PIZZAGATE! The Scandal That Could Be Bigger Than Watergate!

I spoke about this during the election. It’s very disturbing. But if you haven’t heard of Pizzagate and how sick and sordid this is, you really need to check your priorities.

It’s so sordid, Facebook, Google, Twitter and other social media outlets, literally were blocking people’s accounts who dared even talk about it.  Mainstream media won’t even report it out of fear.  The powers that be are blocking all TRUTH TELLERS!

This is why Hillary Clinton didn’t get elected!!!

Research it on Google to get caught up. But here is Professor Griff speaking on it.

It’s so despicable; it could make Watergate look like a trite misunderstanding.

People need to start PAYING ATTENTION to what is going on in this world.

These things are happening right up under our noses.

The Bible Says that ALL secrets shall be revealed.  “For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light.’  Luke 8:17


*Spread This News!!!*


The Dallas Shooting: Vengeance or A Warning From God?


What happened on Thursday night this past week  in Dallas, was a shock and a tragedy, yes.  But let’s get real.  Everything that has happened in succession after the death of Trayvon Martin, provoked this event.

The imbalance of justice is blatant.

Dylan Roof killed 9 BP and was taken to Burger King by cops. Micah Johnson was blown up by a robot.

Divine Reciprocity is real.  The universe is only giving back to humanity what is put out by human beings–and that also includes white people. The 5 police officers that were killed, are merely collateral damage of a greater spiritual war.  Everyone on the news have been trying to talk neutrally in order to provoke thought and introspection of our nation to “heal the racial tensions” in this country.  And as I sat there analyzing what was said, the prevailing thought for me was the real issue in this county are RACIST WHITE MALES.  Yeah, that’s right. All of this was provoked by the actions of these type of men and the hypocrisy that keeps masking the real truth of injustice in this country is casually being swept under the carpet because our society just doesn’t give a damn.

Our enemy practices The Art of War.  Many of us don’t realize how powerful this book is within the halls of the elites.  It’s mantras have become quoted as much as biblical scriptures among the powerful.


“If your enemy is stronger than you, he must be infiltrated and destroyed from within by getting him to turn his lethal might upon himself…”

That particular statement is very poignant in review of everything that is being promoted by the media of late regarding the violence against African Americans.

This afternoon, I received this message on facebook from Dr. Phil Valentine regarding the current state of our people and events impacting our lives:

Black Lives Matter was formed by 3 Black females … Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi (alleged to be ardent supporters of the Gay/Transgender alliance, members of the socialist/communist-oriented “Democracy Alliance” organization, and lesbians as well – having already defined themselves as “Queer Black Women”). How did this organization suddenly become so UNQUESTIONABLY “relevant” to us? More importantly, where did this organization get its funding, and why does the media exclusively turn to ITS “leaders” to get the Black community’s narrative for “social justice”?

Well Fam; here’s the list of “backers” funding YOUR ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement. (See pics below)

(1) Rob McKay, heir to Taco Bell, is said to be the main funding conduit to the Black Lives Matter movement through his “Democracy Alliance” (DA) organization (alleged to be a communist/socialist inspired front). Combined donations to the groups from the DA organization now exceed $500 million…
(2) Multi-billionaire George Soros contributed over $30 million in seed money.
(2) According to Essence magazine, Google gave $2.35 million in grants to activist organizations addressing the “racial injustices that have swept the nation.”
(4) Hedge fund billionaire Tom Steyer—who raised hundreds-of-millions of dollars for the presidential campaigns of both President Obama, and now Hillary Clinton. Total: 78 million
(5) Billionaire Michael Bloomberg – 27.7 million
(6) Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook erected a huge “Black Lives Matter” sign at its Menlo Park headquarters on the 8th, just hours after the Dallas “shootout”. Hmmm… 

All of these people are white.Are you getting the picture yet? If not, I’d normally say give it time and it will all eventually come “into focus”. But you DON’T have time. There are forces embedded within your community, along with the media images that favorably support their tactics and goals; forces that you have UN-critically accepted as being “on your side”.

What I’m saying is that these people have infiltrated our community with the intent of doing harm, under the guise of “being our ally”.

