New Year. New Me!



Hey, Everybody!

I’m back!

Sorry I’ve been off the blog for a while but I needed some “me-time.”

I’m refreshed now. And I’m looking forward to sharing more thoughts, insights and education that will help us all evolve.

So. What do I see on the horizon? Well, there will be many changes coming for our people.  I see things shifting in our favor and a new consciousness and empowerment being birthed within us.

We can’t lose sight of all of the realities that are around us. But we also must not become fearful and hopeless.

There are many spiritual forces at work and we have to be cognizant of that.

I just wanted to touch bases with you.

Keep your head up.

Stay tuned.

The Return of Black Gods

Image result for Black pharaohs

Black people!!! It’s time for a new revolution. The old is passing away; and things are stagnant because no one is being creative or bold. People of African blood are CREATORS! American culture is rooted in Black progenitors of style and ingenuity. From art to fashion; academia, science, mathematics, poetry, music, dance, literature, cinema, sports, et al. We MADE our mark–and set records. Black culture has been the heartbeat of this country. Its rhythm, the pulse that gives it life. I don’t know about any of you, but it’s time to stop living other people’s despair.

We are the Illuminated Ones.  The first people who knew and talked to God.  We must get back to our true selves.

If you have been following this Caucasoid, parasite, you are living backwards.  You’re seeing a devalued view of your innate state.  We are not like them and should not be mixing our genetics with them.

For those who over-stand breeding, you can change the genetic structure of a species, simply by interfering with it’s reproductive system.  You don’t breed a thoroughbred with a donkey.  This would completely degrade the offspring of the thoroughbred.  You don’t mix dominant with recessive.  But that is exactly what has happened to many Black people in this oppressive and abusive relationship with the white man.

God made us to be his crown jewel.  Everything began with US.  He gave us strength, knowledge, talent, spirituality, and wisdom. Our consciousness operates at a high frequency, allowing for us to communicate with Him.  But many of you lost contact with the Creator–and that’s why your lives have been disconnected.

The white man has plotted to kill you.  And everything that you’ve been through was designed to destroy the God-MAN inside of–YOU; and cut off your relationship with our Father in Heaven.  He is the power source; and it’s time to allow him back into your life if you want to BE the Men you were designed to be.

The greatest revolution that could change everything…Is to have the audacity to force society to stop living a false narrative that had been scripted for us to lose!

We already won! Start living and acting like it!

I’m gonna feel good regardless.

The Picture That Destroys Racism…



So the caption read on a post I read this morning on Facebook.  It was this interracial couple, both smiling, as a meme of sorts, being used to push the agenda of self-hatred onto the Black community.

This is a false premise.

First of all, interracial marriage is not the cure for racism. Most end in divorce. If it were the solution, why do we still live in a divided country? And to further…why would any intelligent Black person who understands genetics, marry a genetic recessive troglodyte? The truth of the matter is that the white population is at negative birthrate. They have come to their end as a species; and can’t regenerate themselves, thus, they have to rely on the Black race, The Original Man and Woman of this planet, to help them preserve their genes.

This is the whole scheme behind the interracial marriage agenda. The very purpose of it is rooted in White Supremacy!

It’s very interesting that they used a Black woman in that picture–and a very dark one. The Black WOMB-man is the genetic portal of HUE-manity.  And that white man in the picture is the symbol of superiority.  White men know inherently that the stronger the genes in the Black woman; the more it benefits his offspring.

This is about white genetic survival.

So where does this leave Black America?

Let me tell you, I have never been stupid–even when I had an excuse to be.  I see things clearly, objectively; and I am not naive about anything in life.  And what I see is the glaring reality of just how much white people insult the intelligence of Black people.  This photo is promoting anti-Blackness!

How so?

Black people have nothing to gain from interracial unions.  We are inherently genetically dominant. What this is promoting is our enemy’s way to weaken and eliminate the Black family through genetic manipulation.

Not falling for it.  Not eating the apple.  Don’t want to drink from this bar.

We are not designed to be weak, Black people.  White people are WEAK!  And they know it. How else can they destroy us?  They’ve tried everything; but they are the ones who ended up in crisis.  They are at negative birthrate.  And I find it almost to be a divine sentence on them for their behavior and hatred on this planet.

At this time, we have to analyze everything that is being promoted in our community. Not all of our people are alert, wise or conscious.  Therefore, those of us who truly do see the BIG PICTURE, we have to check our enemy.

At all times.  By Any Means Necessary!

Chyna Fox vs Rubia Garcia!!!

The Fued!

