The Last Lie Ever Told…


Must watch:

Part 2:

Yesterday, along with millions of people in this country, I was stunned by the Today Show having some white man on live television, revealing the above image on the left, as being the image of Nefertiti–mother of King Tutankhamen. Immediately, social media erupted.  The bust looked like some white woman from Maine who was used in an art class.  They choose Black History Month to do this?  Oh.  There is an agenda here.

White people are a pathetic race. Their redundancy is an indicator that they have come to their end. What an indictment on a race to be so mentally inferior, they have to steal the identity of another people, in order to justify their existence.

5000 years ago, when white people were wandering around in animal skins, the ancient Egyptians were building the pyramids.  With absolute precision–earthquake proof; and lined up precisely with magnetic north, getting the whole job done in 20 years.

What mighty people were these?

It completely debunks white supremacy.  Which is why the LIE of who the ancient Egyptians were, have been co-opted by racist white archaeologists and scholars within the last century.

But why?

I guess, when you’re at negative birthrate.  Are genetic recessive; and your origins are from the caves of Eurasia, I guess one could look at this as a twisted kind of self preservation through identity theft. But! The ancient Egyptians were not European!

White people are an insecure people.  They have an innate need to place themselves in history at its greatest periods in order to justify their proclamations of superiority.  But wanting to be “important” versus being relevant to facts, hints at a deep level of group sociopathy and and insanity, more so than actual clarity.

Simply put, white people were not the architects of civilization.  BLACK PEOPLE WERE!  If white people descended from Egyptians, don’t you think it would be in their DNA?

White people are natural haters.  They tried to rewrite history with lies and cover-ups.  But science is deeper than that.  And the more they dig; the BLACKER the planet gets.


There is no dispute!

Get over it!

New Year. New Me!



Hey, Everybody!

I’m back!

Sorry I’ve been off the blog for a while but I needed some “me-time.”

I’m refreshed now. And I’m looking forward to sharing more thoughts, insights and education that will help us all evolve.

So. What do I see on the horizon? Well, there will be many changes coming for our people.  I see things shifting in our favor and a new consciousness and empowerment being birthed within us.

We can’t lose sight of all of the realities that are around us. But we also must not become fearful and hopeless.

There are many spiritual forces at work and we have to be cognizant of that.

I just wanted to touch bases with you.

Keep your head up.

Stay tuned.

My Blackness….


From the waking sun to the setting of the moon.  I am cognizant of my existence on this plain.  My ancestors are alive in me and whisper in my ear.  “Do not ever forget.” I can’t.  Every time I look in my mirror.  I’m well aware of my blackness.  It’s not just a skin color; it’s the essence of knowing where time began.  It’s acknowledging that thought, language and innovation began with those who were born from the darkness. Sculpted by God.  The stars know our name.  Galaxy children.  Born to fly with the angels.  We are divinity in the flesh.


A song echoes through my soul.  Music is life.  It gives me joy.  And never ending hope.

I lost a really good friend last week.  I was sad.  He knew me from way back when.  Memories of grade school go through my mind.  Not many of us are blessed to have friends who knew us before we “became” who we think we are.  They knew us before we started living to other folk’s expectations.

That’s why I stayed away from the “special folk.”  You gotta sell your soul just to get through the door.  There’s nothing on this earth that could afford to me.  God’s price of my existence can’t be measured by man’s feeble definition of worth.  I am a King’s child.

When you vibe from the universe and your mind takes you beyond the Milky Way.  What else is there than can surpass the heavens? I think of the speciality that is within me.  Really, how do you define uniqueness wrapped in the extraordinary? I’m not from here.

And Erykah Badu sings about an orange moon, I’m wondering if it’s really blue.

What is Blackness?  What really is it?  It’s not just a skin color.  No.  It’s space.  It’s beyond the galaxy.  It’s deepness.  It’s mystery.  It’s undefinable.  The sun is the only thing that is close to its power.

Whatever it IS. I am it.




Who Killed Kenneka Jenkins?


