PIZZAGATE! The Scandal That Could Be Bigger Than Watergate!

I spoke about this during the election. It’s very disturbing. But if you haven’t heard of Pizzagate and how sick and sordid this is, you really need to check your priorities.

It’s so sordid, Facebook, Google, Twitter and other social media outlets, literally were blocking people’s accounts who dared even talk about it.  Mainstream media won’t even report it out of fear.  The powers that be are blocking all TRUTH TELLERS!

This is why Hillary Clinton didn’t get elected!!!

Research it on Google to get caught up. But here is Professor Griff speaking on it.

It’s so despicable; it could make Watergate look like a trite misunderstanding.

People need to start PAYING ATTENTION to what is going on in this world.

These things are happening right up under our noses.

The Bible Says that ALL secrets shall be revealed.  “For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light.’  Luke 8:17


*Spread This News!!!*


Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump: There is No Difference!

Image result for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump

When I look into the eyes of our two presidential candidates, honestly, I see the same evil staring out of both of their eyes. They are the female and male symbols of white supremacy.  Regardless of which we choose, we’re just selecting a new overseer–not a savior.

The mandate that we have as a people is to select which one who is going to manage the aftermath of our First Black President, who did nothing for US; and that reality is what African American people must realize.

It’s been a battle for me deciding whether or not I’m going to vote.  I’m leaning to sitting this one out.  Everyone I talk with have been trying to convince me to go to the polls but for what?  I don’t like either candidate.

So what don’t I like about them?

Hillary Rhodam Clinton

When I look into the eyes of Hillary Clinton, immediately, the impression is that she is detached.  There is no emotion in this woman.  She is dead.  I don’t trust anything that comes out of her mouth and frankly, I feel that she is an inveterate liar and all of a sudden, she “knows Trayvon Martin?”  She’s met with the mothers of Black sons who’ve been murdered by racist police.  Putting on a show.  When the hell has she ever cared for Black people?  Under the Clinton administration, it was President Bill Clinton policies that brought about mass incarceration of Black men.  Called Black men “Super Predators” to set the tone and brainwashing in the media to dissensitize  the public–criminalizing Black life.  Now, she’s sorry.   On a moral basis, As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton was the biggest advocate for the assassination of Muammar Gaddafi.  She lied.  Saying that he was going to kill all of his people. No he wasn’t.   She personally orchestrated the destruction of Libya and the killing of Muammar Gaddafi.   She is a proponent of eugenics and is a big fan of Margaret Sanger.  That sent alarm bells through many in the African American community.  Margaret Sanger was a racist.  Her words exposed that.  Planned Parenthood has killed over 50 million African American babies and you have to wonder what kind of human being esteems such a person.

Donald “Da Donald” Trump

Well, let me get right to the point: I don’t dislike Donald Trump.  He’s very honest.  I can’t hate anyone for that.  And let me be clear, it’s not what Donald Trump said at the beginning of his campaign about Mexicans that opened up the hatred in this country; his brutal candor exposed what “we know” white folks say about people of color when they are among themselves.  And then…Pandora’s Box was opened.  White men in this country came alive.  They’ve been having a field day at Donald Trump rallies–feeling free to express all of the pent up bitterness, resentment, hatred and violence that lurks just beneath the surface of most of them.

Nature has been handing it to white people.  Currently at negative birthrate and growing, then, to top it off, there is a suicide rate of white males and females, high addiction to prescription drugs, heroin addiction and a decline of the white middle class has provoked an inner Neanderthal who’s had his feelings hurt, thus, giving rise to the subconscious psychopath that is now among us, stalking, provoking and killing our melanated brothers.

And Donald Trump is not trying to stop them.  Earlier in the year, he began to chant at his rallies:  “Make America Great Again.”  This was code-speak.  You know what he was really saying, family.  This was the command to white males in America to take this country back–no matter what.

There is a disturbing video by the New York Times that show Donald Trump supporters hurling profanities, violent threats, racist, sexist and ethnic slurs.

Donald Trump has also incited physical violence at many of his rallies.

Image result for Donald Trump racist rallies

What has been unleashed in this country?

How many more Black lives will be lost because of this type of hatred that we haven’t seen in this country since the last century.

