The Charleston Massacre! A Sign From God For Black People TO DESTROY THE EVIL IN WHITE AMERICA!


I woke up this morning…prayed, as I always do before I leave the house; got dressed, and left to run errands.  It was already getting hot.  My initiative was to stir early before it got too sticky.  When I got in town, I made one stop then went to have some breakfast at McDonald’s.  After ordering, I chose a seat in the TV room; and watched the news on the big 50 inch.  *Breaking News* as I began to eat, the images flashed before me: CHARLESTON MASSACRE! NINE DEAD.  Police say, “It’s a Hate Crime.”  I stopped eating. Rage went through my body.  I had to get to my blog A.S.A.P.

All over social media, this story is trending.

The gunman apparently sat down and listened to the service, then shot 9 people in cold blood.  They had been praying.  What kind of evil walked in that church? Killing God’s people in his house??? This craKKKa just committed suicide! There will be a spiritual response!

South Carolina succeeded from the union>>>sparking the Civil War. This shooting is symbolic. A WAR is about to happen in America!  And I have 0-Tolerance for cowardice.  I will not be civil.  I will not be a “peaceful protester”.  It is time for ACTION and RESPONSE.

Ever since the Zimmerman trial and acquittal, there has been a domino effect in the amount of tragedies that have happened to Black people.

What will be the response of Black America!

There will be people among us who will call for peace and civility.  Civility?  Why are Black people expected to be civil when there have been 3 separate incidences of violence against innocent Black people within one month?  It’s stupid to even suggest it.

I’m not afraid to fight!

This is a wake-up call, Black People.  It’s beyond a coincidence.

As people go about there lives, this story is just yet another in millions, but it is particularly specific in the nature of subliminal hatred that is being directed at Black people in the wake of an African American president who has shown how weak he is; and this translated a message to whites.  His refusal to speak truthfully and strongly about racism in whites and this country, has given them an attitude of invincibility to do us harm; expecting no accountability. The hand of God is pointing in his face now!


What will be the response?

I do not give a damn who I offend!  I’m offended!  And I have 0-Tolerance for Cowardice at this time. GET OFF OF YOUR BLACK ASSES AND FIGHT FOR YOUR PEOPLE!!!

*Update*  The killer has been apprehended.  His name is Dylan Storm Roof.


38 comments on “The Charleston Massacre! A Sign From God For Black People TO DESTROY THE EVIL IN WHITE AMERICA!

  1. Mandisi says:

    So much enjoyment of BS gays from black celebrities and they keep low-key on The Charleston Massacre! ….Black success has killed everything dat we once stood for.


  2. Chrystal Emma says:

    check this out sis, it made me almost throw up to read that


    • Truthangel07 says:

      OMG! This is madness with spiritual overtones. I don’t get it. Really…


    • nidotopianwarrior says:

      My goodness what is wrong with our people? Don’t take offence tl this but it seems like Marcus Stanley bent over and let that boy have his way…. That’s how utterly disturbing that was… Blech 😝


      • Truthangel07 says:

        Crazy, Nido. Completely. It makes no sense at all.

        But folks are having any punk ass response. This violates everything sacred and holy in our community. How many of us go to church every Sunday. We are a people who worship. That monster sat in that service for an hour; then killed those people. One of the victims actually forgave him before dying.


      • nidotopianwarrior says:

        I for one do not go to church……. actually forgave him before dying? I……just…….can’t….I’m sorry this is just too much


      • Truthangel07 says:

        I know.

        Forgiveness is a process.


      • Truthangel07 says:

        It’s crazy how some Black people respond to racism and violence against Black people.


  3. Chrystal Emma says:

    As much as I have become disillusioned with religion altogether, this story literally moved me to tears. Our people need to wake up en masse and smell the coffee, we are in the land of our enemies. These people DO NOT love us, they are NOT our friends. It absolutely sickens me to see how simple minded our people have become. On the Huffington Post some simp negro was praying for this sewer alligator, imagine that, praying for his soul when the souls of our deceased ancestors are before the throne of our heavenly father demanding vengeance. Yet our people are running around this place hooking up and shacking up with these devils…. come on family, WAKE THE HELL UP!!!!!!


    • Truthangel07 says:

      Our people seem to confuse prayer as some kind of display to God of humility in the face of violence, as was many Christians martyred. However, our enemy uses military science; and frankly, I don’t know of anyone who gets hit upside the head and then starts quoting Bible scriptures.

      There were wars fought in the Bible–violent ones. And God killed many of his enemies and those who violated his laws.

      Thus, it is not a sin to demonstrate righteous indignation. It’s intelligent.


