You’re Being Used For Your MELANIN!


Earth to BLACK PEOPLE of the planet!!!

I’ve been doing a lot of studying of late. If you have been paying attention, my blog postings are not as frequent as in the past, but, when I do post, there is a deeper message being communicated.  Why?  Because, we need to have some serious inspection of a lot of things, one being, the constant pursuit of those in power to control us, and destroy who we are, including our history, culture, and identity.

Does this sound crazy?  Well, it’s not.

Many people today are a confused mess of ignorance, to be used, manipulated, and destroyed, by those people who are completely looped into the Matrix, with desires of warfare, that humanity is not even prepared to deal with.  It’s called: Mass Mental Manipulation.

One of the things that many people don’t even think about is why there are certain messages being transmitted to us daily.  You know what they are.  Just sit and watch television for more than an hour and the images that roll on that screen can range from telling you how to spend your money to how you raise your children.  Are they good messages or bad?  Do they educate you or confuse you?  How do you feel after seeing those messages?

A common theme today, if one is observant, is the promotion of interracial images that are to communicate: “There are no differences.  We are all one.”  Really?  Are we?  Let’s examine this for a moment.

The dialogue 15 years ago was Multiculturalism.  The advancement of thought of a One World Cultural Identity.  Come on…we all knew it was bullshit, but this was part of our language at that time.  I never bought it. Why?  Because, I’ve been Black too long, and you can promote a message, but who was controlling it?

White people are forever trying to come up with ways to control people of color.  From the days of Kemet to now, white people have been trying to steal our identity by means of biological and psychological warfare. Everything that you’re experiencing is being controlled and manipulated to create an illusion and deception in order to stop our advancement on this earth.

A few sentences ago, I mentioned the term, interracial.  This one is now the new form of pushing an agenda of genetic advancement. How is that?  Well, for those of you who are aware of current news, in 1994, the white population of the earth reached negative birthrate.  That literally means: more white people were dying than being born.  Before or by the year 2070, white people in America will become the minority for the first time in this country’s history. So what is causing this population deficit?  Biologically, white people are gene recessive–they can’t produce melanin, which is a significant component of reproduction.  This link fully defines the importance of melanin:

Melanin is ESSENTIAL for the efficient performance of all of the body’s natural functions. Essentially, melanin is the fountain of youth, and all life production .  Without it, one will die.  And nature has selected Caucasians for extinction because they are genetically weak.  White skin is a genetic defect.

White people have known this for a long time.  White Supremacy is all about white genetic survival.  They know they are dying as a race.  The push in the first beginnings of this country was to keep Black people separate from them for fear of “race-mixing” as they called it.  They knew that a Black man having sex with a white woman would literally be the end for all whites, so, they devised schemes and machinations of segregation, instituting laws to justify their fear of a BLACK PLANET so to speak.  It was all simply the white man acknowledging what biologist have proven: they can’t produce other races and the Black race is the parent race.  They need us to survive.  They’ve now figured this out.  This is why they tan–risking cancer, just so they can get what their bodies can’t produce: MELANIN.  But it’s aesthetic.  It’s not real–just an illusion, and as all illusions do, the tan will also fade away.

In nature, if a species is dying, it will literally mate with a stronger species in order to transfer and preserve its genes.  Thus, the push to promote interracial relationships is really the pathetic attempt of whites to preserve themselves IN US.

A sick convergence of existence if ever I’ve heard it.

Love doesn’t have a damn thing to do with it.

To borrow from the Stewart Synopsis, I’ll further: This is why we need to continue our crusade to decolonize the minds of the original genetic template (black people) to see through the nonsense propagated by white people to flatter themselves.  Total ignorance can be fought with knowledge.  A more recent tactic white people use to appease themselves is the “Implicit Association Test.”  They have devised a means to make it seem as though white people are supposed to be the most desirable people on the planet and that everyone wants to be like them and be around them.  If you can see through the nonsense, then you will know what I mean.  Would you want to be around a bunch of paranoid genetic defects with psychological problems and with intermittently inferior genes?  In a nutshell, black people, being the original genetic template are the only fully NORMAL people on the planet.  White people are albinos (recessive genetic defects) and other ethnicities are merely admixtures in between.”

No healthy minded Black person on this earth should ever feel inferior to a white person.  Black people are the Genetic Black Parent Race.

And this is the real reason white people, particularly white females, are mating with us.

