The Last Lie Ever Told…


Must watch:

Part 2:

Yesterday, along with millions of people in this country, I was stunned by the Today Show having some white man on live television, revealing the above image on the left, as being the image of Nefertiti–mother of King Tutankhamen. Immediately, social media erupted.  The bust looked like some white woman from Maine who was used in an art class.  They choose Black History Month to do this?  Oh.  There is an agenda here.

White people are a pathetic race. Their redundancy is an indicator that they have come to their end. What an indictment on a race to be so mentally inferior, they have to steal the identity of another people, in order to justify their existence.

5000 years ago, when white people were wandering around in animal skins, the ancient Egyptians were building the pyramids.  With absolute precision–earthquake proof; and lined up precisely with magnetic north, getting the whole job done in 20 years.

What mighty people were these?

It completely debunks white supremacy.  Which is why the LIE of who the ancient Egyptians were, have been co-opted by racist white archaeologists and scholars within the last century.

But why?

I guess, when you’re at negative birthrate.  Are genetic recessive; and your origins are from the caves of Eurasia, I guess one could look at this as a twisted kind of self preservation through identity theft. But! The ancient Egyptians were not European!

White people are an insecure people.  They have an innate need to place themselves in history at its greatest periods in order to justify their proclamations of superiority.  But wanting to be “important” versus being relevant to facts, hints at a deep level of group sociopathy and and insanity, more so than actual clarity.

Simply put, white people were not the architects of civilization.  BLACK PEOPLE WERE!  If white people descended from Egyptians, don’t you think it would be in their DNA?

White people are natural haters.  They tried to rewrite history with lies and cover-ups.  But science is deeper than that.  And the more they dig; the BLACKER the planet gets.


There is no dispute!

Get over it!

The Return of Black Gods

Image result for Black pharaohs

Black people!!! It’s time for a new revolution. The old is passing away; and things are stagnant because no one is being creative or bold. People of African blood are CREATORS! American culture is rooted in Black progenitors of style and ingenuity. From art to fashion; academia, science, mathematics, poetry, music, dance, literature, cinema, sports, et al. We MADE our mark–and set records. Black culture has been the heartbeat of this country. Its rhythm, the pulse that gives it life. I don’t know about any of you, but it’s time to stop living other people’s despair.

We are the Illuminated Ones.  The first people who knew and talked to God.  We must get back to our true selves.

If you have been following this Caucasoid, parasite, you are living backwards.  You’re seeing a devalued view of your innate state.  We are not like them and should not be mixing our genetics with them.

For those who over-stand breeding, you can change the genetic structure of a species, simply by interfering with it’s reproductive system.  You don’t breed a thoroughbred with a donkey.  This would completely degrade the offspring of the thoroughbred.  You don’t mix dominant with recessive.  But that is exactly what has happened to many Black people in this oppressive and abusive relationship with the white man.

God made us to be his crown jewel.  Everything began with US.  He gave us strength, knowledge, talent, spirituality, and wisdom. Our consciousness operates at a high frequency, allowing for us to communicate with Him.  But many of you lost contact with the Creator–and that’s why your lives have been disconnected.

The white man has plotted to kill you.  And everything that you’ve been through was designed to destroy the God-MAN inside of–YOU; and cut off your relationship with our Father in Heaven.  He is the power source; and it’s time to allow him back into your life if you want to BE the Men you were designed to be.

The greatest revolution that could change everything…Is to have the audacity to force society to stop living a false narrative that had been scripted for us to lose!

We already won! Start living and acting like it!

I’m gonna feel good regardless.

How To End Racism…

As a man thinketh; so is he.  Proverbs 23:7

How to End Racism?

White Supremacy can only exist through Black Inferiority. Raise your Consciousness not your fists!

I don’t care anything about racism. I WANT POWER! It would be a mistake for anyone to think their affection equals that. What am I saying?  My thirst for power won’t end. Power is attained only through steady focus and successful maneuvering. Arrogance is the enemy of those in power.  White people are beyond it.