Given all that is going on, for some reason, I’m not fearing anything because I believe in God.  I know that he is a God of justice and he is not pleased.  When God is not pleased, people and places start disappearing.

White America is cursed.   They are being exposed by the Creator and their evil is being viewed around the world.

You can’t keep doing these type of things to innocent people just to justify your existence on this planet. Nature has the final say in that.

Judgement is on White America.

This election will be the final outcome.

The Music of Bob Marley is The Remedy For Our Trying Times…

This weekend, one of my aunts was laid to rest after an unexpected illness.  I’ve been thinking about a lot of things lately and today, Bob Marley came to mind.  His music means so much to so many people around the world.

Redemption song was based on slavery in the new world.

Does this not sound like what we’re feeling subliminally?

Bob Marley was a unique individual as well as an inspired artist.  He used his music to educate, empower, and protest the powers that be.

In light of everything happening, I chose to post one of his last concerts before he passed away in 1982.

Watch, grow and listen.


They Keep “Mistakenly” Killing Black Men!!! Enough Of This Shit!

Image result for terrence crutcher

***Right now…I’m listening to Fear of a Black Planet.  That album came out almost 30 years ago and its message is as relevant today as it was in 

What’s going to be the tipping point?

Yesterday, a live stream video went viral showing a local Tulsa, Oklahoma man, Terrence Crutcher, being gunned down by a white female officer, later identified as, Betty Shelby. He was unarmed. He wasn’t a threat.  His car has stalled in the road and he was walking toward the police for help.  The police recorded video, with audio, exposed one of the officers in the helicopter stating after Terrance got out of the car, that, “He looks like a bad dude.”  Well that “bad dude” was coming home from class.  That “bad dude” was a father. That “bad dude” had a twin sister. That “bad dude” sang in his church choir.  That “bad dude” had a wife who is now in pain after having to understand the senseless manner in which her husband died.

Image result for betty shelby

The reactions on line were angry but many kept asking the question: “When is this going to stop?”

This is exactly why Colin Kaepernick is protesting.

So, another Black man was “mistakenly” killed?

No one is that stupid.

We see what is going on.

It’s becoming an epidemic and demands a counter response–violent if necessary.

These are legalized executions of Black males by white led police departments.  And I’m not hearing anymore of the typical response, “we feared for our lives.”


The problem is not your fear but opportunity to carry out legalized killings of a population of males that threaten white supremacy the most!!!

There are so many images of this, it’s literally become like a sick inside joke for police departments as to how they respond to these orchestrated killings.

From children to man in wheelchairs.

On the same day, a man in North Carolina was shot and killed for carrying a book.  Per usual, the cop said that he “thought he had a gun…”

No one is hearing this any longer. Even celebrities are speaking out about this.

The time has come, Black people.  We are THE ENEMY of White Supremacy.

Are we going to let them keep killing our people and do nothing or are we going to FIGHT? Do Black Lives Really Matter?

The choice is yours.

As of today, another Black woman plans a funeral.



Guns Are US! Get Strapped, Black Man!


Good Morning Conscious family.

Today, I have been wrestling with some things regarding our safety as a people.

It is well known that white men run around this country with high powered weapons, armed to the teeth, and backed up by white privilege as they espouse the second amendment and THEIR RIGHTS to bear arms.

Then you juxtapose that with Black folks marching down this street, avenue, block or bridge, shouting, BLACK LIVES MATTER, all the while, craKKKas are buying up more and more guns for the impending race war they’ve been imagining since before emancipation of slavery.

The Huey P, Newton Gun Clubs and New Black Panther Party are just a few of the groups within our culture that are countering the attitudes that seem to be pervasive among white males: “Kill anything not white.” They’re not having it. And rightly so.

Black people in this country have been led to believe that if they pray for their enemies, fast, and protest, our enemies will get scared off and leave us alone. That is naive, simple-minded and foolish.

Not everyone was taught the Golden Rule and I don’t know of anyone who gets knocked up side the head; their response would be to start quoting Bible scriptures.

Righteous indignation is not a crime–it is intelligent and says that you are most aware of your environment.

We’re living at a time when white men are feeling aggressive because their lives are not what they used to be. Some are trying to hang onto the vestibules of White Supremacy of the past and this new offensive against men of color–particularly Black men; is the backlash of white male inferiority and their demise in a world that is getting browner and BLACKER. They are losing their minds and are acting out their fantasies of revenge for their genetic inferiority.