Don’t believe the hype.

62 comments on “You’re Being Used For Your MELANIN!

  1. The Black Panther says:

    If we look at the Dravidian albinos and Sri Lankan albinos, plus the language connection between them and modern day Europeans, it should be clear as daylight that modern Europeans are a lost tribe of Albinos from central Asia.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Truthangel07 says:

      Very much so. People trip me out sometimes with the lack of knowledge within their responses. Their cognitive dissonance disables them from deep research and fact checking. I do my homework.

      Liked by 1 person

      • The Black Panther says:

        Yes. This is the truth they don’t want to become mainstream. But I’ll make them famous, lol. I found a lot of information on this website:

        Liked by 1 person

      • Truthangel07 says:

        We are in a war. For the most part, it has been subliminal. I’ve been fighting this war for almost 20 years. This war has now escalated. We are now fighting for our very lives. What is happening is the reality of an enemy who uses military science and is on the offensive against ALL PEOPLE OF COLOR. Why? Because they are literally nearing extinction. They can’t survive genetically. Thus, in their sick, sociopathy, they have surmised: if they kill off US–their biggest threat genetically, they can survive. Does that sound rational? Hell no! White people are insane. We both know it. They are depraved by nature. Everything they have ever done was to protect the lie of white supremacy; at our expense, and to insure they survive. All of this hatred, violence, intimidation, domination, etc., is all coming from the minds of sick, homicidal, suicidal, fragmented thinking, reptilian brain, Caucasoids who are trying to win a battle against nature; but this battle has already been lost.

        I’ll be damned if I allow myself to become collateral damage of their neurosis.

        Liked by 2 people

      • The Black Panther says:

        I’d say the lack of melanin makes people insane! Like you said, this is a war, our unification and strategic planning is now more important than anything else.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Truthangel07 says:

        It most certainly is. The alarm bell has sounded. TIME TO WAKE UP! No more games–this is not an apparition. We have a true enemy who wants to destroy us.

        Liked by 1 person

      • The Black Panther says:

        Our people may only wake up if we use subliminal messages, like stories and pictures.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Truthangel07 says:

        Right now, I’ve not seen Black people this woke since the sixties (not our time). All over social media…it’s like people have discovered that YES! Slavery really did exist–look at what those bastards did to our ancestors. Oh! Jim Crow really was implemented in this country and it took 100 years to break. Malcolm X’s words and images are all over the place–BLACK PEOPLE ARE AWAKE! It’s about time.

        Liked by 1 person

      • The Black Panther says:

        Yes, it is a good thing. And as we awake, we’ll get more attacks from all around us. If you read my latest “fiction” you’ll see what I’m talking about. Today(South African Time) I’ve been of writing a follow up called “The Awakening”, telling the story of the awakening of Melanoid people.


      • Truthangel07 says:

        Melanated people are awaking. And I feel it’s because there is something BIG that is about to happen. A metaphysical event is about to change the game on our behalf. That’s why I have gotten emotional about so much going on. I know there is a higher purpose to it.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Peaches T says:


    Sociology. the belief in the inherent superiority of one’s own ethnic group or culture.
    a tendency to view alien groups or cultures from the perspective of one’s own.

    This is what is at work here. So sad that this part of human nature has not changed over the ages. Such hate…such ego. I am white, and I love my light pretty skin. My family has beautiful hair, long, thick and shiny! We are blondes and redheads. I have received compliments on my hair my entire life. I can just wash and go…my hair dries with beautiful soft shiny waves rippling down my back. I know I am blessed and God placed me in the family where he wanted me. I have never wanted to look like others…just feel blessed. May our Lord Jesus bless you as well.


  3. Jena says:

    Black people need to seriously get off their self entitlement kick. They victimize themselves. Always trying to get one over on a decent person. always trying to steal from people always trying to lie to people always trying to make themselves out to be the martyr get off the cross black people Someone else needs the wood. You’ll feel a lot better inside if you stop blaming others for your problems and accept the things that you can change for yourselves.


    • Truthangel07 says:

      Let me tell you something, right here and right now. Don’t you even think for a millisecond that you’re going to come to my blog and spew this racist, ignorant, and totally uneducated opinion.

      It’s quite apparent, AGAIN, we have yet another low, reptilian, reactive Caucasoid who doesn’t seem to over-stand the reality of his own existence, yet, preemptively, has the temerity to infer the value of mine.