On Sunday, September 10, 2017, I got up early to cook Sunday dinner, as I always do.  In the meantime, thinking about the coming Hurricane that was ensuing.  It was eerily still that morning.  But having been in a Hurricane (Matthew) earlier in the year; this was typical.

Later, I got on Facebook and checked my messages.  About an hour into talking back and forth between friends, there was a story trending.  Someone had placed a video from Facebook live of some girls in a hotel outside of Chicago, IL.  I saw the name Kenneka Jenkins, found dead in freezer, in a newsfeed post, multi-window attached.  I was intrigued and went to check out the video.  Honestly, I couldn’t gather anything from it but apparently, Kenneka had went out with these friends and went to a party at the Rosemont Hotel outside of Chicago, IL.  During the video, a girl with red hair extensions, later identified as Irene Roberts, was going live while in the room on Kenneka’s best friend, Monifah Sheldon’s phone.  She put this on her Facebook page.  Later on she deleted it.  Like everyone else, I was trying to decipher what was happening.  Within hours, the video went viral; and a host of internet detectives began to weigh in.

Was Kenneka set-up?

I’ll post the videos for you to analyze below.

Original video:




Guy From Hotel Tells What Happened:


Audio Breakdown of Video:


Whatever happened to Kenneka, her best friend let her down.  She was just 19.  The sad part of this was the fact that she thought her friends had her back.  They failed her.  All of the people that were in that hotel–and knew what was happening, need to be tried as adults and imprisoned.


This child deserves justice!!!




The Return of Black Gods

Image result for Black pharaohs

Black people!!! It’s time for a new revolution. The old is passing away; and things are stagnant because no one is being creative or bold. People of African blood are CREATORS! American culture is rooted in Black progenitors of style and ingenuity. From art to fashion; academia, science, mathematics, poetry, music, dance, literature, cinema, sports, et al. We MADE our mark–and set records. Black culture has been the heartbeat of this country. Its rhythm, the pulse that gives it life. I don’t know about any of you, but it’s time to stop living other people’s despair.

We are the Illuminated Ones.  The first people who knew and talked to God.  We must get back to our true selves.

If you have been following this Caucasoid, parasite, you are living backwards.  You’re seeing a devalued view of your innate state.  We are not like them and should not be mixing our genetics with them.

For those who over-stand breeding, you can change the genetic structure of a species, simply by interfering with it’s reproductive system.  You don’t breed a thoroughbred with a donkey.  This would completely degrade the offspring of the thoroughbred.  You don’t mix dominant with recessive.  But that is exactly what has happened to many Black people in this oppressive and abusive relationship with the white man.

God made us to be his crown jewel.  Everything began with US.  He gave us strength, knowledge, talent, spirituality, and wisdom. Our consciousness operates at a high frequency, allowing for us to communicate with Him.  But many of you lost contact with the Creator–and that’s why your lives have been disconnected.

The white man has plotted to kill you.  And everything that you’ve been through was designed to destroy the God-MAN inside of–YOU; and cut off your relationship with our Father in Heaven.  He is the power source; and it’s time to allow him back into your life if you want to BE the Men you were designed to be.

The greatest revolution that could change everything…Is to have the audacity to force society to stop living a false narrative that had been scripted for us to lose!

We already won! Start living and acting like it!

I’m gonna feel good regardless.

How To End Racism…

As a man thinketh; so is he.  Proverbs 23:7

How to End Racism?

White Supremacy can only exist through Black Inferiority. Raise your Consciousness not your fists!

I don’t care anything about racism. I WANT POWER! It would be a mistake for anyone to think their affection equals that. What am I saying?  My thirst for power won’t end. Power is attained only through steady focus and successful maneuvering. Arrogance is the enemy of those in power.  White people are beyond it.

