A Word For White People Who Read My Blog….

Read: http://the-unpopular-opinions.tumblr.com/post/58631952379/white-people-need-to-shut-the-fuck-up-about

Whenever I come to my blog, I’m typically proud of my stats and the followers who continue to support this blog.

The topics I create are written to represent the African American perspective, as is stated on the front page.

However, I’ve also attracted the unwanted attention of mostly white people, who seem to have a problem with Black people speaking so candidly about everything–especially race, racism, and THEIR BEHAVIOR toward people of color, as is experienced by ALL African Americans daily in this country and world.

The truth hurts and white folks CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!

As most Black people know very well, whenever you tell a white person off, immediately you get labeled as a reverse racist.  Earth to Becky and Chad.  Black People aren’t racist simply because they tell the facts of their experience and you get  your little feelings hurt.

Bad Negro…Bad.

Literally, they act as if you’ve committed some kind of crime if you make statements or reveal facts based on your own experience and critical thinking.

How trite.

They do not realize that in their arrogant conviction to chastise the Negro who dares act out of line; their own bigotry is triggered, not realizing that their expression is a subconscious extension of racist Jim Crow laws that once prohibited Black people from speaking to them or about them candidly as I do here.

Some have had the nerve to call me a racist.  One man actually re-blogged one of my articles for his blog, then commented his presumptions about who I am–IN HIS OPINION.  How white of him.  And yet, there was no sense of understanding that one: I know what I’m talking about.  I researched what I’m writing about–and to feel intelligent, he had to debunk mine.

Isn’t this typical of white people?

Then, there is this 50+ white woman who goes by the name of CitCat, who is married to a Black man,  who for some reason keeps posting on my blogs, after I told her almost a year ago that I’d ban her.  She got upset because she can’t handle one of the topics on the blog giving advice to white women dating or married to Black men.  It was written with a lot of brevity, but this southern white woman is apparently not too well versed in Black history or issues impacting Black people socially, politically, economically, or universally, but yet, in her arrogance, she has to teach this uppity Black woman a lesson, making asinine comments (Spam Folder) that are never responded to, yet, she has to be here to monitor what is being said. Of all the Word Press blogs, she has to be here because her whiteness is being threatened and instead of facing the racism within herself that fuels her behavior, she directs her ignorance at this blog, as though she’s having a dual of some sort.

This is very typical of southern white people.  The paternalism is so ingrained in the culture; they literally feel it’s their duty to reign in the “problem Negro”.  But here’s the kicker: Slavery ended over 150 years ago.  Yet, these mofos are still trying to keep Jim Crow on life support.

Well, baby…it’s time to pull the plug.

CitCat and Mr. Willard Losinger  https://plus.google.com/101494240510379414243
wlosinger@gmail.com will not be appeased here.  And I don’t know how in the world, either made the assumption that this blog was to esteem the system of White Supremacy.

Take it to Stormfront.

The audacity of White Privilege!

If I could write a letter to all of these people, it would go a little something like this…

Dear White America,

Your monopoly and love affair with cultural appropriation is being confronted.

Your opinion is not the ONLY ONE.  And if you don’t agree with the reality of my truth, you can kiss my ass.


And so on…and so forth.

So to the casual white person who lurks and reads this blog, and wonders, Yes!  I’m indignant, militant, arrogant, intelligent, and oh, so fierce in my convictions, so much so, I’ve decided to continue upsetting white folks until they get the point, that I, nor any other Black person, needs their two cents added into discussions that are talking about the issues that everyone else is afraid of talking about REALISTICALLY, and certainly not in forums moderated by white commentators or news people who don’t have a clue about the Black Experience in this country.

Free Speech is not just for white folks.  So to those white folks that have gotten mad at some of the things I’ve written about on this blog: GOOD.  And if I’ve made you uncomfortable in anyway, I’m delighted.

Because typically, it’s the other way around…and in order to know how to treat people correctly, you need to understand how your behavior has made other people feel.

That’s the point of this blog and I’ll never apologize for saying what is on my mind.  Never!

So you better understand that and if you can’t handle that, feel free to exercise your “mouse” and go to another blog.




12 comments on “A Word For White People Who Read My Blog….

