How To Attract A Quality Man…And Become His Bride!


When I was a child, my mother gave me three basic rules: to Respect Myself, Value my name (reputation), and NEVER play with a man’s money or his emotions. I listened to that.

Over they years, I’ve had at least most of the men I’ve dated or had encounters with want to marry me–or to consider me marriage material.  No.  I’m not bragging.  Just saying…

There was no secret to attracting these type of men. I just listened to my mother’s advice and I’d like to share with some women why some of them can’t attract the “right men.”

Women today are too easy to give up the very thing that attracts a man. Her mystery. Or let me just be more blunt, you give up the punanny too quick. Men want a respectable woman who carries herself with dignity. Not one that will embarrass him. If you’re the type of chick that likes to get drunk in the bar or club and then do a strip-tease, chances are, you will get men’s attention, but not the man that wants to marry you. Being too loose in the public eyes devalues women in the eyes of men. It’s true…men treat a woman according to how she carries herself. The thing that goes through a man’s mind, basically, is that women like this are whores and if a woman doesn’t care about herself, and debases herself in public, she’s probably easy, and will do it with any man.

The feminist movement, in my opinion, was a failure. Frankly, it achieved nothing in relation to women being treated with more respect. It had good intentions, but honestly, it has become destructive to women and how they are viewed by men in general.

Women today have cheapened themselves to the level of cheap pick-ups. Men don’t feel they have to treat women with any type of respect and give women what they ask for: bad treatment.

If you want to be the one-night stand the rest of your life, keep doing what you’re doing. But if you want to attract the right man, I suggest you start understanding that with men, they have 4 basic needs in a woman: A devoted woman who enjoys his company, A woman who is domestic–yes, men love a good cook and a woman who will make his home happy, as well as keep it organized, and clean.  A woman he can trust. Let’s face it, some women talk too much. Many men complain that the reason why they don’t tell their wives or girlfriends anything is that when they do, everyone in town will know their business. And lastly, A woman that respects him. The smart woman knows how to please her man with compliments–not put-downs.  If you want anything from a man, make him THINK he’s the only man on earth that can accomplish what you desire. Yes, ladies. Men really do want to be Superman.

If you want to attract a rich man, please don’t make a big deal about his money. Rich men automatically are distrustful of people, particularly women who seem to be attracted to their money more than them. If you do give too much attention to what he has as opposed to who he is, you have given that man all the power in the world to look down on you and treat you like a cheap commodity or slut. If you want to be treated special by this type of man–and become the woman of his dreams, you must give him the impression that you are being sought after by other men like himself.

Men most often will marry the woman they consider to be “wife material”.  Logically speaking, if you want to be chosen, then you need to study what makes a good wife in the eyes of a man.

Most men of importance already feel as though they are special–it’s all about them, and rich men even moreso, but the kicker here is for the woman that lands this type of man, you must give him the impression that you’re special and IT’S ALL ABOUT YOU. You are the absolute catch. Don’t make that man think you’re a dime a dozen. Don’t act like he’s all that either. If you make him think of you as inferior, you can hang it up. Men who think highly of themselves will not stoop to a woman that treats herself badly and thinks of herself as inferior. He’ll discard you quickly.

I learned this at a young age. I never was the type to go crazy over the popular guys, I’d act like I wasn’t interested. Per usual, this attracted them to me–they viewed me as someone who they had to chase. Men are natural hunters and when a man feels that a woman is getting away, it will naturally set off his hunting instincts. He will think of you as some type of It Girl, who has men under a spell, and he has to have you–by any means necessary. Wink-wink.

It’s really that simple.

But sadly, far too many women today treat themselves like rental cars; anyone who can pay to drive, can have a ride. They become common.

Men love to dig for gold. They love what is valuable and rare. The woman who carries herself like she is the finest jewel, will most definitely become the interest of the man who feels he deserves to have something so rare.

Why Black Women Prefer To Date and Marry Black Men…

I'm so lucky...

Does this really need to be explained?

Some would think so…well, for those who are wondering, here’s why the majority of Black women prefer Black men: Black men are the only equals for Black women. A Black man was the first man. In the image of God…man was created. He was the first father. Black men are what their fathers are. All women want to marry that which mirrors them.

In my wildest dreams, I never thought there would be day when any Black person would have to qualify their reason as to why they do what should come natural to all, to love one another, fall in love, and marry.

The state of condition in this country is such that white people are now concerned that we are marrying each other–and not them. Huh? Thus, the arrogant white controlled media has seemingly created an attitude in the public’s mind that for some reason, it is necessary to divide and conquer Black love, by insulting and hurting us with perceptions and racist preconceptions of ourselves, thus, creating a false image of our community.

