Are People Getting Tired of Tyler Perry?

Have you been noticing something a little different about the turnout for Tyler Perry movies of late?  Hhhhhmmm…I started noticing it when he made the stupid mistake to cast Kim KarTRASHian in the movie, Temptation.   Then he did it again when casting Larry The Cable Guy in his last Madea movie, A Madea Christmas.  Why are you resulting to putting white characters in movies that are geared toward a Black audience?

When his last movie, Single Moms Club was released and bombed at the box office., people began to whisper.  It was a dull movie with a cast of women that no one believed would ever be friends in real life, so why make a movie about such and unlikely cast of women?

Lionsgate recently ended its long-term relationship with Perry after 9 years.  It does not mean that they won’t work together on future projects, but Tyler is basically a free agent now and did have issues with the lack of international reach of Lionsgate.  He’s pretty much consolidated operations to his Atlanta headquarters, where 4 of his TV series s are shot.

Basically, I’ve enjoyed the Madea series movies–have seen all of his non-Madea movies except the last 3.  I am a cheerleader for Mr. Perry for achieving success in an arena with very few Blacks, so I will not debase him. However, I do think it’s time for him to grow and the criticism he’s facing has some merit.

Many Black men hate him for his dismal images of them in his movies.  The introduction of white characters in his story lines seems desperate for acceptance by the white audiences, but many Blacks see it as an intrusion to something that was built by Black support.

Then there are people who hate him because of his friendship with Oprah Winfrey, especially Black males, who tired of her male bashing on her now defunct Oprah Winfrey Show, and the general, annoying cry-parties Oprah and Tyler have regarding their histories of physical and sexual abuse.

The controversy Tyler ensued with criticism from notable movie director, Spike Lee for his belief of Tyler using coonery and buffoonery in many of his movies, sparked a lot of debate on Tyler using stereotypical imagery of Black people in his movies.

Whether or not you like Tyler Perry, it’s not so much about people getting tired of Tyler Perry in as much as it is a sign of perhaps people needing more a mental challenge from him.

Hopefully, he will weigh it all in and create more interesting stories.

Love him or hate him, no on can disagree that Tyler Perry has made move Black actors and actresses rich than any Hollywood Producer from any genre.


Many Black People Are Lost And Our Enemy Knows It…

For many years I spoke about issues impacting the Black community on the old Black voices and many other Black oriented sites over the years. It’s been almost 20 years–that’s a long time. The reality of the topics I talked about back in the late nineties–and in the early part of the millennium, seem to now be coming to fruition.

When President Obama was elected as the new leader of this nation, what started out as a Disney movie coming to life; soon became the catalyst of a population of white folks who are dying; now finding a reason to form a coalition of bigots to remind white people that it was their ancestors that ran this country and this N*gger is about to change “their way of life” and they better do something about it now before it was too late. The Tea Party spread fear through the land–then the racist signs came out–then the charge that Obama wasn’t even American, and so on…and so forth. So, the President, feeling the heat of white fear; he began to use language that fed the racist appetites by saying that he “wasn’t just the President of Black people.” Suggesting that Black people better not even think about asking him to do anything to better many of our troubled communities, but everyone else could. What did that say to white folks? It gave them even more fuel to continue their subliminal abuse–so the Republican Party keeps it up in creating more fear through their attitudes against the President–blocking everything he did to try and better the economy. Lying about his healthcare plan, so on and so forth. But…he kept on catering to white folks.

And so do many Black people, particularly those that call themselves our leaders:

Any names that come to mind, people?

  • Oprah Winfrey
  • President Obama
  • Montel Williams
  • Condoleeza Rice
  • Clarence Thomas
  • O.J. Simpson
  • Tiger Woods
  • The NAACP(Quiz me on this one)
  • The Black Boule’
  • Many Black NBA and NFL athletes who date or marry non-Black women

Just to name a few.

Today, it’s going to be 88 degrees where I am in Georgia. I’m sitting by a window–looking out at the beautiful flowers and blooming trees and listening to my favorite jams. This thought came to me a few minutes ago(Luther’s Here and Now… is playing). Here and Now…I promised to love faithfully… Such beautiful words and I really do feel that this is the song that many Blacks in power or who have money and position are singing to White America. Cooning…and grinnin’, just longing for that pat on the back that says, “Now that’s a Good N*gger.”

Am I off base?

