13 comments on “When Black Men Ruled The World…

  1. Adeen says:

    I like this video and I agree. We are the original humans and rulers of this planet! We were the ones who founded civilization on the banks of the Euphrates and Tigris River in Mesopotamia in NORTHEAST AFRICA NOT the ”Middle East”. We were the ones who taught other nations how to read, cook food and write. We were making kingdoms, civilizations and nations in Africa while White Europeans were barbarians living in caves and eating and killing themselves.

    Yes Black people did have a history before slavery but they choose not to talk about it in history classes because they want to brainwash everyone into thinking Blacks didn’t contribute anything to humanity. Shaking my head, we all know it is a damn lie! We are the reason why AmeriKKKlan and the world is the way it is. We are the original people!


    • Imhotep says:


      Everything you said is the truth. We have no friends. It’s sad that some of Our People have to find out about that the hard way.


      • Adeen says:

        I know right. We need to stick together and learn to love ourselves. We aren’t slaves physically but many of us are slaves mentally. We need to un brainwash ourselves and reprogram ourselves to not to accept the lies of Whites and learn our TRUE history!


    • truthangel07 says:

      I highly recommend ALL BLACK PEOPLE to read The Destruction of Black Civilizations by the late Dr. Chancellor Williams.

      Along with The Autobiography of Malcolm X; this book truly woke me up.


      • Adeen says:

        I want to get the Autobiography of Malcolm X and read it but it is not in my school’s library. I would also want to read The Destruction of Black Civilizations too. Thanks for the suggestions.


      • truthangel07 says:

        You can always order books through Amazon.com. Do not ever depend on libraries in public schools, particularly those run by whites, to have anything that relates to Black history and culture.


  2. Let’s get this back.


    • Imhotep says:


      I hope we can get it back. A lot of Our People are conditioned. Our Immigrants left Afrika because of the AIDS virus. Then, they arrive here and look at Us. They do not know who we are aside from color value. We are all in the same boat, though.


    • truthangel07 says:

      Black men must awaken for this to happen. This in and of itself is what motivated me to write my first book: A Journey Into The Mind of a Black Woman.

      Many brothers will not read. And this is why many are lost.

      Knowledge is power and our enemy controls the flow of information. Why? Because they know the domino effect of evolved minds. When you’re trying to oppress a group of people; you don’t just control their bodies; you control their minds. And whomever controls how you think–CONTROLS YOU.

      Pass this on…


  3. Kushite Prince says:

    Great upload!


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