Micah Johnson was formerly an Army Reservist.  But he had grown angry over the violence that has been killing so many innocent Black males. The deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile were added to the list of the fallen innocent of victims who were guilty of being Black in the wrong place.  He had a right to be angry.  But something deeper in him stirred him to action.  And then it happened: 12 people got shot at a peaceful protest against the deaths of the two men this past week, and now, 4 white men and 1 Hispanic man are dead.

Micah was angry with white people and specifically acted out his rage on them.

Some would say, what goes around comes around.

But what I say is that violence against Black people will not change the white man’s fate. He is being eliminated from this planet and rightly so.

It’s sad that 5 cops died but how many lives were taken by cops?

That’s what needs to be the control thought.

And again, Micah Johnson is just collateral damage of this war.

God is talking.

We better start listening.

Why Some Nubian Bloggers Aren’t Around Any Longer…

2 years ago, when I started this blog, I really wasn’t sure if anyone would even pay attention to what I had to say.  I spent a lot of time creating a page that was easy to read.  The inserts and widgets you see were carefully put in place to make it look, at least, like a professional blog.  Well, quickly, as I started posting blog topics, people responded.  Soon there after, I gained a following.  Wordpress rewarded my blog with all type of awards for “likes” and number of follower attraction and such.  I was flattered.  However, my primary motivation was to just speak the truth–as I saw it.  Raw, unapologetic; pure critical thinking in action.

People responded positively.  They liked what I had to say.  Cool, I thought.

I’m very humbled by those who follow this blog and have learned by the mind pieces I’ve presented. For those who’ve visited, you’ll be greeted with this message: “Only the TRUTH is spoken here. Get used to it!  What is this blog about? It’s very clear that I’m promoting Black love, community, and family values of the African American community. If you do not understand that and have negative attitudes, and views about my people, you are not welcome here–and will be banned immediately.”  I was serving notice to any and all non-Black, but in particular, white folks, who thought they would have access to my blog, giving their unwanted advice or comments with impunity.

First and foremost, I don’t allow whites on my blog for a reason:  For almost 20 years, no matter where I visited online in various discussion groups or sites that were mixed or African American sites that allowed non Blacks, it was always the same experience, Black people would be muzzled from speaking about OUR ISSUES for fear of offending “the others” or when things got heated in racial discussions, the whites would feign abuse and complain, thus, either well known personalities would get sanctioned or banned.  That’s precisely what happened to Blackvoices (my cyber Alma-mater).  And is the foundational reason why I absolutely will not esteem nor invite whites on this blog.

Why?  Because they are arrogant, fragmented-thinking, reptilian brain, reactive, duplicitous, hypocritical, cretins.  It’s always…how they see things.  They don’t have the ability to understand another’s point of view nor do they have the character or conviction to introspect and examine themselves for being the reason why this country and this world is the way it is.  Simply put, white people don’t have the courage to take responsibility for their evil. It’s easier to demonize others.

The time that I spend going through the comment filter from many of them–I have no choice but to spam the majority. Complete idiots.

It is my pleasure to block that type of negative energy.

Consider your presence on my blog, as one who has been chosen.  Almost like a secret society in some ways.  We speak about those things truthfully that oftentimes, aren’t spoken and should be.

I’ve noticed how the lack of African American voices is becoming ever more present on WordPress.  Our voices need to be here as well as our POV.  It is necessary in this current climate.

Someone commented yesterday that WordPress has suspended many of the Black blogger pages.  I can only guess why…They should have put in more security and not been intimidated to be inclusionary to an enemy who does not see us as human beings. They wanted to appear as “nice Negroes” and they found out the hard way of what happens when you allow snakes in your house.

I assure all, that will never be the case here.

Our Children Are Not Going To Be Targets of Monsters with Badges!



Deputy Ben Fields: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Last night while watching the news I witnessed, in my opinion, was a crime being committed on a juvenile child.

The image above is that of a 16 year old student from the Spring Valley High School in South Carolina.  She was on her cell phone and when asked to put it away, she refused. When asked to leave the class, she wouldn’t and then Richland County Senior Deputy Ben Fields was called to the classroom. He asked her again to comply, she wouldn’t.  What happened next resulted in the girl literally being flipped in the chair, slammed to the ground and pulled out of the classroom.