These days, you rarely even see Black culture on television anymore.  Like Sunday night while watching The Good Wife. Why is it that when they have Black people on these shows, they are sleeping with white characters? Same goes for the now defunct show, Off The Map, located somewhere in the islands, on ABC in which there is one Black guy in the cast and he’s sleeping with a white chick.  So, the subliminal message here is that if you’re Black and successful, you are approved to sleep with White folks?  This is yet the persistent resistance of Whites in media and Hollywood to show Black love. Why is that?

Scandal is not an equalizer but more so it appeases white racists and weak-minded Black folks of a Black woman being allowed to exploit the sexual myth of the high sexuality of Black women with the most powerful man in the world; but the white woman he’s married to is his beneficiary and will inherit his wealth. Who’s the fool?

Where is the backlash against the networks from our community?

And how can I not speak about the lack of “brown faces” on Oprah’s new network when she first debuted OWN. Gail doesn’t count. What was Oprah thinking about in neglecting the African American community? There is no excuse for this. We buy products just like everyone else and our buying power is not to be taken lightly. Yet, Black folks still watched.

Our president seems to have been advised, misinformed and betrayed by angry white males, hell bent on making him look weak, indecisive and something to make fun of rather than respect. And it’s all about respect. Everything he does is questioned, probed and analyzed by white folks. Can the man do anything right in their eyes. Yet, it was the greed, arrogance and criminal acts of white males that got this country in the economic crisis it is now in.

His predecessor, George Bush, had a faithful servant in the service of former Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice. She endorsed her President and never acted in opposition to whatever he chose to do–mind you that many of his policies hurt our community. Hurricane Katrina…anyone? And people know that there was no reason to attack and kill Sadaam Hussein. It was clearly an act of revenge for his father’s failure to destroy him in the War of Desert Storm.

And still yet, Black folks…wanna be like by white folks.

The NAACP was founded on February 12, 1909.  Link:  [url=][/url]

More reference:

But did you know that no Black was allowed to serve as Director until 1975. That’s right. Our oldest Civil Rights organization was headed by whites. How could an organization designed to help Black people, not allow Blacks to run it–and be allowed to do it? And why would white folks wish to be part of an organization for the benefit of Black people ? The only reason why whites contribute money to the NAACP is so that they can dictate policy. So, is our nation’s oldest Civil Rights organization really working for its people or is it a co-conspirator with our enemy?

“The civil-rights generation is exiting the American stage—not in a haze of nostalgia but in a cloud of gloom, troubled by the persistence of racism, the apparent weaknesses of the generation following in its wake, and the seeming indifference of much of the country to black America’s fate.”

One would have to be reminded of Jim Crow laws. It once was a law that if there were 3 Blacks or more, they could not be allowed to meet without the company of a white man. This is the truth. Some of you can attest to this in public and even on your job–if Blacks congregate; for some unknown reason, some white man or woman, possibly even in management, starts prancing around, looking and observing…trying to see “what you people are up to.” Some even are bold enough to insinuate themselves into the conversation.

The Black Boule’–Black versoin of the Illuminati. The Black Elite. Whatever you wish to call them…is a collection of about 4000+ of the wealthiest Black men in America–and none of them are doing anything on behalf of African Americans. Link:

There is a reason why Black people keep seeing issues like what happened with LA Clippers owner Don Sterling. I find it hilarious that all of a sudden, the Black players were insulted because he said he didn’t like Black people and didn’t want his mixed girlfriend to be seen taking pictures with them–yet–many of these ball players are not even married to Black women.

It’s duplicity and hypocrisy.

So, adding all of them together, entertainers, organizations and individual leaders that love to appoint themselves over us–WHO IS REALLY REPRESENTING BLACK AMERICA?

My First Blog Post of The New Year!



Well…everyone, I’m back.  The holidays have kept me from blogging as you’ve been accustomed, but I’ve been extremely busy…y’all.

First and foremost, to all my faithful followers: I APPRECIATE YOU and I will continue to stimulate and percolate the brains out there who truly want to be educated.

What has struck me though, are the numerous whites that have tried to infiltrate this blog with racist responses to the truth WE ALL KNOW is relevant to OUR EXPERIENCE in America.  You want to know what my response to them is and will continue to be: Take your White Asses to Stormfront, and vent about the Black woman on WP who has no trouble in telling you where you can go.  I’m tired of white people and this point in my life and I really do not give a nickel’s worth of care if they are offended by something written on this blog.  It’s ALL TRUE.  But when you ride through life on the back of White Privilege; I guess it is a shock to hear that people really can’t tolerate you.  It’s not racism; it’s called: Counter-response.