China Fox:

Rubia Garcia:


Many of you may have seen this video by Chyna Fox on Facebook or Twitter.  It is in response to Rubia Garcia a popular vlogger from NOLA who gained prominence for speaking on “Black issues.”  But Chyna Fox questioned her motives and made a video confronting the many Black men that have been proclaiming Pro Black platforms, yet, have nicknamed this woman, White Bae. This enraged, Chyna.  She called them hypocrites!  Her video has been playing all over social media and many people are debating what she said.  She’s definitely got the ears of a lot of people.

I took the liberty of posting Chyna’s video then Rubia’s reponse.  After viewing both, I commented on Chyna’s channel but also left some interesting words for Ms. Rubia’s comments.

My response:

“Oh, Scarlet O’Hara! Hydrate us all with your with your “white woman tears.” Don’t call for you? Are you talking to a slave? Rubia Garcia! You are out of your jurisdiction! Your rage is reflective of the arrogance that is typical of Neader-thots, like yourself, who are not educated about what you are advocating; and the first thing that you do, is expose the fragility that is within.  Just like a typical white woman! You do not raise your voice in a debate; you improve your argument. And that is? First and foremost, Chyna had every right to address you on your videos. No one is above reproach. You do not ordain yourself as some type of White Savior, then do a 360, and begin dictating and trying to silence the very people you speak for when they react to what you say. You’ve been called out. You’ve been checked, hunty! You’re a white woman treating Black culture as if it’s an All You Can Eat Buffet. But the owner has just stepped out from the back and have instructed that you have abused the service; and now has asked you to leave! We are not listening to any white woman trying to justify her privilege, in such a way, as if, we ought to apologize for saying what many people should have checked you on in the first place: YOUR WHITENESS being the object of your platform, not your message. You have not suffered anything! What you are is a typical white troglodyte feeling slighted because people aren’t validating your appropriation! And for the record, Black women are the FIRST MOTHERS AND QUEENS of this planet. Africa is the birthplace of civilization. The Black Man and Black Woman are the Original People of this earth.  The African is 100% HUE-man!  We are the parents of ALL HUE-manity! Egypt is in Africa! Black Egyptians built the pyramids when your ancestors were dwelling in caves in Eurasia, Caucasoid! Cornrow braiding–micro braids, et al, originated from Africa. Its purpose not only signified what tribe one came from; the intricate braiding patterns distinguished what the person’s position was within the tribe. Chyna Fox is within her cultural and territorial rights to speak about what she lives–NOT WHAT SHE OBSERVES!!! You’re a street reporter using social media as a platform to market Black Oppression as if it’s a product you invented! Sit your ass down! We’re not having it. Face this fact: You are not US! Know your place! And I highly suggest you watch this video, sweetie: The entire community is weighing in! Your ghetto pass is about to be revoked!”

And there it is…it’s time for the Black community to start checking these so called, “allies.”  Please…isn’t this what happens before they invade?

Not falling for this s###!

Black people, it’s time to start serving these craKKKas with trespassing violations and MAKE THEM PAY the fine!


Chyna responds to Rubia Garcia’s video:

God is Warning This World!


“In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.”  Acts: 2:17

Currently, as I’m typing this blog entry, I’m listening to a video on YouTube.  It is about people who’ve actually been to Hell.  God has been pouring out his spirit on the earth and if you go to the site, you will see many videos loaded up regarding frightening visions that God has been giving to regular people around the world–many of whom were not Believers.

I’ve been listening to many of these videos for about 3 years, doing research.  What I learned is that yet again, Biblical prophecy is being fulfilled.

Many people don’t believe in Hell.  Even some people in the church.  For God to have to pour out his spirit in this manner, means that we are in deep spiritual peril. This generation does not know HIM.  Everything that is being marketed to people on this planet,is the complete antithesis of what the Bible teaches.  But God is merciful and although many of these visions show the true horror of Hell; in his love, Our Heavenly Father is trying to save our lives.

I have an Atheist cop friend who is also a narcissist. He mocks Christ on his Facebook timeline and other Christians.  I’ve reached out to him but he is stubborn.  He has an older brother that is also Atheist.  Neither have any knowledge or understanding of Christ.  They are spiritually dead.  My heart grieves; and I pray for both of them.  I’ve asked God to intervene in both of their lives so that they will know HIM.  My  heart is heavy but I am also vigilant to pray for both.  Neither even know it.  God has moved me to do so.  And I obey. Wouldn’t you do this for your friend if they didn’t believe?

What are we to do when we see a generation of people who are going to Hell?  Young people are dying at record rates.  From drug overdoses, suicide, murder–even sickness that they shouldn’t even be afflicted with but they are not covered by God.

