OMG! Imitation of Life: A Real Life Case!


Today, one of my friends posted a video from an old Judge Maybelline show from a few years back.  I watched it, and I was floored.

Do you guys remember the old movie Imitation of Life about a mulatto girl passing for white, trying to hide her Black identity, all the while her mother, a Black housekeeper loved her, even though in her denial of self, she rejected her time and time again.

There were two versions. The first in 1934 and the other in 1959.  Most people prefer the latter.

Examine the description of the plot of the movie:

Lora Meredith (Lana Turner), a white single mother who dreams of being on Broadway, has a chance encounter with Annie Johnson (Juanita Moore), a black widow. Annie becomes the caretaker of Lora’s daughter, Suzie (Sandra Dee), while Lora pursues her stage career. Both women deal with the difficulties of motherhood: Lora’s thirst for fame threatens her relationship with Suzie, while Annie’s light-skinned daughter, Sarah Jane (Susan Kohner), struggles with her African-American identity.

There really were people who passed.

I’ve heard of some of the cases over the years but never took the time to really get into the lunacy of self-hatred.  It’s a crime of nature in some ways.  God made us the way we are. That’s not any reason to hate one’s self if the Creator

Loving one’s self is a personal decision and I abhor anyone who doesn’t love themselves.

This is the seed of slavery and its mental effects on people of color.

All mother and daughters have issues. However, I will stand before the Queen of England and give my mother praise. She raised me to be who I am today. I’m not the richest woman on earth but my life is wealthy because of the standard my mother set before me. I walk talk with the best of them and whenever I walk into a room; my self esteem is so high, everyone in that room would want to be me. That’s GOOD PARENTING.

Anyway, I’d like you all to watch this video and comment.

As with what happened at the end of Imitation of Life, there is a similar conclusion.

It’s sad.

You can’t raise your children to be Black and proud if the images they see don’t reflect that.



8 comments on “OMG! Imitation of Life: A Real Life Case!

  1. Someone sent me a link to that video and I tried to watch it but i immediately turned it off. I realized that first it is on TV. So it’s fake. Secondly they make put all this nonsense on the box to get people in their emotions so that they don’t think logically. Logically the video shouldn’t even be viral, nor should we pay people like that or TV in general any attention. We have to start focusing on ourselves and what we must do to get out of this mess. Watching TV and crap like that implants psychological messages to the viewer’s mind. And since we know that everything on TV promotes the degradation of our people, it is clinically insane to watch TV. Our minds’ eye would instantly start to heal if we truly wanted it to. I went on a rant but I love to read your writings.


  2. The link for the video is not working. It’s a link to a profile, not a video.


  3. Truth,Kushite said something on his blog that is the answer of all answers.Marrying or integrating with white people doesn’t stop their oppression,only love of ourselves can do that.What is amazing that we are supposed to be bottom of the barrel in all aspect of life, but wp make more money off our culture than we do.I’m with Dr.Umar Johnson,I will never give wp money during Kwanzaa. God bless


    • Truthangel07 says:

      That’s a good quote. I’m going to use it. I totally agree.


      • Truth,Prince now Muhammad Ali.Black people we’re going through it.I was just telling you about Prince and Abraham Lincoln, and behold there is an unreleased song by Prince called Avalanche where Prince talks about Abraham Lincoln policies towards blacks,and they where horrible.I’m so sad,but I move on.I love the pictures of Prince and Muhammad Ali together.Thanks Ali for giving your people the courage to speak up for themselves.Love u The Greatest


      • Truthangel07 says:

        Absolutely. His life far outweighs his death. He lived it purposefully and did not mismanage it. He was a true Hero.


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