The Angry Black Woman Myth: A Real Black Woman Responds…


Lately, there seems to have been a battle cry coming from White America regarding their demise in the demographics. In less than 50 years, for the first time in the history of this country, whites will be the minority. This makes many nervous. Ever since President Barack Obama was elected, the image of a strong, beautiful, intelligent, articulate, and successful Black woman, as his wife Michelle emulates; has provoked the torch bearers of White Supremacy to try and deploy a tactic of ambush on the minds of the public by asserting the moniker “Angry Black Woman” on African American women, if they mirror the image described.

The attacks on the First Lady literally border on racial pathology not seen since the days of Jim Crow.

What white people fail to realize about Black people, especially Black women, is that we are not created with cookie cutters; we’re diverse, and reflect that in the way we speak, act, react, live, love, and build in this world, no matter who or where we are.

With the success of movies like, The Help. It appears that America is very nervous to see images depicting Black women, not as victims, but victorious. Apparently, it’s offensive not to be submissive.

Racism created the Angry Black Woman. An educated Black woman is infuriating to many in the majority. What should be praised about Black women is how we keep our cool in a world where race, skin tone, and racial hatred are very real.

The threats on Black people are real and if Black women are angry is because they are impacted the most when Black men die or go to jail. Yet, she holds her head up, looks forward, and marches though it with courage and dignity.

Black women know they are not living in a Utopian society.

White people can’t deal with the real world–they don’t see race/racism, and perhaps that is why many construct outlandish notions of who they think Black women, and Black people are in general to suit their passive/aggressive racism.

The Angry Black Woman is just yet another dart thrown at Black women by people who try to narrowly define a culture of women they do not know, thus, they feel perfectly comfortable, albeit the privileges of white supremacy, to condescendingly ambush the minds of the public of its own notions of what it is to be a real Black woman.

“In a much-critiqued review of the new TV series How to Get Away with Murder, New York Times television critic Alessandra Stanley introduced award-winning super-producer Shonda Rhimes by suggesting that she should call her autobiography “How to Get Away With Being an Angry Black Woman”. The clichéd piece, which Stanley later said was intended to “praise Shonda Rhimes for pushing back so successfully on a tiresome but insidious stereotype”, was misguided and tone-deaf – but Stanley is hardly the first (and probably won’t be the last) white woman to demean a black woman with back-handed praise.’

What is this, really?

Reference: Hannah Girodis, the Guardian

Scandal is Back! Get Ready!

Alright Gladiators.  What you’ve all been waiting for.

Let’s get the parties started.

Set your TVO’s, digital recorders and anything else available. The season premier of Scandal is just 4 days away (September 25, 2014).

Set the time clock.

Can’t wait for this season.

Shonda Rhimes promises it to be a rollercoaster.

We’ll see….

Everybody is Scared of Daddy Pope!

Shonda Rhimes made the right choice picking Joe Morton for the part of Olivia Pope’s daddy.  Heaven help us all.  He steals the show every single week.

I love tough dads.  Yeah!!!

*Watching some re-cap episodes of Scandal. All I can say is that Daddy Pope ain’t no joke! The entire internet is scared of him. Every single night it’s been like watching Shakespeare: “You’re funny. You’re a funny, funny man. Or should I say, boy. You’re a boy! You’ve been coddled, and cared for, pampered and hugged. For you it’s always summertime and the living is easy. Daddy’s rich, your momma’s good looking, you’re a Grant. You got money in your blood. You…are…a…boy. I’m a man. I am a man!  

I have worked for every single thing I have ever received. I have fought and scraped and bled for every inch of ground I walk on. I was the first in my family to go to college. My daughter went to boarding school with the children of kings! I made that happen. You cried yourself to sleep because daddy hurt your feelings. Because papa banged his secretary. Because it hurt to have so much money. You spoiled entitled, ungrateful little brat! You have everything handed to you on a silver platter and you squander it. You’re given the world and you can’t appreciate it because you haven’t had to work for anything!

