Integration Was a Mistake!


“I Fear I May Have Integrated My People Into a Burning House” – Martin Luther King Jr.

This notable quote got me to thinking some years back.  Around the early part of the millennium, I actually challenged some people on Blackvoices with my stance of integration being a great big fail.  Oh, the comments were so predictable, but a few over-stood my point.  That was a long time ago.

Now, looking back, and examining our country and the violence that has literally echoed images of the sixties; people being targeted by the police, and the murders of innocent Black men–does this sound like white folks trying to reign us in? Excited that Obama is leaving office and they can now take off their masks.

My epiphany came actually in a comment that I made to someone who had commented on one of my articles on this blog. It was to a white girl who said she felt bad about how Black people had been treated and how appalled she was. That was all good, but I challenged her with my rebuttal. Basically, I felt that white people can feel bad all they want, hold hands, sing songs, and wish us all the best, but the truth of the matter about race, racism, and global white supremacy is that white people really don’t want things to change because if so; than the fight really was about equality and not race. White people are not going to fight for the equality for Black people because that would mean their economic end.  And that’s what this war is really about–who controls the wealth. And right now, white folks have the upper-hand.  Does anyone truly think they are going to do something to shake the apples off of that tree?  Of course not.

Depending on white folks to change in order to free us was ridiculous and chaotic.  It split our community and weakened our ability to do for ourselves.   Yes. We have many Black entrepreneurs, but this should have been the model from the beginning. From Booker T. Washington to the late Elijah Muhammad, all stated that our greatest efforts should be in building wealth in our own communities.  Integration destroyed Black economic independence.  We were doing just fine before this became the directive of civil rights leaders, but in reality; it’s just stupid.  Was it all vanity?  Did many desire acceptance of the white man rather than RESPECT for our own ingenuity?

So what did Martin mean by the above statement? He felt that America wasn’t living up to its creed and values. Even he knew that this was an economic fight.  He made that comment to Harry Belafonte before he was assassinated.

In 2015, The Black Buying Power reached 1 Trillion dollars.  But if we aren’t harnessing that money into our own communities; the wealth that could be generated is only keeping our oppressor richer, and us, dependent on goods and services form others, but never benefiting from our economic power.


A few days ago, someone made a very insightful comment: this person stated that a degree was only a VIP pass for many of us to work for our oppressor. Black folks have always valued education but we are the only race of people who obtain mountains of education, only to work for someone else.The irony of this is that many of us are being educated by people who don’t give a damn about us.

Why not create new markets with those brains and control them, as the Asians have done that with Black hair care. The irony and ignorance of that is just impugning.

Integration is like moving into a house, but you are only renting. The money you pay will not benefit you and certainly not empower your children; it will only enable the owner of that home to pass along that home to their children–that you helped pay for.  What will you children inherit?

In truth, Black people have become an occupied state.  Who are the people making money from our people?  And back to those Asians.  Just how many Asian shop owners are sending their children to college because of our lack of economic intelligence?

If this were a true partnership; we wouldn’t be dependent on our oppressor and our lack of understanding of this, puts us at true socio-economic risk and security.

41 comments on “Integration Was a Mistake!

  1. Blackking86 says:

    What were gonna have to do is support more black owned businesses like never before. We can do it. We have a lot of black millionaires in this country. Dr. Boyce Watkins is a very pro-black man. He speaks about financial literacy.

    More of need to gain knowledge of self. No more interracial dating/marriage or even laying with someone non black. Get back to basics. I’ve been thinking about black Wall Street a lot lately.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Blackking86 says:

    True. I’m seeing this more and more. David Banner mentioned this recently in a interview. He said something about how bad integration was for black people. Another thing he also spoke about was something his father told him. His father told him ” Its not what you say yes to that makes you a man. It’s what you say no to that makes you a man.”

    So true. The word equality is a joke, facade, and a smokescreen. They talk about this a lot in public. However, if blacks gain more power economically, they will lose power. Like you said, it’s a battle over wealth.