Many Black people are too forgiving and too spiritual to over-stand what I’m saying. You have to crush an enemy. I’m not praying for anyone who is threatening my life. Our speech is always in a mentoring tone in response to their hatred. That is not intelligent at all. Would you try to motivate a psychopath? That would imply that a psychopath has a conscience. They do not. Thus, how do you stop one? We are where we are because of our inability to understand the nature of our enemy. They can’t be redeemed and thus, deserve no empathy, prayer or forgiveness. This is a matter of life or death. Period. When we shift our thinking; there won’t be anymore use for marching or begging for we will do what must be done without apology.

80% of warfare is mental. Wars are won before they’re fought.

When I thought of posting this, I thought of my innate perceptions toward WP. Honestly, I don’t have anything to do with them except at work or through indirect social interactions. I have no desire for their company otherwise. I don’t fear them and I’m not passive when I encounter them. With that being said, I am not impressed with them very much in general. Many Black people have the opposite perceptions; and I think this is why they have been in power for so long. When you have been raised to know your history, cultural heritage; and have been raised among very strong people that look like you; your view of the world is very different.

I have been telling people that for ages. The way the media and movies displays us and makes people feel. When they see us they see gang bangers and hoes, when they see them they see wealth, power, good, trust worthy, etc… They portray us as evil and no good in every situation they can. They have created false stereotypes … We also still suffer from after effects of slavery .

Exactly! And this is where the battle is. The late Dr. Amos Wilson stated in one of his lectures decades ago that when those first Africans encountered WP; they were stripped of their identity of themselves. Through mental enslavement–which is truly witchcraft; they were robbed of the knowledge of their own culture and heritage and given false doctrines. These incantations were ritualized visually as well as through speech. In effect, being Pagan by nature, WP were using demonic influences of domination and oppression to kill the consciousness of the Africans in order to have complete control of them mentally, spiritually, as well as physically.  Day by day, those poor souls were taught to hate and loathe themselves.  Not even over-standing how important they were to creation.  And being made to feel worthless by a genetic recessive parasite nonetheless.

Thus, the counter must be for us to reclaim our full identity and not concern ourselves with the reaction of our Oppressor.

The time has come for Black people to free themselves from the mental enslavement that still holds many captive today.  We must EXPOSE OUR ENEMY!  Have NO MERCY!  And know the absolute TRUTH of who were are as a people; and reclaim our narrative.

We can’t control how someone thinks but we have absolute control on what we react to.


The Picture That Destroys Racism…



So the caption read on a post I read this morning on Facebook.  It was this interracial couple, both smiling, as a meme of sorts, being used to push the agenda of self-hatred onto the Black community.

This is a false premise.

First of all, interracial marriage is not the cure for racism. Most end in divorce. If it were the solution, why do we still live in a divided country? And to further…why would any intelligent Black person who understands genetics, marry a genetic recessive troglodyte? The truth of the matter is that the white population is at negative birthrate. They have come to their end as a species; and can’t regenerate themselves, thus, they have to rely on the Black race, The Original Man and Woman of this planet, to help them preserve their genes.

This is the whole scheme behind the interracial marriage agenda. The very purpose of it is rooted in White Supremacy!

It’s very interesting that they used a Black woman in that picture–and a very dark one. The Black WOMB-man is the genetic portal of HUE-manity.  And that white man in the picture is the symbol of superiority.  White men know inherently that the stronger the genes in the Black woman; the more it benefits his offspring.

This is about white genetic survival.

So where does this leave Black America?

Let me tell you, I have never been stupid–even when I had an excuse to be.  I see things clearly, objectively; and I am not naive about anything in life.  And what I see is the glaring reality of just how much white people insult the intelligence of Black people.  This photo is promoting anti-Blackness!

How so?

Black people have nothing to gain from interracial unions.  We are inherently genetically dominant. What this is promoting is our enemy’s way to weaken and eliminate the Black family through genetic manipulation.

Not falling for it.  Not eating the apple.  Don’t want to drink from this bar.

We are not designed to be weak, Black people.  White people are WEAK!  And they know it. How else can they destroy us?  They’ve tried everything; but they are the ones who ended up in crisis.  They are at negative birthrate.  And I find it almost to be a divine sentence on them for their behavior and hatred on this planet.