My reaction was typical of everyone who saw this on national television last night and there is no excuse. He could have killed that child. No matter how stubborn she was; her age should have been the cue–uh, duh! She’s a TEENAGER. They act like that. He’s out. From the way the superintendent of that district sounded, that dude is gonna be looking for a new job before Halloween.

No matter what the provocation was by the student; that was EXCESSIVE AND VIOLENT FORCE. An uncooperative child with a cell phone is not the equivalent of a terrorist or criminal with a loaded gun. What if that had been a white girl and a black cop did the reverse? Hhhhmmmm…think about that. Just what the course of response would be by the majority?

We can’t keep being silent and still when these type of things happen right in our faces.

Those children were absolutely frightened.  They didn’t move.  Totally frozen, neutralized to even react with anger at what was happening.  One student did intervene, yelling at the officer to stop, and was also arrested.

When are we going to get violent and take a stand against this assault on our community?  Really, the looks on those kids faces reflected many in the African American community who watch things like this and DO NOTHING.  We don’t have a right to protect our own bodies–and our children?  What kind of message are we sending?

Cowardice should not be pitied. It is as insidious as any kind of abuse that goes unchecked.

Per usual, there are those in the community who said that she should have just complied.  Don Lemon, again, is the band leader of this attitude.

The pool party shocked people this past summer in McKinney, Texas. This act is far worse.

I will not tolerate it.

The time is NOW for our community to stop acting weak and TAKE ACTION by any means necessary.

Our children will not be used as bait for racists to violate our community.  Our children are not objects to be abused. They are gifts from God to be developed!

I value who I am and thus, I value those in my community as much. I will not be a tool to be used by the establishment to demonize the one true jewel we should treasure above everything else. It is just my opinion that God is making America and US face some ugly things within ourselves, our culture, and our nation, and challenging us to: FIX IT!

Will this be the flicker that is needed to start the FLAME OF REAL CHANGE in this country?

Update: Earlier today, MSNBC reported that the officer was fired.

So…Will Black Lives Matter To The Pope?


Well, Rome has invaded America–so to speak.  The Pope has decided to pay us a little visit in the grand Ole U-S-A.  The first by any pope in 7 years.  He’s been given the royal treatment alright.  All the while, not one reporter has even pondered the question of whether or not the head of the Roman Catholic Church even gives a damn about all of these Black people being killed by police within the past year.  As the supposed moral head of one of the largest religious denominations in the world, he should be obligated.  He’s spoke on everything else.

So how will this play out?

Racialized police brutality is the monster staring in the window.  Does he confront it or does he just close the window blinds and pretend it’s not there?  If he does speak out it will be unprecedented and will cement his credibility with an audience who is largely Protestant.

The Washington Post recently reported that St. Louis reverend Traci Blackmon met with the Pope’s advisers in Vatican City to discuss racial violence and unrest in Missouri and other places around the country.  Blackmon believed that based on the Pope’s tendency to speak out on various issues over the course of his appointment; he believed that it would be most competent to speak about racism on his visit as well.  “The history of Pope Francis’s remarks indicates that he wouldn’t come to the United States and not address the issue that’s most pressing,” she wrote. “And here, that’s race.

Given the protests and the intense presence of the Black Lives Matter protesters, interrupting presidential candidates stump speeches, and provoking the public to acknowledge the presence and value of Black people’s lives,systemic racism, police brutality, etc., it just would make sense.  This also would give strength to his demands for worldwide racism and discrimination to end.


In regards to American racism, Pope Francis has a large cache of historical denouncement and apology to reference.

You can’t preach the Gospel and not speak out against the violations of human dignity, life and basic right to life that the Bible teaches against.

As an individual, I really have never been motivated by any Pope.  I was a child when Pope John Paul II came to Chicago in 1978.  Like Pope Francis, he was very popular with the people.  You know what he did?  He apologized to African descented people for the Catholic Church’s role in slavery.  Yes.  The Catholic Church is guilty of this also.  He acknowledged that the church did not always act morally in regards to the issue of human slave trafficking and bondage.