      Obviously, you didn’t read the disclaimer on the front page of my blog, sweetie: “Only the TRUTH is spoken here. Get used to it!

      What is this blog about? It’s very clear that I’m promoting Black love, community, and family values of the African American community. If you do not understand that and have negative attitudes, and views about my people, you are not welcome here–and will be banned immediately.”

      Do you inter-stand this?

      First and foremost, the information I am discussing, is made from years of experience, observation, and interaction with white folks like you, who like to walk around and believe that you’re above reproach–how dare any Negro challenge your white supremacy.

      The audacity that you have to seemingly skate around the reality of this country being founded on racist principles; which in fact, are the basis of wealth generation for you and every single white person in America. Yes, sweetie, you have benefited from that system whether you want to agree with it or not.

      Self-entitlement? I don’t think so.

      We’re tired of trying to prove our humanity–even with all of our achievements in this country; our lives are demonized and de-valued by clueless little miscreants as yourself.

      Get off of my blog!

      Your presence will not be tolerated.

      I’m a proud, educated Black woman, and I will not esteem you. Don’t you dare talk down to me, you exiguous cretin.

      Nature has selected you people for extinction; the white population is at negative birthrate and in less than a generation, a blond blue-eyed child will be considered a rarity.

      You deserve to be hushed and nullified.

      The evil of whites is being reciprocated and you people are scared to death.

      If I’ve offended you in any way…I’m delighted.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Peaches T says:

        God is in control, and he knows all. I am so glad that Jesus died for all of us, because if it had been left up to humans, a lot of us would have missed out on heaven. The original Jews could not follow the law because humans are fallen beings. Believe it or not, we are all in the same boat…we are living in a fallen world that disobeyed God. I am highly educated too, but over the years, I have come to understand that all it provided was a living. I despise academic egoism. “All of our very best is as filthy rags” in God’s eyes. I can certainly understand your vitriol based on our country’s history. Of course, I don’t pretend to know what it is to be a black person, because I am not black and have never lived in a black community. I probably shouldn’t even be posting on this site, but all the hate everywhere just makes me sad. (Yes, I have heard whites who say such terrible things about blacks that it is shocking. My husband is haunted by the site of a boy who had been hanged in a park on the south side of Chicago.) And yes, I see that whites have kept blacks down. I have never understood this and will always wonder why God allowed it. I have heard so much conjecture from all sides from black Christian pastors, white Christian pastors, lay-people of all races. I do know that Moses had an Ethiopian wife and that there were black Jews who came out of Egypt. I can easily accept that Adam and Eve were probably black because of where the Garden of Eden was. I do see that whites have tried to make Jesus white and even Santa Clause is always depicted as white. It is all human ego, and it hurts children. I was a school teacher, and I would look at all my kids/students and would feel so sad at times because of this nasty world and what they would have to face in their lives…just heartbreaking at times. I am still finding out that I was told a pack of lies.


  4. TheOriginalBlackWoman13 says:

    @ Truth
    Great post! I love the pic! I’m gonna have to use it. lol!


  5. Udmaster says:

    Nice writeup!
    Africa still have up to billions of Blacks and are expected to keep populating more.. Nothing will happen to the Black Race. We are the Original Gene.


    • truthangel07 says:

      Yes we are and white people know this. That is why they keep trying to control all of Africa’s resources.

      Did you know the real reason why Khadaffi was killed? It was because he was going to give money to African leaders to start up a central bank that would have been backed up by the continents of Africa. This would have caused an instability in the flow of world money–thus, he had to be eliminated for that.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Udmaster says:

        Thats Right! He had a dream for United African Army and One African currency which will be backed up in value by the Continent Rich natural resources. Out of Fear and envy, they murdered him.


      • truthangel07 says:

        White people are already marked by nature for extinction. The Bubonic plague that impacted Europe in the middle ages, was the first warning by nature to correct an obvious genetic mistake.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. folake1979 says:

    You know. This serves as a huge eye opener for me. Very powerful message indeed. I just wish that more black people i come in contact with would have enough self esteem and respect to not want to imitate an inferior GMO (Genetically Modified Organism). We black people are the most beautiful, creative and healthiest people on earth, created in Gods image. So why in the world would we want to destroy what God gave us in the name of “acceptance” into a racist “multicultural” society. Black is beautiful. We should always wear it with pride.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. totally agree. White people are natural eugenicists in a sense that they always wanna preserve their race by any means necessary. Interracial children will be an extension of White Supremacy which is why we shouldn’t mate with them.