  4. Tyrone@ the problem is most black people today they hate their own race, because if they had more respect for themselves, they would never have married whites!
    I can not accept the whites who write nasty comments on the Internet, about the Charleston massacre, because these viles have the arrogance to throw shit on us,they have a free access in the black community because they have a black partner!This is not the first time,the black churches are attacked from the time of Martin Luther King!
    They have this arrogance to call us racist!Really?For 500 years black people have terrified the whites? This they will write on books? I would ask to those blacks who are in relationship with a white what they are thinking of all these killings?Yes, they will tell me not all white people are bad!
    Some of us don’t want accept!


    • Tyrone says:

      Lewis, no sane black woman or man desires to lay in bed with a race of people that hate us simply because of our dark skin and ancestry. The IR stuff is mental illness. Why would I choose the lesser? Mixing with black folk allows them to stay in our business. This is why they push foolishness. In my world, ain’t no such thing as half-a-negro. It’s a sucker game. Give up our dna to others, and, then become victims of the swirl crowd. Again, the racist are on both sides. Glorify WM/BF and demonize BM/WF. The first grouping is what the powers that be want. Honestly, I never believed they gave a damn about each other anyway. Brothas see it as revenge, which is what victimized men do. View the daughters of their oppressors as a trophy to have. Blackwomen are who we’re fighting for, our black asses just get in the way of them actualizing their goals. We have to stay mindful of this. The most racist whites have our blood in them, but, brothas are asleep at the wheel.

      Southern Whites
      Spanish Whites
      Middle-Eastern Whites

      All 3 have a strong disdain for blackmen…Know Thy Enemy! Mixing with others is a recipe for enslavement, never in life should we co-sign our own bondage. A lot of us are stubborn, it’s an Achilles Heel we must overcome. Keep being a megaphone of truth for free black people…Much Appreciated!
      Yet, we wax poetic about blonde hair and blue eyes. These white mutts have inflicted the most harm to our race over the long term.


  5. reality_check says:

    @Truthangel and all..

    Don’t be fooled- what we have just witnessed is a good old-fashioned political assassination. This was all done with the intent of assassinating that standing State Senator, Clamenta Pickney.

    Pickney was lobbying for all policemen to be required to wear body cameras while on duty. Very coincidental that he should meet such a tragic demise.

    This whole ordeal feels kinda MK-Ultra (ish) to me. The reason this dude gave as to his motivations made no sense: you are supposedly mad at black men for “raping” white women, yet the majority of the people that you kill were Black women? Seriously?

    Pickney was the target- you can’t convince me otherwise.


  6. How much has really changed? It’s disgusting how many people try to justify and victim blame when black lives are taken every day! What year is it again? How much do you think has really changed? Bet you he won’t be shot up, chocked out, or have his spine broken when they find him. We should be sad but we should also be angry with all that’s going on. To this day, there are plenty of people that don’t want you to exist because of your melanin! If you don’t believe that, you better wake up!
    This is the signal of a civil war in America, because white Americans have abused too much of their arrogance and their power, and African Americans have had enough!
    As they did with the Native Americans, now they want to do with us now!


    • Truthangel07 says:

      Yes, I agree.

      White Supremacy is a lie and as for white folks; they are at their end genetically–they’re losing their minds. And God is waking up Black people because we are the gatekeepers of consciousness. It’s time for this evil race to go.


    • Tyrone says:

      Whites haven’t changed, they have no incentive to change. Using our race as a meal ticket has benefitted them greatly. It’s not just them, everybody enriches their clan by mind-f@$king black people more or less. We will always have to endure this insanity. Understand it and block it out, or, keep getting our asses kicked.


      • Truthangel07 says:

        Tyrone, the cure for Black people will be the day when our people realize OUR PARTICIPATION in the madness. You can’t be a slave unless you allow yourself to be one.


  7. TheAwk says:

    It’s time to embrace our African spirituality and stop praying to europoid god! This is a big mistake!


    • Che says:

      So true! !


    • Truthangel07 says:

      God never gave his racial identity; he is a spirit. White people distorted the message of Christ to infuse racial superiority. Basically, God’s image was marketed as white in order to oppress people of color into submitting into the lie of White Supremacy.


      • TheAwk says:

        The word ‘god’ is a reference to the europoid divinity. In African spirituality we use ‘Amen Ra’. We have to get rid of europoid practices. Regarding the title of the post, I don’t think ‘god’ (as put here) would sacrifices our brothers and sisters to send us a sign. This just doesn’t make sense and it’s a christian way of thinking. We have to take spirituality more seriously if we want true freedom. This is not a joke!


      • Truthangel07 says:

        I hear you. Point taken.


      • Tyrone says:

        This is a big reason why I tuned out organized religion. As a youngin, went to bible study on Wednesdays and church on Sundays. As I got older, the white jesus paintings in black houses of worship didn’t make sense to me. I saw it as weakness and a lie. Let’s be brutally honest on this, Christianity has made us afraid to stand up for ourselves. Today, the victims’ loved ones are willing to forgive a sewer rat who took away someone they loved. Knowing my personality, I would lay hands on him. Weakness in blackmen invites more of this. See us kill each other all over, it gives them a green light to blast away…Perspective! Dangerous times we living in.