Many Black people are too forgiving and too spiritual to over-stand what I’m saying. You have to crush an enemy. I’m not praying for anyone who is threatening my life. Our speech is always in a mentoring tone in response to their hatred. That is not intelligent at all. Would you try to motivate a psychopath? That would imply that a psychopath has a conscience. They do not. Thus, how do you stop one? We are where we are because of our inability to understand the nature of our enemy. They can’t be redeemed and thus, deserve no empathy, prayer or forgiveness. This is a matter of life or death. Period. When we shift our thinking; there won’t be anymore use for marching or begging for we will do what must be done without apology.

80% of warfare is mental. Wars are won before they’re fought.

When I thought of posting this, I thought of my innate perceptions toward WP. Honestly, I don’t have anything to do with them except at work or through indirect social interactions. I have no desire for their company otherwise. I don’t fear them and I’m not passive when I encounter them. With that being said, I am not impressed with them very much in general. Many Black people have the opposite perceptions; and I think this is why they have been in power for so long. When you have been raised to know your history, cultural heritage; and have been raised among very strong people that look like you; your view of the world is very different.

I have been telling people that for ages. The way the media and movies displays us and makes people feel. When they see us they see gang bangers and hoes, when they see them they see wealth, power, good, trust worthy, etc… They portray us as evil and no good in every situation they can. They have created false stereotypes … We also still suffer from after effects of slavery .

Exactly! And this is where the battle is. The late Dr. Amos Wilson stated in one of his lectures decades ago that when those first Africans encountered WP; they were stripped of their identity of themselves. Through mental enslavement–which is truly witchcraft; they were robbed of the knowledge of their own culture and heritage and given false doctrines. These incantations were ritualized visually as well as through speech. In effect, being Pagan by nature, WP were using demonic influences of domination and oppression to kill the consciousness of the Africans in order to have complete control of them mentally, spiritually, as well as physically.  Day by day, those poor souls were taught to hate and loathe themselves.  Not even over-standing how important they were to creation.  And being made to feel worthless by a genetic recessive parasite nonetheless.

Thus, the counter must be for us to reclaim our full identity and not concern ourselves with the reaction of our Oppressor.

The time has come for Black people to free themselves from the mental enslavement that still holds many captive today.  We must EXPOSE OUR ENEMY!  Have NO MERCY!  And know the absolute TRUTH of who were are as a people; and reclaim our narrative.

We can’t control how someone thinks but we have absolute control on what we react to.


The Picture That Destroys Racism…



So the caption read on a post I read this morning on Facebook.  It was this interracial couple, both smiling, as a meme of sorts, being used to push the agenda of self-hatred onto the Black community.

This is a false premise.

First of all, interracial marriage is not the cure for racism. Most end in divorce. If it were the solution, why do we still live in a divided country? And to further…why would any intelligent Black person who understands genetics, marry a genetic recessive troglodyte? The truth of the matter is that the white population is at negative birthrate. They have come to their end as a species; and can’t regenerate themselves, thus, they have to rely on the Black race, The Original Man and Woman of this planet, to help them preserve their genes.

This is the whole scheme behind the interracial marriage agenda. The very purpose of it is rooted in White Supremacy!

It’s very interesting that they used a Black woman in that picture–and a very dark one. The Black WOMB-man is the genetic portal of HUE-manity.  And that white man in the picture is the symbol of superiority.  White men know inherently that the stronger the genes in the Black woman; the more it benefits his offspring.

This is about white genetic survival.

So where does this leave Black America?

Let me tell you, I have never been stupid–even when I had an excuse to be.  I see things clearly, objectively; and I am not naive about anything in life.  And what I see is the glaring reality of just how much white people insult the intelligence of Black people.  This photo is promoting anti-Blackness!

How so?

Black people have nothing to gain from interracial unions.  We are inherently genetically dominant. What this is promoting is our enemy’s way to weaken and eliminate the Black family through genetic manipulation.

Not falling for it.  Not eating the apple.  Don’t want to drink from this bar.

We are not designed to be weak, Black people.  White people are WEAK!  And they know it. How else can they destroy us?  They’ve tried everything; but they are the ones who ended up in crisis.  They are at negative birthrate.  And I find it almost to be a divine sentence on them for their behavior and hatred on this planet.

At this time, we have to analyze everything that is being promoted in our community. Not all of our people are alert, wise or conscious.  Therefore, those of us who truly do see the BIG PICTURE, we have to check our enemy.

At all times.  By Any Means Necessary!

Cross Me!…I’ll Smile, As I Watch You Fall!