Black men better be taking notes. Lives are being lost at the hand of these psychopaths; and as a Black woman, who has been on the front lines, having to endure the subliminal battle that wages itself against our people on a daily basis, I am hereby giving you permission to DO WHATEVER IT TAKES to protect me and our people.




*Recommended reading:

I Hope I Have Offended Every White Person on The Planet!


Not a day goes by where I can’t get through my day without having to check some white supremacist for their bullshit.  It gets tiring…but I feel if I don’t say something at the time of offense, an unsuspecting Black person is going to commit murder on this hapless fool who really doesn’t get it: BLACK PEOPLE ARE NOT YOUR SLAVES ANY LONGER!

The images are breathless.  All catching white folks in the most precarious situations.

I have have been blogging for over 3 years now and I have to say; the topics I’ve covered have covered many areas–I let nothing slip.

The most interesting scandal involves swimmer Ryan Lochte.  As most know, he and some friends lied about being robbed in Rio.  Turns out, Mr. Ryan and chaps decided to vandalize a gas station then lie about being jumped and robbed because they were afraid of their parents knowing the truth.  Well, this little bit of “mischief” *wink-wink* has cost Mr. Lochte millions of dollars in ad sponsorship.  Ryan Lochte is 32 years old. He was not a kid having “mischief!” He knew exactly what he was doing!  Ryan Lochte is typical of WM: They commit violent acts, then lie, expect to get away with it. And just smile…

All I could keep talking about is in regard to the Swim-gate of Ryan Lochte and friends. What if they had been Black?


As I thought about this, the debate had been initiated and you have to openly declare war on a group of people who for some reason seem to think: “Ok, we are killing ourselves–our kids are all addicted to drugs–robbing pharmacies for Oxycontin and other pain medication; we’re at negative birthrate and about to become extinct but it’s the Nigger’s fault!  So, instead of understand why our lives have turned to shit; we’re just gonna go Hitler and create mayhem until white men take back the power from the inferiors.”

White Supremacy has always  been an illogical theocracy from the start. There’s nothing superior about a genetic defect claiming itself superior–it’s insanity.

But oh!  They’re not racist.

*Rolling eyes*

Black people have been praying for these cave beasts for and are 150 years late at getting the memo.

Sorry, I just don’t have low self-esteem.  I’m not afraid of white people.  Their ice isn’t colder.  It’s the same damn ice. The problem with white supremacy is that Black people–the original people of this planet, got caught up in some crazy ass psycho-drama of a suicidal, neurotic,sociopathic, psychopathic, reptilian brain, fragmented-thinking, bestial, child molesting, genetic mess!  Their ancestors only showed up after 100,000 years of civilization.  They didn’t do a damn thing but copy what our ancestors did–and got credit for it.

This is the Creator’s wake up call to stop all that praying and do what you were made to do!

It’s time to check this mutant.

And If I’ve offended any nosy pink-toe, who casually found themselves on a blog dedicated to the upliftment of Black people; and became offended by the TRUTH that is written here, I AM DELIGHTED.

Good day.




The White Bitch!


I’ve been thinking about a lot of things and it just keeps going back to this.  I’m a nice person—most of the time but of late, there is a bit of an issue that I need to get off of my chest: it all started while listening to the Tom Joyner Morning show in 2014.  I was getting ready for work and Tom interjects a strange story: “A woman and her boyfriend arrested for soliciting a dog for sex on Craigslist.”  I stopped.  I thought I was hearing things.  A dog?  Who in the world would do such a thing?  That was my initial reaction.  However, the forensic investigator in me led me to do some research. This just couldn’t be true.  So I thought.  A couple of days later, I went to Google and input the exact words that came from Tom’s mouth.  I waited.  Then…there it was.  A young blond white chick looking ever so casually into the camera.  No embarrassment.  None sadness.  Just a blank, I don’t care stare.  Here I was, an African American woman, looking into the face of the white goddess who apparently has a dirty little secret that her white skin shields from the public.  No one would dare think that Snow White is humping a St. Bernard. This led me to deal with some real issues that are never exposed.  I wanted revenge on the cunt.  That’s what she is to most Black women—although, of course, political correctness, veils the disdain.