At this time, we have to analyze everything that is being promoted in our community. Not all of our people are alert, wise or conscious.  Therefore, those of us who truly do see the BIG PICTURE, we have to check our enemy.

At all times.  By Any Means Necessary!

Chyna Fox vs Rubia Garcia!!!

The Fued!

China Fox:

Rubia Garcia:


Many of you may have seen this video by Chyna Fox on Facebook or Twitter.  It is in response to Rubia Garcia a popular vlogger from NOLA who gained prominence for speaking on “Black issues.”  But Chyna Fox questioned her motives and made a video confronting the many Black men that have been proclaiming Pro Black platforms, yet, have nicknamed this woman, White Bae. This enraged, Chyna.  She called them hypocrites!  Her video has been playing all over social media and many people are debating what she said.  She’s definitely got the ears of a lot of people.

I took the liberty of posting Chyna’s video then Rubia’s reponse.  After viewing both, I commented on Chyna’s channel but also left some interesting words for Ms. Rubia’s comments.

My response:

“Oh, Scarlet O’Hara! Hydrate us all with your with your “white woman tears.” Don’t call for you? Are you talking to a slave? Rubia Garcia! You are out of your jurisdiction! Your rage is reflective of the arrogance that is typical of Neader-thots, like yourself, who are not educated about what you are advocating; and the first thing that you do, is expose the fragility that is within.  Just like a typical white woman! You do not raise your voice in a debate; you improve your argument. And that is? First and foremost, Chyna had every right to address you on your videos. No one is above reproach. You do not ordain yourself as some type of White Savior, then do a 360, and begin dictating and trying to silence the very people you speak for when they react to what you say. You’ve been called out. You’ve been checked, hunty! You’re a white woman treating Black culture as if it’s an All You Can Eat Buffet. But the owner has just stepped out from the back and have instructed that you have abused the service; and now has asked you to leave! We are not listening to any white woman trying to justify her privilege, in such a way, as if, we ought to apologize for saying what many people should have checked you on in the first place: YOUR WHITENESS being the object of your platform, not your message. You have not suffered anything! What you are is a typical white troglodyte feeling slighted because people aren’t validating your appropriation! And for the record, Black women are the FIRST MOTHERS AND QUEENS of this planet. Africa is the birthplace of civilization. The Black Man and Black Woman are the Original People of this earth.  The African is 100% HUE-man!  We are the parents of ALL HUE-manity! Egypt is in Africa! Black Egyptians built the pyramids when your ancestors were dwelling in caves in Eurasia, Caucasoid! Cornrow braiding–micro braids, et al, originated from Africa. Its purpose not only signified what tribe one came from; the intricate braiding patterns distinguished what the person’s position was within the tribe. Chyna Fox is within her cultural and territorial rights to speak about what she lives–NOT WHAT SHE OBSERVES!!! You’re a street reporter using social media as a platform to market Black Oppression as if it’s a product you invented! Sit your ass down! We’re not having it. Face this fact: You are not US! Know your place! And I highly suggest you watch this video, sweetie: The entire community is weighing in! Your ghetto pass is about to be revoked!”

And there it is…it’s time for the Black community to start checking these so called, “allies.”  Please…isn’t this what happens before they invade?

Not falling for this s###!

Black people, it’s time to start serving these craKKKas with trespassing violations and MAKE THEM PAY the fine!


Chyna responds to Rubia Garcia’s video:

God is Warning This World!


“In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.”  Acts: 2:17

Currently, as I’m typing this blog entry, I’m listening to a video on YouTube.  It is about people who’ve actually been to Hell.  God has been pouring out his spirit on the earth and if you go to the site, you will see many videos loaded up regarding frightening visions that God has been giving to regular people around the world–many of whom were not Believers.

I’ve been listening to many of these videos for about 3 years, doing research.  What I learned is that yet again, Biblical prophecy is being fulfilled.