So now you’ve decided that the one thing you want is my daughter. My child. Mine. What I made. What I created. You can talk about what a great lay she is to try to get a response from me all you want, but guess what? I am actually, quite literally above your pay grade. Which means that I know that you believe that you are in love with her, as wrong as you may be. You love that she is a door marked ‘exit.’ You love that she is your way out. Because if you are with Olivia Pope you don’t have to fulfill your father’s dream of being president. If you are with Olivia you no longer have to be your father’s son!

An apple never falls too far from the tree. You are always going to be Senator Grants disappointing boy Fitz. She is always going to be the formidable Olivia Pope. Don’t use the person that I made to make YOU into a man. You’re a boy…You disappoint me as a suitor for my daughter’s hand.”

Watch full speech:”

This speech is payback for every single Black person who has had to endure the endless White Privilege that we’ve seen handed to the half-skilled white chick/dude you went up against for a promotion.  But the double-edged sword is the historical reversal of the term “boy” being hurled back at Fitz for all the times a Black man was called that in the past and present by white men.

Help me! The season finale was off the charts. If there were more father’s like this in America today; I swear child molestation and prostitution would end tonight! Thugs would pull up their pants, gangbangers would turn in their guns and apologize to the Po-Pop, and not one damn Republican would even dare talk bad about President Obama ever again…Say Amen, Somebody!!!

This is a REAL DADDY!!!!

How Black Women Got Conned By White Feminism…


Back in the 1970’s, millions of white women burned their bras in defiance for being bored housewives.  They created a movement basically convincing women that being a stay at home mother was terrible and damn white men for treating them like queens.  White women became the trick that convinced many Black women that they didn’t need Black men and for those who were naive enough to believe this lie; the White Feminist movement became the biggest con of all to try and subjugate and dominate Black women in a way that slavery, White Supremacy or Black men never could.  The objective: To take her away from the Black man.

For the most part, the majority of Black women never bought into feminism.  Black women have always worked and in Africa; the woman was esteemed.

What was the con?  The White Feminist movement tricked some Black women into fighting for something they already had: FREEDOM.  There is an old cliche that speaks to this: “The only two things that are free in America are a black woman and a white man.”

White women can’t stand Black women–many fear us.  However, they don’t mind using Black women, particularly those naive enough to buy into dome pseudo-sisterhood that quite frankly, is the ultimate oxymoron.

What do we see today?

Black men and women at odds. And who’s in bed with the Black man, sistahs?  White women.


“During the 1970s, the white woman told the black woman to “get out of the kitchen”, get on the birth control pill, get an abortion and stop having babies; because women should not be “barefoot pregnant, and in a hot kitchen.”

But, 25 years later, these SAME white, Feminists women are now sleeping with black men, cooking for black men, marrying black men and seeking to have half black children….duh!!!!!

This, and this alone proves how black women have been tricked out of their own men by Women’s Lib’ (O.J. Simpson) the same way Eve was tricked by the snake in the Garden of Paradise. This should teach us all a lesson.

A woman’s place is at home; and if we don’t say this, then how will women ever know what their proper place is while Feminists are in the media, all day and night, telling women otherwise?!!

Since black women deserted Black Liberation and black men, white women simply adopted him like he was a poor, lost, lonely stray puppy. This is best typified by the epic movie Jungle Fever.

And after white Feminist women recruited black women into the socalled “alternative lifestyles” of bisexuality, homosexuality, gay marriage, interracial marriage, etc., black men were recruited next!!!”

So, Shonda Rhimes strikes back and gives us Scandal as some type of consolation. Really?  A smart, successful Black woman, settling for being the booty call of the President, but never First Lady.  Huh?  It’s made me start to re-think my support of this show.

Black women are eating it up–and white women have the audacity to say that they want to be Olivia Pope–she’s just exercising her sexual liberation.

Can’t wait for the babydaddy episode.  Wonder how that one is gonna go over.