    I’m in Westcheater County, New York. Very nice county. A lot of black women own day cares. Have been doing so for years. They have been watching us behind closed doors. Some black women have literally raked in tons of money doing it. One married black woman I know made $160,000 in one year. Now since they made a killing, these white folks want to change the rules. They sit back, watch us, study us, and when we get too damn powerful, they want to change the rules. Hidden colors part 1 showed a lot.

    They stole our land, women, wealth, lifestyle, enslave us, we got free, now their mad at us for succeeding. I watched something online recently where it states that we have 35k black millionaires in this country alone. We can create multiple black wall streets in this country.

    Some pages you may want to check out

    Go on Facebook and type in

    black knowledge

    The Temple of Amen Ra

    Check this out also


    • Truthangel07 says:

      Thank you so much Blackking. And welcome to my blog.

      Dr. Umar Johnson said in one of his lectures that one of the greatest things white people have against us as a people is their jealousy of us. They can’t be us; and intrinsically, they know, that whatever we do, we become GREAT–something they can’t master, which is why they have to tip the scale in order to create the illusion of dominance. Black people must stop acting afraid of confronting this inferior species of human–and TAKE BACK what was stolen from us.

      I have no fear.

      My prayers is for a spiritual awakening that will bring about a period of unmatched greatness in Black people–even beyond the mastery of the pyramids.


  3. TheOriginalBlackWoman13 says:

    Great post! Just imagine if we haven’t integrated where we would be now? smh A whole hella of a lot better off that’s for sure!


  4. TheAwk says:

    Great analysis! Respect!!
    Integration create ‘runaways’ in our community. Negroes with degrees are chasing biracial kid to validate themselves. The statistics are detrimental to us. More than 95% of biracial kids in the entertainment business are the result of a FAMOUS black person and some RANDOM white or hispanic person. We lack respect for ourselves.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I can’t add anything to this excellent article but this; my father told me years ago that integration and the Black church are the biggest downfalls in the Black community.


    • Truthangel07 says:

      Your father was right. The Black church was a strong foundation in the Black community, but too much corruption and arrogance destroyed its credibility.


      • jobankole says:

        Although it maybe fantasy to glamorize what would have happened without segregation. White Southerners marched right into Black communities like the affluent Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1921 and bombed it. There was never leaving the black communities alone in peace. Also, I’m thinking South Africa under Apartheid. No bueno! Either way the struggle is rough.


  6. Tyrone says:

    Integration was our greatest error in judgement…In Hindsight! Whites make too much money via our community. They want the status quo to remain the same. Making billions from Sports and Entertainment. And brothas fought tooth and nail to integrate both when we had our own platform. Honestly, I don’t know why so many among us still have the Jim Jones Mindset? Whenever I hear the “I Have A Dream” speech, I Cringe! Whitewashed negros could get in bed with Whitey, and this has become the do or die prophecy they see as a Cult. Meanwhile, blacks are being terrorized in America, Latin-America, and Africa. A zombie state is what many are in. Ain’t no hope for them if they haven’t opened their eyes by now. Look at what Bill Cosby has done to himself? Flushed his legacy down the toilet over whitewomen. What was he thinking?


    • Truthangel07 says:

      Tyrone, you’ve read my blog for over a year now….I’ve said as much.

      And for those who remember me from Blackvoices, they know I spoke about a lot of these current issues. I’ve always kept my ears close to the underground–where the news is always at least 15-20 years ahead.


      • Tyrone says:

        The Civil Rights leaders knew they were offering us as sacrificial lambs to a bunch of devils who believe in the worst of humanity. We need to air out this dirty laundry. Continuing to lionize Benedict Arnolds while our people lose their minds is beyond sad.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Truthangel07 says:

        White people are evil. And it’s high time for Black people to see that.