If Pope Francis does speak out against it, he will continue in the tradition of papal leaders to calling for an end to racial violence and injustice.  He will thus become a natural ally with U.S. religious leaders for this continued American fight for freedom.

Only then will African Americans pay attention or even care.

How the CIA Changed black Music; And the Way Black People Think!


Music is the most powerful form of communication in the world.  Those who perform the various genres of sound, have a gift to sway the masses; and the government is very concerned about that.  So much so, they have gone out of their way to control not only artists; but also to infiltrate all aspects of media.

To understand this, we have to go back, again, to slavery.  During slavery, it was common practice for slave masters to outlaw the use and practice of the African drum on plantations.  Why?  Because they were aware of the drum–its  mystique and power.  As well as its many uses. They were very concerned about this.  Truthfully, they were afraid of the ability of our music to empower and mobilize the people.  And this is the reason why rap music was really targeted.

How did we go from Fight The power to Fuck Bitches and Get Money?

The White Oligarchy has tremendous power and along with U.S. Intelligence as well as the CIA; they all want to control the Black masses because we are the biggest threat to them.

The largest opponent of these tactics are socially and politically conscious musicians.  These type of artists can get to people’s minds with their lyrics and their hearts with their music.  Marvin Gaye’s, What’s Goin’ On is a great example of that. Powerful album–even to this day.  This is what makes the ruling classes nervous:if we start thinking too much; we’ll interfere with their control over us.  These type of artists can affect people’s opinions and stimulate ideas.

Rap artists, such as Tupac Shakur, were considered a serious threat.  Tupac by far was one of the most prolific artists of his time.  His Black Panther roots most definitely had the government worried. So much so, they started using the same tactics that were used against the Panthers and other Black Nationalist groups and leaders.  Many remember the shooting of Tupac at the Quad Studios in New York.  When Tupac went to prison, he began getting anonymous letters stating that it was Biggie and Sean Puffy Combs who orchestrated the shooting at the studio.  Prison guards and inmates were telling him the same thing–total strangers.  Tupac didn’t know who to believe.  Honestly, he really didn’t know what was going on.  And then…the East Coast/West Coast feud started.  Escalating to the deaths of two of the most gifted musicians of our time.

“The reason U.S. intelligence was doing this was because Tupac Shakur was already a national Black leader. He was head of the New African Panthers at the age of 17 and 18 years old. That group was active in 8 cities nationwide. They were replicating what the Black Panther Party for Self Defense was doing. His mother, Afeni Shakur was a Harlem Panther leader.”  So when Tupac got a record deal, they began to watch him very closely.

There were other artists that were also targeted: Bob Marley, Jimmy Hendrix, Nina Simone and Sam Cooke were all targeted as well.  The CIA were responsible for the attempt on Bob Marley’s life in 1976.  Read the article below for more information on that.

Many of you remember when NWA were sent that infamous letter by the FBI after they released, F*ck The Police. They were talking about what was really happening to young Black males.

The power of Black music was such; it had to be contained.  During the rise of Hip Hop, corporations saw its power and began to buy out all of the rap labels. They started signing rap artists that weren’t political.  That’s when rap stopped being socially conscious and turned into what it is today: A MESS of self-hatred, ignorance, and gross promotion of violence.  These corporations literally began to control who could get rap deals and who could not.  This was all done to control the way people think.

I’m sorry to burst the bubble of some, but honestly, there is an attempt by those in power to keep their power by any means necessary.

What is sad here is that it’s becoming quite clear to assess that the real culprit behind the deaths of Tupac Shakur and The Notorious BIG actually was instigated by the CIA/FBI.

The most dangerous thing about Black people is the ability of those who make music to influence the world consciously.  To a people with no conscience; this is a weapon of mass destruction.

Reference article: 

The FBI-CIA War on Tupac and Socially Conscious Artists

The Success of Straight Outta Compton Proves: We Can Become An Economic Threat To White America!


Everyone has heard of the 1 Trillion Dollar buying power of Black America currently.  That will grow to 1.7 Trillion by 2017. Do Black people realize what kind of power this is?  When we get determined to spend our dollars; it’s a rap.  Our dollars are literally funding this economy. Did you know that Black people own the most smart phones of any demographic group?