  1. christi says:

    Truth Angel I am new to your blog and ran across it years late but I will like to share my intake on this I loved how you set that record straight for white people and white women period who troll the internet.she’s married to a black man but dont know black history which is even sadder for the black man she married to I know who you talking about she try to school bulk women on bulk men she needs to school herself and leave black women the he’ll alone if that black man made a choice to marry her closet racist ass then god bless him from what’s in store for him later.


    • Truthangel07 says:

      Welcome to my blog, Christi.

      School Black women? Are you talking about CitCat?–or whatever the hell her name is.

      I’ve banned that woman for 2 straight years from my blog, but she continued haunting it. Even put her I.P. address on Twitter.

      Something is definitely wrong with that woman….really.

      My condolences if you know her stupid ass.

      Any woman that has that much time to spend on a computer; obviously doesn’t have a life and certainly doesn’t have a clue.


  2. Chrystal Emma says:

    Truthangel here’s a song I dedicate to you and your blog


  3. […] Source: A Word For White People Who Read My Blog…. […]


  4. KingoftheTeddybears says:


    Thundrous Applause

    Truthangel’s in the Hizzhouse


  5. Hear! Hear! Tell it like it is!!! I am the same way! I just do a dang sight more cussing than you do, but I’m right there with ya!!!

    I love it! I LOVE IT!!!!


    • truthangel07 says:

      Hey, Shelby.

      I just got pissed off today when some asshole left me a link to his blog and basically is ripping me apart for hell, speaking my damn mind? Exercising my freedom of speech–but, oh! Only white folks get to do that, right?

      These people are just beyond the spectrum when it comes to sanity. I’m very serious.

      Black people better start waking up and realizing that it’s just not intelligent to keep thinking that by pretending to like white people, they will behave properly. They won’t and don’t.

      Our truth is just too ugly for them, because it exposes the lie of White Supremacy, and that is the trigger that needs to be pulled and exposed.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Truthangel, on my blog, I call them every name I can think of, i.e. nasty, ass white mofos and some even ‘like’ all up and down on it and come back for more. I ain’t hardly been nice and don’t intend to even if I end up talking to myself because I want people the world over to know what the hell’s going on from the Black perspective. Whites have told it their way for too damn long and I say, “Enough already!” It’s MY turn to tell some home truths and they don’t have to like it, but when they come on my blog, they’re certainly going to read it or get to steppin’!

        I will certainly keep this blog on the radar as I have now come across a kindred soul! Thank you again for telling it like it is! Keep IT up!!!!

        Liked by 1 person

      • truthangel07 says:

        Hi, Shelby.

        Thank you first and foremost for liking and supporting my blog.

        In response to you, yes, we are kindred, girl.

        This blog was inspired by my 15 year battle against the mindset, attitude, behavior, and denial of white supremacy, by white people. They really think we’re making all of this stuff up.

        When I posted this, honestly, I was just fed up with the behavior of some of these fools.

        There is some crazy white dude going by the name of Michael Mann, who literally has been stalking me around the internet because he can’t handle what I’m saying about THEM–even on my Amazon book page, being that I’m a published author. Check out what he wrote on one of my book review pages: http://www.amazon.com/Journey-Into-Mind-Black-Woman/dp/1468025228/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1410353739&sr=8-1&keywords=Sonya+Lavette+Bell That’s him at the very top. Unbelievable, but, he’s gonna help me sell more books. People love controversy.

        But isn’t it typical of white folks? As if…how dare this Negro not recognize my whiteness.


        Keep waitin’ for that.


      • truthangel07 says:

        Hi, Shelby.

        Thank you first and foremost for liking and supporting my blog.

        In response to you, yes, we are kindred, girl.

        This blog was inspired by my 15 year battle against the mindset, attitude, behavior, and denial of white supremacy, by white people. They really think we’re making all of this stuff up.

        When I posted this, honestly, I was just fed up with the behavior of some of these fools.

        There is some crazy white dude going by the name of Michael Mann, who literally has been stalking me around the internet because he can’t handle what I’m saying about THEM–even on my Amazon book page, being that I’m a published author. Check out what he wrote on one of my book review pages: http://www.amazon.com/Journey-Into-Mind-Black-Woman/dp/1468025228/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1410353739&sr=8-1&keywords=Sonya+Lavette+Bell That’s him at the very top. Unbelievable, but, he’s gonna help me sell more books. People love controversy.

        But isn’t it typical of white folks? As if…how dare this Negro not recognize my whiteness.


        Keep waitin’ for that.


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