I’m Not Singing And Holding Hands With a Group Of People Who Don’t Recognize My Humanity!


Shoot a Black person.  Shock white people.  A call for peace occurs.  Memorials are planned. Then…everyone holds hands, sing We Shall Overcome; and then it happens again.

Hasn’t this become the scenario?

It is…and reflective of how white people are all of a sudden, starting to feel free about showing their bigotry, I hate to say it: because of these cop killings, and our lack of aggression in response. Would you pray for someone who killed your child? I’m not singing and holding hands with a group of people who don’t recognize my humanity. Funk that!

We are a people with a long history on this planet and we’re being treated as though we are trash collectors by a group of people who are nothing more than a mistake of nature.

I will not bow down to a low, reptilian brain, genetic defect.

Our lives matter!  Without us on this planet, humanity would not exist.

It is time for Black people to start over-standing this point.  Our ancestors were first to CREATE, THINK, and CIVILIZE this planet.  And these sub-human, Caucasoid’s dare brand us as monkeys?

The time has come to stop giving white racists a hug, telling them you’ll pray for them, and falling to our knees, asking God to forgive them. This attitude needs to die in Black people.  It’s sick and ridiculous.  An intelligent human being responding c correctly to their environment perceives what is being done to them.

Hell, just last week, a group of Black women got thrown off a damn train for of all things, laughing and having a good time on a California wine train.  It’s like…”Just snicker one time, Nigger.”  Really?  So sorry that happy Black people upset white people so badly; they get treated like gun toting terrorists.

Here’s the story:


One of my friends and I were talking about how Donald Trump has surged in the polls for the presidential race for 2016. His slogan is Make America Great Again.  While on Twitter today, someone tweeted that subliminally, it sounded like what was being projected was, “Make America WHITE Again.”  So apropos. And I totally agreed. What is happening now is that the REALITY of white America is making Trump a hit. He is saying what they haven’t been allowed to say since Obama has been in office. They’re basking in “victimization” now. He attracted over 30,000 people in ALABAMA. They hate northerners. But…he’s got their attention.  That’s something to think about.  Even infamous David Duke is giving him praises.

There is a certain attitude in white people right now. And it serves me to educate Black people of this: You teach people how to treat you; and we have to stop being comfortable with terrorists, to the point, we subconsciously begin to collude with those who want to destroy us.

I will not allow this in my life!