Yesterday, I was reminded very subtly, that we must always be clear headed and prepared for the enemy.  For a snake maneuvers quietly, then waits in silence to strike.

That is how things are in nature.

One is always being reminded daily of our enemy’s plans and true intentions.  But let me just be blunt.  White people love to smile whenever they are doing evil.  For some reason, the sight of a Black person causes the casual Caucasian to respond with this mysterious arride that conjures images of white men looking satisfied as a dead Negro hangs from a tree.

I want to spit.

Don’t you ever dare think you can act on such prepositional bias!  Yes.  This Negress uses big words, craKKKas.  I see with sharp eyes–aiming a concealed weapon at your head.  I dare you to make my trigger finger itch!

How is it that we’ve lived in this country all of this time, yet we keep begging white folks to like us, validate us, bless us, LOVE US–yes!  Weak Negroes with too much pride in their talents and gifts but lacking the ability to connect with their own; seek the attention and favor of a suicidal, homicidal abuser.  It’s sick.

God knows that I’m not a hate-filled person but I have been forced to become a person that must respond to her environment, minus the religiosity that was conditioned into me.  Oh.  I love God.  I believe his Word.  And I want to do good.  But I can’t turn the other cheek right now.  The urgency of a proper offensive against this malevolent miscreant possesses my soul!

The time has come for a bold response.  NO MORE whining about what the enemy is doing.  White males are a problem!  And being nice is no longer an option.

So, what’s it going to be?

As for this decision, I will wait.

But for those who make the mistake of thinking that I’m a nice lady and I won’t mind if you insult her.  You don’t know me at all.  And as a snake finds out after eating a porcupine; the damage that you will incur from such an encounter, will most assuredly bring me joy.

White People DO NOT Have a Voice on My Blog!


Greetings, dear followers.

It’s been a long time since I did one of these posts but honestly, I’ve noticed that the trolls are trying to make a comeback; and I’m going to put up the warning sign so they know who’s boss around here.

First and foremost, I will not tolerate white bigots!  Your nationalist views have nothing to do with reality or my life.  And I will not waste time going back and forth with people whose only focus and motivation is to perpetrate a virtual war against those who do not share their recessive genetic deficiency.  There is nothing supreme about whiteness in nature.

Image result for White nationalists are stupid

Oh! But, what does truth matter to these people?  Their mental sickness make them fodder for ridicule.  Trying so desperately to brainwash intelligent people that white people created the world. They want us to believe that something genetic recessive created the Dominant>>>US!

Ha!  Puhlease…

Revisit Mendel’s Law, Miscreants!  You are a parasite to nature.  Everything you are is depraved.  You don’t have the ability to feel.  And your behavior is reflective of you innate sense of insecurity and weakness.

The only thing white people invented was the United States Patent Office.  The truth is coming out about what they didn’t do on a daily basis.  The lies are being uncovered in all areas; and the deeper they dig; the BLACKER it gets.

There is a decline among the white population.  It was reported in 1996 that they are at negative birthrate.  Literally, nature is destroying them.  White women are the most infertile in the world.  White people have the oldest population.  But it gets even worse. There is an addiction to prescription drugs that has literally killed over 60,000 white people in the past year.  Percocet, Oxycontin, heroin, and Fentanyl, have claimed many.  Among middle class whites, the addiction is so bad, 1 out of 4 whites are dying from it.  Heroin addiction is rampant.  Suicide epidemic–30,000 white males kill themselves every year. The mortality rate for whites with no high school education has risen 23%.

White America is imploding.

And I am not the least bit sad.

This is judgement!  Yes.  There is a God.  And he has watched the behavior of white men on this planet.  He sent warnings each generation but they were not heeded.  Many white people openly hated and mocked God.  No one mocks God.  Everything that is happening to White America is a result of the hatred and evil white men have committed against Black people and other people of color on this planet.

As the Bible says, you reap what you sew.  What goes around comes around.

My views on this blog are observations and interactions that I’ve experienced.  I care and LOVE my culture and community.  That is the purpose of this blog.

The opinions of white people are not wanted nor will be allowed here.  The only opinion that matters is MINE!