I wrote an article on this blog speaking to the image of our community asking why they are promoting Interracial unions between whites and Blacks; and I started thinking about all of the imagery and political ploys that have been directed at our community over a generation that was designed to subliminally tear the Black family apart.  But why?  What is white America so afraid of?  Does the image of strong, happy, successful, Black people scare white folks that bad.  You have to think deep as to the WHY on this one: BLACK POWER!!!  And Black unity is a threat to White Supremacy.


Lessons learned.  But some lessons have to be taught the hard way.



Research: Courtesy of

Why Is Interracial Relationships/Marriage Being Promoted To Black People?

Is Love Really Bliss?

 :fro: Each and every day, I think about issues that are impacting us socially, culturally, globally, etc., and today, I started wondering about why interracial marriage/relationships are being promoted to The African American community?  What’s the real message?

When you look at many shows on televisions, in the past 2 years, there have been over 22 shows that had IR couples (mostly Black women/white men)–some have been canceled, but is art imitating life or is there something more sinister behind this?

Just 60 years ago, it was illegal in many states to even be involved with people of another race.  Violence on many occasions could erupt if such couples frequented the various social outlets, places of business, churches, et al., including murder.

Being proud of one’s race seems not to be encouraged any longer.  Why?

I grew up during the post Black Pride era.  There was a difference in the way Black people carried themselves, spoke, interacted, engaged socially, politically, religiously; we were a people that were connected.  But today, the media promotes disunity in the Black community–highlighting this in movies and television, yet, promoting counterfeit images of Black men and women smiling happily with their white spouses/girlfriends/boyfriends.  Hhmmm…interesting.  Is there a subliminal message here? Love US–HATE YOURSELVES!  Translated: SERVE US!  And we’ll be nice to you.  Another form of mental enslavement?  The question has to be asked when you realize the irony that this is not being promoted by Black media, but the white media.  What’s the intent, people?  Are they playing to the age old insecurities in Black People about themselves?, thus, making us perfect targets for mental programming.  Haven’t whites–from the beginning, been afraid of BLACK POWER?  And that power is best unified in marriage, thus, when our ancestors were enslaved, they did not allow them to marry; however, it was encouraged for the male slaves to co-habitate with female slaves in order to produce offspring to eventually sell as property.  It was a vicious system, instilling deep mental enslavement in our people.

When you look at the African American community, are people really surprised by 70% of Black children being raised by single mothers; all the while, you have folks telling our community, you can love who you want–it’s ok if a Black man marries a white woman–while he just impregnates a Black one.  What’s the message here?  You’re good enough to f*&k but not marry?  This is slave behavior.  *mental enslavement*

And still…we are to be proud that an African American woman is being sexed by a fictional white president–who is fighting another white man who wants her…and the one Black character that played her fiance in the beginning of the show was ceremoniously axed out of the story-line all together.  What’s the message here?  The irony of it all is that the show was created by a Black woman (Shonda Rhimes).

Malcolm X asked the question in the 60’s: Who Taught You to Hate Yourself?

Good question.

Any answers?

Black Women: The Olivia Pope Effect!


Damn that Shonda Rhimes.  It wasn’t good enough for her to have one hit show (Grey’s Anatomy)  she had the nerve to create another show which has become a smash (Scandal).

Who would have thought a show with the central character (Kerry Washington) a Black woman having an affair with a very white president, “Fitz (Tony Goldwyn)?

The sex scenes alone are scandalous.  Lord, the scene where the president gives her oral sex after his wife, Mellie just left the room.  Oooohhhh….Heaven help us.

Should we embrace this character or respect her for owning being a woman?


Times have really changed, but at what price?

White men are definitely getting bolder in asking Black women out, but then there’s the all too real history of White men lusting after a “certain type” of Black woman–the sexually provocative one–very primal, exotic, and taboo–forbidden love in all its presumptions.  Dear God, It’s Jezebel.

With all the hating that has been directed at Black women, particularly after Barack Obama’s election; is the Olivia Pope character a step forward or backwards?

Black women are not monolithic creatures; we are diverse in our beauty, mind, and spirit.

Whatever the case, Scandal has everyone’s attention.