And BTW racists:  The majority of people on welfare are not African Americans–it’s WHITE WOMEN.

Sorry.  I guess they got confused into thinking that we’re all like Oprah and President Barack Obama.  He’s been catching hell lately, but much of what he’s experiencing is due to his inner weaknesses–and lack of awareness of the people he’s put around him.  Sounds like sabotage to me.

But anyhoot, I encourage strong brothers and sisters out there to speak you mind here and keep the intellectual pot cooking on FTMOT!


Black Celebrities DON’T REPRESENT US!


For some reason, there is this general attitude that every actor/actress of African descent must represent the Black race as a whole.  They are not leaders.

That may have meant something in the 1960’s and 1970’s, but in this current generation; I don’t want to be associated with many of those who are part of the Hollywood/Celebrity cliques today. Although many of them  are very talented and interesting; their lives and behavior are not reflective of the convictions that I hold or the community at large, per se.

Some of you may be confused by the photo for this commentary–there is a reason for it: many of your so called Black celebrities do not serve the Black community when they become rich; they become an extension of White Supremacy.  The rule of White Supremacy for Black people who want to be rich: Do Not use your money to help your own people.  

Look at the behavior of many of our Black celebrities.  

Recently, Barney’s was in the news for racial profiling Black customers.  It’s been reported that Jay-Z has decided to keep his deal with the company even after recent alegations of Black customers being abused by personnel of this department store.  Now why would someone who  is racially conscious do this–even after the urging of his fans to sever ties.  Who is Jay-Z really working for?

There is nothing that Denzel Washington, Steve Harvey, Jay-Z, Oprah Winfrey, Tyler Perry, Laurence Fishburne, Whoopi Goldberg, et al., can say or do that defines the character, intellect and spirit of my being better than I can.

Celebrities are nothing more than an extension of the larger community of our people. They are not spokesman or clergy. They represent a conglomerate that is designed to sell illusion. Nothing more.

When their actions condemn them; the media is quick to come to our community and ask our reaction. As is the case with Tiger Woods. But for those of us who PAY ATTENTION; Tiger Woods condemned himself over 15 years ago on Oprah when he stated that he did not consider himself Black. He looked directly at Oprah and stated that he liked to refer to himself as a “CAUBLINASIAN.” And in an audience filled with Black folks mind you. Thus, when he got caught with his pants down with all of those poor white COCKtail waitresses–who just happened to get very rich after scandalizing him…causing his divorce from his very blond Swedish wife; the Black community reminded Tiger of what he said to Oprah in 1997, and thanked him sincerely. For once, this one wasn’t on us.

African history is far deeper than what Hollywood could possibly portray, but Hollywood doesn’t like Black people and doesn’t mind reminding us of that.

Thus, I contend that Black people need to stop looking to celebrities in general as a means of identity of who we are. But we need to always make Black celebrities accountable if what they represent to the media contradicts who and what we truly are as a people.

Can you dig it?


So…Oprah Got Dissed By The Swiss!


Frankly speaking; I really do not have any sympathy for her at all.

This wasn’t the first time this has happened to her.

While in Switzerland for Tina Turner’s wedding, apparently Oprah went shopping.  She stopped in to a little shop and asked to see a very expensive hand bag.  The clerk refused to let her see it, inferring and stating to her: “that one is too expensive for you.”

Joke of the year, right?

Oprah has the Black Card and could have bought not only that store, but most of the shops in that area.

Well, Oprah talked about it to the media and it has now blown up.

I listened, but it had about as much impact on my life as the news of cave bats becoming extinct.

Yes.  It was a terrible misunderstanding but she’s OK.  And now that the clerk knows who she dissed; what is the world supposed to do because Oprah was treated the same way millions of Black people experience every single day?

Just recently, I had a friend tell me that when she was vacationing in Orlando; she and her daughter visited a Neiman Marcus store.  While there, she indicated that the entire time they were in the store; they were followed around the store.  She was so offended, she walked out.

What galls me about Oprah claiming racism is the subtle form of it that she projects onto Black people when choosing to hire for her companies.  And people know that it was standard for white producers on The Oprah Winfrey Show to be the largest majority at Harpo Studios.  Don’t even get me started on the obvious Blackout of her Own network.  It was glaring.  Link:

So, as far as I’m concerned; Oprah Winfrey needs to be quiet.

She got dissed.

Live with it.