Get Out?! I Never Went In…

Natural and proud

Everyone is talking about the movie, Get Out.  Directed by Jordan Peele.  I haven’t gone to see it and I’m not really anxious to either.  Why?  It’s really old news.  Jordan Peele is getting rave reviews for this movie that really is about passive-aggressive racism that many Black people have endured at various times of their lives.  The symbolism of Get Out is that white folks “act nice” but they are truly evil to the core. And white women are not to be trusted-ever!

Uh.  Yeah.  Slavery and Jim Crow didn’t convince Black folks of that?

But what about people like myself, who’ve always been hip to the duplicity of white folks. They’re as fake as plastic floral arrangements at a brunch.  Set strategically on the table to create a certain atmosphere or create a visual, implied to project a particular reality that does not exist.  They’re not real flowers.  Just a projection.

But here’s the kicker, with all of the warnings of the movie, Get Out, its director, Jordan Peele, is married to a white woman. Huh? So, what’cha, sayin’, bruh?  That’s a double standard.  Your life isn’t your advocacy.  How are people supposed to interpret that?  Would you listen to someone pitching Vegetarianism but eating at Longhorn every day?

This is a simple one for me. Gonna be direct and brief. I’m not attracted to white men. And yes, I’ve seen some who I thought were attractive over the years, however, when it came down to really asking myself, “would I….” The answer within my soul has been…HELL NO! As a Black woman, I’ve evolved tremendously, intellectually, and spiritually. The bone honest truth is I find white people offensive to my existence. Their presences is a blemish to our relevance and importance on this planet. Do Black people ever think about how much time we’ve wasted with these genetically deficient, morally vacant, repulsive, parasitical, EVIL, reprobate, reptilian brain, fragmented thinking, vapid, miscreants?! Our narrative gives them relevance. Everything about them is constructed from lies. Their history is a nothing more than propaganda–they’re not who they proclaim to be. Superior? At what? We completely dominate them in any arena. Yet, these impudent creatures have the audacity to call us inferior. They stole our history and identity. To control the lie, they confiscated all the information so that it couldn’t be edited. But we are natural geniuses and we’ve broken the code.I don’t wanted anything to do with these people. No. Not me. They disgust me to the core.

White women are coming after Black men for one purpose: To aid white supremacy!  Love doesn’t have a damn think to do with it.  White men are using Black women’s bodies to feel more masculine.  It’s a corporation.  You work for it.  YOU no longer exist.  Everything you do is for the corporation.

Frankly, white people are truly some of the most intrusive, annoying, and culturally vacant miscreants on this planet!  They truly are cultural vampires.  They truly are the living dead. If that’s what you settled for, than you have been brainwashed; and are no longer of relevance to the Black community.

For any Black person that was ignorant enough to get involved with a white woman or white man.  You got played. The mental death you have suffered is irreversible.  You chose it.  Suffer the consequence of sleeping with the dead.

As for myself, I offer this warning to white folks, I want nothing to do with you.  Leave me alone. You’ll never infiltrate.  I will hurt you.  I feel nothing for you. The only worth you have to me is what I want–POWER!  This is what I desire.  And if you annoy me further; I promise you, The only thing that’s going to make me act right is to give me what I want! Any hesitation, I’ll take EVERYTHING you got!



A Warning to White America: The Black Warrior Queens Are Coming For You!


Over the course of 20 years, I’ve studied a lot of issues and had to read a lot.  Racism is a problem that can only be stopped by destroying the biggest culprits of it: The White Man and The White Woman.  Both have employed hatred against darker skinned people around the word and inflicted emotional, psychological, mental, physical and spiritual anguish on innocent people that has had tremendous impact on Black people in succession throughout time.

As a Black woman who loves and cares about my culture and people; I take it absolutely personal.  Those who have followed my blog over the years, and those who knew my from Blackvoices, my words have always been sharp and deliberate.  They are weapons of destruction against the evil force that created White Supremacy.  The audacity of it is repugnant to my senses! On Twitter today, I announced that I  Am The Biggest Threat to White Supremacy That Ever Existed!  There is nothing supreme about “whiteness” in nature.  Everything that is vibrant and healthy has color.  White symbolizes inferiority or a deficiency.  And this is Caucasians personified.  They are a sick people, genetically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually–The Walking Dead.  And we, the Original People of this planet, have had to endure this monster.  But now, I am having clear visions of an end for them that they are not anticipating.