      • Truthangel07 says:

        We gotta get serious, Tyrone. No more. There’s been a breach in the temple; we let the enemy in without a security check. And look what has happened. It’s our own damn fault.


  8. Tyrone says:

    The older generation understands the ramifications of this, however, the 90s babies are already lost. I don’t see them changing their tune anytime soon. Older blacks are the victims of this deranged whiteboi. It will be rationalized away as some one-off event, not the norm. I always check Dr. Boyce Watkins on YouTube before I head to work, which is where I first heard about this tragedy. He was talking about Rev. Sharpton appealing for calm from the community. Listening to his tone, I could tell he wanted to burst. We got thugs in every city with bodies. They have no shame in killing each other, but, won’t strike back against the system. If we can’t get enraged about this incident, ain’t no hope for us. I don’t support violence against innocent people, but, racist whitemen in this country have to pay a heavy price. Attacking a black church is the holy grail for the nuts, it’s very much symbolic. My advice to our people, ignore the talking heads on cable news and social media. A lot of faux outrage is gonna pop up over this. People pretending to care when they really don’t. Obama and his fake tears. Claims to be a Christian, yet, has spent the past 6 1/2 years tearing down The Church. As with other tragedies, his side will see their deaths as opportunities to make us less safer by limiting 2nd Amendment Rights. New York, Baltimore, and Chicago have some of the toughest gun laws, and all 3 are a shooting range. Truth, we know what’s going on. But, how many bodies have to build up before it sinks in? History is repeating itself. Dominican Republic is set to force 250,000 Haitians into camps while they decide their fate. Again, White Racism is global in scope. Media is not gonna highlight this, because, racism in latin culture is accepted as normal. How many negros travel to DR? I mention this because white media is part of the infrastructure, we have to pass it on. Now, the Feds are running The Net thanks to Obama…Net Neutrality! Us discussing racial issues honestly is not what they want. My condolences to all the victims and their families.


    • Truthangel07 says:

      Obama is a joke. He really is.

      It might take 20 years for another Black man to get into office because of his weakness. He’s afraid to fight white males. That’s the problem. Instead of confronting them; he tries to bargain with racist bastards who don’t give a damn about him or Black people. It disgusts me. I’ve lost respect for him.

      The issue about the Dominican Republic is tragic and someone posted in my group, Pandora’s Box on facebook this week.


      • Obama was raised by a white woman you don’t forget this is because he sympathizes with them because he is half white !!


      • Truthangel07 says:

        That might be part of the problem. And I’m tired of this as his default. It just validates the presumption of many Black people as to why you shouldn’t trust biracials.


      • Tyrone says:

        What amazes me the most about this execution, is that, no one noticed the red flag. A dopy looking whiteboi at a bible study surrounded by black people. In this day and time, we have to be cynical about certain people and things. The Race War started thousands of years ago. This bs is just a continuation of what has been standard conduct of white males…Nothing New! I was watching one of the cable news shows, and they were talking about motives. He spared the life of a young sista because he wanted his side told. Basically, he said that we as blackmen are raping whitewomen and destroying this country. It brought to mind what took place in the introduction of drug laws . Same rationale was used by racist whitemen. Blackmen are running around terrorizing virgin whitewomen, because, we’re high on drugs. Truth, you’ve talked about this many times. This insane jealousy and fear of genetic annihilation tells it all. Stormfront is a site for whitemen to vex about this very issue. His side feels like a dog in a corner, lashing out is the outcome when tears are no longer good enuf. As to the DR situation, I saw that on a Tumblr site a few days ago. Haitians have claim to both countries, and these racist Spaniards have the stones to do this in 2015? I been warning African-Americans about this for a number of years. A different breed of hate…Erasure! A nation bleaching itself, and it’s a majority black/mixed population. This is relevant, because, the powers that be want blacks in America to be submissive in kind. One group of slave barons is replacing another, but we’re blind to the fact. It’s all interconnected, this we must understand.


  9. nidotopianwarrior says:

    Acts 7:48-51 the most high dwelleth not in temples made with hands…

    What bothers me is that the police didn’t even shoot this shitbag dead. Let that had been a black guy walking into a white church his body would be in the morgue right now. These demons are really showing their necks


    • Truthangel07 says:

      Yes they are, Nido. But as I said, this is symbolic; SC succeeded from the union, stemming the Civil War. And a war is coming to America. I predicted that this was going to be a bloody summer. Right on schedule…there will be a spiritual response. trust me.


      • nidotopianwarrior says:

        Indeed it will be a very bloody summer, Jacob’s trouble is at it’s last lap and things are reaching a fever pitch… The Labour pains have begun…


      • Truthangel07 says:

        Something is about to be birthed; while another must die. Like I said; it’s all symbolic. I’m one up on the frequency, Nido.


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