There have been books, talk shows, movies, magazines, and even reality shows that try to instigate some type of war between Black men and women. But why? Why is our community being targeted by such bigotry and ignorance?  Better yet, why are so many Black men and women spreading the misinformation and responding with counterintuitive actions against their own people.  Who’s reality are you living?

I’ve thought about this and I can only say that the most powerful image I have are of Black men and women in love, who stand with one another, and are a dynamic force for our people.  There’s just something very powerful about a Black man and woman who love each other, and walk boldly together. The vibes one gets from them is just beyond words.  It’s a beautiful thing.  Black love is the truest energy and it impacts everything around it.

Let me be even more clear, Black men in love with strong Black women scare the hell out of racist white males and weak white women. They hate Black people but out of some type of pathological sickness, take pleasure in exploiting the negative in our community, at any length, the most passionate being, to attack us where we’re most vulnerable to them: many Black people having terrible self-hatred and feelings of inferiority and insecurity, to the degree, promoting white supremacy through interracial coupling extends this ethos even more, with the intent to divide us, weaken us, and neutralize all Black nationalist agendas to advance the race as a whole.

This appears to be working in 2014, but not all of us are falling for this psychological tactic.

Black women in particular, are not believing that every Black man on this planet hates them. I for one, have never been ignored by Black men–I get approached almost daily, however, it’s not for attention that I prefer Black men, to me, they just are the most sexy, intelligent, cool, strong, creative, well-built, funniest, clever men I’ve ever encountered. I can’t imagine not being attracted to them. All of my life, I’ve loved Black men. Even when I was a little girl, I just loved to look at them. They made me feel secure, and protected.

“According to Howard University researcher Ivory A. Toldson, 88 percent of married African-American men – of all education and income levels – marry Black women. Most rich and successful Black men do not choose to marry outside of their race: 83 percent of six-figure-earning brothers and 85 percent of college educated African-American men find a Black woman to call his wife, reported Toldson.”


I grew up in a community where some of the finest Black men and women lived in Chicago. The images I saw were positive. Black men were chasing Black women every single day. All I saw were brothers literally getting into car accidents–breaking their necks as they hollered out of their Cadillac’s, Lincolns, Regal’s, Monte-Carlos with the gansta white walls, at the Foxes, Babes, Brown Sugar, and Sexy Mamas that were coming from every direction. Black love was a good thing.

And when I decided to create this blog, it was done with the intent of promoting this along with definitive values of family and community within our culture.

Honestly, I shake my head at the comments that I’ve witnessed online regarding who we are as a people, but when you become what your enemy wants you to be, you have been completely conquered, and your mind entrapped by a lie.

To be or not to be…Shakespeare posed the question, well for me, Black love is a the most revolutionary act, and this Black woman is leading the cause without apology.

The Essence of Black Love…

What’s love got to do with it?  It has everything to do with it.

We are family…and the Black race was created by Black love.

There is no other group to which I belong nor claim.  Sure, my blood may have many different mixes resulting from the global reality of migration of African people, as well as time, circumstances, and polarity, but nonetheless, I am of African descent.

In the beginning, God spoke existence into being.  Adam was a Black man.  And Eve was created from his rib.  She was his genetic equal.  All Black people and life came from Africa.  We were the first to BE.  And God looked at what he created and knew it was good. From this divine birthing, a race of people came that would be the first to civilize the earth.

We were born in the image of God, and to not love one another, is to hate our creator.

Growing up, I never once had any reaction to seeing Black men and women married to each other or with each other romantically. However, today, with the reality of interracial dating and marriage impacting society; many Black men and women are often shocked to see a Black couple.

The media distorts the image of the Black family and thus, creates a false image of dysfunction to the masses, that becomes the new paradigm.  But why do so many of us believe what is false?

I am all for love in our community.  When Black fathers were in the home, our families were strong.  The image of a proud, strong Black man, gave confidence to all Black sons in the community. Being married to a good Black woman was the norm.

The beautiful Black women that I saw every day in my old neighborhood in Chicago would make some fashion models look like somebody’s house pet. They were fierce.  The essence of femininity and creation.  Blessed with beauty, brains, and the poetic grace of gazelles, I remember how when these ladies walked down the street, it was as if even the sun stood still in respect.

There aren’t many memories I have of Black men and women hating one another.  I witnessed the opposite.  The Black men bragged on Black women.  They loved to look at them, flirt with them, be with them, marry them, and put them on pedestals.  Yes!  I am a witness to Black love in all of its essence.

Being married to a Black man/woman shouldn’t shock anyone who is right in their mind.  It is the only normal to me, and to me, that is divine.