  7. Integration was a mistake for us!
    I admired the Native Americans because they didn’t submit themselves to Caucasians!.
    Our biggest mistake was to worship a religion that is not ours!Our people started imitation Caucasian during slavery, exactly at the same time we started to accept Christianity.
    As I said before the erroneous ways that the slave masters taught Christianity was done to make their slaves more obedient. The subliminal message they were teaching with Christianity, was that Caucasians were a superior race!The message strongly suggested that Caucasians were related to The Creator; so, if you disobey your earthly master then you were being disobedient to The Creator! This was a massage!Even after slavery ended, we continued to show our ex-masters that we were good Christians and that we meant no harm to them!
    I once read the response of a Native American Chief to an invitation to become a Christian.
    He looked at the picture of Jesus Christ, shown to him by the Christian missionary and refused saying something to the effect that he and his people had no intention of accepting a god in the image of Caucasians.That is why the native Americans had to be brutally pacified.
    They had refused to accept Christianity. Which would in effect mean that they accepts Caucasians as a superior race!
    African Americans and other blacks did accept Christianity and that is why we now see our people feeling no shame in imitating Caucasian beauty standards and following every foolish trend they are in!
    Integrating thing is to accept a religion, a culture, passively and implement something that doesn’t belong to us?Why do it? One thing that I find pathetic, black people complain of white supremacy but at the same time we fight each other just to sleep with the white master!
    What we owe to these people who have always deprived of us everything, also they will deprive the right to “be blacks!”.
    Excuse me if I tell you these things why did we have become a idiot people?
    If you don’t like white people and we complain about everything then why do we like to sleep and to have children with our enemy?
    Because our mind still live in slavery era that’s why, we still don’t understand our mistake!


    • Truthangel07 says:

      The gospel was never meant to be a religion. Anyone who’s read the Bible know that many of the authors and participants were of African descent. What happened through Christianity was the distortion of facts; and many people don’t read and study for themselves, thus, they allow the deception.


  8. kal says:

    Yes integration destroyed black unity. Allowing the house niggas boule to control us. Why would anyone want their oppressors to teach their children. And when did white people gain a soul after committing every conceivable sin against us. There is no logic in joining hands with your open enemy so he can get a better aim to kill you.


    • Truthangel07 says:

      The Bible says, do not become unequally yoked. And that is what Black people have done.

      I’ve been preaching and teaching many of the lost among us for almost 20 years now. Sadly, many just are too far gone and will have to suffer the consequences of their ignorance.


  9. Lucius Hood says:

    Liked by 1 person

  10. nidotopianwarrior says:

    Martin Luther King was at best an idealist, and at worst, a false prophet

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Kushite Prince says:

    MLK was right. Too bad he realized it too late.


    • Truthangel07 says:

      Yes he did. The last year of his life was truly one of the darkest of his remarkable life. Did you know that Black and white people actually felt that he wasn’t relevant any longer? Hard to believe, but it’s true…

      He knew his time was limited. You can tell in his last speech.

      It still gives my mother chills whenever she’s seen it.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Kushite Prince says:

        Yes I’ve heard that speech many times. I knew his time was up.


      • Truthangel07 says:

        You could see it in his eyes. Malcolm X had a premonition of his death also. These leaders both knew that they would have to pay for the Freedom they wished for their people.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Kushite Prince says:

        Freedom isn’t free. if we want real liberation we have to be willing to die for it. Most blacks today have that mentality.


      • Truthangel07 says:

        Well, as I’ve spoken about on the blog, cowardice in Black America is one of the reasons why white people have disrespected our culture as they have.

        Trying to steal Hip Hop. That did it for me.

        That’s why I’ve been all over these bastards on this blog–I have no mercy, Kush. Really. Every week the number of people I ban, all trying to infer that I’m some type of racist; even a few Negroes who drank the Kool-Aid. I won’t even listen. Some Black people are really stupid and many are educated, but what don’t they over-stand? They don’t even know.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Kushite Prince says:

        I understand your frustration. I’ve had to ban quite a few people from my blog. I don’t have time for the ignorance.


  12. MsLj says:

    I agree. De-segregation was truly a double edged sword.


    • Truthangel07 says:

      Yes it was. The theory of racial harmony was very strong but the reality of the economic distabilizaton within the Black community, wasn’t even discussed. Our generation is paying the price for this oversight.


      • jobankole says:

        I just posted on the subject of American history and racism. I think it’s part of the conversation here but from a different angle.


      • Truthangel07 says:

        Yes. We need to examine what was done right and what was a mistake, in order to make the proper choices as to where the Black community needs to go. And right now, marrying white men/women, having biracial babies, dating/marrying celebrities, living lives beyond our means, is not the answer. We have to get better economically as a community in order to control our destiny.


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