    • truthangel07 says:

      They better be glad Black people aren’t serial killers. There would be glad everywhere.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Tyrone says:

      Exactly! Mulattos are seen as honorary Caucasians. Whitewomen love to wax poetic about their black babies yada yada yada…Really? Blake Griffin types don’t want to be blackmen, and this is self-evident. Bryant Gumbel, Tiger Woods, and many others validate this glaring contradiction. “Don’t worry sistas and brothas, my babies are black.” And, many of us went along with this for a time. However, lies have a shelf life too. As the truth comes out, the Mulatto class is getting scared of what the future may hold for them. They’ve been in bed with the enemy all these years, a price has to be paid for that. Mixing benefits other races…Not Us! Black Love=Black Power! Dilution is not part of the plan…Bottomline!


      • truthangel07 says:

        As they used to say back in the day: You damn, skippy!

        The idiocy in thinking that sexy with white people would end racism is beyond lunacy–it’s psychotic.


  8. layla Lewis says:

    I feel sad that black people must disappear from the face of the Earth! There is no other people that have our physical characteristics! Because this sick obsession of black men for white women I see every day! Here in the UK I do not see more black men with black women and black children, now I see black men with white women and mulatto children !
    Wherever the whites want to clean up our presence with both with IR and the killings of our brothers and sisters is an unstoppable process!Which is beautiful in fair skin? Really I don’t understand!


    • Tyrone says:

      Most of these blackmen are African or Jamaican…Yes? Sistas in the UK failed to notice the obvious. These men are playing a dangerous game, which is, they’re trying to destroy white manhood by breeding their daughters. However, the joke is on them. As we have witnessed over decades and decades, mulattos are nurtured to love whiteness. This is an internal plague, can’t blame this on whitemen. All of these men have black mothers. Are they encouraging this sickness indirectly? The crazy thing is, in the US, same group of African and Caribbean men tend to comprise most BM/WW relationships as well. They are also arrogant as hell, I’ve noticed this in my dealings with both over the years. At some point, blackwomen gotta leave England. If they wanna be white, let them be be Anglo-Saxons. For a long time, the politicos in England have kept out other blacks that are examples of Black Love, and they have been successful up to this point. They can’t win, losing is a necessity in relation to them…Bottomline!


      • layla Lewis says:

        It is true most of these men are African and Caribbean blacks! These marriages take place more easily here because the English are very good at hiding racism unlike the racist white Americans do not hesitate to kill blacks and oppress them with their hate, here have not yet done! But in the past the British were very intolerant and racist no that has changed today!
        We must remember that England was a former slave country and has practiced slavery!
        Many whites have lied about slavery! They always accused who were the blacks Africans did sell their brothers to the slave market! That’s a lie! The absurd thing that mulattoes have the features of a person of color but they have this love for the whites!
        The fact is that Portuguese “explorers” mastered a pattern of European conquest that is 6,000 years old. They deliberately created mixed-race subgroups with the intention of using them to capture and enslave the native African populations. Arriving on the Cape Verde islands in the late 1400s, Jewish slave merchants kidnapped and raped African women, and the mixed-race offspring, called “Lançados”, were raised on the islands as European Jews, practicing Judaism and respecting Jewish authority. These “Lançados” were sent into the African mainland to set up an international “trading post” to at first market the fine fabrics being produced by the Africans. But soon they turned on their hosts and began trading in Black human beings. The “Lançados” were strictly trained in the Jewish family business of slave-dealing. It was these half-breed, mixed-race (or mulatto) “half-ricans” who infiltrated the Black African communities, seeking to satisfy the European lust for Black labor.
        Historian Walter Rodney described these “AFRICAN” slave traders thus: “Many of the private traders were mulattoes, already linked to the Africans by blood, and there were those who had become so integrated into African life that they wore tribal tattoos. It was these who were the authentic lançados, literally ‘those who had thrown themselves’ among the Africans.”
        That’s the truth! Many blacks do not like mulattos because are traitors and history shows their treachery!


      • truthangel07 says:

        Something is getting ready to happen. The voice of the people have been loud and God hears the prayers of the righteous.

        Our enemies are going to be destroyed. We are God’s people.

        Tell anyone who is thinking about getting into a relationship with a biracial or white person, not to do so. These people are marked for death.