I am sad.  But I am more vigilant and I am asking those here, if you do not know Christ, to accept him in your heart and in your life.  Ask him to Cover you with his blood as well as your family and friends.  BELIEVE that HE IS!  It is your only protection and salvation.

But many of you reject salvation. You want your sin.  He offers you eternal life is you serve him…BUT YOU WANT THE LIFESTYLE OF THE RICH AND FAMOUS.  But!  This comes at a price.  Are  you willing to pay it?  With your life?

Who are the wealthy that you seek to emulate.  Do you know where they get their power?

The Elite are Luciferians.  They are controlling everything going on in this world.  We are yet again, being manipulated by evil men who are intent on destroying mankind for their own gain.  They are Satan’s disciples.  We absolutely must take them seriously. They are making plans to bring forth a new time in which all human beings will be enslaved to the wealthy people of this world who have sworn to carry out Satan’s agenda.  And to eat, you must take the mark of the Beast, 666. They want you to fear them.  DO NOT.  Fear only God.  For He is The Creator of You an all things and worthy to be praised.  He is mighty and knows all things. And He wants you to FEAR NO MAN! Keep your eyes on Him!

Powerful Testimony of Dr. Earthquake Kelley

Pray for your children!

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” Mark 8:36


PIZZAGATE! The Scandal That Could Be Bigger Than Watergate!

I spoke about this during the election. It’s very disturbing. But if you haven’t heard of Pizzagate and how sick and sordid this is, you really need to check your priorities.

It’s so sordid, Facebook, Google, Twitter and other social media outlets, literally were blocking people’s accounts who dared even talk about it.  Mainstream media won’t even report it out of fear.  The powers that be are blocking all TRUTH TELLERS!

This is why Hillary Clinton didn’t get elected!!!

Research it on Google to get caught up. But here is Professor Griff speaking on it.

It’s so despicable; it could make Watergate look like a trite misunderstanding.

People need to start PAYING ATTENTION to what is going on in this world.

These things are happening right up under our noses.

The Bible Says that ALL secrets shall be revealed.  “For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light.’  Luke 8:17


*Spread This News!!!*


Dr. Umar Johnson Talks Man to MAN about Interracial Dating/Marriage…


For many years, this topic continues to dominate discussions.  I’ve written numerous articles on it.  And I really could GO THERE!  However, when I did, it was always typical: a group of Black men, mainly those guilty of this, always seemingly tried to hack the discussion–and per usual, the Black women that responded would be angry and unrepentant in their opposition to it.

However, it’s very different when a man weighs in.

Dr. Umar Johnson is very blunt about how he feels on Black issues.  He is unapologetically BLACK!!!  And after listening to the video; I felt that he hit on some very important points.

So, listen to it, and I invite rebuttals.

Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump: There is No Difference!

Image result for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump

When I look into the eyes of our two presidential candidates, honestly, I see the same evil staring out of both of their eyes. They are the female and male symbols of white supremacy.  Regardless of which we choose, we’re just selecting a new overseer–not a savior.

The mandate that we have as a people is to select which one who is going to manage the aftermath of our First Black President, who did nothing for US; and that reality is what African American people must realize.

It’s been a battle for me deciding whether or not I’m going to vote.  I’m leaning to sitting this one out.  Everyone I talk with have been trying to convince me to go to the polls but for what?  I don’t like either candidate.

So what don’t I like about them?

Hillary Rhodam Clinton

When I look into the eyes of Hillary Clinton, immediately, the impression is that she is detached.  There is no emotion in this woman.  She is dead.  I don’t trust anything that comes out of her mouth and frankly, I feel that she is an inveterate liar and all of a sudden, she “knows Trayvon Martin?”  She’s met with the mothers of Black sons who’ve been murdered by racist police.  Putting on a show.  When the hell has she ever cared for Black people?  Under the Clinton administration, it was President Bill Clinton policies that brought about mass incarceration of Black men.  Called Black men “Super Predators” to set the tone and brainwashing in the media to dissensitize  the public–criminalizing Black life.  Now, she’s sorry.   On a moral basis, As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton was the biggest advocate for the assassination of Muammar Gaddafi.  She lied.  Saying that he was going to kill all of his people. No he wasn’t.   She personally orchestrated the destruction of Libya and the killing of Muammar Gaddafi.   She is a proponent of eugenics and is a big fan of Margaret Sanger.  That sent alarm bells through many in the African American community.  Margaret Sanger was a racist.  Her words exposed that.  Planned Parenthood has killed over 50 million African American babies and you have to wonder what kind of human being esteems such a person.