The things that have been going through my mind: So many are out here crying for racial justice but hell; we’ve been trying to friend an enemy too damn long who only wants to control or destroy us.  Bump that.  It’s time for Black America to wake the hell up.

A real man thinks ahead. His family will never have to suffer when he thinks of their financial future.

It’s time for Black people to start thinking entrepreneurially.  We are a juggernaut waiting to happen.

When I look at the success of the Straight Outta Compton Movie, it shows just how powerful our dollars are and we can bankroll our own communities with unity. Dr. Dre, Ice Cube, and Eazy E’s widow, all produced the movie.  They told their own story.  They convinced Universal Studios to back the movie.    It’s going to make a ton of money.  NWA spoke for my generation of what was happening in the inner city. Little did they know how much their musical impact would change the music industry.  This movie has something to say.  The realities of 1988 are just as relevant today as they were then.  It refuses to apologize for its truth.

The reviews are in: Straight Outta Compton did $60.2 Million dollars over the weekend.

Everyone is talking about the movie.  It’s a smash.

NWA made history and the movie chronicles that.

Can this be the catalyst to something bigger?

I think that there is a buzz among many in the Black community for us to become more economically strong as we have been in the arts and sports.  It’s time for the bold, talented and innovative among us, to consider investing in each other and building a stronger entrepreneurial base.  We have made other groups rich from our buying power.  It would be a very big mistake for us not to take aggressive action and exploit new areas to build our communities and reignite old ones.

The power is within us to be the people we have envisioned.

Dr. Martin Luther King had a dream.  We can make that dream come true with economic goals that are reachable.

Maybe Black Men Should Wear Lions Skins So They Won’t Get Shot!


On July 31, 2015, there were two stories trending: The shooting death of Sam DaBose in Cleveland by a Cleveland police officer and then another: The killing of a beloved lion named Cecil in Zimbabwe’s Hwange National Park by a Minnesota Dentist after being lured out of his protective habitat by him, then shot, and beheaded (for trophy).  White people have literally been in an uproar over this, but not such reaction to the countless stories of innocent Black males who’ve been killed by white police officers.  This story broke on the same day that the Cincinnati police officer was indicted for the shooting death of Sam DaBose.

There is currently legislation being enacted by the United States Senate that is going to be presented to the United Nations. The United Nations?

Apparently, there has been global outrage over the senseless killing of African wild life.  I can understand that, but there has been senseless killing of Black people in America for over 400 years that hasn’t sparked this kind of outrage.

As a Black woman that has been observing the current events that have been impacting Black lives, first, while growing up in Chicago, and the systematic murders of young Black males since the casual and senseless slaying of Trayvon Martin in 2012; I have to question, what the hell is wrong with white folks?  I mean really?


These people get all up in arms over the killing and abuse of animals, but say nothing, even with proof, of innocent Black lives taken.



I love animals. The lion is the symbol of the motherland.  However, it is circumspect to see this type of misplaced outrage over a creature (who is not the first lion killed for sport) literally being immortalized with memorials and pictures all over the media about the value of its life.

Are not Black lives valuable?

Many politicians and celebrities are quick to denounce the dentist and pay reverence to the dead lion.  Not many are willing to speak out against the senseless violence and killings of young Black men and women at the hands of mostly white police officers.  Clearly, a sick double-standard exists.  Another glaring example of the strange duplicity in the minds of white people.

“I hope that #WalterPalmer loses his home, his practice & his money. He has already lost his soul…” tweeted Sharon Osbourne on Wednesday.

Even late night host, Jimmy Kimmel choked up at the discussion Cecil death on his show and described it as, “a disgusting tragedy.”

There truly is some kind of strange disconnect.

Writer Roxane Gay asked on Twitter to ask if black people would get more concern if they dressed like lions.

“I’m personally going to start wearing a lion costume when I leave my house so if I get shot, people will care,” she posted.

You know, maybe she has a point.

Who Killed Sandra Bland?


On July 13, 2015, my day started out routinely as it always does.  Later in the day, I, like many of you, learned of the story of Sandra Bland.  Apparently, she was found hanged in her cell, 3 days after being arrested for a routine traffic stop.