Indulge me…

In Africa, African women played very significant roles in every area of society.  They also were powerful and fierce warriors.

Read more:
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Candace or Kandake was the name given to any Queen or Empress of Ethiopia by the Europeans, and these great woman were seen to be wives of the Gods or the living God!

Candace of 332 BC has a particular story that still should stand tall today. Despite the lack of knowledge of these Queens this legend made it’s way out.

Her actual name was said to be Amanirenas. She was blind in one eye due to losing it in a battle with the Romans. She was known to be a fierce, tactical and uniting leader.

Alexander the Great had reached Kemet (Ancient Egypt) and was gearing up to battle into Ethiopia. Alexander never fought Candace though and there are a few accounts as to why.

Tengaged rounded up these two accounts:

The wildly accepted view one given by Chancellor Williams who wrote ” The Destruction of Black Civilzation” is that upon hearing Alexander the great coming Empress Candace, or Amanirenas, gathered her black troops, lined them up across the first cataract along with herself and stood on top of two African Elephants on a throne and waited for Alexander to show up. Alexander the “great”, didn’t want to chance a loss and give up his undefeated winning streak. He definitely didn’t want to lose it to a woman so once seeing the black Queen on her Elephants and her black armies along with her, Alexander the “great” halted his armies at the first cataract, and turned back up into Egypt. Once he saw the deadly military tactician in all her glory and her black army with the latest iron weapons, he decided against an invasion and turned around.

The Dahomey Amazons or Mino was an all-female military regiment of the Fon people of the Kingdom of Dahomey in the present-day Republic of Benin. They existed from the 17th century to the end of the 19th century. While European narratives refer to the women soldiers as “Amazons,” because of their similarity to the semi-mythical Amazons of ancient Anatolia, they called themselves Ahosi (king’s wives) or Mino (our mothers) in the Fon language.

The Ahosi were extremely well trained, and inculcated with a very aggressive attitude. They were ferocious fighters with a reputation for decapitating soldiers in the middle of battle, as well as those who were unfortunate to become their captives.

You see this trait in Black women today.  Yes.  When we get angry, we take souls!

The current condition of this country leads one to envision such action as being necessary to return stability back to our communities. For we are dealing with an enemy who will not capitulate and seems to act on presumption of the true nature of Black people.

Life has taught me that you can’t be nice to white people–you have to hurt or kill them.

The Black woman was the first mother and queen of this planet.  We are natural protectors of our people. And if threatened, we will not hesitate to defend our people, by any means necessary.

The Black Woman is the secret weapon among our people and when it is time; warrior queens will come against our enemy as they did in ancient times.

This is the offense, White America is not prepared for.

I smirk at this thought…




Hot Shit!


I’m sitting here looking out the window, listening to Common’s Like Water For Chocolate, and this track (title) is playing.  It got me to thinking about a lot of things; and the title has me feeling some kind of way.  Remember the days when Black music made you get amped?  I’m not feeling this current state of negativity and fear right now.  I’m a warrior and I’m looking for the battle–not running from it. I’m just that kind of chick.

Where are the warriors!  Where?  Where are those dudes that walked down the street in the neighborhood who walked in a squad–like African lions, fearless, strong, no equal in sight?  Their presence was bold; and no one dared challenge them.  Cold Blooded. Ruthless.  Kings!

There was a time when Black folks walked like the kings and queens we called ourselves. We were uppity.  Proud.  Unapologetic.


Black culture has been on a respirator and so has the country.  Our spirit has been weakened and this country it seems is on life support.  When our fire rises.  America soars. It is our energy that makes everything move with rhythm.  From music to fashion, everything we touched was more creative.  Like the sun brightens and nourishes; so did our culture do the same for this country we call America.

Love and Happiness.  Will it return?  Will we dance again?  Will the funk revive the Funkateers who have been hibernating, in distress from so much gloom?

I wonder.

So I listen to Common.  And I hunger for something different to revive us.  Something that will make the light shine again.  I miss good times.

And so I fantasize we’ll be happy again.  Making this place pop!  Elevating everything around us!  It’s time to push evolution through our consciousness.  Create from the divinity within each of us.  Find out identity again.

It’s time to flip this script!

Time to start a new thing!  Afrofuturism please!  Take us away…to another galaxy.  Our existence here has been compromised.

