day naked. If he washed me, fed me, took care of all the bills and household responsibilities, took me where I wanted to go when I wanted to go, picked up my poop, brushed my teeth, and did all the thinking for me, while petting me up all day and telling me how cute I am. All I have to do is greet him at the door and follow him around the house when I want something. Sounds like a dog has more incentive to “Love” these people back then a person who they do nothing for. And then they wonder why their human on human relationships suffer.


  37. Amy says:

    Are you going to discuss Black women’s obsession with claiming White women’s biracial children as their own? You people seen to really love White women. You’re obsessed.


    • truthangel07 says:

      Bitch! Callate! That means SHUT UP in Spanish.

      What the hell are you talking about?

      Obsessed? You wish. More like…Annoyed, repulsed and perplexed!

      You can’t handle the damn truth–then get irate when you’re image comes back to haunt you.

      You are simply the stupidest bitches on this planet.

      I guess, per usual, that superiority complex activated in your brain before your intellect got stimulated. Apparently in your shocked state, you missed the disclaimer on the front page of this blog: Only the TRUTH is spoken here. What is this blog about? It’s very clear that I’m promoting Black love, community, and family values of the African American community. If you do not understand that and have negative attitudes, and views about my people, you are not welcome here–and will be banned immediately.

      Do you overstand that?

      Why in the hell would Black women be claiming biracial children when we give birth to Black children that range from the darkest of ebony to the lightest of ivory–and married to BLACK MEN?

      I guess you wasted your time posting this crap!

      Honey, don’t let me interrupt your life–I certainly didn’t invite you here. Get off of my blog!

      I dare you to try me!

      Liked by 1 person

      • George says:

        Ah hahahahahaha! Tell that hoe. I had this woman get mad at me because I wanted to sit on a park bench to eat my lunch and her big dirty dog was lounging on it taking up all the space. I shooed the dog off the bench and this bitch got all upset saying that I woke her “baby: up from his nap. What? I did not even bother to speak a word, just looked at her and began eating my lunch. But the sniffing beast wanted my sandwich and started whimpering for it. The women then frowned at me and asked my why I would not share the sandwich with her dog, and give it a piece. HUH? White people made up that saying aboiut “Dogs are a Man’s best friend”. Dogs are WHITE man’s best friend. My best friend is a human, sorry.

        Liked by 1 person

      • truthangel07 says:

        Are you kidding? Seriously…OMG!

        Now that is just too much for words.



      • Jamal says:

        Truthangel07 u got in that cave girl’s ass. I love it lol


    • dee says:

      You are out of order!!


    • Riley says:

      The standard in America is that a drop of black blood makes you black but in all actuality you are who your father is if you have a black dad your black this is true because the y chomezone decides this which can be prove and has sciantificly recently


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