Anyone that stoops to this level shouldn’t even be considered a woman. Thus, I began to take notes on the white goddess.  I studied her and took mental notes.  Everything I saw; I memorized. Her lies would be revealed.

It’s only right.

Ask any Black woman anywhere, the title of this blog entry would resonate.

Black women have been attacked for over 400 years—our womanhood denied.

The white woman has enjoyed her power at the benefit of us—white privilege her shield.  And she was marketed as pure, untainted and virtuous but oh!  That was such a convenient myth.  It was a damn lie!

And I’m going to expose her.

There will be no secrets kept. For it is time to defrock this little freak and make her face the judgment of those women who’ve suffered the brunt of racist white males who had the audacity to insinuate her as the standard of femininity and beauty.

I spit.

This is the story of how white women lost the right to be women in a Black woman’s eyes.

This is a woman of color’s revenge tale of the White Bitch!

The first queens of this planet were BLACK!  And such women will not bow to something whose ancestral origins are from a cave.

Once and for all, I alone, am going to free all Black women from the racist hypocrisy that has given this freak of nature a title that she does not deserve.  White Privilege is the only reason why she matters.

Thus, this is a confrontation on the enemy from a woman of color, myself, who has had enough of the lies.

*A book is planned on this very issue.  It will be so provocative and unapologetic; Amazon might have to shut down from demand.  WILL BE ANNOUNCED!!!

When Your Dark Skin Bothers Others…

As a child growing up in the suburbs of Chicago, I remember much about my childhood.  One of the things that I remember is how Black people in my community treated dark skinned people.

If you called someone Black back in those days, some people would punch you in the mouth.

There was a girl named Jennifer in my 6th grade class who distinctly remember.  She was a nice girl.  Had the smoothest, chocolate, blemish free skin that I’ve ever seen.  Always had a beautiful smile.  However, she had one flaw: her skin tone.  It was too dark.  This kid named Mark Jenkins used to harass this poor child every day about it.  He called her Spook!  Tar Baby! Mark was the ugliest kid that I’ve ever known and I guess in order to feel better about himself, he had to pick on poor Jennifer.

All these years later, I’ve wondered where she is.  I hope she’s ok.  I have a vision that she’s successful, married and a mother.  But I wonder if she was scarred.

People like Mark ,never think about how their words and actions impact others.  They are the everyday sociopaths among us who kill the spirit of innocent people with their inner hatred.

As I watched the above video, thoughts circulated through my mind of other incidents of this type of bigotry is played out.

It is well known in the south, dark skinned Black people are typically mistreated more and harassed more than light-skinned Black people.  I see this even in 2016 in Georgia.  Colorism is still a problem among southern folk and the Field Nigger vs House Nigger syndrome is alive and well.

How do we heal from this?

Something was programmed into Black people and it seems to refuse to die.

It’s time for us to kill it.

We can’t preach Black Lives Matter when we still have this skeleton in the closet.

Crazed White BITCH, Calls Black Couple Nigger at Chicago Festival!

Here’s the full story:

Yesterday, I was checking my Facebook notifications and there was a link from the Rickey Smiley sight that caught my eye: There was a link to a video that was posted by a Black man who had attended a Margarita festival in Chicago with his wife. Both are teachers.  As I ran the video, a skinny white female was verbally accosting the man as he filmed her. Her name is Jessica Lynn Sanders. She then slapped the camera out of his hand.  He picked it up.  Then she called him Nigger.  Saying it over and over and over.  Goading him to hit her.  At this point, the cow spit on him.  Uhg!  That’s when my blood boiled.  Here’s the kicker: she was there with two BLACK FRIENDS, one of which, a female, was saying to the gentleman filming the incident, “It doesn’t bother us.”


It’s come down to this now?

Black people allowing white people to disrespect other Black people.

Growing up on Chicago’s North Shore, I can tell you…had this happened where I lived, someone would have been dialing 911 for this piece of white trash.  Personally, had she spit on me, as well as using the N-word; I swear, it would have taken a S.W.A.T team to get me off of her ass.

I believe this took place on the North Side of Chicago.  If it had occured on the south or west side; and there were a lot of Black people around, that bitch, and those two wimp-ass coons would probably be in ICU or dead.

It’s not clear what precipitated this confrontation but something did.