The world is waiting for Black People to return!



We Were The Beginning…And We Are The Future!


Today, I listed to The Honorable Minister Farrakhan’s Savior’s Day Message message in Detroit, Michigan, entitled, Have No Fear For The Future: The Future is Ours!  It’s long (over 4 hours) but I watched all of it. The minister talked about the state of America but he talked about Donald Trump and what our future will be in America.  It’s not one of his best but he spoke with a lot of temperance for Black people to take heed about what we allow to persuade us.

I truly understand.

We should be very discerning right now.

The minister believes that Donald Trump was put in office by God.  He was put there to dismantle the plans of very wicked men who sit in high places in our government.  This is not conventional presumption.  For the past couple of years, even Christians have been posting messages on YouTube of this very belief as well, as far back as 2011.

Now it’s happened.

Frankly, I really don’t know what to expect from Donald Trump’s presidency but I do know what I envision: I see Black people rising.  We are being transformed.  Everything that has been happening to us is by design.  We are going to explode in this century as never before. Our power will be felt around the globe. The white man is being destroyed for his evil; and the population deficiency of whites is divine retribution for their deplorable treatment and behavior toward Black people and other people of color. When he falls, who will pity him? Who will offer him sympathy?  Who will shield him from rightful retribution of those whom his forefathers violated and killed?  WHO?  Is there any who will stand up for his character?  Those whom he maligned and manipulated, will they show mercy upon this infidel?  It’s a harsh reality and violent in fantasy for we all know the price that must be paid when you violate any life on this earth.  If one takes life; he must replace it with his own and the white man’s spiritual debt is in the red–blood red, of innocent life lost because of the SATANIC WICKEDNESS within his mind and heart.  He has no conscience and no soul.  Black people will not pray for his redemption any longer for he does not belong to God.   We are the apple of God’s eyes and were made to communicate with him.  The enemy hates us for this. But his hatred has now become a weapon of destruction against him; killing him off genetically.  Nature has already dismissed him.

Oh, brothers and sisters, do not be sad for our God has come to deliver us; as his Word prophesied. He has been showing us through signs.   Have you been paying attention?

The time has come for Black people to shift our consciousness and become who God designed us to be.  We are his chosen people.  We are the Original People of this planet. We existed long before the white man. We thrived and advanced.  Everything we did was GREAT.  We are an extension of the divine–the first people God communicated with; and his creativity is deep within us.  That is why we excel at whatever we put our minds to. THe Caucasoid envied us for that! When they lived in caves, we were building pyramids! And frankly, having contact with the white man, made us retarded.  We became like him. Before we knew him, our minds were so superior, the mysteries of the heavens were over-stood to perfection.  God spoke his secrets to African men–his TRUTH was deep within our souls; but the white man has no soul.  It is his nature  to lie, and so it is, that in order to stop us, he had to contain our intelligence.  For at its peak, we truly lived and acted as gods.  Our history speaks for itself.

I thought to myself the other day just how ridiculous the whole premise of white supremacy is. Something that burped, farted and defecated in the very caves where it lived and breathed! This backward thing that grunted when African were speaking in over 2000 languages.  Didn’t even know the meaning of civilization, yet had the temerity to call us inferior?


Brothers and sisters, ARISE!  Stop seeking the company of white people.  They are beneath us.  Their lies have all been exposed and there is nothing supreme about them for if they were supreme; they could have built their own civilizations without enslaving another people.

The greatest tragedy of this dysfunctional relationship, is that the white man taught us to love him and hate ourselves.  It created chaos in the minds of those Africans and twisted the identity of our natural origin and purpose.

This is our dilemma.

But God is destroying this relationship.  He’s creating enmity between us that will become a chasm; forever separating us from this creature made in the image of Lucifer; parading around in human flesh but doing the bidding of its real Father.  The earth  is tired of you! You are no longer relevant to life, so therefore, YOU MUST DIE!

God is turning over the keys of this earth to its rightful owners.

To ALL TROGLODYTES!  White Supremacy is over!  You are hereby evicted and will never be allowed to rule again. Your time is up!


WE ARE THE ONLY ONES THAT WERE MEANT TO RULE!  Thus, as we were in the beginning, so shall we be in the future!

Amani Iwe Kwenu