        The spirit of Shaka Zulu is being revived among Black men. And a very organized group of Brothers are going to be handing out raw justice to ALL PERPETRATORS who have done evil to our people.


        The time has come.

        Liked by 1 person

      • truthangel07 says:

        The UK has not real Black Consciousness. Those Blacks that are there basically look to American Blacks for conscious guidance.


    • Tyrone says:

      @Layla Lewis

      To understand the mindset of these men, reading and seeing their insanity is informative. This site is NSFW, but a light needs to be shed upon it by sincere sistas and brothas that hate the warped mindset among too many blackmen at this juncture in
      our history. Twisted Logic…


      • layla Lewis says:

        Whites are the most liar people of this world, trust them is like selling your soul to Satan! There are communities that do not like blacks because of them! Whites had exterminated, killed, robbed, massacred, raped and violated the human rights inviolable ! The blacks as a people have never done this in fact our ancestors have built and were a spiritual people! I laugh as accuse blacks of being criminals and horrible, I wonder who the real monster in this world? Black crime should not compared to the massacre of entire peoples and murdered innocents! You know What do I like about their answer? Yes, the past is the past now should look forward! Hypocrisy!

        Liked by 1 person

      • truthangel07 says:

        Some people look at others with a microscope, but look at themselves with rose-colored glasses. That is white people in a shell.

        They are evil incarnate–and I’m calling them out.

        Many have tried to infiltrate my blog with their craziness, but I slam the door in their faces every time.

        I don’t care if I hurt them. They deserve it.


    • truthangel07 says:

      You have to be vigilant and SPEAK OUT about what you’re seeing. Speak the TRUTH. Tell it like it is. Make them aware of their behavior.

      There’s a reason for it…and if it’s really love, then why are they only seeing it with white women?


      • layla Lewis says:

        You know that in some parts of the Earth the blacks are extinct! Watch the massacre in Tasmania and the near disappearance of the Aborigines in Australia! We are the original people! Because wherever whites went in the world have found ancient peoples blacks before them! Black man as a human being is the oldest! This thing above always bothered white men! Because in their most complete ignorance full of racism, their credevono to be the chosen people of God! I do not see of love when I see an Asian with a White and a Black with a White! Look they are always the first choice in interracial marriages! Who knows why?
        Certainly is evidence that they want to survive in the major ethnic groups! In fact, the most populous countries in the world have a population that is not white! There is a reason! Why put hatred between black men and black women? To prevent will not born black children! For this reason they want to hold off black men and black women! Everything a well-organized plan!


      • truthangel07 says:

        Of course, but we are God’s children and when you attack what is God’s; he will deal with you.

        White people as a race are over.

        And this is my send-off eulogy to their bastard race.

        Good riddance.

        Liked by 1 person

    • truthangel07 says:

      Black people aren’t disappearing from the earth–white people are.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Tyrone says:

      The traitorous Lancados are not talked about much in the US because many of us are still learning about the forerunners of the Transatlantic Slave Trade…Spain and Iberia! Neither has changed their spots. In Brazil, they’ve created dozens of racial categories to brainwash our kinsfolk. What turned me against mulattos was Spanish culture. Seeing how much afrolatinos hated their heritage over time…It caused me to question my own beliefs. In the US, mulattos have been placed in the African-American box since slavery. Like many, I viewed them as black, just lighter. As I got older, the contradictions hit me like a brick. Seeing the colorism in Hollywood, Hip-Hop, R&B, Sports…The Lightswitch! I said to myself, “These mofos are pushing white supremacy via mulatto women and black male supremacy. As a blackman, I see and hear stuff you don’t. In middle and senior high school, there was always a handful of brothas that always tapped about f@#$ing white girls when we would be at lunch, gym class, parties, etc. At that age, it went over my head. Conquest of whitewomen was woven into our Psyche without us even noticing it. I wanna stress this to other blackmen. Interracial is about male ego and power above all things. A woman choosing another tribe of men over her own is a powerful statement…Indeed! And, this is the drug that fuels “The Swirl.” A whitewoman gives us the same pleasure, but, having babies with them is suicidal. God giveth and he taketh away. We may win in the bedroom, and lose the larger war in the boardrooms and courtrooms. Furthering the race is the sacred duty of all men, regardless of race…Us Especially! I’ll never understand how a blackman cannot be sexually attracted to dark-skinned women? My brain can’t understand that logic? Are blacks in the UK aware of Afroerotik? It’s a black erotica site created by a Sista…Scottie Lowe. She has a tumblr site as well to compliment the website. Black Love, Lust, Sex, Unity, Progress…One in The Same! Appreciate The Knowledge Layla…One Love!