Many people don’t believe in Hell.  Even some people in the church.  For God to have to pour out his spirit in this manner, means that we are in deep spiritual peril. This generation does not know HIM.  Everything that is being marketed to people on this planet,is the complete antithesis of what the Bible teaches.  But God is merciful and although many of these visions show the true horror of Hell; in his love, Our Heavenly Father is trying to save our lives.

I have an Atheist cop friend who is also a narcissist. He mocks Christ on his Facebook timeline and other Christians.  I’ve reached out to him but he is stubborn.  He has an older brother that is also Atheist.  Neither have any knowledge or understanding of Christ.  They are spiritually dead.  My heart grieves; and I pray for both of them.  I’ve asked God to intervene in both of their lives so that they will know HIM.  My  heart is heavy but I am also vigilant to pray for both.  Neither even know it.  God has moved me to do so.  And I obey. Wouldn’t you do this for your friend if they didn’t believe?

What are we to do when we see a generation of people who are going to Hell?  Young people are dying at record rates.  From drug overdoses, suicide, murder–even sickness that they shouldn’t even be afflicted with but they are not covered by God.

I am sad.  But I am more vigilant and I am asking those here, if you do not know Christ, to accept him in your heart and in your life.  Ask him to Cover you with his blood as well as your family and friends.  BELIEVE that HE IS!  It is your only protection and salvation.

But many of you reject salvation. You want your sin.  He offers you eternal life is you serve him…BUT YOU WANT THE LIFESTYLE OF THE RICH AND FAMOUS.  But!  This comes at a price.  Are  you willing to pay it?  With your life?

Who are the wealthy that you seek to emulate.  Do you know where they get their power?

The Elite are Luciferians.  They are controlling everything going on in this world.  We are yet again, being manipulated by evil men who are intent on destroying mankind for their own gain.  They are Satan’s disciples.  We absolutely must take them seriously. They are making plans to bring forth a new time in which all human beings will be enslaved to the wealthy people of this world who have sworn to carry out Satan’s agenda.  And to eat, you must take the mark of the Beast, 666. They want you to fear them.  DO NOT.  Fear only God.  For He is The Creator of You an all things and worthy to be praised.  He is mighty and knows all things. And He wants you to FEAR NO MAN! Keep your eyes on Him!

Powerful Testimony of Dr. Earthquake Kelley

Pray for your children!

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” Mark 8:36


WTF?! Kendrick Lamar Has Arrived!


Good Afternoon.  Or whenever you read this.  Today…I am in a state of “awe.”  Yes.  By now.  You’ve already heard about and listened to this album.  Aptly entitled, DAMN.  It’s Kendrick’s Lamar’s latest release.  And I have to say, as a new fan, this young man has earned his spot as the G.O.A.T.  No argument.

As an artist, it is one thing to have a hit album.  But when you keep topping yourself, you’re not just another entertainer, you are a genius.  And Kendrick Lamar has a vision and purpose with his music.  His passion and his love for what he does spills into every track on this album.

I have to be honest, my first introduction to Kung Fu Kenny, came by accident in overhearing a discussion about the Grammy’s.  This person was awestruck by Kendrick’s performance.  Honestly, I really wasn’t expecting much.  Given that I had stopped listening to rap after Tupac and Biggie died.  Curious, I decided to Google it anyway,  although that I didn’t watch any awards shows any longer.  I checked it out, and I have to tell you, it blew my mind.  Needless to say, I watched it many times.  It moved me on that level.  The last time that happen was when I watched Michael Jackson’ Emmy nominated performance of Billy Jean and Prince’s performance of Purple Rain on The American Music Awards.  Kendrick was in a different league, forcing EVERYONE IN HIP HOP to raise their game.

That’s what true artistry does.

I’m listening to DAMN as I write this. And I’ll listen to it some more.  It’s that good.

If you haven’t listened to this album, MAKE SOME TIME to do so.

You’re listening to a legend in the making.  Saying that, I wonder what Tupac Shakur would say…