I don’t know who this piece of trash is but she’s got half the country out to get her and one can only speculate of the karma that is coming for her ignorant ass.

Are Black people convinced that white people, no matter how nice you are to them, are inherently racist?

Malcolm X said as much but still, so many Knee-grows just don’t get it.

There is a spirit in this country among white people that it is not acceptable to demonstrate openly how much they really hate not just us but all minorities in general. They’re coming after anyone that is not THEM.

The question here is: How should we respond to this enemy who is engaging is this kind of psychological game?

It’s a no-brainer that we must “perfect” the tactics whites have used on us; and flip the script, turning them around and having them run for their lives. I’m not playing. My mind is not designed for pity. I feel nothing for any enemy or one who I perceive as a threat. Intrinsically and naturally, I will become like the Terminator–zeroing on my target, reading them; aiming my weapon, and destroying them with no regard for their well being whatsoever.

Black people still “care” too much about our enemy. I believe this has been something passed down from slavery. This is why white people keep playing us. The lesson must be: our enemy uses military science and so must we in order to destroy him.

Real talk.


We Will Kick Your Ass, CraKKKa!

Family, first and foremost, I’d like to give God the credit for giving me the gift of speech and the written word.  His power and wisdom is what guides me through most of what I write.  Although I do not wish to cause pain to anyone with careless words, it is with absolute conviction that I use words as a weapon against those who are sociopathic in their speech and actions against my people.

Black people are the salt of this earth.  We are the glue that binds all humanity.  Our indignation is not that we are to be worshiped but that we are the creation of the most high who is worthy to be praised.  If you hate our Blackness; than you have a problem with God.

I’m tired of Black people apologizing, rationalizing, and galvanizing reasons to capitulate to an enemy who quite frankly, doesn’t mind using violence on our people.  Yes.  I’m talking about white people.  They think they can do whatever they want and then tip-toe away, facing no retribution for their harassment and hatred.

That is going to end TODAY!

Once upon a time, I remarked to a friend: The day you stop fearing your enemy, will be the day you defeat your enemy.  That’s real talk.  I’m tired of Black people acting like wimps whenever they are in the presence or are confronted with blatant racist actions from white people.  It’s ridiculous.

There has to be a code of righteous conduct.  Do white people exemplify that?  Even using the word, righteous, connotes Love.  Do white folks love us?

The very nature of the question is preposterous, given light of today’s behavior, exhibited with abandon by white males.  THEY ARE EVIL!!!  They don’t change!!!

This is just crazy. All of it. I’m just tired of white folks and their “ish. Seriously. Living in Georgia has literally turned me into some kind of gangsta activist. These people are beyond loony. Most white people are one egg short of a dozen. Just about every single craKKKa you meet down here is on some kind of medication for either a psychological, mental, emotional, or multiple personality disorder. INSANITY! Completely. I’m literally at the tipping point of knocking the hell out of one. When you go to a Wal-Mart, and feel like you have to move about the store as you grocery shop, like a Ninja in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, it’s about time to get out of dodge.

This is not a joke, family.

The audacity of white folks to presume after all of the violence they’ve inflicted on us, that we are to be good “Knee-grows”, smile for the camera, pray and acquiesce to their abuse.


You can pray.  You can march.  You can protest to the high hills but the only thing white supremacy fears: is the loss of finance or the loss of life.

Being nice to them is not a remedy.

Put a hand on me, I’ll crack your skull open like a cantaloupe. Family, my mama taught me that manners will take you further than money, but these craKKKas in Georgia will make you forget you had home training. I’m all for transcending Niggah tendencies in the metaphysical sense, but if one of them puts a hand on me; so help me God, a S.W.A.T team will have to be called to get me off their ass.

And this better be the attitude that Black people have.

When I was growing up in Chicago, the first thing you learned was to defend yourself–you better.  Even the perception of weakness could be dangerous.  One didn’t live in fear, you walked as FEAR.  People don’t respond to flaccid edicts that promote civility.  When you’re in a jungle, your ass better be ready to face whatever the environment dictates.

STAND UP like men and women and DEMAND RESPECT!

It’s about time to get serious about fighting white people!

When people see that we are not going to tolerate their behavior and will do what needs to be done…By Any Means Necessary; it will stop!