  9. nidotopianwarrior says:

    *cheers and applause* 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 *cheers and applause* 🍻 🍻 🍻 🍻 🌃 🌃 🌃 🌃


  10. Tyrone says:

    Whites are pushing their women and men to a lesser extent to mix with blacks, because it’s the only way they will get darker in color. Doing so with Asians and other subgroups does not accomplish the goal. They simply end up with tan white children. Sunburn and aging are the 2 biggest factors that cause them to behave as such. As to blackmen destroying them via sex, I don’t believe that hypothesis anymore. Many of us view that as gospel, but it’s a lie. Although whitewomen are willing to bring forth a so-called black baby, they don’t raise them to love blackness. Give their kids the whitest names in the book, Why? Despite what black folk think, her child is superior to any black boy or girl because they have a white mother. This ugly truth is often overlooked by the Pan-African crowd, who are apologists for blacks that engage in such foolishness. Another point, the election of Obama was seen as a greenlight for them push the IR agenda. Blacks voted for a mulatto man to be POTUS. In their minds, we gave our blessing for them to push the swirl via media and sports. Hip-Hop, Reality TV, Blogs, Magazines, Network & Cable Programming, Porn Industry, etc. A lot of folk have gotten hoodwinked. Truth, our people are sick…Really Sick!!!


    • truthangel07 says:

      Yes, they are, Tyrone.

      And I’m going to use the arrogance of whites as a weapon against them.

      This is why I’ve had so many whites attracted to my blog–they know I’m telling the truth and fear it.

      You’ve seen some of the posts on some of the articles in the past.

      I’ve been very strict about allowing any whites on my blog.

      My agenda is clear–and every word in my articles is to bring about clarity of consciousness in Black people.Everything I say on my blog, is for the advancement of BP; at the expense of the false supremacy mindset of WP!

      Liked by 1 person

      • mswanda says:

        I’m so thankful that you keep this blog black. I was reading another blog by a bw and she lets everyone in. I got so tired of reading the comments of whites playing dumb,asking stupid questions, saying they go through the same struggles as we do, or just trolling. This woman had a really good blog and she is letting white people ruin it.


      • truthangel07 says:

        Don’t they always.

        It’s that illusion of inclusion.

        Wanda, I just don’t have tolerance for weak Blacks. I just don’t. It’s time to face this enemy of ours–I’M READY TO FIGHT! I’m not even scared.

        That’s the spirit I bring to this blog: I will never negotiate peace with an enemy who is determined to destroy us. I WANT THEM ALL DESTROYED!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Tyrone says:

        Apologize for the AWOL status Sis. I got caught up in other blogs and sites the past number of months. Like always, your words are still hot like fire. It’s gettting crazier by the hour. They can’t break you, but they will surely try!!!


      • truthangel07 says:

        When they do, I just come even harder.

        A steel sword never dulls….

        Liked by 1 person

  11. Kushite Prince says:

    “This is why we need to continue our crusade to decolonize the minds of the original genetic template (black people) to see through the nonsense propagated by white people to flatter themselves. Total ignorance can be fought with knowledge. A more recent tactic white people use to appease themselves is the “Implicit Association Test.” They have devised a means to make it seem as though white people are supposed to be the most desirable people on the planet and that everyone wants to be like them and be around them. If you can see through the nonsense, then you will know what I mean. Would you want to be around a bunch of paranoid genetic defects with psychological problems and with intermittently inferior genes? In a nutshell, black people, being the original genetic template are the only fully NORMAL people on the planet. White people are albinos (recessive genetic defects) and other ethnicities are merely admixtures in between.”

    Wow!! Very powerful words! Wonderful post sis!


    • truthangel07 says:

      Thanks, Kushite.

      I’ve been doing a lot of learning lately, as I stated.

      Today, more than at any time, Black people have got to stop wallowing in stupidity and ignorance, playing victims, but infusing their minds with knowledge that will help them take back what white people have stolen from us.

      We have allowed this to happen…and I am just confronting the reality and putting it out there to be exposed to the masses.

      Liked by 1 person

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