Sandra lived in Chicago with her family, and she traveled to Waller, Texas to get a job at her Alma mater, Prairie View.  Where she graduated in May of 2009.  She was hired to work at the school’s agricultural department and was elated, according to her sister.

Months earlier, she posted on Facebook that she suffered from depression and post traumatic stress disorder.  Her family said that they didn’t notice any despair in her demeanor of late at the time of this incident.

“At about 4:30 p.m. on July 10, Bland was driving a silver Hyundai Azera south through Waller County on FM 1098, near Prairie View A&M, when a state trooper, Brian Encinia, pulled her over for said was for failing to signal a lane change.”

And that’s where this story hangs.

From the start, I was suspicious.

The video that has been released of the arrest, Bland’s voice can be heard very clearly.  She protests how she was treated and tells the officer arresting her that she can’t wait until this goes to court.

Over the next couple of days, Bland called her family, asking for help to raise money for the $5,000 bail.  She told them that she thought her shoulder and arm may be broken.  The last time she was seen alive, was around 7:00 a.m. on July 13, 2015.

Waller County authorities have asked for the Texas Rangers and FBI to help investigate what happened.  Bland’s family has asked for an independent autopsy.

Here is yet another case involving the death of an African American–now a woman, who has ended up dead, for a simple traffic incident.  She joins, Trayvon Martin, Jordan Davis, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Freddie Gray, and so many more, who ended up tragedies for mundane reasons.

There’s no excuse for it.

As an African American woman, I’m not going to tolerate Black women being violated and murdered by white males.  Even the hint of that makes me want to hunt down some M’fuckas to kill them swiftly.

We are not animals!

I don’t know what happened to Sandra Bland.  But I’m using my blog to spread her story–as well, as to DEMAND JUSTICE for her life.

She could have been somebody, but now, we’ll never know.


Who’s Really Abusing Welfare?


Take a listen to this:

Last night, I watched the Bonnie Erbe Show To The Contrary on PBS and the topic was welfare.  I sighed.  It conjured up memories back in the day when this topic could end in a shouting match between Black and white people–who naturally associated welfare with Black people, but it’s 2015, and I wonder who really is abusing welfare.

As I watched the program, the panel consisted of well educated women of color and some white females, all making comments, per usual, that the welfare reforms that are being debated and acted out in some states, such as, requiring drug testing,etc, are aimed mainly at the poor. It’s easy to point the fingers at single mothers who have children without the benefit of marriage, but is that fair?

Looking at the women on the panel, one of the first reactions I had was what the hell did any of them know about welfare? I mean, if I were on that panel, I’d challenge them all and ask them to tell me just what the average price of milk and eggs are right now.  The arrogance of those with entitlements and comforts to tell the underprivileged how to live and act, is just beyond vulgar and completely exposes how much disparity of actual socialization with the people they are prescribing remedies for, challenges me to speak some harsh truth.

Millions of people have defrauded the government for years in housing assistance, food stamps, utility assistance, etc., and even used the tax system to get large payouts during tax season by selling their children’s SSN to family and friends who wanted to abuse the system.

But there is a dirty little secret that no one wants to talk about.  The number of people who abuse welfare are not the poor, but wealthy people.  Corporations are cleaning up from welfare.  Companies such as Wal-Mart in particular.  They pay their workers so low; many have to rely on welfare assistance, and Wal-Mart benefits from this.  And let us not forget about the fat cats in corporate America who make millions–even billions in salaries, bonuses, and other benefits, and then, have the audacity to collect an SSI check each month.

Rich people abuse the welfare system more than any group; it’s not just the poor, who do things out of necessity to survive. The wealthy are profited handsomely from government assistance.  Many dodge their tax obligations through clever loopholes.  There is also home owner subsidies for the middle and upper-classes that are never talked about.

It is a lie to accuse poor people as being the biggest abusers of welfare.

Single mothers were not the ones who almost destroyed this economy; it was wealthy white males–and many still made a profit–and got bailed out by the government.

Now,if that’s not welfare, I don’t know what is.

Who are they kidding?