Donald “Da Donald” Trump

Well, let me get right to the point: I don’t dislike Donald Trump.  He’s very honest.  I can’t hate anyone for that.  And let me be clear, it’s not what Donald Trump said at the beginning of his campaign about Mexicans that opened up the hatred in this country; his brutal candor exposed what “we know” white folks say about people of color when they are among themselves.  And then…Pandora’s Box was opened.  White men in this country came alive.  They’ve been having a field day at Donald Trump rallies–feeling free to express all of the pent up bitterness, resentment, hatred and violence that lurks just beneath the surface of most of them.

Nature has been handing it to white people.  Currently at negative birthrate and growing, then, to top it off, there is a suicide rate of white males and females, high addiction to prescription drugs, heroin addiction and a decline of the white middle class has provoked an inner Neanderthal who’s had his feelings hurt, thus, giving rise to the subconscious psychopath that is now among us, stalking, provoking and killing our melanated brothers.

And Donald Trump is not trying to stop them.  Earlier in the year, he began to chant at his rallies:  “Make America Great Again.”  This was code-speak.  You know what he was really saying, family.  This was the command to white males in America to take this country back–no matter what.

There is a disturbing video by the New York Times that show Donald Trump supporters hurling profanities, violent threats, racist, sexist and ethnic slurs.

Donald Trump has also incited physical violence at many of his rallies.

Image result for Donald Trump racist rallies

What has been unleashed in this country?

How many more Black lives will be lost because of this type of hatred that we haven’t seen in this country since the last century.

Given all that is going on, for some reason, I’m not fearing anything because I believe in God.  I know that he is a God of justice and he is not pleased.  When God is not pleased, people and places start disappearing.

White America is cursed.   They are being exposed by the Creator and their evil is being viewed around the world.

You can’t keep doing these type of things to innocent people just to justify your existence on this planet. Nature has the final say in that.

Judgement is on White America.

This election will be the final outcome.

The Music of Bob Marley is The Remedy For Our Trying Times…

This weekend, one of my aunts was laid to rest after an unexpected illness.  I’ve been thinking about a lot of things lately and today, Bob Marley came to mind.  His music means so much to so many people around the world.

Redemption song was based on slavery in the new world.

Does this not sound like what we’re feeling subliminally?

Bob Marley was a unique individual as well as an inspired artist.  He used his music to educate, empower, and protest the powers that be.

In light of everything happening, I chose to post one of his last concerts before he passed away in 1982.

Watch, grow and listen.


The Big Payback Coming For White America!

Black people have seen the hand of God literally exposing our enemy to the core of their being.  Every racist intention is being uncloaked for all the world to see.

Our POTUS has been one of the weakest in history.  His ambivalence to address racism and confront its perpetrators more sternly, beginning with the Tea Party, literally created the environment in this country today.

I’ve been reading a lot of commentary since the Dallas shooting.  White folks are mad and scared now. They want to talk.  Let’s try to bring the races together.  It’s all bullshit.  No one wants to hear any of it.

Lord have mercy!!!

I knew something else was about to happen. And before any self-righteous soap box commentaries, I have to say that this is the result of dismissed and approved racist evil within the police departments across this country that is coming back on them. You can’t start killing innocent citizens based on “suspicion”, code talk for “minority”, and then holler when bullets come back on you. Disrespect reaps this kind of violence. It’s all about perception. This is reciprocity. Logically, if you keep pulling a wolf by the tail, don’t holler when it bites your ass. There were laws placed in this universe by Almighty God that governs all life–no one is above them. However, it seems only white people aren’t getting the memo.

Adding to this, having the nerve  to wonder why this country is so disconnected.

White people don’t know how to treat anyone…then get upset when others react to their behavior.

Black people and other minorities are tired of defending our humanity to something whose ancestors dwelled in caves.  Yet, proclaiming their superiority over those who were here before they were even a speck on this planet.

The current state of events right now are a direct result of racist white males in this country acting out their pathology, yet, arrogantly expecting to get away with acts of terrorism by default of White privilege.

My definition of white supremacy in a nutsell: A genetic defect expressing delusions of grandeur.

Yet, these psychotic people have gotten addicted to the forgiving Knee-grows who forgave Dylan Roof for killing 9 people in a church.

I watched the town hall meeting on race relations with President Obama on July 14, 2016 and frankly, I’m tired of Black people capitulating to white fear and paranoia. We’ve been pacifying them for over 100 years. If white people want to solve the race problem, stop projecting their hate onto Black people; and look in the mirror, asking themselves: “What part am I playing in the race problem?”

Being Black is not a crime, it’s an honor.

To White America: You wanted a war.  Now you’ve got one.

Things don’ changed.  And I do mean…FO’ REAL!


BREAKING NEWS!!!  Baton Rouge!  7 officers shot, 3 dead, 4 wounded.